
Chapter 11- Ben

I watch her go back to the twins and wait to see if she would come back but knew she wouldn't.

I listen to the groaning of the man and knew that he was dying just by the sound.

Shadow decides that we should go to the noise.

I hesitate.

This could be a trick. He could be perfectly fine and just kill us when we get close enough to him.

Shadow hesitate too but doesn't change his mind.

Taking a deep breathe I let shadow take over and watch as we go towards the moaning and walk into a dull clearing.

So dull that it looked lifeless especially with the man lying in the middle of it surrounded by him own blood.

His body is getting weaker with the amount of blood that was leaving his body, but shadow stayed where we were just to make sure there's no one else around.

After a min or two Shadow has us go towards the man and we sit where he can't reach us if he gets up suddenly.

We watch him as he barely breathes.

Should we help him?

Shadow doesn't say anything just stares at the man.

How do we know that if we help him, he isn't going to see if we were alone and then kill all of us?

I shrug, "So we just watch him die?"

"I'm waiting for something"

"like what?"

Before he could answer the man's eyes opened.

We stare into the man's hazel eyes as he stares into our black ones.

The man reaches out to us, "Help please"

Shadow hesitates before having us shift.

"What are you doing?!"

"Just Trust me"

Shadow uses my body to move us closer, "How do I know you won't try to kill me when I do?"

The man groans again, "You don't but you have my word that I won't try and that I will forever be in your debt."

Shadow hesitates before looking at the darkening sky and then back to where the kids are at.

I saw something in this man's eyes that I remember better than my own name.

Causing us to stand and walk back to where the kids are. I hear the man sigh sadly as if he knew we were going to walk away.

Shadow gives me back control as I head towards the bag that the girl has and walk quietly back to the man.

I sit next to the man as I dig through the bag, "I thought you were going to leave me here to die"

I try to thread the needle that I found, "Yeah I was until I remembered what it felt like to be left here to die on your own. I know what it feels like to almost die by yourself. And I know what its like to hope that a good soul will come across you and help you or even stay with you as you die. I remember the boy who did that for me which is why I'm going to do it for you."

I hear noise and quickly turn towards it.

The girl is standing there nervously, "Your hand is shaking to much for the thread to go through."

She swallows as she slowly walks towards me holding out her hand, "let me do it"

"Are you sure?"

She looks at the man paling before looking into my eyes, "Only if you stay by my side"

I nod promising to not move from her side.

She takes a deep breathe before sitting next to me holding her breathe.

She takes the needle puts the thread in like a expert, tying a knot at the end of it.

She takes another breathe and looks at me again, "Are you sure you want to help him?"

I look back at the man and watch as he struggles to keep his eyes open, "Yes"

She nods her head slowly before grabbing my hand and gives me the needle, "I'll teach you how to do it then"

I nod knowing that she can't touch the man because of how scared she is.

So, I follow her instructions and close up all of the major wounds before taking a shirt out the bag and tearing it into cloth to cover his wounds.

The man passed out halfway though but he's still breathing.

Once done, I'm covered in his blood but content.

The girl stands up and moves a few feet away from him while taking deep breathes.

And I realize that this must have happened often for her to be able to be on the edge of a panic attack but still be calm like the way she was.

"Thank you"

The girl looks at me, "Why are you thanking me?"

"Because you let me use your stuff to help him. Because you didn't have to help me. You didn't have to show me what to do step by step. You didn't have to do anything, but you did. So, thank you."

She nods her head and her breathing slowly relaxes, "I'm going to sleep with the boys."

I nod and she walks away.

I stay with the man for the night, making sure to check on her and the twins every few hours.

The man doesn't wake until the morning, just as the sun rises and the forest wakes with him.

He groans again and looks at me then all around us, "what happened to the girl?"

I go stiff and glare at him, "She had stuff to do."

he grunts and relaxes, "I apologize for asking about your mate."

"Who said she was my mate?"

He gives me a straight face with a look that said don't even bother.

He tries to sit up; I stand and back up a little waiting.

He finally manages to sit up before trying to stand.

I already know that he won't except a hand to help him up, so I let him stand on his own.

After a couple of tries he stands slouched over, his breathing is a little labored, "So what do you want from me?"

I shrug indifferent, "There's nothing that you can really give me."

The man laughs, "You don't know who I am do you?"

I raise an eyebrow, "No should I?"

He laughs again but quickly stops because of the pain.

The man hobbles over to where I stand and holds out his hand to me as if asking me to shake it, "I am Knox Stone, The Rouge King"

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