
Chapter 37

Demon POV

With the sun high in the sky I can feel the heat of the summer try to make me break a sweat but I don't worry about it as today is the day that people will die.

I clap my hands and called out through the link to everyone, “Alright everyone except Amos, Ragnar, and Sonja get to the hotel and stay there until I say so.”

They chorused together, “Yes Alpha”

Onyx tells the boys to stay with Zack and Nathan before pushing them off into the woods.

Once their scents were a good bit away, Onyx turns to me, “This will be the first time that we kill someone that isn’t a job. Are you sure you want to do this?”

I look into her eyes and said without an ounce of doubt, “I will kill any and everyone that stands in the way of our peace. Selene can have mercy on them but I won’t. Everyone must die if they stand in our way.”

“hell yeah” Shadow interjects

Onyx smiles before looking to Sonja, “Are they in place?”

She nods to the mansion behind me, “Yes and Amos said that he is under the house blocking the underground exit that have. So, when the sun goes back down he’ll meet us at the hotel.”

“Good once everyone is at the hotel, we’ll give out the maps on where to go and meet up with Esmeralda and the other witches.”

“Yes alpha”

Nodding to Onyx, “Alright lets go”

I turned to the “Haunted” mansion that had housed and helped Micky recover for the past three months and I couldn’t wait to kill everyone in it.

I can hear their screams and almost taste their fear and dead blood.

I will be one step closer to killing our past with their deaths.

I can avenge my sweet Sophia.

I can feel a smile creep up on my face, “Let them burn”

With that Ragnar pushes a button on a little remote causing a explosion on the roof and by the windows.

The sun swept into the mansion getting rid of the darkness and causing the beautiful screams to come to life.

The sweet agonized screams for help.

The smell of burning flesh turning into ash from who the sun was able to hit.

The panic of the others waking up to hearing screams and smelling smoke.

A small fire growing in certain rooms.

The look on Cecelia face when she came to a window and stared at me causing me to send her my cheerful smile.

All of it is beautiful but it needs a bit more fire.

“Amos the big bang is coming so get safe and I’ll see you at the hotel.”

“Yes Alpha”

Still staring at Cecelia through the window, “Ragnar blow the lab.”

“Yes Alpha”

Another click went through the air and the meth lab that was placed in the little lounge room they had with all of their drugs and chemical exploded.

The explosion threw the four of us back and sent us flying for a few feet.

Once I landed, I made sure that Onyx was okay before turning back and seeing half the mansion destroyed and basically rumbled. The rest of the mansion decided to collapse into the fire causing the thought of escape to die with them.

When it finally fully collapse the four of us went through the rumble and made sure that all the vampires were dead.

Shadow says, “Good thing they killed all their prisoners a while ago that would have left us extra work to do”.

Nodding I hear Onyx and the others say that their side is cleared and lifted a piece of rumble enough to find Cecelia half turned to ash but still breathing.

I tsked and shake my head, “Trying to run made your death worse than it had to be. You should have just taken our peaceful way of killing you but now you’re in pain and that’s on you.”

I throw the rumble to the other side and let the sun hit the rest of her body, “Now die so I can move on to my next victim.”

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