
chapter 47

Demon POV

The smell of death was like a perfume to me as I watch the invading pack lose the fight for their lives.

One by one they all start falling until it was just one shaking.

On two feet I go over to them, and they start to tear whatever it was that they had. Once it was in shreds the wolf looked accomplished.

I raise an eyebrow, “I don’t care what you were here for wolf. I just want you to tell your alpha that he touched my prey so now you die and so will he.”

His neck snapping echoed through the trees around us.

I picked up the tiny book and gave it to Lihua who waved her hand over it and the pieces started to come back together as if it was never torn apart.

Amos looks over her shoulder and mind links me and Onyx, “We may need to reconsider killing off the Moon Pack.”

Onyx raises an eyebrow, “Why?”

Piquing my interest he says, “This book has every pack security detail. How many are on patrol, when they change shifts, it has everything down to the smallest thing that most don’t think about. This pack could be very useful for us.”

Onyx stands next to me as our pack rest their bodies waiting on the next command, “Is there information on the Blood pack, Elite pack, Night pack, or even the royal pack?”

“No but I am sure that they have a book just for them.”

I stare at Onyx and to see any objection that could come from my question, “What do you think?”

She stays quiet weigh the options before looking me in the eyes, “We can see if they are worth keeping but if they fight back then some will have to die.”

“I agree. Ragnar,” I called

Ragnar voice comes to the link, “Yes Alpha?”

“Do you know who it was that attacked the Moon pack?”

Ragnar squints after asking Lihua to bring the packs id from the pack house. She summons it and his glasses knowing that he is going to need it.

He thanks Lihua while putting on his glasses and Amos scuffs when a soft moan was heard. The others that were staring at Ragnar’s chiseled naked body with his shoulder length dreads pull back didn’t hold an ounce of shame of staring and probably having fantasies about him. In a short amount of time, he went from a man wanting to die to the beast that he is now.

His eyes looked to mine once he found what he was looking for, “The one that you just killed is the beta from the North pack, Alpha.”

Linking Onyx, “Do you want to separate the pack? One half go to wipe the North pack and the other stay here?”

She nods, “Yeah but I stay with you so either Ragnar or Amos will have to lead the group on their own.”

I nod and turn to the others, “We are going to split up. Half will stay with me and Onyx. The other will go and take the North Pack down. That group will be led by Ragnar, understood?”

A chorus of yes alphas surround us before I look at Ragnar, “Will you be able to handle this Ragnar?”

His glasses and the book were given back to Lihua, “Yes Alphas, I will not let you down.”

Onyx stands by me with a smile, “We know. Pick who you wish to take and then go before they tighten up their forces, then come back to us with the alpha if you can.”

He quickly does what she says, and they head off to do the rest of our bidding.

I look to the ones left and tell them to surround the pack and protect themselves. Amos and Lihua will stay with me and Onyx. “Only attack if they try to attack you or if you hear the signal from one of us. Now go”

We gave them a few minutes to get to where they needed to be, before we continued into the pack land.

The walk was quiet as we see the damage that the North pack had done. It wasn’t too bad most of their stuff could be replaced.

There weren’t any dead bodies nor the smell of death near any of the small houses that we passed.

Amos says lowly, “I can hear about twenty heartbeats up ahead.”

Nodding I take the lead as a group of people come into view.

There weren’t many men, only about four, the rest women.

Each of them was hurt but won’t die from the injuries.

In fact, they ignored their injuries and stood up and formed a circle around a what looked to be a stake with a woman tied up to it.

The woman on the stake was cover in old and new scars. And if I guess correctly then she was recently tortured.

I stepped on a branch to alert them that someone is here.

A few turned to look at us but then went back to the woman. They started to free her and put her down on the ground in silence.

Once on the ground the woman coughed and turned on to her side towards us and finally saw us there.

The woman has auburn hair with light brown eyes that had darken with fear and anger, “You here to finish off what your fucking beta started.”

Lihua and Amos take a step forward, but Onyx holds up a hand stopping them, “We’ll handle this you.”

They coursed, “yes Elders” and stepped back

I continue staring at the woman as she looks confused trying to put together why a vampire and a witch is bowing to us.

I don’t answer the question in her eyes instead I show her the notebook.

Her eyes turn into slits, “What? here to rub it in that you got your prize?”

I sigh and throw the book close to her, “Shame you have all the security detail of every pack but don’t know what the people of those packs look like.”

She barks, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I am not the Alpha of the North pack. In fact, I have people that are going to bring me that Alpha dead or alive.”

The people around the woman start shifting and looking anxious but don’t move to do anything.


I lift an eyebrow, “Oh don’t think I was doing anything for you or your pack. I came here tonight to demolish your pack and kill everyone here, but that dumbass alpha took my prey from me. So a punishment they die.”

A short chuckle burst through her mouth, “Then what? We all still die”

I shrug and look to Onyx, “Don’t know. Should they die my love?”

Onyx stares at the woman for a few moments, “Only if they want to be helpless like they are now.”

I nod my head before looking at the woman, a thought coming to mind, “Well you heard her. Are you going to be helpless or are you going to be useful to us?”

Onyx, if they are willing, I want to have them in our pack. They can be our intel.

She smirks, “Okay that sounds like a good plan, and you don’t have to tell me. I stand behind anything that you do.”

She brought comfort to my heart, but I hid it quickly before anyone could see that.

The alpha below us snarled, “And why should we?”

Clasping my hands together, I squat so I can look her in the eyes and say in the calmest tone, “Because this pack is weak and you’re a weak alpha that can’t protect this pack without sacrificing yourself.”

Instead of the anger I was expecting I got sorrow and tears in her eyes. The fire that she had vanished when she failed to sit up higher but couldn’t because of the pain, “You think I don’t know that? Hell, I didn’t want to be an alpha but became I became one for them. Because no pack would take us in, so we made our own, without having slaves.”

Onyx sweet voice called to her, “The law says you can’t be a pack without having a slave or something similar.”

The woman sighed, “Yeah I know, that’s why if you were to look my name you would see that I am the slave and the alpha of this pack.”

Surprised I laugh at the loophole that she found and stupidly used, “That was smart and dumb of you. Any pack that gives a fuck to look that up would have tried to annihilate your pack just because you had the gall to register that as an alpha. You had luck on your side for years, now it has run out.”

I stand over her as she started to succumb to her wounds, “Where did you get that security information from?”

She lays her head on the ground, “We gathered it as time went on to keep the other packs at bay. Threated to send it to the rouges if they messed with us.”

I nodded, “Do you have information on the Elite pack, Blood pack, Night Pack, or even the Royal pack?”

The woman lets out a weak chuckle, “If I told you you’d kill me.”

She started losing consciousness, sighing I grab her hair and lift her off the ground.

She did a small yelp and looked in my eyes, “I’ll kill you if you are not useful to me or my pack. Now answer the question. And I may let you and the others join our pack.”

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