
Chapter I. Revelation - Part 2 - You Could Be Happy

It’s been a week since Sage and Mara discovered they were mates. Sage was overjoyed to have Mara as his mate and wanted to shout it from the rooftops! He was so proud of their mating... While she wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. It was annoying but he was so in love that he couldn’t say no to her. Even his parents, his brother and sister didn’t know, nor his two best friends. He also knew that Mara was a private person and after a week she was still as secretive as ever. Still, she had agreed to see him every day at school, to learn more about each other. Every day he felt that she was getting closer to him, that she seemed happy to spend time with him.

Sage also knew that the more time passed, the harder it would be to hide their secret meetings. At least from his best friends, as they asked more and more questions about his disappearances, especially during lunch breaks. They were asking more and more questions about his absences and frankly he was running out of excuses... He didn’t like lying to them either after all, they grew up together, did everything together and never had any secrets from each other until now.

After three weeks of keeping the secret, it was eating away at Sage. So he was relieved when Aaron and Niels found him and Mara in the woods behind the school. And in less than a minute, Sage spilled the beans about their relationship. In his relief, he didn’t realize the change in Mara’s behavior.

“Is it true?” Niels asked, a little surprised... Suspicious even? Sage wasn’t sure, but he figured that Mara being his future Luna meant that Niels was going to be a Gamma sooner than he had anticipated.

“How is that possible? Aaron asked in astonishment.

“I don’t know... It’s rare but it can happen. My theory is that my wolf is mature enough to sense his mate.” explained Sage.

“That’s true. You already had your first shift younger than any of us. So it makes sense that you would find your mate sooner.” Aaron agreed.

Aaron smiled and added, “Congratulations Bro! I know how much you were waiting for your mate. I am so happy for you, for both of you. Mara, I have no doubt that you will be a great Luna. A smart one!”

“Thank you.” Mara whispered without looking at him, without looking at either of them.

“Yes... Congratulations.” Niels mumbled, still in shock at the surprising news.

The rest of the day went well, even if Mara avoided them all afternoon. Sage was touched when Niels decided to take her home to make sure nothing happened to her. It was amazing to see him acting like a Gamma already. Sage never had any doubts about Aaron, he knew he would become his Beta one day and Aaron was always very involved in his future position and training. As for Niels, he had some doubts because he was not interested in his future role. Therefore, seeing him already taking care of Mara warmed his heart.

Unfortunately, for the next two days, Mara did not come to school. Sage asked her mother about it, as she was very close to her father. Luna Vanessa was also a doctor, a gynaecologist, and often worked with Dr. John Adicost, and naturally, over the years, they became friends. Gamma Liam also became a doctor by spending time with Luna Vanessa. Sage’s mother explained that Mara had an interview for a university and that was why she was not in school.

As soon as Sage saw Mara the following Monday, he knew right away that there was something wrong with her. Not only was she avoiding him, but her behaviour had also changed. They were back to square one where she was totally withdrawn. Even worse than before. When Sage finally found a way to be alone with her after lunch, her concerns were confirmed as she refused to even look at him. She caught him off guard by refusing to look him directly in the eye while rejecting him. Yet she was detached, monotone, emotionless as if she were an automaton.

“I refused it!” Sage denied.

“It doesn’t change anything...” She shook her head again, avoiding looking at him.

“If you’re afraid I’ll stop you from studying what you dream of studying, I won’t stop! I promise you that! We can even wait as long as you want before it becomes official. I can wait for you. I’ll wait for you as long as you need.” He swore.

“It’s not that...” Mara mumbled.

“Then what is it? Please!” He pleaded with her, wanting to understand.

“You don’t understand! I’m not worth it. I’m not worthy of you and your title. You deserve better. The pack deserves better!” She shouted before running off.

When he explained the situation to Aaron and Neils, they were both surprised. Niels was even vengeful, and wanted to make her pay. How dare she reject him, the future Alpha! He kept saying it over and over again. Aaron tried to calm things down. He felt really sorry for Sage because he knew what a mate meant to him. Adding fuel to the fire only made things worse, so he was annoyed by Niels’ behaviour.

“She’s a bitch! I’m going to make sure she goes through hell for the rest of the year!” Niels growled.

“Enough! You will leave her alone! Stay out of this!” ordered Sage. Apparently Aaron wasn’t the only one who was annoyed.

“But...” Niels began.

“Am I making myself clear, Niels?!” Sage asked.

“That’s not fair! She broke your heart and you take it out on me!” Niels complained.

“If I see you anywhere near Mara, I’ll remove you from your Gamma position.” Sage warned him.

“As you wish Alpha.” Niels said before leaving.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s so virulent it doesn’t make sense!” Aaron commented as he watched Niels disappear into the crowd.

“I know.” Sage agreed.

“Hey, I’m sorry bro. How are you feeling?” Aaron asked his best friend.

“I don’t know. She was acting so weird. There was definitely something wrong with her. I wish I could understand. She was so emotionless, so detached from herself.” Sage replied.

“Like she was doing it because she had to?”

“Exactly. I have to find out why? I will!” He swore to himself.

“And in the meantime, what are you going to do?” Aaron asked.

“I refused his rejection obviously and I’m not giving up until I get to the bottom of it.”

“You can count on me to help you!” Aaron swore.

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