
Chapter I. Revelation - Part 1 - Far Away

(5 years and 9months ago)

Sage was very popular because he was the future Alpha but not only that. He was approachable and showed kindness to everyone. He could have been a player but the truth was that he wanted to wait for his mate and stay pure for her. Another year and a half and he could find her. Indeed, at 18, his wolf would be mature enough to sense her. That moment would come in exactly one year, six months and thirteen days. And yes he was so impatient that he was counting the days left.

Anyway, for him today was a normal Wednesday, getting ready for school where he spent most of his time with his two best friends Aaron and Niels, his future Beta and Gamma. The three of them didn’t play football as one might expect, no. They were big baseball fans. They were big baseball fans. They were all on the school team. Aaron was also in the swimming team as he had always loved the water. Sage wished he had more time for extracurricular activities, but his training to become the next Alpha had become more intense this year and he didn’t have time to do anything else. He was lucky that he could still play baseball.

The day started as usual, that is, they went to school together, using Niels’ car this morning. As all three of them liked to drive their own car but didn’t see the point of taking their own, they took turns driving to school and today it was Niels’ turn to drive them. They talked about the upcoming baseball game in 10 days, ignoring the looks the girls were giving them. As soon as they entered the school, Sage lost the thread of the discussion, captivated by a smell that he had never smelled before and that made his mouth water.

“What about you, Sage?” asked Aaron.

“Yeah...” Sage replied, still obsessed with that smell.

“Really?” asked Niels, surprised.

He shook his head and added, “I have to check something, I’ll see you later. ”

Without waiting for their answer, he left them there and following his wolf instincts he began to search for the source of that tantalizing smell. He needed to find the source so badly that he was unable to concentrate on anything else.

Mara was silent. Mara was introverted. From the outside, one might think she was aloof, but the truth was that she just didn’t want to be noticed. For her, not being seen meant being at peace, finishing school as quietly as possible. She was the opposite of the popular girl, but that was her choice. In fact, it worked quite well because nobody here noticed her. No one until now, in fact...

That’s when he saw her, walking alone in the corridor, her books and notebook in her right arm. Her eyes glued to the floor but at the same time deftly avoiding everyone. Of course, he knew who she was since he had taken the time to learn every name of the members of his future pack. Moreover, she was the daughter of one of her mother’s closest friends: Dr. Adicost - a well-known surgeon with a healing gift that helped her in her work. Mara walked past Sage without noticing him. She had just managed to avoid him, as she had with the other students in the hallway.

Without knowing Mara took away the breath of her future Alpha. He stood stuck by her beauty and by the realization that she was his mate. You couldn’t believe his luck! This beautiful young female was his mate! Lot of people were thinking that she was weird but not him, he knew about her past... He knew how bright she was. Actually he remembered how quick-witted she used to be before the death of her mother. She was so smart that even if she was 6 months younger than him, she was 2 classes above! He admired her until she disappeared around the corner.

It was the sound of the alarm warning at the beginning of the classes that woke him up from his day-dreaming. Yet he stayed in the corridor until he was alone. Her smell was still lingering in the air, driving him and his wolf crazy. Gosh he wanted to see her again. No, he needed to see her now.

"Bro, where are you? You’re late? Everything is alright?" Aaron asked him through the mindlink.

"Don’t worry. Something came up. I need to speak with the principal." Sage replied, an idea already forming in his head.

Convincing the principal to call Mara was quite easy as she was part of his pack. It was not so simple to persuade her to leave him alone with her but in the end she conceded. And half an hour later he was finally able to see her again. He coaxed himself that he needed to see her only to confirm that she was really his mate. That he was not just behaving as a clingy mate.

As soon as Sage was intoxicated with Mara’s scent, he felt lighter. There was no doubt, it was indeed his mate. And she was just perfect! She was anything he ever wanted for his mate and even more. He already knew it. He felt it! She was still avoiding looking at him, even when he ordered her to look at his eyes. So he touched her cheek, making her gasp.

“Do you feel it too?” He asked her quietly.

She nodded, voiceless. Why was she feeling tinglings where his hand was touching her. She thought it was only happening between mates and she was too young to be able to recognize her mate yet.

“How? Why?” Mara mutters.

“Isn’t your wolf saying anything?” Sage inquires.

“Our relationship is... complicated.” She whispers, looking at the floor again.

“Don’t look down! You don’t have to.” He told her.

“You’re my future Alpha, you own my respect Sage.” She replied quietly.

Her saying his name drove him crazy and he couldn’t help himself but to ask her to say it again.

She frowned ” You’re my future Al-”

“No. My name, say it again.” He cut her.

“What?” She frowned even more.

“Say my name, Mara.” Sage ordered. Saying her name made her shivering and he smirked at her reaction.

“Sage...” She whispered, troubled by the effect Sage had on her.

He sighed in pleasure to hear his name in her mouth.

“We’re mates, Mara. This is why we have so much effect on each other.” Sage explained still not believing his luck.

“But we’re too young. How is it possible?” She asked more for herself, pacing in the principal’s office.

“Maybe you’re mistaken.” She added looking at him.

“I have no doubt. Yes we are younger than expected to discover we’re mates but my wolf and I know it’s true. It’s so obvious.” He stated.

“It’s impossible!” She denied.

He stopped her and he could read the surprise on her face. She was incredulous.

“I will ask my father. I know it’s not logical but I’m sure it’s not unheard.” Sage commented.

“Can we keep for ourselves for now, please?”

“No! Why?” He asked, confused. He wanted to let the world know. He took her in his arms like he was craving since she entered the office.

“Please! I want to be sure before saying anything to anyone.” She begged.

He was going to deny it but her beautiful eyes - brown / green - was pleading so vividly that he lost all his will power.

“Fine!” He groaned.

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