Undulate: A Hot Age Gap, Single Dad Romance (Alchemy)

Undulate: Chapter 38

Mads lays her cheek on my trouser-clad thigh as she pets my dick fondly. ‘Now for round two,’ she says dreamily. ‘We want you to feel completely bowled over. Which of us do you want on your face, and which of us on your cock?’

I frown and clear my throat. ‘Izzy, um, thank you for that. You did… great. But I can take it from here.’ That sounded awkward. But what was I supposed to say? Thanks for finger-fucking my girlfriend and licking her out while she sucked my dick? Sterling job?

Izzy looks up at me, and I know in an instant she’s disappointed. She was just getting started. ‘Of course,’ she says, rising unsteadily to her feet. She grabs a silk robe from the back of the door. ‘Enjoy the rest of your evening.’

‘Bye,’ Maddy says with a forlorn finger waggle.

I wait until the door shuts behind Iz before I open my mouth, but Mads gets the first word in.

‘Why did you do that? It would have been so much fun.’

‘Madeleine,’ I say in my sternest voice. ‘There’s no way I’m letting another woman touch me. No one else is riding my face, or my cock. That privilege goes to you and you alone. Do you have an issue with that?’

‘No,’ she says in a small voice.

‘Then what’s the problem?’

‘I just wanted you to feel overwhelmed,’ she says with a shrug. ‘It’s the best feeling ever.’

I frown at her. ‘Are you trying to tell me something? Is this your way of saying you’ve got cold feet and you want to be with other guys, so this is your version of a sales pitch? Like, if I try it and like it then I’ll be fine with you doing it more, too?’

‘No!’ she cries, looking genuinely horrified. ‘I just… wanted to please you. I want to make you feel as good as possible, and I thought having pussies on your mouth and your dick at the same time might be… fun.’ She trails off lamely.

‘I can achieve a very similar sensation with you,’ I tell her. ‘It’s called sixty-nining and I’m available to show you how it works any day of the week.’

‘Ha ha,’ she says sulkily.

‘Mads. What the fuck is going on? You’ve been holding me at arm’s length since the party. It feels like you don’t want to be intimate with me.’

‘That’s not it at all,’ she protests.

‘Well, I have to say, inviting another fucking person to join us is not a great way to prove that.’

We stare at each other mutinously, and I realise I’ve grabbed her upper arms and am holding them probably too firmly.

Sometimes, with Mads, it feels like fucking speaks louder than words, so clearly that’s what I’m going to have to do.

Fuck some sense into her.

She wants to pull a cowardly avoidance strategy masquerading as a kinky little stunt?


But let’s see how far her avoidance tactics get her when she’s coming on my cock and my eyes are boring into hers.

‘Get on the bed, sweetheart,’ I tell her quietly, and her eyes widen at the dominance in my tone. She licks her lips, and I’d put money on that needy pussy having just got a little more moist.

‘Am I in trouble?’ she asks.

I press my thumb to the delectably soft, pillowy centre of her bottom lip. Fuck me, she’s gorgeous. ‘Yes.’

We stare at each other, anticipation hanging heavily in the air.

‘Are you going to spank me?’

‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’

‘Yes.’ Her eyes don’t leave mine.

‘Then no. But I am going to fuck you very, very hard, because you’ve pissed me off. Got it?’

She nods. ‘Maybe you could blindfold me too?’ she pleads. ‘Sir,’ she adds as an afterthought, and I shake my head, struggling with the urge to laugh. She is a piece of work.

‘Not a fucking chance.’

She pouts.

‘Newsflash. I have two daughters. Pouting doesn’t work on me.’ I lean forward. ‘Now get on the fucking bed and spread your legs for my cock.’

For my cock, which is, incidentally, hard as fuck. Jesus, anger is an aphrodisiac. It is with this one, at least. And by the look on her face, it’s having the exact same effect on her. She stands and sashays naked to the bed and I watch the glorious movement of those arse cheeks as she goes.

‘Lose the shoes,’ I say in a kinder tone. ‘I don’t need those heels digging into my back.’

She doesn’t answer, but she does stop at the end of the bed, facing away from me, and props one foot up on it as she unties her strap. I suspect she doesn’t have to bend quite as far forward as she does, but I’m not complaining, because I have an uninterrupted view of her glistening pussy and the joys that await me and my dick.

As she gracefully changes legs and props up her other foot, I can’t help myself. I stand and press my hard cock right against her wet heat, bending forward so I can cup her fucking amazing tits and roll those sweet little nipples around with my thumbs.

She sighs deeply and stops what she’s doing.

I kiss her spine. ‘Get on the bed for me, sweetheart,’ I say in a far softer tone.

She chucks her shoe on the floor and crawls onto the bed before turning over and lying down on the black sheets, her hair streaming over the pillows. She is a fucking vision. There’s no doubt about it.

‘Legs open. And up.’

Watching her spread her legs for me is beyond gratifying, as is knowing I’ll be pushing inside that pretty pink pussy in seconds, if I can just get my fine motor skills to comply adequately to get my clothes off. I shove my undone trousers and boxers fully down, jumping around as I tug them and my socks off.

Then I’m fumbling with the buttons of my navy shirt as my girlfriend lies there, running her teeth over that plump lower lip as she waits for me to nail her to the bed.

I hope she can still taste me.

I lose the shirt and climb over Mads, crouching over her and surveying her in wonder. She is so fucking beautiful in body, and so light in spirit. I never thought it would be possible to feel this way about a woman other than Claire. I would have sworn, in fact, it would be impossible. But with Mads it’s different, though just as intense. The awe I feel when I look at her. Touch her. When she lets me inside her body.

It’s almost spiritual.

It’s definitely alchemic.

She stares up at me, and it’s crazy that I can feel this pissed off with and rapturous over the same person simultaneously.

I drag my thumb down her cheekbone, ending up at her mouth again. ‘Mads. It’s just you and me, okay? I don’t want anything between us.’

She nods, swallowing. I could swear my affectionate intensity makes her more nervous than my outright anger.

Tough shit.

I reach above her head and grab a pillow, wedging it under her delectable arse to improve her angle. Then I lie down in the space she’s created between her legs, bracing myself on my elbows, and, with my excited cock wedged between our stomachs, I kiss her.

I kiss her firmly. Thoroughly. Hungrily. Like she’s the last meal I’ll ever have and the best thing I’ve ever tasted. And, taking my weight on one elbow, I run my fingertips lightly down her face. Her neck. I sample the shallow well above her clavicle, the softness of her breast, and the pebbly hardness of her nipple.

I enjoy her.

My cock’s enjoying her too. It’s leaking pre-cum onto her stomach. She wriggles beneath me, and I watch her eyelids flutter as I fondle her perfect little nipple.

‘I need you inside me,’ she whimpers.

‘Me too,’ I tell her. I raise myself up enough to grab my cock, sliding my crown through folds that are so fucking wet and satiny that my poor cock can think of one word only.


I watch her face. She watches mine. I line myself up with her entrance, still slick and ready from Izzy’s handiwork, and I circle it gently, gently…

And I ram the fuck home.

Not sure I’ve ever seen a sight more gratifying than the way Maddy’s beautiful features contort with surprise before crumpling in bliss.

I’ve done that.

I’ve caused pleasure to wash over her face, to course through her body.

She rolls her hips to take me deeper, but I don’t move yet. We have a couple of things to clarify before she gets fucked the way she wants it.

‘Did you like being sandwiched between me and Iz just now?’ I enquire.

Her eyes are wide and begging. She glances down at where we’re joined and then back at my face.

‘Yes,’ she manages. ‘It was so hot.’

‘Didn’t know you had a thing for women,’ I muse, my finger and thumb rolling her nipple in a way that’s as idle as my tone.

‘I don’t—not really. I did it for you. I got off watching you get off.’

‘Hmm. That was very selfless.’ Or something. I roll her nipple harder, and she whimpers.

I pull out of her slightly. ‘But Izzy’s missing a pretty crucial body part, isn’t she?’

‘Yes.’ It’s a hiss.

‘What do you need that only I can give you?’

‘Your cock.’ It’s practically a sob. ‘Zach—please, just—if you’re pissed off with me, just fuck me. Fuck me like you’re fucking furious with me—I need your cock so badly.’

‘Why?’ I ask, holding still and marvelling at my quite spectacular powers of self-control.

I wait.

‘Because no one else can make me feel like this.’

I smile at her. That’s my girl. She’s right, of course. I’m the only one who can make her feel like this, no matter how loath she is to admit it.

‘I know, sweetheart,’ I say, pulling out a little further before driving back in, hard. We both groan at the perfection of it. It’s a fucking revelation, every time, with her.

Our eyes are open. Our mouths are millimetres apart. I close the gap and kiss her, my tongue dancing with hers as I stay bottomed out deep inside her.

Then I pull back, and say, ‘Can you feel it, sweetheart? Feel how good it is when it’s just you and me?’

She nods. Emotion is written all over her face. ‘Yes,’ she whimpers. ‘I need it.’

I slide a hand underneath her and flip us over. When I have her draped on top of me, I give her bottom a little squeeze. ‘Show me,’ I tell her. Because this needs to come from her. I know she’ll lie there and take whatever I give her like a little beauty. But while part of me wants nothing more than to drill into her over and over again, a larger part wants to see her take it for herself. Wants her to prove to me, with her actions, that she wants this as much as I do. That she understands that what we have is incredibly special.

It’s the only way I can think of to get it through her head that there’s no point in trying to run from this intimacy we’ve woven between us. There’s no point in attempting cheap gimmicks when the real deal is right here.

She pushes herself up to seated, hands on my chest, and sits down heavily on my cock, and fuck. Feeling her grind that needy pussy on me, taking me in as deep as she can while I drink in the sight of her creamy skin and perfect curves undulating around me, above me, is like nothing else I’ve ever known.

‘That’s it,’ I breathe. ‘Eyes on me when you start moving. Touch your tits for me.’

She begins to ride me, and my world stops.

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