Vampire Greek: The Burning King

Chapter 15: Hello, Oracle

“What on Earth were you thinking?!” Roman yelled. “Why the hell would you bring us here?!”

“What do you mean?” Willa responded, hurt. “I saved you.”

“You brought us directly to Zeus’ place! That’s what this is, isn’t it? Olympus? I have no choice but to believe at this point.”

“Yes, but-”

“Don’t you think Zeus is going to come back here?”

“Yes, but I-”

“What about the other Gods after us? Hera, Artemis, Apollo. Couldn’t they come back here any time at all?”

“Well yes, but-”

“Were you even thinking?! This is so stupid!”

“SHUT THE HELL UP!” Willa screamed, furious.

Roman’s face dropped. Caitlyn took a few steps back and bumped into someone, a man she had never seen before.

“I brought us here because Zeus can’t track me, and I need my brother’s help! You don’t know anything about Zeus, or Olympus, or monsters. You don’t know jack shit, so don’t ever question what I do, and don’t EVER call me stupid!”

“Okay...” said Wilhem, trying to slide into the conversation.

“How about we all take a minute to chill and cool off while you introduce me to these... new people.”

Willa took a deep breath and pointed at Caitlyn.

“That’s Caitlyn. Caitlyn, Wilhem. Wilhem, Caitlyn.”

“Hi.” Caitlyn replied sheepishly, looking just as uncomfortable as Wilhem.

“And you are...” He turned to Roman.

“I’m Roman.” He put on a smile and shook Wilhem’s hand.

“I’m her brother.”

“I figured ” Roman gave a fake laugh to lighten the mood.

“Willa, can I speak to you privately for a second?” Wilhem asked her.


They waited until they were out of earshot.

“I actually agree with him. Why the hell would you bring them here?!”

“Because you can help me! I don’t know what to do!” She replied, sliding down a wall.

“How am I supposed to help? Why is that child even here?” Wilhem looked exasperated.

“Long story, but she’ll be a maiden of Aphrodite soon so don’t worry about her.

“What about him? You can’t hide him forever Willa. Zeus will find him. There’s no escaping that.”

“You don’t know that. You aren’t an Oracle.” She replied, watching Caitlyn and Roman talk in the distance. They seemed to be playing some sort of hand game that made them slap each other.

“That’s actually a good idea.” Wilhem said, more or less to himself.

“Hmm?” She replied.

“Take him to the Oracle down the mountain. Her place will hide his presence because she’s mortal too. You can find out his future. If his destined to die by Zeus’ hand you can bring him back here tied up like a hog with a bow on his butt. If not, you can keep trying save him, but I won’t continue to help you. Tonight’s the last night I cover for you on this.”

Willa jumped up and hugged him.

“Thank you!” She squealed.

“You’re welcome. But I wouldn’t get too attached. Trust me, he’s more trouble than he’s worth.”

They walked back over to Roman, who, for some reason, was touching the floor.

“I feel like I don’t belong here.” He spoke as they got closer. “Look at us, we’re like ants compared to these thrones. And Caitlyn has more energy than a car battery.”

The little girl was running toward them, screaming numbers as she ran.

“Eighty Seven! Eighty eight! Eighty nine! Ninety!” She came to a halt, out of breath.

“Wow it only took you ninety seconds to get all the way back here?! Good job Caitlyn!”

“Nuh uh. I skipped a couple numbers I forgot. But I made it though.” The smile on her face almost made them forget the situation they were in.

“Um, you guys need to go. Seriously.“.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Willa replied.

“Guys, we are going down the mountain. The Oracle will tell us if Zeus is going to kill you or not.”

“What if he can’t?” said Roman, nonchalantly. “It didn’t work the last time.”

“You underestimate him, Roman.” said Wilhem. “If Zeus wants you dead, you will be.”

Hours later, they were halfway down the mountain. The sky was a grayish white but there was no sun, no actual light source. There were dozens of houses along the mountain, but Willa told Roman they were the houses of extremely minor gods and other revered mystical creatures. Only one mortal actually lived on Olympus, and that was the Oracle. Looking at the temple from this distance and it was almost as huge as it felt on the inside. Caitlyn was piggyback riding with Roman, and she’d been asleep almost since they started the trek down.

“Okay look, I know I’m an adult, and I know I’ve already asked you a bunch about the mountain and everything, but...”

“Don’t do it.” She warned.

“Are we there yet?” He groaned, and flinched in anticipation.

“I thought you were going to hit me.”

“I would have if you weren’t holding Caitlyn. But it’s right there, so be quiet.”

A few feet under them was a big hutlike structure made out of wood and stone. All of the other houses on the mountain were made out of one material; some wood, some stone, and some marble. The door to the hut was completely black, and the doorknob was golden.

“Shouldn’t we knock?” Roman asked, watching Willa patiently stare at the door.

“No. If what I’ve heard about her is right, then she knows we’re here. They both do.”

“So you’ve never seen this lady? And who is they?”

“One second, you three. Just give me one second!” A voice called from inside.

“Told you.” Willa replied smugly.

The door swung open, and a tall brown-skinned woman with black hair appeared in the doorway. Her hut smelled like a thousand different incenses at once. She wore a shimmering orange dress that looked like it was made out of liquid copper. The inside of the hut had an orange tinge too, but it was fun, as if it was entirely lit up by candles.

She smiled for half a second before her gaze turned to shock.

“Oh Gods, it’s one of you isn’t it?”

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