
Chapter 36

Onyx Pov

Watching Alex and Micky play with the girl while Demon, Amos, and Sonja trains the others, questions can into my head.

Why is she here? Why didn’t the vamps kill her? And how much longer was Celcia going to let us stay here?

Amos can you come here?

Of course Elder

Amos came to my side in a instant, “Elder”

I shake my head, “You know you don’t have to call me Elder.”

Amos said firmly, “No, You are our leader so everyone will treat you and Demon as such. It may be uncomfortable to the both of you now but it will get better in time.”

Sighing, “fine then I need you to tell me somethings or find them out if you don’t know the answers. How long is Celica going to let us stay here now? And what can you tell me about that girl?”

Amos nods his head, “The girl is a descendant of the famous vampire hunter, Van Helsing. That’s why Celica didn’t have her killed. Some dumbass brought the girl here without her permission and she killed him. She also thought the girls head would be worth more attached to her body or if they ever came here that she could just hand over the girl and she won’t be killed with the others. That’s just the person she is.”

I sigh again, “So if shit comes flying her way, she’ll be the first one to rat us out.”


“That’s why she agreed to giving the girl up to us without a fight.”

Mika starts pacing a little, “Figures as much and we’re taking Amos and two other vampires with us, so don’t think she will be to friendly with us when she finds out about the ceremony last night.

“True and she knows what we’re going to do once the others are trained.”

She also know about what the Alpha king passed and that we plan to kill him too. There’s no telling if she is trustworthy or if she wont tell once we leave.

“Hmm well that wont do at all.”

Amos looks at me, waiting on my next order.

I purposely connected Amos and Demon to the conversation with Mika and said, “Well we could always kill her.”

Amos nods his head, “The girl or Celica? Or Both? Either way I can have them both eliminated by sunrise and no one will be the wiser.”

Mika answered, “The child is Micky’s mate even if he don’t know it yet, so no one will kill her. Celica on the other hand may need to die.”

Demon doesn’t say anything just listens as I say, “If we kill Celica then we will have to kill the others as well and burn the mansion to get rid of any proof that others were here. Demon what are your thoughts?”

I could feel a smirk coming from him, “If you think killing Celica will protect the pack then I agree. She knows too much and honestly didn’t like her to begin with.”

“Alright then me and Amos will handle how to do it. You can sit back and relax on this one.”

He chuckles, “Alright love, just let me and Esmeralda find a place to call ours before you burn this one to the ground.”

“Hehe Okay.”

Dropping the link I turn to Amos, “For now we’ll leave it alone but think of a plan and we’ll go over it together, got it?”

Amos nods slightly, “Yes Elder”

Once he left the kids ran over and said they wanted a snack. Smiling I tell them yes causing them to cheer and walk to the mansion with Sonja following at a distance.

Mica sighs as we watch Micky hobble with Alex help to the mansion, “I’m glad Micky isn’t overdoing it and that Alex isn’t pushing him.”

“So am I”

The human girl came from the mansion and looked around before finding my eyes.

She fidgets with her sleeves as she comes towards me.

“Um, Onyx. Sorry I don’t know what title you want me to call you.”

Tilting my head, “Hmm that is a good question, How about you can just use my name or since you are Amos mate you can call me Elder, kay?”

Nodding she bites her lip before speaking, “Elder I have a request but before I ask it can we go to area that Amos won’t be able to hear.”

“Why little flame?”

“I don’t want him to lose control like he did before.”

Turning towards the woods I listen to make sure the kids don’t come back out the mansion when Demon came through the pack link, “Its fine love I will keep a eye on the boys until you are done. Taking a break from training anyway.”

Chuckling, “Okay Mr. Alpha. We’ll be back soon.”

In the woods, we head to the same spot that we held the ceremony for the pack and I wait for her to catch up.

Mika sighs a little, “You sure she can make it without falling? She is a clutz after all.”

“She did trip about 4 times already but she’ll get here in one piece.”

Just as I thought those words she stumbles and trips into the field falling flat on her face.

Mika laughs as my face meets my hand.

Before she even got up, the first thing out her mouth was, “Sorry sorry, I’m sorry”

Head tilted, “Why are you always apologizing? You have nothing to apologize for.”

Still on her hands and knees she stares at the ground not saying a word. Stiff as a board as if she was waiting for me to do something to her.

“Willow what’s wrong?”

She stays silent and still.

Take a step to her

I do and watch Willow flinch and cower away from me.

What happened? We didn’t do anything.

Remember Onyx she is a child and this is probably why she wanted to talk to talk to use and not Amos. If she does this in front of him then he probably lost his temper and now she may be scared that he will lose it again.

Nodding I remember what Demon would do for me and I start to repeat it. Sitting down, I make sure that my hands are in her view and wait for her to look at me.

When she does I say, “I won’t hurt you. Just tell me what’s wrong. I will take care of whatever it is. While you are here, you are apart of this pack and that makes you my family. I will protect what is mine.”

Tears welled up making her eyes glossy, “But I’m not a werewolf”

“Neither is Amos or that witch, Esmeralda. Both of them are in the pack and I will protect them as well. Our pack is weird and having a human in it isn’t going to change anything.”

The tears fell and her breathing got choppy, “Really?”

I give her a gentle smile, “Yeah. Now what is wrong little flame?”

Willow tries to regulate her breathing but gave up as the tears still fell, “The woman that came up to us at the diner. She was-”

Her breathing got worse and fear grew in her eyes as she looked back down to the ground.

I called to her before the panic set in, “Little flame”

She snapped her head to me again and she loosened her grip on the grass, “She was my nanny and she used to beat me while her husband did things to me.”

My anger and Mika’s flared as soon as she said that. My vision turns red and I want blood NOW.

I’m going to kill them

Mika took a few deep breathes, “Let me take over you’re scaring her with the glare”

I give it to her without question.

“Don’t be scared, child. I’m sorry for losing our temper. Do not be afraid of us please.”

Willow’s tear stained face tilts to the side, her curiosity getting the best of her, “Your voice changed and your eyes too, why?”

Mika has us smile, “Every werewolf has a human and wolf sharing a body. My name is Mika and I am Onyx’s wolf.”

“Really that’s weird and cool. Oh um Hi”

Chuckling, “Hi, now tell me. Did you see them recently around the mansion?”

“No but from the view of my room I can see the house they have and I saw his shadow through the window. It brought back memories and I didn’t know how to tell Amos that I’m scared and feel alone.”

“You’re not alone and I understand that you are scared. You don’t have to tell Amos right now but know that he will never hurt you nor hate you.”

“How do you know?”

“Because Amos and Demon are alike in many ways and we were just like you not too long ago when we figured out that Demon cares for us more than we thought. So be patience with dear Amos, he’s been by himself for along time and doesn’t know how to be gentle at the moment.”

She nods and wipes her tears away, “Can I ask you another question?”

Mika nods

“Can I come to you guys for advice and stuff until I get comfortable with Amos?”

Mika fights a smile, “Yes little flame you can. And if I’m not around you could talk to Demon as well.”

Willow whispers, “No offense but Demon is scary looking”

Mika bust out laughing causing willow to chuckle with her.

The mood had lightened up but I am still pissed and want to kill them sick fucks. But so long as Celia is our host we can’t harm anyone in this damn town.

Mika and Willow talk about random stuff.

When a idea pops in my head, Kill two birds with one stone.

This is going to be fun.

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