Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 21

Without wasting any time, Sylvie pressed up onto her toes and planted her lips on Kian’s. His mouth softened instantly under hers, and his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his body.

He stepped backwards, dragging her from the shower and covered her naked body in a large white towel, pausing their kiss for a second before resuming after she was wrapped like a burrito. Her arms were pinned between their bodies, and she grinned as he squeezed her tight.

“What’s so funny?” he panted, pressing his nose against hers.

“You’re just so fucking cute,” she laughed back, giggling harder at his mock- disgust.

“Cute? How dare you, Princess. I’ll have you know I am suave, mysterious maybe, handsome, but never cute.”

His appalled expression only made her laugh harder as he carried her from the room and lay her on the bed, still keeping her itching fingers pinned.

Sylvie bit her lower lip as the pealing laughter became breathy chuckles, and Kian’s expression darkened. He dipped down and kissed her shoulder, across her collarbone and to the base of her throat, where her pulse fluttered erratically.

“Is this okay?” he whispered, trailing his warm wet tongue up her neck. She moaned and tilted her head back, enjoying the soft contact, grumbling when it pulled away.


His low chuckle made her stomach flip, and she wriggled beneath him, trying to free her hands, but he stopped her movements by climbing on top of her and straddling her shoulders with his knees.

“What are you doing, Kian? Get off.” The twitch in his pants drew her attention, and she licked her lower lip before biting it. “Actually, you can stay.”

Kian laughed harder, bringing his hands to her face and brushing away the few wet waves from her skin. “I don’t want your first time with me to be because of your heat. I want you to be with me because you want to, but when you touch me, it makes it hard for me to stop you.”

Heat rose to her cheeks as she returned her squirming, bucking her hips and kicking her feet.

“Well, get off me then and call Elias back,” she grumbled, the throbbing pulse between her legs suddenly hitting like lightning. It disappeared as quickly as it came, and she felt a swirling shame settle in her belly.

Elias’ face appeared in her mind. Would he be mad? Would this be classed as cheating? He told her she belonged to both of them, but would he get jealous if she acted on her feelings? Would he prefer to watch?

Kian’s gentle touch to her cheek drew her from her spiralling thoughts, and he frowned.

“What are you worried about?”

She stilled, staring to the side. “Do you think Elias would be mad about us?”

A soft hum left Kian’s mouth, and he climbed off her, lying on his stomach beside her. His face stayed just out of reach of her desperate kisses, and she was grateful. Only until the heat pangs returned, then would she be annoyed. Probably.

“This is what he wants,” Kian said, trailing his fingers in circles on her bare shoulder.

Shuddering, Sylvie looked into his eyes and raised her brow in silent question.

“He doesn’t want you to be with him first. He doesn’t think he’s good enough.”

Sylvie sat abruptly and freed her arms, holding the towel around her breasts with a frown.

“Well, that isn’t his decision to make.” She stood and paced from the door to the bed, trying to ignore the sporadic buzzing through her— ending at her pussy.

Kian propped himself on one elbow and gave her a knowing look.

“I know you may not like his choice, but it is the right one. He knows what’s happening here now. He can hear us.”

She suddenly felt self-conscious and stilled her pacing. “And you’re sure he’s okay with it.”

“Yes. But don’t forget what I said, Princess. I’m not consummating the bond with you tonight.”

She pouted and only just withheld a whine when a spasm coiled through her, making her jump.

“Why isn’t he coming back then?” she panted, stumbling back to the bed and crossing her legs tightly. The friction of her thighs made her whimper, and she prayed Kian didn’t notice the rhythmic clench and unclenching of her inner thighs beneath the towel.

He swallowed and looked at his hands. “Because the blood sharing is affecting him too. He’d never let himself hurt you.”

She frowned at the absurdity. “He wouldn’t.” At least not in the traditional sense. There were ways she wanted to be hurt by him.


Her aching grew, and she groaned, folding over her legs and resting her head on her knees.

“He doesn’t think that’s true.”

“Well, he’s lying to himself!” she said, raising her voice loud enough to wake the whole castle. When Kian tutted her, she blushed. “Sorry.”

Kian groaned, throwing his head back into the pillow. “The next time you say sorry, I’m going to make Elias punish you, I swear. It’s a dangerous habit; anyone else would take advantage of it or see it as an insult.”

“I’m-” she paused mid-squeak under his dark gaze. “I’ll try,” she finally muttered.

“Consider it my type of training. I teach you Fae etiquette, and Elias teaches you to defend yourself.

“Sounds like fun,” she muttered. Despite feeling an infuriating amount of horniness, Sylvie slowly grew underwhelmed with the lack of pain from the blood bonding. Elias made it sound terrible, but she was fine.

She poised herself to ask why her ‘heat’ hardly hurt when her entire body seized as if every muscle had a simultaneous cramp.

She screamed and writhed as Kian jumped over to pull her into his arms.

“Sylv, breathe.”

“What the fuck?” she whined as another spasm rocked her, and she grew unbearably wet.

“Elias, you need to get further away,” Kian growled, pulling the towel away from Sylvies shuddering body. She looked wildly for her vampire, but he wasn’t there.

“Elias?” she whined, twisting in Kian’s grip.

“Shh, I can help ease it a bit, Sylv. But I need to touch you.”

She nodded, and tears streamed from her scrunched eyes.

“Between your legs.”

Her hips bucked automatically, and she screamed. “Yes, please hurry!”

He pulled her onto his lap, her back pressed against his chest as he clasped her upper thigh and spread them apart. He slid along her folds using his clearly skilled fingers before rubbing small circles right over her clit. Immediately some of the crampings eased, and she ground her hips against his fingers, her body glistening with sweat.

“More,” she moaned.

While one hand continued its circling, the other slid down to her entrance and slowly curled in and out.

Whimpers poured from her body as she reached down and grabbed his wrist, forcing his fingers to go deeper inside. He quickly changed his tempo, adding a second finger and slowly pushing all the way in before curling halfway out.

“Oh god,” the pain ebbed by the second, replaced by a burning desire to clench around his fingers. She imagined the thick digits were another part of him, and she brought her hands to her chest, pulling and kneading her breasts.

“I want you so bad,” she groaned, rocking faster on his lap, loving the hardness of his cock pressing into her ass through his pants.

“Don’t,” he warned, dropping his lips to her ear. Warm wetness enclosed her lobe, and she tilted her head to give him more access.

He nibbled softly on her ear and peppered kisses behind it as her body shuddered harder. Her climax built to an unbearable peak, small faux spasms clenching his fingers until she felt the real finish. She stilled, her whole body a coiled spring, when finally, with a blush-inducing moan, she came. Hard.

Kian kept his movements up until she went limp. Then, he carefully used her towel to clean her up and tucked her beneath his sheets as she blinked tiredly up at him.

The ache in her body was still there, but nowhere near as painful as before, almost like period cramps.

“Rest now. When you wake, you’ll feel better,” Kian promised, kissing her forehead, nose, and lips. She could barely muster a smile, but in her head, she was beaming.

“What about your fiancee?” she asked. Her voice sounded so mumbled she could believe he understood her.

He sighed. “I did what I had to do to make her believe it was real, even if it wasn’t.” His head hung. “I can’t say anything else.”

“She made you promise something, didn’t she?” she whispered, slowly blinking to stay awake.

Kian paused for so long Sylvie’s tiredness got the better of her. She hardly heard to soft sniffle and tiny whisper in the growing darkness.


“Can you set it up here?” Sylvie blinked up at Elias’ frowning face expectantly.

He held a giant sack filled with sand and rags over his shoulder, tied at the top with a thick rope. After following her through spiky ‘healing plants’ and gorse, he stared at the giant trees around the clearing where she first kissed Kian.

“Why do you have to be so difficult?”

She beamed, clasping her hands behind her back. “You said I could choose where we trained for being good the other night, and I love this place the most. Then I don’t have to see Lazuli’s bitch face staring at me from her window.”

He rolled his eyes and worked on stringing up the ‘heavy bag’ while Sylvie traipsed around the knee-length grass.

Kian sat on the edge of the clearing, reading a book. His back pressed against a smaller oak, his mouth occasionally quirking upward as he heard the pair bicker and joke.

She felt Elias’ eyes on her as she frolicked and spun in a circle before flopping on her ass and lying on her back. Thick blue clouds shielded her eyes from the sun, and she sighed to herself. After her attempted murder, the pair hadn’t let her out of their sight beyond bathroom breaks which she vehemently upheld.

Kian didn’t bring up his past; any time she asked about it, Elias would annoyingly step in and command her to fetch him something like a damned dog.

“Don’t get comfortable, kitten. You’re supposed to be training.”

Elias’ voice made her snicker, and she gazed down at her ridiculous ‘training outfit.’ The full-body second-skin suit hugged her every curve perfectly, and she couldn’t possibly imagine why the two men in her life wanted her to wear it. Elias had taped her knuckles too, and the inability to flex her hands irritated her.

“I know!” she yelled back, rolling onto her stomach. She fingered the waving grass tendrils and sighed when she was suddenly flying over the grass.

“What the fuck?” she looked up and frowned as Elias carried her like a bag, his arm looped beneath her belly.

Placing her in front of the sack, he manoeuvred her body to stand with a strong stance and a guard by her face.

“All I want you to focus on is throwing a damn punch,” he eyed her as she peered back at Kian. He hid a smile behind his book, and she chuckled, turning her gaze back to the bag.

“Okay. What about kicks? I did some Muay Thai when I was a teenager, and the instructor said I was pretty good.”

“You know Muay Thai?” Elias deadpanned.

She altered her stance slightly, squaring her hips more and raising her hands. “Yeah, I did it for a year in my longest foster home stint but had to stop when they had to send me away.”

Elias remained silent, and she elaborated further, “I was seventeen, almost out of the system, and there were other children that needed them more. I understood.”

Martine and Jared were the kindest foster family to her, and she always wished she could’ve thanked them for caring for her the way they did. They put her through therapy and helped her with schooling when she didn’t think she’d survive into adulthood. Her childhood trauma and abandonment issues were talked about a lot that year.

“Strike the bag.”

She nodded and let out a tentative jab, jab, cross combo before looking back at him.

A glint appeared in his eye, and he nodded. “Again.”

Running through some old combos, the muscle memory slowly returned. She knew she would be so sore the next day, and when she started practising her kicks, an uncomfy twinge niggled her hamstring.

“Uh, I’m so rusty,” she groaned, facing Elias. His eyes flicked between her and Kian, and he turned away, pressing his hand against her favourite tree.

Clearing his throat, he turned back to her and raised his hands, mirroring her stance. “Use my hands like pads, and don’t stop until you can no longer continue.”

His eyes flashed red as she scoffed. “Are you serious?”


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