
Chapter 52

Onyx POV

I open the purple flip phone and change Demon’s name in the phone to My Fluffy Wolf.

“Mika, don’t you dare tell Shadow.”

I can feel her wolfish smirk. “I won’t this will be hilarious when they find out.”

I roll my eyes and quickly put my phone away before addressing Felix, “Isn’t the Horn pack the one that we declared fine to live?”

Felix nodded, “Yes Chieftain but now it seems that they don’t deserve your mercy.”

Demon tries to type out a text, “They’re in the test, right?”

“Yes chieftain. They were going to be sent over the cliff, but Esmeralda thought you may want to interrogate them before they die.”

I nod just as Demon sends the text off, “We can’t torture them in the basement. The children will hear the screams and one may try to be curious and go down there.”

“That is a possibility we can’t risk. So, Felix once you have fed and rested for the day get with Amos and Yvonna and figure out where we can build a torture facility that the children can’t or won’t be able to get to but still easy enough for us to get prisoners in and out.”

“Yes chieftain”

I give him a soft smile, “You may leave now.”

He leaves us to our thoughts for a moment before Demon gets a call from the flip phone.

“It’s Knox.”

He answers the phone and I leave him to go deal with the Horn spies.

“Esmeralda, are you with the spies?”

“Yes, Chieftain we are by the cliff. The wolves are circling under the cliff.”

“Good. I’ll be there soon”

I jump off the porch and into a sprint towards the cliffs. The trees turn into a slight blur around me. The others in the pack either stood in one spot or took a step back to not be in the way.

No one asked what was going on, they all trusted Demon and I to know that if we need help, we will ask for it.

The cliff is in view after leaving our makeshift town and into the wilderness.

Esmeralda studies her nails as the two spies cower in fear of the unknown.

Mika speaks, “Mercy on at one of them?”

“Sure” I keep running and pushed one of the men off the cliff to the precious wolves under them, “maybe the wolves will have mercy on him.”

His screams echoed around us with the wolves’ growl and the sound of flesh being torn, “or maybe not”

Mika shakes her head before sighing at me.

I ignore her and look at the second spy falling to the ground and pissing himself, not able to tell where the threat is or what it is because all he can see is darkness.

Crouching in front of him I grab his shirt, “We are going to do this one of two ways, You will tell me why you are here and if your pack was the only one in this little attempt of yours with you have very little injuries or I will torture you and not let you die until I get the information that I just asked for before I repeat the process until I get bored enough to give you to the wolves. Which will it be?”

I gave him five seconds before I broke his tibia, “I am not a patient person, speak before I have my fun with you.”

“I am from the horn pack, and I don’t know all the details. Only that the slave pack asked my alpha to spy on you guys and get as much information as we can. If we are able to kidnap someone then we would receive a generous reward but if we couldn’t then it would be fine so long as we bring back useful information.”

I nod, “Thank you” before elongating my claws and shoving them into his chest grabbing hold of what I think is his heart and pulled it out, “Now you can die”

His body dropped to the ground as I threw his organ over the cliff. The man’s body flew over my head a few moments later.

Demon stands behind me holding out a towel, “Sorry I’m late.”

I smile to him and take the towel wiping the blood off me, “Its fine love. The spies are from the Horn pack, but the Slave pack are the ones that hired them. They planned to take someone back with them possibly to torture more information out.”

He nods sighing, “Well I have…news”


“Knox is fine but they aren’t where he wants to be with rebuilding.”

“Does he need us?”

“Not at the moment but that’s not the news.”

“What is it then?”

He releases another sigh rubbing his head, “Since he doesn’t think he can help us with the plan he decided to send the psychos to us in his stead.”

I blink at him, and Mika has her mouth opened in shock, “He sent us his strongest, dangerous, and most psychotic warriors, that’s what your telling?”

He nods, “All except one. She’s apparently pregnant and the rest get extremely overprotective with her around. I have some of the others building a house for them near the area for the torture area.”

I shrug, “Might as well make them comfortable. When will they get here?”

“Two weeks maybe three”

Sighing, I think about the psychos. About the wolves that don’t care for any kind of life. Food and bringing pain onto others are the only things that matter to them. Knox is the only one that they would follow without any questions. According to Knox, we had earned their respect enough to listen to our suggestions but not have their undying loyalty.

With the twelve of them doing what we said as a favor to Knox makes this an extremely one-sided war against our own demons. They won’t stand a chance against us but that’s only if they are cocky and did not change their patrol detail.

“We’ll have to add the Horn pack on our hit list now.”

I nod, “Yeah we may have to attack Horn and Slave in the same week. We’ll have to do them first then the Slave.”

The psychos will most likely be here around the time we attack the Horn and Slave Pack. Maybe they will be here in-between them.

Demon smiles before grabbing my hand pulling me to back to our home, “If the psychos come before we attack the Slave pack then we can adjust it for them to have some fun as well. But for now let’s go bother the kids.”

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