Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 16: Little Messages

"What's one of us?" Roman asked as she stood aside and motioned them in.

The walls were made of stone on the inside, and so was the floor. Roman noticed the lady was barefoot and wondered if the cold bothered her. They appeared to be in a kitchen-like area, and everything did seem to be lit by candlelight. Some candles floated at the center of the ceiling, like chandeliers. The entrance to the rest of the house was not blocked by a door but a dark red cloth hanging down. Everything else was dark.

The woman peeked out there for a moment before closing it. She turned around to us and looked directly at Caitlyn.

"Put her down." She demanded.

Roman looked stunned. "Where?"

"At the table, right there she pointed." Over in the corner, Roman turned and saw nothing. Still he walked over and suddenly a damp brown couch appeared out of nowhere, and he was slowly laying Caitlyn down.

"Wait hold up, this wasn't right here a second ago. Why do my hands feel so heavy?"

"It's her herbs and chemicals. "Willa answered. "You're intoxicated."

"Are you serious?" He said, staring at his hand. "We just walked in here!"

"Don't mind him." Willa said, grabbing the woman's attention. "We came for your help."

"Yes, I know. I want to know what your futures are too."

"Excuse me?" said Roman, listening in. "That's what we came to you for."

"You came for the Oracle. I am not the Oracle, my name is Antearia."

"Is that a name the Greek gods bestowed upon you or is it your actual-"

"Yes, it's my real name." She replied politely, ignoring Roman's confused look.

"That's actually really similar to my name. Well, the name Zeus gave me after I became a goddess."

Antearia smiled. "They stole it from me. I was there when you were reborn."

So if you're not the Oracle," Roman interrupted. "Where can we find her?"

His impatience didn't seem to bother her.

"She'll be here in a moment. I'll be back in a second." Antearia walked through the cloth and Roman almost thought she disappeared into the wall. He turned to Willa, confused.

"I thought you and your brother said only one mortal lived on Olympus? She's mortal, I can smell her blood."

"That's true. There should only be one mortal on Olympus, the possessor of the Oracle."

"Actually, there's two mortals on Olympus." Antearia reemerged holding a child about two years old. "This is my son, Tyran."

The child looked like he had just woken up from a long nap and was eyeing us warily.

"He's better than most mortal babies. He never cries." Antearia kissed her son on his cheeks a few times before putting him in a high chair, which appeared out of nowhere.

"Okay. She's ready." Antearia bowed her head and began to chant quietly. All of the candles in the house went off at once, but instead of it getting completely dark, the smoke from the candles let off a light and they all began to hover around Antearia.

"What's happening?!" Caitlyn screamed. They'd forgotten she'd been asleep for most of the trip.

"It's okay Caitlyn, she's the-"

Caitlyn ran past Antearia, who had begun to float- and snatched up Tyran, her son.

"Why aren't you guys saving the baby?!" Caitlyn called out, backing away from Antearia.

Antearia's head snapped upward and she glared at them, Eyes, nose, and mouth, spewing smoke.

"Put my son down!" Antearia's voice mixed with something else.

"No Antearia." She started talking to herself. "That girl has great destinies. Your child is in no danger."

"Delphi?" Willa asked, pulling Caitlyn back and keeping her eyes trained on Antearia.

Antearia smiled. "That's not my name, but speak."

"We want to know if Zeus will kill Roman. Are you able to tell us that?" Willa looked uncomfortable speaking to Antearia's floating body. The Oracle/Antearia grew completely silent, and fixated their gaze on Roman. Her/Their face twisted into an ugly snarl, and she stretched out her right arm, sending the wisps of smoke after him. Willa ran to shield him but it was too late, they went inside his mouth and nose, causing him to cough and sneeze.

"What was that for?" Willa shouted.

"What did you do to him?!"

"Yes. He will die by Zeus' hand."

Roman stopped coughing and looked up, in shock. Willa had the same expression on her face, but the Oracle was done with them.

"Would you like to know your futures little one?" The Oracle turned to Caitlyn and pointed, causing Caitlyn's eyes to glow and spew smoke. She almost dropped Taryn but Roman leaped forward to catch him.

"Three paths... Fate has toyed with you plenty, haven't they?

Willa ran to her side but the Oracle froze her in place.

"Wait your turn." She looked back over to Caitlyn, who had begun to shake.

"Stay a vampire." She hissed. "Become a maiden. But you should see your father before you make that choice. Now you," Caitlyn collapsed and Willa's eyes started glowing and spewing smoke.

"You should go see your mother. You should go see your mother. You should go see your mother." Roman watched as the Oracle started convulsing, her hold on Antearia's body weakening. Roman ran over to Caitlyn, sat her upright and put Tyran in her lap.

He grabbed Willa and shook her slightly, trying to get a response.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked the Oracle. "What's going on?"

"Zeus' interference. He doesn't want her-her to kn-know. He-he doesn't want you to know. A-Apollo, Please!"

The Oracle dropped to her knees groaned in pain, sounding more like Antearia. Willa, suddenly normal again, reached out to Caitlyn and Tyran.

"Anteria, you need to run." The Oracle urged.

"Roman's not going to hurt me!" Willa shouted.

Oracle stared at them for a few seconds, mouthing words but not making a sound until finally she let out a faint whisper.

"Zeus will."

She collapsed completely and so did the candles around her. After a few moments of silence, all of the candles suddenly relit themselves, even the ones that had fallen over.

"Did she give you visions?" Willa asked Roman.

He put his hand up to his chest to feel his heartbeat.

Yes she did.

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