
Chapter 18- Onyx

Its been two weeks since we left the boys with Ana and camped out in this city.

Demon’s been on edge the whole time.

He’s been extremely protective, not to the point of being possessive but he’s still growling at everyone that even looks in my direction.

He tried to growl at Knox, but I smacked him behind the head and told him to quit it before I make him sleep outside the motel like a dog if he wants to act like one.

Demon pouted but didn’t do anything else.

Now it’s three in the morning and I’m surrounded by a bunch of drunk humans in an overheated room with the targets in the VIP area untouchable because of the number of guards that have doubled since yesterday’s incident.

Zack, one of our guys, says sarcastically, “whose bright idea was it to go after them in broad daylight again?”

James grits his teeth, “Look I saw an opening, so I took it.”

I can just see Zack rolls his hazel eyes through the earpiece, “yeah well it was a false opening, so congrats for taking their bait.”

Knox cuts in, “Enough what’s done is done. Now figure something out so we can finish this shit.”

Zack sighs, “They have over twenty guards in the building and another thirty outside the building.”

Nathan’s rough voice adds to that, “There’s five more are with them right now and they go with them everywhere.”

Its quiet when everyone realized that we’re severely out number.

The girls next to me say something and we all giggle together before taking another shot.

James sighs, “Our best bet is to get them away from the guards and into a room together.”

“And how are we going to do that?”

The men debate on what to do while I take another drink of the water, I mean alcohol waiting for a good few minutes until their voices start giving me a headache.

I sigh loud enough for them to hear me, “Never let a man do a woman’s job”

Its deadly silent before Demon growls, “NO”

I look over at the VIP area, “Look we both know that they love blondes and the only ones that can get near them is women, if you haven’t noticed. Plus they seems like they’re the ones who would love a three way.”


I close my eyes and sigh, “This is our last chance to do this before they can get back to their families and if that happens than it’ll be damn near impossible. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can get back to the boys.”

“No there’s another way”

I look at the man a few feet away from the VIP area and try not get sucked into his tarpit eyes.

“No there isn’t, and you know that.”

I can see Demon debating on whether to turning into a caveman or not.

I say softly, “I will be fine Demon”

He snaps at me, “No you won’t”

I open my mouth, but he cuts me off, “You’re going to break if they get close to raping you. You’re going to break because they’re going to be just like all them other sick assholes.”

I hold my breath and can’t deny the fact that he’s right.

I never been able to truly forget or come to terms with everything that happened before.

I’ve just been able to push it into the back of my mind.

I look back at the targets and know that I’ll get flashbacks of Alpha Adam and his pack.

He sighs gently, “You’re going to break, and it won’t be while you’re in the room or on the drive home. Its going to be while you are asleep in my arms. You’ll have a panic attack, not knowing who I am and automatically see me as one of those fuckers in your nightmares. You’re going to be gone and broken mentally and I don’t think I can fix the damage to help you heal. Hell, I don’t even trust myself to find a compass or pick up the pieces to try.”

We lock eyes and I see his tarpits filled with fear of losing me mentally, so I smile at him with nothing but complete trust for him.

“It’s okay if you don’t trust yourself because I trust you to find me with or without a compass. I trust you to pick up the pieces and fix them. Knowing you, Demon, you’ll take the pieces and mold them to yours. Nice and safe until you can find me. You would try your hardest to make the puzzle whole before giving it back to me. And the entire time you’ll let me watch as you do it. I trust you Demon with my heart, mind, body, and soul. I trust you, Demon King, so please don’t give up on me.”

My voice cracks at the end and I have to cough a little to clear it.

Demon makes a X over his heart and says one word with nothing but determination and something else, “Never”

I felt Mika purr at the look in his eyes that promised to never leave.

I smile and sneakily make a X over my heart too.

Sighing I look behind Demon into VIP again at one of the targets and gave him a sexy yet innocent smile, “Give me 5 minutes, Knox”

“Take your time, Onyx do whatever you have to, to be mentally ready”

I chuckle, “No give me five minutes for them to be in the back room. One minute for me to get on the bar, three for me to seduce them both and 1 for all three of us to walk into the backroom.

I knew all of eight of them looked at me then, thinking it’d be impossible to seduce two men in three minutes.

James is the one to say it out loud, “You wont be able to do that”

My smile gets bigger as target one waves at me, “Just watch me”

I wave back and turn towards the bar and close my eyes breathing through my nose.

I look at the girls that I’ve been entertaining all night, “You girls want to spend the rest of the night in VIP?”

“yeah” they shouted

I smirk, “Then get on the bar and follow me, make sure you have fun on the way over.”

I take the glass of whiskey beside me and finish it in a few seconds.

I take one last breathe before I purposely awaken hell.

The girls giggle and help me on to the bar before getting on themselves.

I look eyes with target one and dance seductively to the music. The girls follow my lead.

I see almost a path made of tables lined up to the targets.

So I take it.

I continue to dance and keeping eye contact with target 1.

The girls giggle and dance on the tables too, one or two of them in front of me, another two behind me and one on each side of me.

The men in the club all call out to one of the girls or me but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that the second target isn’t paying any attention to me or one of the other girls.

In fact, he looks bored.

I smirk thinking about the challenge his stupid face just gave.

But I also try to tie my heart to my intestines so it can stop running away in the opposite direction of where we were going.

Five tables to go

One of the girls in front of me almost fall on her face to the floor if I hadn’t grabbed her.

She laughed it off and keeps going

Four tables to go

I’m halfway across the tables.

I can feel my body start to shake but I hide it by dancing more.

Three tables

My body is trying to make a waterfall made of sweat.

I hide it by having the girls closer to me.


I’m almost certain that my lungs said fuck you and jumped ship. Taking heart with him.

The damn traitors.


My mind goes blank and its as if I’m not in control of my body.

Like my body knows what has to be done so its on auto piolet while my mind locks away any morals, thoughts, dreams, and spirit to keep it from getting tainted or ruined.

Even Mika turns her head away and shuts herself out before I stepped off the table.

Target one relaxes completely thinking I’m going directly to him when I step pass the guards.

My body still dances to the song making slow progress to him but once I was beside target two I ‘tripped’ into his lap.

He looked shocked at first before he relaxed and just stared at me.

A chill runs down my spine at the look in his eyes and the hard on pressing against my ass.

I ignored it and forced a giggle and whispered, “Not to be rude but I look good on you.”

Then slid off his lap and crawled on to the coffee table in the center.

I danced by myself making sure the two of them have a view of my boobs and butt before the girls surrounded the table and danced too.

Before the song could fully end target one comes to the table and grabs my arm before waving the other one over.

They both “gently” helped me off the table and to the backroom with a sick glint in their eyes.

Mika whispers, just before we step through, “Let the nightmare begin”

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