Unexpected Mates ~ Book One

Chapter 20

“Go in and get changed. I need to clean myself up. I’m sure Kian will show up any second,” Elias said, gesturing to the blood drenching his forearm and wrist.

Sylvie nodded, wrapping her hand around the bedroom door and letting herself into the dimly lit space. She smiled, hoping to see Kian away from Lazuli’s prying eyes and padded towards the bed.

The room looked messier than when they’d left, and she frowned, heading towards the bathroom.

Before she could take two steps, a cold, sharp object pierced into the front of her neck while a hot, sweaty body gripped her around the shoulders.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream when a feminine voice hissed. “Make a noise, and I’ll make it hurt more than you could ever imagine.”

When she went to lift her hands, the voice growled, pulling the weapon across an inch. Sylvie almost screamed again, seeing blood squirt from her body.

The sharp pinch and burn made her eyes pour immediately, and her heart pounded faster, making the wound spurt more. “And keep your hands by your side.”

Mouth closing, Sylvie pressed her head away from the weapon and into the attacker, getting a musty waft up her nose.

“Don’t do this,” she whispered, trying to lessen the pressure on her throat, but the blade kept burying deeper. Hot blood gushed down her front, pooling in her collarbones and between her breasts.

“You will not jeopardise our new position, whore.”

The weapon dug further into Sylvies’ neck, only pausing its trail into her throat when aggravated voices echoed outside the door. Her eyes blurred completely from the unshed tears threatening to spill down her face.

“Release my arm.”

“I am your fiancee. Not her. It’s been four years. You love me. I know you do. She’s nothing!”

The door burst open, and four sets of eyes darted at one another.

Kian stilled, but his rage was palpable.

Sylvie’s teeth chattered so loudly she couldn’t make a sound. Instead, she pleaded with him with her eyes to help before it was too late, her vision fading on the edges.

“Move away from her, now, Zephrinah.” He edged closer, and Sylvie sobbed as the pressure on her increased.

Lazuli’s eyes widened comically as she trailed behind Kian. “Oh my. Zephrinah! What are you thinking? To kill a bonded one is treason.”

Zephrinah’s mouth clicked behind Sylvie’s ear as if poised to speak when a wall of air struck them, and the slicing into her neck stopped. The arm around her body disappeared, and she whipped her hands up to stem the steady stream spurting from the wound.

Her vision grew spotty, and she spun, blinking as she saw Zephrinahs headless body crumpled on the floor, and her head, eyes still wide in shock, clutched in the hands of a quivering Elias. Sylvie swayed, reaching one arm for him.

He turned to her, with eyes the brightest red she had ever seen and tore his wrist with his elongated fangs again while pulling her into his embrace. Her whole body shivered as he tipped his dripping arm above her face, wetting her chin and neck.

“Move your hands, Sylvie. This will help.”

She shook, letting her hand fall away, the warm blood mingling with her own, and an immediate rush buzzed through her body. Her eyes grew laser-focused, and her body shook as adrenaline pumped Elias’ blood through her veins.

As fear dissipated, an unbearable heat replaced it, burning between her thighs. Moaning, she gripped Elias’ shirt and pulled her face into his chest. “What’s happening to me?”

“I’ve got you, Kitten,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her and burying his head in her hair.

Kerensa’s voice barked from the doorway, “We left you alone for less than thirty seconds..”

“Not now, Kerensa,” Kian hissed.

Elias’ head lifted from Sylvies’, and she turned to look at Kian; his dark eyes flickered back at her, brows furrowed uncertainly. “Where can I take her?” Elias asked.

“My room,” Kian replied instantly. Then, when Lazuli started whining, he shouted, “Enough! You know killing a bonded one is treasonous, and I can’t picture Zephrinah doing this without someone’s guidance, so unless you want me to let Elias rip your head from your shoulders, too, stop talking.”

An ugly sneer marred Lazuli’s face for a second before she buried it under a mask of innocence and understanding. “Of course, my Prince.”

“Kerensa,” Kian growled, cutting her off. “Take Lady Lazuli to her quarters and ensure she stays there until the Queen returns home.”

With that, Elias stood holding Sylvie in a bridal carry while Kerensa escorted Lazuli away. Kian watched as Elias walked past with an unreadable expression. Surely he could see the tenderness between them, and Sylvie reached toward him as they passed.

Elias froze, letting Kian take Sylvie’s shaking hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, teeth chattering. He looked so beautiful under the soft candlelight, his warm brown skin dewy.

Kian chuckled humourlessly, shaking his head. “You are insufferable.”

“Come with us, please,” she begged, squeezing his hand as Elias stepped into the hall.

Elias grunted, and Kian rolled his eyes. “I thought you didn’t share.”

“I’m willing to make an exception for her. Now hurry up, I’ve started the marking process, and it’s about to hurt like hell.”

Sylvie’s eyes widened, and she spun to look up at him. “What do you mean?”

“Blood trading starts the consummation of a Vampire Kindred. Your body is about to,” he paused, searching for a word, “encourage you to complete it.”

Her skin glistened, and she noticed a pulsing starting in her belly and rolling through her core to her toes. “I think I feel it.”

Elias quickened his pace, and Kian followed, occasionally directing his eyes towards them.

Once they reached his room, Elias paused in the doorway, wavering slightly.

“Elias?” Kian clasped his shoulder and searched his face. Sylvie quite liked being sandwiched between them; the contrast of radiating heat and icy cold body temperatures both excited and soothed.

“I need to feed,” he grumbled, readjusting Sylvie in his grip.

“How long has it been?”

“Two days.”

Kian cursed, hooking his arms under Sylvie’s knees and midback. “Go, I’ve got her. There are a few vials in the cellar.”

Now in Kian’s arms, Sylvie stared at Elias’ rigid body. He peered down at her, thoughts ticking behind his eyes before turning his heel.

“Wait!” she called as Kian walked them into the room. “Put me down, Kian.” He obliged, and she walked shakily over to Elias’ towering body, touching his chin lightly with her fingertips.

“Aren’t you even going to say goodbye?”

“You can’t imagine how much I want you right now, Sylvie. I can’t.”

She pulled at his collar until his lips were within reach and pushed onto her tiptoes, pressing her mouth against his. He parted them slightly, and she pulled away when she felt her belly flutter. “Don’t be long, please. You should realise by now bad things happen when we’re apart.”

Elias rolled his eyes and scoffed. “I need to train you. You are half-Vampire. You shouldn’t be so helpless.”

“Shut up, and come back to me.”

Jaw clenching, he turned and disappeared faster than a blink. With a sigh, Sylvie turned and trailed past Kian walking straight to his bathroom. Her gown was stained, sticky dark red all across the front, and her skin felt itchy. “Can you shower with me?”

She looked over her shoulder when Kian remained silent and saw his curled fists. “Sylvie,” his voice came out in a soft moan, and she bit her lip.


“It’s the heat talking. I don’t want to do anything with you that you aren’t ready for, especially after you were almost murdered.”

Groaning, she hoisted one arm behind her back and clasped the zipper before dragging it along her spine. The brush of her nails made her shudder, and Kian turned his eyes away.

“Elias has kept me company while I shower because I can’t be alone... I don’t want to be. Please. You can keep your back turned,” she promised to make it seem innocent despite her urge to run to him and rip his clothes off.

Her clothes dropped to the floor in a messy puddle, and she backed into the room; Kian followed with his eyes downcast.

The water flowing down the drain was stained red for ages as Sylvie kept half her eye on the soap trailing around her body and half on Kian’s rigid back. Their distance and his awkwardness around her wrenched at her heart. She had to keep reminding herself that while her time away from him was only a few days, for him, their absence stretched on for years.

She wondered if he still felt the connection between them as she did.



“What will happen now?” She detached the showerhead and ran it along her body, enjoying the fiery pelting along every inch of her.

“Well, we wait for my mother to return and tell her what happened, and she decides if the attempt on your life is worthy of ending the betrothal. The marriage was forged when Lazuli and I were infants, and treaties between fae are never broken unless they make fatal mistakes. I’m hoping my mother sees this as that.”

Sylvie almost rolled her eyes; sure she wouldn’t. Queen Katarina hated her guts.

“Will you teach me to fight?”

The showerhead trailed dangerously close to her core, and she swallowed, dragging it back to her breasts as Kian turned side-on. The effort he put into averting his gaze was truly admirable.

“I think I’ll leave that to Elias.”

Pouting, Sylvie reattached the showerhead and hugged her arms around herself. “Kian?”

Kian groaned. “Yes?”

“Do you still like me?”

He spun entirely this time, facing her dead on. His umber-indigo eyes locked on her face, his jaw clenching painfully tight. She swallowed, feeling desire triple inside her. She wanted him so badly. She needed his gentle touch.


Without a word, he stepped towards her, into the shower and under the spray, fully dressed. She giggled, pushing him back as he shook his tight coiled locs all over her. A tiny crinkle appeared in the corner of his eye as he smiled at her, cupping her face in his hands. “Always and forever, Princess. I give you my word.”

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