Undulate: A Hot Age Gap, Single Dad Romance (Alchemy)

Undulate: Chapter 37

Something’s off with Maddy.

She’s been closed off since the party. Not cold—quite the opposite. She’s been sexy and funny and affectionate. But there’s a brittleness to her cheer, a bravado to her smile that has me flummoxed and a little fearful.

I can’t for the life of me work out what’s bothering her. She brushes off my questions, but she’s holding back.

I can fucking feel it.

The only explanation I can come up with is that Stel’s party freaked her out. That all the kids and married couples made her feel claustrophobic or panicked. I served that up as a theory, and she shot me right down. With a sexy smile on her face, obviously.

I want us to move forward. I want her to come and stay the night. The girls are game, and to say I’m game is a massive understatement. But she’s deflecting. She’s asked me to meet her at the club tonight—says she’s got a surprise for me. I’d rather sneak in a few hours of alone-time with her in the comfort of her flat, but this seems important to her, so I’ve reluctantly agreed.

But when I turn the handle of room number six and open the door, I am fucking gobsmacked.

The lights are dim, the air filled with the scent of those extortionate French candles that I now equate squarely with sex. Maddy’s standing there, smiling seductively and wearing nothing but heels and similarly scandalous lingerie to the stuff she was sporting on Slave Night. And given how well I now know her body from the inside out, she looks even more fucking delectable now.

But she’s not alone. Standing beside her, an equally seductive smirk on her face, is Izzy, one of our hosts.

Even worse, Izzy’s in a similar get-up to Mads, only her lingerie is white.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Both women are wearing those half-arsed bras whose lacy cups stop shy of their nipples and scrappy little thongs.

Both are in heels so high they thrust their tits forward and make their legs look endless.

They both look knockout.

But I only have eyes for one of them. The stunning brunette whose brittle smile doesn’t fool me for a second, though I have no fucking clue what her end game is here.

I push the door behind me. It closes with a firm click.

‘What’s this?’ I ask, sounding as blindsided as I feel.

Mads sashays towards me, and I’m not so pissed off I can’t appreciate the view of all that skin on display. Of her already-hard nipples bared for me. She plants her palms on my chest and kisses me on the lips. ‘I wanted to give you a gift,’ she says, her words coming out in a rush. ‘I know we said no other guys, but we didn’t say anything about other women.’

‘I wasn’t aware that was a loophole we needed to close,’ I say coolly. I find her waist with my hands and caress her there, my fingers straying over the thin waistband of her thong to find her arse.

‘It’s just that’—she bats her eyelashes at me—‘I wanted you to know how it feels to be overwhelmed, in the best possible way. Like I was on the cross that night when you were all… I wanted to return the favour.’

‘No need,’ I tell her. ‘You’re enough. You know that.’ I throw a tight smile at Iz, whose facade is starting to crumble at the obvious tension in the room. The last thing I want to do is make her feel uncomfortable. But when I look back at Mads, I could swear her eyes are welling up. Jesus. I have no idea what’s going on here.

I release her arse and cup her face. ‘Sweetheart. What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing.’ She blinks a couple of times and smiles brightly. ‘Everything’s great. Please let us do this, baby. We have a few treats in store for you.’

I hesitate. I have a bad feeling about this. But it’s the first time she’s called me baby, and I like it so much it’s scrambling my brain.

‘We can stop at any time,’ she promises. ‘But I think you’ll like it. Do you have a safeword?’

I raise my eyebrows. ‘Spreadsheet,’ I deadpan, annunciating the word carefully. Mads has the decency to look embarrassed. Izzy giggles behind her.

‘Spreadsheet it is,’ Mads says, her smile fixed firmly back in place. ‘Now, why don’t you have a seat, sir?’ She gestures behind me, and I glance at a large leather armchair. I nod and take a seat. Even if baby is my new favourite term of endearment from her, sir still does the trick, and my cock is hardening as I get comfortable.

I’ve never done this. Never been with two women—not that I have any intention of being with Izzy in any meaningful way. Nevertheless, having two practically naked women in a closed room, both of whom appear to be here for me, is discomfiting and alarming and something else I don’t want to examine too closely.

Maddy looks over her shoulder. ‘Iz?’

Izzy steps forward. She’s undeniably stunning and a huge hit with both our male and female members, according to Rafe and Cal. Her looks, and professionalism, and sense of openness make her a wonderful Alchemy representative. Like all our hosts, she’s salaried and her job description is simply to look after our members in The Playroom. That’s look after in the non-sexual sense. Everything she gets up to in the club is at her own discretion.

I don’t miss the hunger in her eyes as they sweep down what I know too well is Maddy’s fucking perfect rear view. As Mads stands in front of me, Izzy closes the space behind her and, clasping Maddy’s long, brown waves in her hands, reverently pulls it behind her shoulders, giving me an uninterrupted view of her hard, pink nipples.

Right on cue, I begin to salivate.

Izzy leans forward and inhales Maddy’s neck, sliding her hands around Maddy’s waist so they caress the skin on either side of her belly button. ‘Would you like me to help get her ready for you, sir?’ she asks in a whisper.

I lick my lips. If Mads claims she’s intent on doing this, I may as well call her bluff. See where this takes us. I had no clue she had a thing for women, but frankly it’s not a huge surprise. Clearly I need to be more thorough dotting my Is and crossing my Ts when making verbal proposals of monogamy.

‘Go for it,’ I tell Iz, my eyes not leaving Maddy’s. I settle back in the chair and feign relaxation, attempting to ignore my straining dick.

I have to admit, these two do look fucking amazing together, and having Mads stand for me like this while I lord it up in the armchair is a massive turn-on. I suspect having Iz fluff her up for me will be even more of a turn-on.

Izzy slides her hands up the sides of Maddy’s body so they’re hovering just below her excuse for a bra. ‘Awaiting your instructions, sir.’

I rest one elbow on the arm of the chair and scratch my stubble while I pretend to consider. I know exactly what I want her to do.

‘Cup her tits. Use your thumbs to brush over the skin right under her nipples, but don’t touch them because that’s precisely what she wants you to do.’

‘Yes, sir.’

Mads lets out a shuddery breath as Izzy does exactly what I say, cupping her tits and running a thumb gently back and forth along the narrow strip of bare skin between her nipple and the delicate lace scallops of her bra.

‘That’s it,’ I tell her. ‘How does she feel?’

‘Like satin, sir,’ Izzy says.

‘I know she fucking does.’

In my peripheral vision, I see Maddy’s fists clench, and I chew the insides of my cheeks to stop from smirking. She knew perfectly well I wouldn’t have agreed to this little ménage if she’d asked, so I’m damn well going to milk it for all it’s worth.

‘She smells amazing, too,’ Izzy observes, burying her face in Maddy’s hair. It’s strangely arousing and surprisingly non-threatening to watch another woman appreciate my girlfriend’s physical allure quite so fully.

‘Now brush your thumb over her nipples,’ I command. ‘Gently. Just enough to get her worked up.’

I keep my eyes glued to Maddy’s perfect tits as Izzy strokes her nipples with soft, brief, touches that I know will send her fucking crazy. Sure enough, her eyes drift closed and she leans her head back against Izzy’s shoulder as she thrusts her tits against Izzy’s scarlet-painted fingers.

‘Eyes on me, Madeleine,’ I snap, and she raises her head and fixes her gaze on me. Those huge grey-green eyes are already glassy with desire. I adore my little spitfire, but fuck me if she isn’t sexy as hell when she’s all limp and pliant and begging for it.

I throw her a satisfied smile of ownership as I give Izzy permission to roll and pinch her nipples more vigorously. Maddy’s eyes stay on me as she parts her lips and gasps out a breathy oh God that has my zip imprinting its teeth on my cock.

‘How do they feel?’ I ask Iz in a carefully idle tone that’s totally at odds with my raging erection.

‘Amazing, sir,’ she answers. ‘So fucking hard and tight. I bet she’s soaking wet.’

‘You know, I bet she is,’ I drawl. ‘Why don’t you reach around and have a feel? See how ready she is for my cock.’

Maddy groans at my words. Izzy releases a nipple and slides her hand down the front of Mads’ tiny thong with far more decorum and self-control than I would.

‘Well, her thong’s a write-off,’ she observes.


My gaze ricochets between the desire etched on Mads’ face and Izzy’s hand as it pulls aside the scrap of lace between Mads’ legs, exposing that neat, dark strip of hair and the lips of her pussy. I register the exact second Izzy’s fingers find her clit, because her jaw falls open and she shoots me a look of such agonised ecstasy that I practically come in my pants.

A second later, I’m on my feet, standing in front of them.

‘Lose her thong and her bra,’ I tell Izzy.

‘Yes, sir.’ She pulls her hand out of Maddy’s pussy and yanks down her thong, helping Mads as she attempts to step out of it in her vertiginous heels. I watch the slide of female skin against female skin. I have no intention of laying a finger on Iz, but they look so soft together. So perfect. I have no doubt they could have a fucking great time without my presence.

The mere thought has my resolve—and my cock—hardening. I take another step forward as Izzy unhooks Mads’ bra and slides the straps down her arms before tossing it away. My beautiful girlfriend stands there between the two of us, looking my fully clothed body up and down. Her gaze lingers on my erection, and she licks her lips.

I shake my head. ‘Not yet.’

She pouts, and I internally roll my eyes. If she thinks I have difficulty withstanding manufactured female pouts, she has no fucking clue about parenting.

‘Right,’ I tell Iz. ‘You take her tits. I’ll take her pussy. But she doesn’t get to come yet.’

‘Yes, sir,’ Izzy says. What a good girl she is. It’s a shame other people can’t be so compliant.

Izzy finds Maddy’s tits and begins to knead them with a slow rhythm, alternating her massage with pinches and rolls and flicks of her fingers on Maddy’s nipples. I step further forward so Izzy’s knuckles are practically brushing against my chest. Even with her heels on, Mads has to look up at me, which makes me really fucking happy. It’ll remind her who’s boss.

I cup her jaw with one hand, tilting her face up further, and kiss her deeply as, with my other hand, I find the soft, slick, heavenly folds of her pussy. Fuck me, she feels fucking divine. Literally divine. Otherworldly. I slip a couple of fingers straight inside her as I allow my thumb to circle the swollen, slippery bud of her clit. Slowly. Languorously.

For a few moments, the only sounds are our ragged breathing, the wet sound of Maddy’s body sucking me in, and her constant moans into my mouth as, between us, Izzy and I work her body, winding it higher and higher.

I could do this all night. I could stand here and kiss and finger-fuck my beautiful girlfriend, knowing that all her favourite body parts are being touched. Worshipped. Defiled. That she’s beside herself with need in this moment.

Unfortunately, my cock can definitely not stand here all night, because it’s this close to shooting its load. So I pull away from her all-absorbing body, taking a few steps backwards and collapsing into the armchair. I stretch my legs out and plant my feet wide. Maddy’s eyes are open, her expression dazed.

I nod in the general direction of my dick. ‘Get on your knees, sweetheart, and take it out. Iz, I want her coming on your mouth while she does it. You can get yourself off too, if you need to,’ I add, because desire’s written all over Izzy’s face, too, and I don’t want to be a dick about this. If she has needs, she should take care of them. She’s not my focus here.

Rather than walk over here and sink to her knees in front of me, which is what I assume she’ll do, my beautiful girlfriend drops to her knees right where she is and crawls towards me.

It’s only a few paces, but the sight of her naked, on hands and knees, tits swinging heavily as she approaches and her gaze fixed unwaveringly on me, is one I’ll take to my grave with me, because I’ve never seen anything hotter in my life. And from the lascivious way Izzy’s staring at Mads’ exposed pussy as she comes over, neither has she.

Mads raises herself up onto her knees between my legs and busies herself with my belt buckle. I can’t resist raking her beautiful, shiny hair off her face.

‘Hi, sweetheart,’ I say softly to her. The answering emotion in her smile is impossible to miss, even through her haze of arousal, and I feel it with every broken part of my heart.

And then she’s getting my swollen, weeping dick out, and I feel her with every part of that appendage, too. She settles down, one forearm resting on my thigh as she lowers her dark head. Her plush lips close softly over my dick as she licks through my slit with the very tip of her tongue, and I nearly lose the fucking plot because she is so fucking perfect in every way.

Aside from her willingness to exploit sneaky relationship loopholes, that is.

I fist handfuls of her hair with both hands as I take in this blessed sight. I can’t see the beauty of her mouth on my dick, only the top of her head. But my gaze roves over the curves of her spine to the white globes of her arse, and I watch with intense gratification as Izzy kneels between Mads’ legs, parts said globes, and buries her face deep in Maddy’s folds in what strikes me as an innovative and fucking genius spin on the conga.

My inner demon makes a decidedly unwelcome appearance. Look at you, for fuck’s sake. You’re in a fucking sex club, having a threesome and watching some woman go down on your too-young girlfriend while she sucks your dick. Jesus Christ, mate. What a cliché.

I bid him a swift and furious farewell, because while he’s not wrong, and while this scenario is truly ridiculous, it is also hot as fuck, and I want to savour every moment.

And so I do.

I sit there and revel in the almost unbearable pleasure of my clever girlfriend’s clever mouth and lips and tongue teasing every millimetre of my aching cock, slithering over my rock-hard shaft and coaxing my climax closer with every passing second as she wiggles her fine, fine arse in the face of another woman.

Not just face.


I can clearly make out Izzy’s finger disappearing into a hole that’s far too close to her spine to be her pussy, and Mads is fucking loving it. And I can’t quite see, but I suspect Iz has her other hand firmly tending to her own pussy as she licks my girlfriend like an ice cream and probes her most secret places.

We’re all moaning. Grunting. It’s fucking filthy. Animalistic. Two of us are working very hard, and neither of those people is me. I’m sitting here, taking in the greatest show on earth as Mads gives me the most memorable, intense blowjob of my life.

It’s all the more intense because she’s very fucking close to losing it, I can tell. Her licks and sucks are getting sloppier, hungrier, more fevered, and I love it. I make a mental note to sixty-nine her a lot more often if this is how she sucks me when she’s about to shoot her own load.

‘Fuck, I’m going to come,’ I warn Mads, but it seems like she beats me to it. Her mouth, as I empty myself into it in long, pained and fucking amazing spurts, is all over me, tugging and sucking, her head jerking from side to side while her firm grip takes me with her, her moans of delight and release partially gagged because she has a mouthful of my cock and my cum.

And that makes it even better. I convulse madly, my head jerking forward, pulling her hair harder than I mean to as she whimpers and swallows and whimpers again before she licks me clean. As I smooth her hair back, I notice through my haze that Izzy has released Mads’ pussy and is rubbing her face all over Mads’ arse cheeks as she shudders through her own frenzied orgasm.

I begin to laugh in sheer delight, a ridiculous feeling of levity taking over as I look down at my girlfriend’s surprised and delighted smile, because, in the words of my favourite fictional footballer, that was fucking mental.

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