Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 35

“Evergreen court and Realm travellers, we are delighted in your presence as we unite our beloved Prince Kian and his bonded one, Miss Sylvia Hart, in marriage.”

Kian squeezed Sylvie’s hand with a soft smile as the Fae beside them cast his orange gaze across the rows of creatures. They practised the stupid thing twice, and he still got her name wrong.


The Fae sat along half-cut logs under the shade of her ancient oaks while she stood barefoot in the long grass. After lots of begging, Kerensa agreed to help her arrange the clearing for the occasion instead of being cooped up in the throne room.

Leaning cross-armed against her special tree with an easy smile was her other love, Elias Fletcher. She smiled back before drawing her gaze to the beautiful man before her. Her smile widened at his wink, and the officiant continued.

“Do you, our dearest Prince Kian, take this... woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

Perhaps it was accidental, but the delay in calling Sylvie a woman sent a wave of anger through her. Such a dick! Kian chuckled, squeezing her hand once more, sending a wave of calm up her arm. He knew her so well.

“I do,” he said.

“And do you Sylvia Hart-”

“Sylvie,” Kian corrected, with a quick side-glance to the officiant, who nodded politely, hand to breast.

“Forgive me. Sylvie, do you take this Fae to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love, comfort, honour and keep, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”

With a beaming smile and teary eyes, she nodded.

“I do.”

The officiant nodded and gestured to Kerensa to step forward. She obliged, offering small boxes to Kian and Sylvie, each containing their rings. It was the one thing they kept secret from each other, and Sylvie almost burst with excitement, preparing to show him her choice for him.

“Prince Kian and Miss Hart have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love. As you place this ring on Miss Hart’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you, my love, now and forever.”

Kian opened his box with a bashful grin and pulled the wedding band free, pinching it carefully between his forefinger and thumb.

Sylvie gasped and suppressed a squeal as he recited the officiant’s words and placed the band on her right ring finger. The cool gold metal framed a polished strip of wood surrounding the ring. Immediately a soft zap tickled her finger, and she looked wide-eyed at her almost-husband. “Is that?”

“A small piece of your favourite tree, so no matter where we are, you always have a part of it with you.”

Kian smiled down at her as her eyes filled with tears.

“It’s perfect!”

The officiant cleared his throat. “Miss Hart, if you will-”

She nodded and pulled her creation free, hoping it meant as much to him as his did to her.

“With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you, my love, now and forever.”

The pure gold signet ring had his family crest stamped on the front, intertwined with a tree to represent her. On the inside, an inscription in Fae from Kerensa’s kind translation. ‘Forever yours.’

A rush of love travelled up Sylvie’s arms, and Kian suppressed his grin. “I love it. And I love you,” his low voice sent flutters through her stomach, and their impending wedding night started stealing her focus.

“By the authority vested in me by the Queen of Evergreen Court, I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

Before the officiant could proclaim their right to kiss, Kian pulled her towards him and dipped her back elegantly, placing the most tender kiss on her lips while the whole Fae kingdom watched on with tentative smiles.

Queen Katarina stepped forward as they pulled apart and placed her hand on each of their shoulders. “Congratulations.” She turned to Sylvie and swallowed. “Take care of my son.”

“I will.”

With that, the Queen spun and raised her hands, the signal spurring the thundering applause of the guests. “And now, before Prince Kian returns to the Earth realm with his bride, we feast and celebrate this fine occasion.”

Sylvie giggled hysterically from her vantage over Kian’s shoulder, her head bumping rhythmically into his lower back. How he didn’t drop her was a miracle considering the awkward position and the size of her dress train. Even from this position, her dress still trailed on the floor beside Kian’s sure-footed marching.

“Are you going to take my virtue now,” she hiccupped, giggling again as his hand slid up her leg, beneath her skirts and brushed her damp panties.

“Quiet, Princess. Before I take you right here in the hall.” Her pussy clenched, imagining her body pinned against the castle walls, and Elias chuckled from behind the pair.

“She’d like that. Wouldnt you, kitten?”

Pressing her hands against Kian’s hips, she lifted her head to meet her vampire's eyes. They glowed red in the dim candlelight of the hall, and she bit her lip, giving her best bedroom eyes.

“Yes,” she moaned, grinning wider as the man beneath her stiffened.

She dropped a few inches, her face pressing against his belt, and she giggled, tugging at the restraint. Those tailored pants needed to come off immediately. Kian groaned and hoisted her back over his shoulder before pressing her against the wall and taking her mouth in his.

As Sylvie’s eyes closed, Kian moved her to the left, and the wall disappeared. She gasped, squeezing his shoulders and breaking the kiss as her ass planted on a hard flat bench, and her back met the open air of the outside world. She turned her head to see how far she was from the ground when Kian pinched her chin and guided her face back to his.

“Do you trust me?”

She bit her lip at the fiery dominance in his eye before nodding and resuming their impassioned kiss. Their tongues danced wildly as if they could become one if they touched the right way. His hands slid along her thigh slit, capturing her lacy garter and fingering it before detaching his mouth and lowering it beneath her skirts.

Her hands clawed at the window frames as his teeth nipped the fabric at her thigh and pulled it down her calf and off her foot. From her position, she could see Elias leaning against the wall watching everything take place. The look in his eye and the bulge in his pants set Sylvie’s heart on fire. Her desire to turn him on without being able to touch her grew stronger as Kian dove between her legs.

Soon Kian disappeared completely, and the white heat of his lips against her inner thigh shot tingles through her whole body. Her underwear came away without much effort, and the fabric was replaced instantly by the softest lips and suction. Sylvie couldn’t withhold her moans as he plunged a finger deep inside her, curling and uncurling as the steady circle of his tongue caressed her clit.

Elias kept his arms tightly crossed as if restraining himself from coming in and taking her, but his eyes, oh his eyes, told Sylvie all she needed to know. Kian’s tongue flattened, licking her deeply, and her face flamed at his movements.

No one had tasted her out quite like this before. Kisses trailed along her inner thighs, and she rocked, desperate for his mouth on her again. “Please, Kian. More.”

The hum, or maybe a growl, vibrated against her soft skin before his tongue returned to her most sensitive spot.

Her hands grew tired as she leaned and rocked against Kian’s face, her eyes widening as they slipped a fraction on the crumbly walls. The gravelled path, two stories below, didn’t look particularly inviting as she slipped towards it.

Just what she needed. Death by oral sex. It wasn’t worth worrying about, though, as Elias appeared at her side instantly, his huge hand engulfing the back of her neck and supporting her weight as Kian coaxed her closer and closer to ecstasy.

She smiled over at him, wrapping her hands around his bare forearm as another surge of pleasure made her legs shake.


In her haze, she reached for Elias’ crotch, but his free hand strangled her wrist. “No,” he said lowly, returning her hand to his arm. Despite her growing ache for him, she wouldn’t please him tonight.

“Fuck,” she groaned, throwing her head back again as the peak of her orgasm neared. Then, rocking against his fingers and expert tongue, Sylvie’s mind quieted, her breathing stopped, and her released moan set her body on fire.

Elias tensed at her side, a small curse passing his lips as Kian moaned an affirmative sound against her opening. The vibrations from his lips tipped her over the edge, and finally, she rode the throbbing contractions of her climax.

“Yes, Kian! Oh, god.”

Her whole body shivered as he detached himself from her and appeared from beneath her skirts with a smirk.

Only one orgasm, and she was already wiped out. “Are we done?” she questioned, out of breath.

Elias chuckled at her side, and Kian joined him, wiping the wetness from his lips and licking it from his fingertip.

“Oh, princess, we’re only just getting started.”

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