
Chapter 62

Author Note: NO CHILD WAS HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS CHAPTER. No child dies and no pregnant women die either, they live. Just wanted to let everyone know that before you start reading. Thanks :)

Onyx POV

The hours passed as we slowly killed off the Blood pack.

Ashley finally realized that their deaths would be slower and more painful if she didn’t give me what I wanted.

John had tried to make a break for it, a few hours before only for Nathan to follow and did not return for a few hours. But when he did, he had placed John’s head next to Ashley.

After another 40 people are killed, there are only the children and two other pregnant women along with Ashley.

“Hmm, well now I have to figure out if I want to help you kill the children of this pack or not. Seeing as there aren’t any adults left alive.”

Ashley’s eyes were dead and lifeless as she pleads once again, “Please just let them go.”

Snapping my finger, I check my pockets, “I know we can flip a coin on it.”

Not finding a coin I look to Nathan, “Do you have a coin?”

He checks his pockets and shakes his head, “Amos may have a coin, but he should be at the Night Pack by now.”

“Damn it that fines let me call Demon instead.”

Opening the phone, I dial the number.

The ring echoes the room right before a scream answered the phone before silence took over.

Mika and I reach out to the mate bond feeling that it is still there. Even if the mate bond is half created there is no pain to be felt from him.

His sigh blesses my ear, “I’m sorry for that my love. Someone thought they could run while I answered your call.”

A giggle slips from me. They really thought that they would be able to run away from him.

No one would be able to get away from Demon unless he wanted them to live.

He is my beast, and I am his.

I fell the soft radiant smile he always gives me as he says, “I adore you, my little queen.”

I roll my eyes at his antics and lock eyes with Ashley once again, “I adore you more. I need a favor my love.”

“Of course, what do you need?”

Leaning in the chair and crossing my legs, “I’m trying to decide this last group’s fate before we leave for the Night Pack. So, I need you to flip a coin.”

“Hmm, I don’t have a coin, but I can improvise. Zhaire bring that bitch here.” He called out then there was some mumbling and a whimper.

Demon made a light grunt, “Ok I’m ready when you are, Onyx”

Smirking at Ashley’s sweating face, “3…2…1…Toss”

A scream had me yank the phone from my ear before it vanished a few seconds before coming back and suddenly being silenced with a loud THUD.

What he used as a coin finally registered in my mind, “Did you just use a person as a coin?”

“Yes, my dear I did. And it seems like their head is in the ground with their ass in the air, so I am going to call it tails. Need me to do another one?”

His creativity amazes me sometimes, “No love, I’m fine with that. Thank you and you better not be late or I’m coming for you.”

Demon chuckles, “I hope that you do”

Handing the phone to Nathan as The Luna of what used to be the Blood pack, glares daggers at me, “You disgust me.”

Slipping the knife from behind me and making sure to catch the light in it, “The feeling is mutual. Tails was the results of the human toss up.”

“Take the children and set them lose in the woods. Their fates will be survival of the fittest.”

Now it’s just Nathan, me and the three pregnant women.

Getting up I yank her head back, placing the knife against her throat, “Would you like to know what your fate is?”

“Go to hell”

“Oh, don’t worry, I will be waiting for you there because you cannot escape me.”

The others started to pour the gasoline around the house waiting on my go to light it on fire.

“Just kill me”

“Oh, you will die but not by my hand, Lets go Nat”

Nat leaves the room as I stab the wood between her legs, “Tails had let the children go and it was to be survival of the fittest while it gave you the opportunity to make your own fate. Don’t waste it.”

The tiny flame soon grew into a roaring inferno consuming the house.

The dawn of a new light.

She can either accept it and move on to something better or she can die here.

If she wishes to seek revenge, then I’ll be happy to bring hell to her.

“Let’s go”

For now, it’s time to see my mate.

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