
Chapter 53

Demon POV

I sigh at the ‘peaceful’ pack and watch them continue their day like that had nothing to be worried about.

Taking a sip of the coffee I watch Onyx suck on a lollipop as she wasn’t too fond of coffee.

The horn pack seems too relaxed for them to have just lost 2 members.

Shadow scuffs, “Or they just don’t care”

I nod and wait for the others to get into place and for Amos and Zhaire to give the signal to attack the pack.

No humans or hunters to be seen for miles. The slaves that they do have look to be half dead. They probably wouldn’t make it back to the pack lands, but they can try if they wish.

A panicked man runs past us just as we hear the howls of war.

A smirk makes its way to my face as Onyx’s laugh mixes with the screams of others.

The man was just going to disappear into the woods until the knife on my waist ended up in his back.

Onyx looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

Shrugging, I jog over and rip my knife from his back, “Not feeling merciful today”

The screams lasted another 20 minutes before the ones still alive was hounded up and held in the center of the pack.

We walked to where our pack is at enjoying the view of the now broken and shattered town, no longer a peaceful place.

Once within view our pack did a slight bow, “Chieftains”

The Horn alpha growls trying to be threatening but it only caused him to get a kick in the face from Amos.

“Do you know why you are going to die here today?”

The alpha glares at me but the Luna sob, “Why?”

“Because your greedy alpha sent two of your members to their deaths by trying to spy on us. We’re a very private pack, so we have to have notice before we get the wrong idea and kill the lot of you.”

The Alpha glare gets worse as the rest of them stare at their leader.

Onyx tilts her head, “Got something to say, John?”

He doesn’t say anything instead his glare turns into a smug look, “I’m not the one that’s going to die today, you are.”

“Oh, really and what makes you say that?”

“I had sent a massager before our capture. One of the five strongest packs will be coming to our rescue, they are on their way right now. You can hear their footsteps.”

I busted out laughing when I realized what he is hearing, “You buffoon! That isn’t your reinforcements, that’s your doom. Also, if your messenger was a boy that ran by a coffee shop then he was dead before he stepped foot out of this territory.”

The smirk and the color drained from his face as the cold-blooded psychos came from the trees. There feet sounding as if a group of elephants were running rampant instead of the 2 female and 10 male supercharged werewolves.

I am almost certain that they are giants with their height being 7feet or taller and built like a tank. Each of their hair was cut haphazardly

The cloths cover only their most sensitive parts.

Skin covered in dirt, mud, grim, scars and muscles.

The wilderness has replaced their humanity, claiming their mind and souls.

The dominance they radiate made the horn pack flinch into the ground and the others took steps back. Each could be alpha of their own packs if they hadn’t lost their minds.

Our pack acknowledges the 12 newcomers and stays out of their way like we warned them to do.

The psychos stay at the edge of the territory crouched in a predator stance, ready to attack any and everything.

Each of them ignored everyone looking around the silent meadow before they each nodded to the two of us and we gave the same respect back.

Once that was done, they stared at the pack on their knees, and I can feel the bloodlust and want in the air.

I look to the alpha and give a smile, “Looks like today is going to be the worst day you ever had and your last of course.”

The man starts shaking his head as I continued, “See our friends here are going to take over from here and they will be the ones to kill you. My pack will return home and rest, while yours burn in hell.”

The pack slowly disperses after what I said and its only Onyx and I.

Whispering in her ear I watch the psychos circle their prey, “You go ahead. I will lead them back to the land.”

Onyx goes to nod but the tallest one of them all shakes his head and his voice boomed, unintentionally, “No…leave”

One of the women speaks as well, “We…hungry. Very hungry”

Their speech may not be the best, but I understood what they meant.

Hungry means everyone in this area will die.

I nod, pushing Onyx into the trees, “Find us when you are done.”

They each nod licking their lips and started to morph their body for their feast.

Onyx runs in front of me as I link the pack, “If you are with 25 miles of where we just where then you need to RUN NOW or you will die.”

Hearing the pounding footsteps of the other lifts the worry from my chest.

That is until I hear the Hunting Howl from behind us.

I pick up speed catching up to Onyx and grabbing her waist, throwing her on my shoulder then proceed to pick up pace again.

I cross into our lands and make it just as the Feasting Howl was accompanying the screams of the dead from 30 miles away.

In the morning the only thing that will be left of the Horn Pack is a ghost town and possibly bones to pick their teeth with…if they bothered to that, that is.

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