
chapter 46

Onyx Pov

A few weeks pass as we attacks the larger more powerful packs. The smaller packs don’t mean anything to us, and they are too weak to do anything anyway.

But the main thing is that none of the smaller packs have slaves or would try to do anything to do anything to children from what we were able to find out. The smaller packs are able to deliver the story of our ‘vengeful’ pack that shows no mercy. Some of them have tried to follow us when we attack another pack thinking that if they help then they can join the pack. But we they see just what we do they couldn’t stomach the bloodshed and gore that we deliver to the enemies.

For us to get to our past and destroy then we must burn any allies that they could get. At the same time, we must build their fear that way they only have two choices.

The first is to try to find and kill us first but I believe that we can overpower them, if they don’t have any weapons. The Blood Pack, Demon’s past, thinks too highly of themselves and will underestimate us. The Elite pack, my past, will think that they we are weak because of me being the Alpha as well as Demon so they will send a small team to handle us. That would be the downfall for both of their packs, but it may cost us causalities because of the unknown time and place. That we wouldn’t have control over.

I look over the country wide map that lays on the table with all the major pack lands are believed to be. Lihua can only estimate where the packs are and how big they are, this keeps us from doing the second option once all their allies are gone.

Second option: charge in and destroy everything and everyone.

No, Can’t go in without knowing anything. We could go in and be able to overpower them so long as they don’t have anything up their sleeves. The bastards could have gotten guns and buy the bullets from rogue hunters. Don’t need anyone in our pack dying like that.

I sigh as the door across from opens welcoming Demon.

“The boys are sleep now. What are you up to my queen?”

Fighting the blush, I clear my throat, “Trying to see all the options we have to get rid of our packs.”

He comes beside me and stares at me not acknowledging the map that I was trying to focus on.

From the corner of my eye, I see him slowly lift his hand to rub my cheek, “You really are beautiful, even more when you try to fight the blush belonging on your cheeks.”

I knew I lost the fight when he chuckled.

“We attack the Solar pack and the Moon pack tonight it’ll be the first time we attack two pack in one night so let’s see what happens with that before we plan to destroy the other packs.”

I turn to Demon to see him looking at me, like Zack has been looking at his vampire mate, Bianca or like when Nathan tries to talk to Yvonna and makes a fool of himself making her laugh, Demon looks at with a feeling that I can’t figure out.

“Quit over analyzing everything and just accept it” Mika sighs

I roll my eyes but do as she say for once and stop questioning things.

“It would be easier if we didn’t have to worry about the lives of others.”

He shrugs, “You’re right would be easier, but we don’t have the numbers to replace them like that either and on top of that you don’t actually want to use them as sacrifices, even if they do annoy you sometimes.”

Smiling, “Yeah, but I have thought about it”

He leans toward me with a soft smile, I feel his slightly chapped lips on my forehead gently while he slowly traps me in his arms.

He’s been giving me hugs and holding my hand a lot recently, like a weirdo.

He will do it all slow and makes sure that I can see what he is about to do. I love that he cares enough to not scare me and gives me a chance to deny the affection but I’m starting to get tired of throwing hints at him for him to mark me.

Hell, I’m starting to think he isn’t catching the damn hints.

“Then you should probably oh I don’t know just tell him that you want to bear his mark instead of the dumb shit you are doing.”

“But that’s what Sonja, Bianca, and Yvonna says that worked for them.”

“Yeah, and clearly walking around in your underwear or whispering in his ear, trying KEY WORD TRYING to be seductive ain’t working. So, you need a new plan if you ain’t going to just tell him.”



A poke to my nose knocks me back to Demon’s face being a breath away.

“Are you okay, my little queen?” His whisper caresses my lips causing me to lick mine.

The urge to place my lips on his hit me full force. His hands on my hips and mine on his chest add fuel to the fire.

I want to feel their softness and see what they would taste like. I never answered his question instead I move in to seal my lips to his.

But just then the door burst open causing Demon to break the possible trance that I had him in and moves away.

I glare at Amos and Ragnar as they walked through the door.

They looked at my face and did a U-turn but too late the mood has now been ruined thanks to them.

“Bring your asses back in here, the mood was ruined when you came in. Unannounced by the way.”

Ragnar clears his throat and apologizes as my love looks at me with his cute, confused face.

Yeah, he defiantly isn’t catching the hints.

“I’ll tell him once we get to the river after the massacres.”

“About damn time.”

After I chewed them for a few minutes, we got ready and went to the Solar pack.

Their screams, pleas, and pain were amusing for a while until one of the females threw themselves at Demon saying that they will pleasure him forever so long as he lets her live.

My patience became nonexistent, and I may have gone too far with the girl’s torture because at some point Mika took over.

She stayed in control until we were on our way to the Moon Pack.

Everyone traveled there in wolf form when Shadow stopped suddenly and lifts his nose in the air.

“There is another pack here.”

Before anything else was said a howl of victory boomed through the night and paws hit the ground like a thunderstorm running to us.

Demon voice whispers to me, “Run or fight?”

“We fight.”

He nods, “Let’s kill the pack that’s coming towards us and then see what’s left of the Moon pack.”

I smile at him, “That sounds wonderful.”

Returning the smile, he turns to our pack, “Kill the pack that took our prey. For that they will have no mercy.”

They nodded and waited.

Once Demon gave a howl that caused a chill in the air the pack that was now mark for death with no savior.

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