
Chapter 12- Rose

I watch the boys sleep to calm my nerves.

I hope we weren't wrong in helping that man.

I hope he doesn't do anything to make us regret this.

Mika gives comfort from her little corner.

She doesn't think the man will do anything even though she's not comfortable around him, she doesn't feel like the boys are in any danger either.

Sighing I see the bushes across the field move.

I pull the boys closer to me causing them to wake up a little.

The twins rub their eyes and yawn at each other before becoming quiet.

We watch as mate walks towards us shocked and worried and the injured man is behind him.

The man walks as if he's an alpha. As if he owns this place and knew that no one was going to take it from him.

The man was at least 6 feet and has muscles everywhere. If he wasn't injured, he could've easily killed us. His light skinned hand ran through his brown hair as his hazel eyes watched everything cautiously. Like he's waiting for someone to jump out and try to kill him.

Who exactly is this man?

I wasn't the only one to think that either.

I'm pretty sure it was Alex that pointed at the man, "Daddy who's that?"

Mate looks at the man and then at me, "He's...... a friend?"

I stiffen but Mikey is the one to say, "I thought you didn't have any friends Daddy"

He rubs his neck as the man laughs a little, "Yeah well there's a first for everything, nugget."

Mate looks at me, "Boys why don't you go and find us some food. We have to leave as soon as you eat."

Alex and Micky looked at each other before slowly nodding to their father and ran off.

"We have to talk"

I say shakily keeping my eyes on the threat, "Clearly"

He sighs and sits in front of me, "You want the good news or the bad news first?"

"Bad news"

Mate motion his hand towards the man, "He's Knox Stone, The Rogue King"

I snap my head back to my mate with complete horror, "You're kidding, right?"

"I wish."

I can feel myself getting paler, "I went from one power hungry male to a fucking king. That's just great. So, what does he want us to be his personal slaves since we saved him or is, he going to give us a head start before he decides to kill us?"

A cold and calculating voice cuts in our conversation, "I don't do slaves and I don't have time or energy to kill you both. Also, I'm a man of my word, so you, your mate and your cubs are safe with me."

I stared at the so-called king before looking back at mate, "what does he want?"

He sighs again, "He offered for us to come and stay at his compound until we can figure out what we want to do next instead of us just going in circles forever. He said that we can learn how to fight and everything so long as we agree to go on a date at least once a week."

"what kind of date?"

"Not the one that you have probably been on, little one. The one I asked is for the both of you to get to know each other and relax around each other."

He stares at me and I know that he knows what I used to do.

He seems like one of the ones to get whatever he wants willing or not.

Yet he doesn't want me to do anything except relax around my mate......but why?

I frowned and looked at the king before looking at the ground, "Why do you care about us going on a date with each other?"

The king was silent as he stared at us and then nodded his head sadly, "I had a sister who was a slave, a pleasure slave at that. She found her mate who was willing to take her away from all of the pain and torture. But she didn't trust any man, not even me. See she got it in her head that all men were evil and only wanted one thing. He was never able to convince her and after trying so many times she killed herself because of the lack of trust along with her wolf. I don't want to see that again. So, if you except my offer that is the only thing, I request from the both of you."

Mate stares at me with a blank expression and I stare back.

He looks in my eyes and waits as if he's looking for something. When he shakes his head my heart starts to go into overdrive.

What if he doesn't want to deal with me anymore?

What if he was looking for a reason to keep me around?

What am I going to do if he decides to leave me?

What if he tries to sell me to this man?

What if this is just some sick trick of his?

What if-?

Mate's face is in front of mine with his hands on my face making me flinch.

"Breathe" he whispers

One dark brown almost black eye and One red eye stare into mine.

The human and the wolf together tell me to breathe.

I watch how they breathe and try to match it.

My body and mind are hyper aware of everything he's doing and where everything is.

I know that the King is watching us with a spark in his eye.

I know that he's behind my mate a good few feet away.

I know that his head is tilted a little bit to the right.

I know that he's curios as to how this will end.

"Breathe" mate tells me again, softly moving his thumbs against my cheeks.

I don't think he realized he started doing that since he just keeps staring at my eyes.

I'm pretty sure that he hasn't realized that our foreheads are touching.

That my hands are clutched around his wrist.

That he's on one knee in front of me.

That his breathe is gently brushing against my lips.

That he has a weird smell of smoke and sweat.


He had to cough once for me to understand his words. As if he hasn't spoken much over the years.

He doesn't realize that his voice is hard yet gentle at the same time.

That his voice was soothing but raspy at the same time.

He doesn't notice that I can feel his heartbeat through his thin wrist.

Its calm and steady and hypnotizing.


I don't say anything just stare at him and its silent but neither of us move.

I get lost in his hypnotizing eyes when he says, "If we do this, we would be a little safe than being out here by ourselves, the kids would be safer and so would you. The only thing we have to do to get it is, go on a date once a week. It will be just the two of us and all we have to do is talk to each other. That's it."

I bite my lip thinking of everything that could go wrong if we go.

Do I trust him enough to do this?

I watch him kneeling in front as he whispered to me,

"So, what do you say?"

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