Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Forever

Selena’s P.O.V

This was it.

After today I would be free like a bird being free from its cage. I would be free to do whatever I wanted.

I got out of the bathroom and heard screams. I covered my ears while laughing.

“Why do you guys have to scream as if your in labor” I frowned at Jade and Chloe who were standing in beautiful long dresses, that made them look absolutely stunning.

“Maybe I am in labor” Jade bent her legs and started to scream loudly. Me and Chloe both laughed at her childish antics.

“You look absolutely amazing Lena” I rolled my eyes at them as they pulled me in a hug.

“Says the pair of you, you both look stunning” We all screamed as we jumped. Everyone was excited for today. We pretty much waited for this day our whole life and it was finally here after a long wait.

“I think we should head down, the boys should be here any minute” Me and Chloe nodded our heads as we followed Jade out of my bedroom.

As we came down the stairs we heard gushes and a chorus of ‘awws’. I looked down the stairs to see my parents standing along with my brothers and grandparents. By the time we made it down the stairs the boys had also come inside.

We all pulled into a group hug despite Ash and Jacob complaining. Boys.

“Guys we did it, we are finally graduating high school together”

Yes, you heard right. I was back in the ‘mortal’ world to graduate high school. I had been back for a couple of months now and it was just in time for our graduation which was unfortunately delayed.

It was the beginning of August and we were graduating officially. I had come back with my parents and brothers to finish off high school. School was still a priority in my life whether or not I was now part of a magical world.

My parents had also made it very clear that no matter what my status would be with Adam, whether we would be King and Queen in the future. I had to stay grounded and my life here was clearly my roots.

Speaking of Adam, it was both mine and his decision that I come back here. It was mostly Adam’s to my surprise. Me being there reminded me a lot of what I had lost and I was very depressed after killing Draco and losing our baby. So we both decided that I should come back and finish off school and that way I would get a chance to take everything in. It was a hard decision to make since we both finally got to be together without anything getting in the way.

But we both needed the time. I had time to come to terms with the miscarriage, I spent many weeks blaming myself and just staying in bed crying. It was doing no good to either of us, so Adam decided I would be better off here surrounded by my friends and family.

Adam however is getting prepared to become King, his father unfortunately was stepping down due to him being very sick. It was quicker than Adam had anticipated but nevertheless everyone knows he will be a great ruler. I didn’t know when the coronation was but I would be going back for it and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

“Ok everyone picture time”My mum’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I got pulled to the garden with my friends.

It was very weird feeling having my parents around but it was a good weird. It was a great atmosphere in the house now, seeing mum make breakfast every morning and her telling off the boys for bringing girls over. It was about time they got told off for being manwhores.

“Now all of you stand together for a group picture” I was pulled to stand in the middle of everyone as my mum started to take the pictures.

We all took pictures together and boy was it a long photoshoot. We were laughing in most the pictures or either one person was looking the wrong way or had their eyes closed.

“Ok our turn” Jake pushed the boys out of the way and Josh pushed the girls.

“Hey you idiot careful, I just got my hair done all nice”

“And still you look like an ugly beast Jade, so it doesn’t really matter”

“Hey” Jade slapped Josh really hard on his shoulder making us all laugh.

“Young man that is no way to talk to a girl” My mum used her stern voice on Josh who looked pretty shook while my dad smacked him across the head from the back.

“Jade is a girl, I thought she was a male ogre” Josh’s eye widened with feigned shock.

Josh got his ear yanked my mum and the rest of us laughed as Jade stuck her tongue at him. These two will drive us all insane one day.

I got pulled to stand between the twins as my mum took a picture and right on the last second they both kissed my cheeks making me squeal.

“Gross” I wiped my cheeks as they both gave me a cheeky smile. I took turns to take pictures individually with my brothers and then a group picture with them.

“Our turn” My mum handed the camera to the boys and they took a picture with me and then I took some with my grandparents.

“Look at our baby all grown up” My mum started to tear up and my dad rolled his eyes at her.

“Here go the bloody waterworks...ow” He got a smack from my mum making us all laugh as we gathered for a family picture.

“If this family photoshoot is over it’s time we head out because we are going to be late” Everyone grabbed their stuff and ran outside. Ash and Jacob had hired a limo for us to ride to school in, so we got into that and the rest of the family rode with the boys.

We all got inside and slumped on the chairs.

“I can’t believe we all here graduating together. From being 5 years old to 18 year olds our friendship has gone through a lot, from crazy girlfriends, boyfriends, to crying over stupid break ups and our friend being a bloody wizard, going to a magical world. I must say we have had a pretty crazy time together”

We all started to laugh, it was true we had some crazy memories that would stay with me forever. I was so grateful for the amazing friends I have and I would do anything for them. Friends are life’s greatest gifts, you laugh, cry and make the most beautiful memories together. It a love so pure that just by having them around makes your day better.


One by one everyone went on stage, it was a great feeling seeing every single person go up there with smile and to be congratulated for their hard work. When it was my turn all my brothers got up and cheered making me feel embarrassed. They shouted embarrassing things making everyone laugh.

Right now we were all ready to head to the party that was being held for all the seniors. I wasn’t in the mood to really party. I just wanted to go home and go to bed but sadly my friends have never taken no for an answer.

Everyone had a date expect me, which I didn’t really bother me much. Chloe was with Chris and they both were so in love it was so cute.

Ash and Jacob had two beautiful girls as their date and Jade was with a cute guy who was in her science class. The guy was hot but he had an ego the size of mars.

We all headed inside and the party was crazy everyone was wild. Girls dancing on tables and guys shirtless dancing. I laughed as I saw a guy attempted to make out with a girl only to drop her on the floor. I giggled as I walked past and heard the girl scream at him.

“You fucking asshole don’t you know how to kiss” She was rubbing her head as her friends helped her up.

When I looked around I saw that I had now lost sight of my friends. Great. I walked towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle when I heard my name.

I turned around to see none other than Emily.

“Uh hey Emily”

“You look really pretty” What ?!?!

“So do you” I was kinda suspicious as to why she was being nice to me. But it was true she looked absolutely flawless.

“I...I-uh...I just wanted to say sorry for being horrible to you all these years. I guess I kind of wanted Colton and all he ever wanted was you and so I got jealous.” Oh.

“Emily I -I...It’s alright apology accepted. As for Colton, he wasn’t worth your time or anyone’s. Emily you are beautiful don’t ever let yourself stoop low for a guy because you are so much better than that” I was totally thrown off guard and could just about form a simple sentence

“Thanks” She moved closer, leaned in and kissed me.

Kidding she just hugged me. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t her type though.

“Speaking of the devil, where is Colton I haven’t seen him in forever” I laughed nervously as I answered her.

“Uh...no idea. Guess he moved away or something” Yeah it’s not like I killed him or anything.

“Oh...that sucks...by the way you and Adam make a great couple” I’m pretty sure my jaw fell on the floor when she mentioned it.

“Ugh don’t act like you two aren’t together I’ve seen the way he looked at you. Anyways good luck for the future and I wish you the best for whatever you do after high school.

“Thank you, I wish you the best too Emily and good luck for whatever it is that you decide to do” She hugged me one last time before walking away. It was nice that our little feud had ended and that we were able to get past it.

I opened the water bottle and drank from it, I took in my surroundings. I saw my friends happily dancing and my classmates I had known since I was a little kid were all now all grown up. It’s amazing how time flies and how many lessons you learn as you grow up.

“Stop being boring over here and dance with us” Ash came and dragged me to the dancefloor where all my friends were.

It took me a while from being awkward to dancing the night away with my friends. I had taken Jade’s advice and had a few drinks and now I was dancing on the table with everyone cheering. It felt good to let loose and just enjoy being a teenager. Ash and Jacob jumped up with me and we all started to dance, I almost fell of the table due to laughing at how sexually Ash was dancing. My friends as drunks is probably the best thing ever.

“Tonight, we are young, So let’s set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun” I was screaming the song at the top of my lungs with my arm around my friends who were equally drunk as me.

By the end of the night I’m pretty sure everyone was emotional because I was hugging mostly everyone in the room. Who knew what the future held for us but I know one thing for sure I was going to miss high school and all my friends. Even idiots from my class that bugged me, we all grew up together and now we were going our own way it was big change.


I was the first to be dropped home as Chloe had gone off with Chris and Jade went home with her date. So I was left with Ash and Jacob and their dates in the limo.

I opened my door and saw my parents sitting down. My mum had a huge smile on her face which made me kind of weary of her. I was trying to walk straight so they don’t suspect that I was drunk.

“Don’t even fall for that bullshit guys, she is drunk as fuck I mean look she can’t even walk” I glared at Ben who gave me a smirk as he came out of the kitchen with ice cream.

“No...I am not...drunk...how dare you” I glared at him as he laughed.

“The fact that you can’t even string together a sentence proves it” I flipped him off as my mum gasped.

“Young lady cut the act we know you are clearly drunk” Ben had the biggest smile on his face as I got told off.


“But we can let it slide since this is the happiest you’ve been a long time, but that doesn’t mean we will put up with it next time” My dad got up and hugged me.

“How is that fair”

“Because I’m pretty sure this is her first time...right” My mum raised her eyebrow at me expectantly.

“Yeah...sure it is” I nervously laughed as my mum gave me a playful slap on the head.

“I think you should head to bed now” My mum gave a creepy smile and I backed away.

“Seriously mum, you gotta stop smiling that it’s freaky” Her wide smile was getting real creepy, it was as if she knew something.

“You’ve been here what 5 minutes and you find it freaky. I’ve been freaked out for over 3 hours” I burst out laughing as Ben shuddered. He got a slap from mum making me laugh and Ben rubbed his head while glaring at me.

“Ignore him and go to bed honey...goodnight” My mum kissed my head and then I walked upstairs.

That was weird as hell, I thought I would get my ass beat for being drunk but weirdly they are ok with it, not that I’m complaining.

I walked to my room and opened the door. The room was pitch black so I switched on the light, as the light came on something glistened in the corner of my eye. I looked at my bed to see a gold box on the center of my bed with rose petals under it.

I threw my shoes somewhere in my room because it was too late to even care where I put them. I walked towards my bed. I got onto the bed and lifted up the small gold box. The designs on the box were intricate and absolutely beautiful.

I opened the box and a gold letter was inside. I opened the letter and felt my heart rate go through the roof as I read it.

You have been invited to the coronation of Prince Adam

It would an absolute pleasure to have your attendance at the ceremony.

My mind only registered those two lines out of the huge letter. Tears of happiness filled my eyes as I read that it was Adam’s coronation tomorrow.

He finally made it, he’s done it and I was beyond proud of him. I held the letter to my chest and the tears fell out of my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see that I failed to notice something in the box. It was a beautiful red rose, I picked it up and smelt it, the smell was absolutely beautiful. There was a small note attached to the rose. I unfolded it and felt a smile take over my face.

A beautiful rose for my even more breathtaking love.

I cannot wait til I get to see you again Amado. These past few months without you have been hell and I cannot wait to have you in my arms again.

Love A.

I brought the rose closer to my face and smiled.

“I love you so much” I whispered as I held the rose. I had the biggest goofiest smile on my face as I got ready for bed. I put the rose on my table side and went to sleep with a smile on my face.


There was a zoo of butterflies in my stomach ever since I had woke up and I had just finished breakfast which was hard due all the excitement which filled my whole body.

Today was the day Adam became King and I felt as if I was going to burst due to all the happiness that was inside me. I couldn’t keep the stupid smile off my face as I had come down for breakfast.

Turns out ‘someone’ (my family won’t tell me who) came and dropped the invitations off last night as I was out at the party. That explains my mum’s creepy smiles. I was allowed to bring my friends to the coronation so I had phoned them and the girls were coming over to get ready later on.

My mum was more excited than me, she had ‘the perfect dress’ already picked out for me. Our house was a madhouse since everyone was getting ready for the coronation.

“You best have my good suit ready, I’m telling you” Gramps was shouting across to nan who was literally on the other side of the house.

“NO, you are not wearing that old thing for Adam’s coronation. I’ve got a new one picked out for you” Gramps grunted as he heard Nana’s reply. Me and mum both snickered and he glared at us.

Dad and the boys had gone out suit shopping which left me and mum.

“I’ve got something to show you” My mum held my hand and dragged me to her room. She was rummaging through her wardrobe as I sat down on her bed.

“Found it” She turned around with a black box

She opened it and took out the most breathtaking gold tiara I had ever seen.

“I was pregnant with you when I had brought this for you, when I was told my daughter would be a saviour I was immensely proud. So one day your dad and I went shopping and I saw this and it was absolutely perfect for you. I wanted to give this to you on your 18th birthday but sadly couldn’t. So what better day than the day of the coronation of your other half” She winked at me as she handed it to me. I pulled my mum into hug and tears fell out of my eyes.

“I love you so much mum, I’m so glad that I have you back. Not having you and dad was the worst thing, as a child I would look others with their parents and it would hurt so bad that I didn’t have mine. But I was given 5 amazing brothers who loved me so much that I wouldn’t feel deprived of a parent’s love. But having you and dad here today is a feeling that makes me want to scream and shout out of joy”


You’re fucking hurt me Jade...don’t do it like that” I laughed as Jade was doing Chloe’s hair.

“Fine then do it yourself you bitch” These two and their bickering will never bloody end. I rolled my eyes at them as I came out of the shower.

“You guys we still have like 3 hours left stop freaking out” I sat on the bed and picked up the rose.

“Yeah and we will be left with 10mins with the way you’re sniffing the fucking flower.” I glared at Jade as I threw a pillow at her.

I got up and walked to my dressing table. “There ya happy” she gave me a sarcastic smile as she got back to pulling Chloe’s hair.

“You guys are seriously getting ready without me” We all screamed when we heard a voice that didn’t belong to any of us three. But I knew who it was.

“GISELLE” I turned around and jumped on her. She managed to hold me as I hugged her.

“Wow if you’re jumping me like this then holy shit you’ll jump Adam’s bones real bad the second you see him, especially now that he has facial hair. Makes him look way more manly ” I pulled away and playfully hit her shoulder.

“Shut up...I just missed you” I couldn’t help but imagine as to what Adam looks like. He was already good looking and now facial hair, ughh my damn ovaries will mostly like explode.

“I’m only kidding I missed you too” She moved away and hugged Jade and Chloe.

“Let’s get this party started girls” We all laughed as Giselle snapped her fingers in a sassy way. Before I knew it my room was a tip, music was blasting, we were dancing in literally our underwear and clothes were scattered everywhere.


I stepped out of the bathroom after putting my dress on and a chorus of screams were heard.

“HOLY FUCK.... YOU LOOK....AHHHHH” Giselle pulled me into a hug as she screamed in my ear.

“GIRL MY WEAVE IS SNATCHED” I burst out laughing at Jade who hugged me tightly.

“YAASS FUCK ME UP” Chloe rolled her eyes in a very sexual way making me question why I have been friends with these psychos this long.

“You guys when Selena meets Adam its gonna be like that song, I just wanna look good for you. They’ll have a passionate and hot moment and the next thing you know that dress will be on the other side of the room.” Jade slowly slid down the strap of her dress in a sexual manner. Giselle and Chloe burst out laughing while I didn’t know how to react.

“And....and Adam gonna’s make her feel all good, give her a ‘magical’ night” Chloe started making real weird facial expressions as her and Jade were faking to moan.

“DAYUM WHOOO” Giselle burst out laughing at Chloe as her and Jade started grinding in an exaggerated manner.

“Fuck you guys, you suck. That was so bleugh” I stuck out my tongue in disgust.

“Only if you swallow Lena” Jade winked at me as I threw a pillow at her.

“You hoes need holy water so badly it’s not even funny”

“And you my friend are going to get it tonight...by the morning I’m sure the whole wizard world will know you and Adam finally got back together” I gasped when Giselle started to moan.

“You guys are sick” My face was probably bright red as my so called friends teased me.

I have such great friends. Note the sarcasm.

Everyone shut up as we heard a knock on my door. My mum walked in and she gasped as she saw all of us.

“You girls all look so beautiful”

“Thanks mum” She kissed me and then pulled me towards the the big mirror in my room.

I stood in front of it and was shook. The maroon and gold dress fitted perfectly from the top half, it was a stunning dress that my mum had given me. She placed the tiara on my head and it completed the look perfectly.

“It looks beautiful..thanks mum” She kissed my forehead.

“Now let’s go to your man’s coronation” I rolled my eyes at Giselle who was already walking out of the room.

I quickly headed to my dressing table and picked up the little corsage I made while I was getting my hair done. I used the rose Adam gave me and added a few bits to it so I could wear it.

My mum started to walk to the end of the hallway towards the attic door.

“Mum the car’s are downstairs”

“We will be taking the portal to the wizard world. Me and your father had one put in so we had direct access to the wizard world from our house” Chloe grabbed my hand as she dragged up the long ass stairs.

Once we got to the top I realised that everyone was already there.

“Damn Lena you look like a fucking princess” Jacob looked gobsmacked when he saw me. I pulled him and Ash into a hug.

“You look beautiful Lena” John came and kissed the top of my head.

“Like I said before if you need condoms I’m your guy” Jake smirked at me and earned a hard slap on the head by Blake and Dad.

“Dick” Blake muttered under his breath and Jake heard and he started to mimic him and soon it turned into a pathetic mimic fight between the two.

“Will you two just shut the fuck up” Ben shouted making everyone shut up.

After the whole arguing saga which is known as my family we all had to step through a door, it was pretty foggy and since we had no idea where we were going. Mum led at the front we all held hands as my friends didn’t have magical powers and could get lost in the portal and Dad was at the end making sure everyone got through.

We entered a blinding light and I felt cool air and then felt my body jerk forward. I opened my eyes to see we were standing outside the palace.

“Fuck that is huge” I nodded my head agreeing with Ash

“That’s what she said” We all sniggered at Jacob. But jokes aside the Palace was massive and breathtaking. There was beautiful lights surrounding it and guards were all lined up outside. The castle was surrounded by beautiful water that glistened under the moonlight.

My parents walked together hand in hand and we all followed behind them.


“Welcome my Lords” The guards bowed their head at my parents as we all walked in. The further in we went the faster my heart raced. I tried to calm my breathing but I was so excited to see Adam. I lifted my dress as we descended down the entrance stairs and everyone stopped and looked at us.

“No pressure right” Chloe gulped as she saw all eyes on us. I nervously laughed at her as we walked down.

“Totally” I gave her a nervous smile.

I lifted my dress up slightly so I could walk down without falling and breaking my neck. I watched ahead of me as my mum walked down with elegance, my father walked beside her, with his hand on her lower back. He whispered something in her ear making her blush, the love they shared was so adorable.

I didn’t even realise that I had reached the bottom when I was pulled into a tight hug, which took me off guard as I was too busy admiring my parents.

“I missed you so much Selena” Hailey had me in a tight grip.

“I missed you too” I had a chance to meet Liam and their not so small baby anymore.

“Hey there baby...look at you all grown up” I kissed the top of Lucy’s head as she giggled.

My favourite reunion hug was with my friends. I started to get teary as I hugged Cole, Sean, Justin and Reece. I missed them soo much especially the three troublemakers.

“It’s been way too long since we last saw you”

“I know”I pouted as I replied to Justin. I had a chance to catch up with everyone before we were all told to go up to the stands. Cole, Giselle, Justin, Reece and Sean had to stay downstairs as they would be sworn in as the official protectors of the wizard world.

I pulled my dress up and made my way up the stairs. I stood behind the elders that were in the same stand as us. I was standing behind my grandparents along with my friends.

“I could get used to this life you know” I looked at Jade who whispered to us with a smirk.

“Well too bad it’s not for you” Ash shoved her forward and she elbowed him.

“Who says it’s not” She smirked before turning and linking her arm with a cute guy. We all laughed before looking forward.

“Some hoes just never change” I laughed as I nodded my head at Chloe.

Everyone was told to stand up as Adam’s parents walked into the room.

Then Adam’s name was announced and I felt my heart skip a beat. He walked in behind his parents and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beat racing. I couldn’t see him clearly as he was all the way down but he still looked so handsome, he still managed to make my heart skip a beat.

As he walked I could see his eyes looking for someone as he walked closer to the throne placed in the middle of the huge room. I had a huge smile on my face as I watched him walk with a powerful grace that surrounded him.

His father started to speak, he spoke about his reign and how he was grateful for the love of people. He also thanked all his subjects and everyone cheered for him. A man dressed in a long white robe came and took the crown of Adam’s father who now stood up from the throne.

He moved to the side as Adam was sworn in. Adam promised to rule like his father and protect the people of this world. He was told to sit down and the crown was placed on his head.

Everyone cheered loudly and I clapped and cheered along with everyone. I had didn’t realise I was crying until my eyes were blurry. I was so proud of him, he stood up and power radiated off him. The smile on his face was one I would never forget. It was absolutely breathtaking and beautiful. It was a smile that symbolised that he had done it and he was damn proud of himself.

Slowly everyone started to head down to the floor where everyone was dancing and just having the time of their lives. Adam was dancing with his mother and a few other girls. Which didn’t really bother me, I just stood at the top and admired him from afar.

“Already a creepy ass stalker” I turned around and screamed.

“Xavier” I hugged him so tightly and he was pretty much crushing my bones too.

“I missed you so much wolfie” Xavier laughed as me pulled away.

“I missed you too...heard you graduated high school..congrats”

“Thanks” Something about Xavier seemed different, he didn’t seem like the brooding guy I had last seen, there was a spark in his eyes. Whatever it was I was glad he was happy.

“There is someone I’d like you to meet” Xavier stepped to the side and a beautiful woman with bright red hair came towards me.

“This is Scarlet, my mate and my beautiful wife”

“Oh my gosh, Scarlet...oh my god” I pulled her into a tight hug and she laughed. I seemed like a freak but it was great to finally see her.

“Sorry about that...I’m just so happy you’re here. It’s great to finally meet the amazing woman who has stolen Xavier’s heart” This was honestly the cutest thing ever. Xavier and Scarlet definitely made a good looking couple.

“It’s great to finally meet you too...thank you for everything you’ve done for everyone. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t be here. Thank you so much Selena” I smiled as she hugged me. The sacrifice we had to make was beyond difficult but to see happiness like this made me feel slightly better.

“No need to thank me, I’m just happy that Xavier has you and you both get your happy ending. That’s all that matters to me” It was nice to finally see Xavier with his soulmate and Scarlet seemed perfect for him.

“Thank’s Selena” I smiled at Xavier.

“You should head down, the King is getting quite impatient” Scarlet nudged me and I looked down at Adam who looked annoyed from dancing with the clingy women. I laughed as he tried to move away but the girl he was dancing pulled him closer.

“Put the poor guy out of his misery” I rolled my eyes at Xavier who started to make his way down. Him and Scarlet both walked to Adam and the pair of them did some bro hug which made me laugh because I swear these two hated each other’s guts.

Xavier looked up and winked at me and I took that as my cue to head down because I couldn’t hide up here forever.

I took a deep breath before slowly walking down. Adam was trying to get the girl off but when he noticed that everyone was quiet he turned and looked at me. I felt fireworks explode inside of me as I looked at him. His expression was one of pure shock, he stood still and never broke eye contact with me as I descended down the stairs. As I got to the bottom everyone moved to the sides creating space for me to directly walk to Adam.

But did I walk to him, no I did not.

I couldn’t stay patient any longer, I didn’t care who was watching so I grabbed my dress and ran towards Adam who caught me in his arms and pulled me into a tight hug. It felt as if there were sparks flying everywhere, my heart was racing so fast as Adam spun me. I held onto him so tight and everyone around us cheered loudly making me laugh.

Every fibre in my body was like an exploding firework of ecstasy. This was a moment I would never forget it would be forever etched in my mind.

Adam slowly put me down and I still had my hands around his neck. His face was close to mine and I could feel his cool breath on my face.

“Oh my god Adam I am so proud of you. You are going to be a great King I have so much faith in you.” Without hesitating I kissed him, it was quick because I realised everyone was still around.

“I missed you so much Adam, everyday without you was so hard for me. You were all that I thought about, everywhere I went I saw your face. I was going crazy not having you by my side”

“I missed you so much too Amado, every day without you was fucking torture but it was all worth it because now I have you here with me. Congrats on your graduation, sorry I missed it. I came to drop off the invites and was hoping to see you but you were at the party so I left”

“Don’t worry about the graduation it isn’t as important as your coronation. Being here with you right now is all that matters. I missed you so much” I hugged Adam tightly as he kissed my head.

“Well, graduation may not be important to you but any achievement you make... makes me equally if not more happier than you”

“Adam I love you so much.” I loved him more than words could describe.

“I love you too Selena” Adam kissed me and I felt fireworks explode inside of me. I pulled away and Adam held out a hand.

“May I have this dance my lady”

“The pleasure is all mine my King” Adam groaned as I called him King making me giggle. I bowed down at Adam as he pulled me into his chest. I couldn’t help but smirk.

“I can pleasure you to more than a dance my lady” I gasped as he spun me around.

“Adam shut up” I glared at him and smirked at me as we danced together.

“What? are you questioning my ability, need I remind you again” He whispered huskily in my ear making me blush.

“You are so full of yourself”

“You could be full of me” I felt my jaw drop as Adam dipped me down. He gave me a cheeky smile as he pulled me up.

“I honestly have no words for you Adam” I laughed at how provocative and forward he was acting.

“Don’t say anything let your body do all the talking”


“What...I meant dancing..tut tut...I’m stuck with a horny girl.” He faked a disappointed look as he sighed. I hit his shoulder making him laugh.

He grabbed my hand as I tried to hit him.

“You’ve got the rose” Adam looked at my wrist surprised.

“Well it was an amazing gift from an even more amazing man. I had to treasure it” Adam smiled at me and I found myself smiling back at him.

“What can I say I am amazing” Adam puffed his chest out making me roll my eyes.

“Wow and here I thought the size of our ego couldn’t get any bigger since I last saw you”

“I am a man of many big thing’s” He winked at me as my jaw dropped. He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes.

“Well someone is very forward today”

“Can you blame me, I met my love after a long time. If you think this is bad, you ain’t seen anything yet Amado” He whispered in my ear make me feel breathless, my hold on him tightened and my mind went back to the night on the yatch.

“Adam..” My voice came out breathy and Adam held me tighter.

“You have no idea how torturous this time was for me. But now that you are back I can show you exactly how much I missed you” He brought his face in level with mine with an intense look in his eyes that made me want to melt in his arms. His stare held me in my place, leaving me speechless.

Adam spun me around as we danced around the ballroom. Hours probably went by dancing. We both were laughing and catching up. When I’m with Adam its as if time stops and it just the two of us.

“I literally thought he was you” Adam was having a laughing fit as I told him about when I first went back to the mortal world and saw a guy that looked like him and I ran to hug him.

“That doesn’t mean you go around hugging stranger’s that resemble me. Beside no one is as hot as me”

“Well that is true” I bit my lip at him before smirking. Adam bent down and pecked my lips.

“Unlike you I didn’t go around hugging strange women because none of them can compare to your beauty Amado” I blushed at Adam who gave me breathtaking smile.

“I must say you look absolutely beautiful today. Just like a Queen” I giggled as he twirled me around.

“Thank you, but technically I’m not a Queen so maybe a princess could work” I winked at him as he pulled me closer.

“Well you could be my Queen” Adam moved away and I looked at him confused.

He moved back and went on his DAMN KNEE. He pulled out a red box and opened it.

“Adam” My voice came out as a whisper. I could already feel the stupid tears choke me.


He looked up at me as the room turned dead quiet.

“Amado, since the day I saw you four years ago my heart was yours. I was crazily and madly in love with you. Since you’ve come into my life I’ve experienced so many things I hadn’t before and the best thing was love. You taught me how to love and now you’re all I ever think about I am consumed by your entire being.

Just seeing you smile and laugh brings immense happiness to me, you laughter is the music to my ears. Our relationship has been through hell and back but through it all our love grew stronger each time. I am so grateful that I have you as my other half, the sacrifices that you have made to save everyone here make me so damn proud of you. You are stronger than you know, you give without wanting anything in return and those are just a few of the qualities that make you an amazing person.

I can’t imagine spending my life without you and I know we are young but I know that I want to grow old with you. I want to have a family with you Amado and I want you to be my Queen because no one can make a better Queen for these people than you.

So will you Selena do the honour and marry me”

I held a hand on my mouth to hold back the sob, I cried the entire time he spoke.

“Yes I will Adam...yes..yes...a million times yes” Adam looked up at me with pure happiness as he put a beautiful ring on my finger.

Everyone around us cheered loudly, the whole hall was filled with screams and whistles.

Adam got up and without hesitating he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was passionate one filled with pure happiness and love. My tears were pouring down my face as I kissed him. We pulled away breathless with our forehead leaning on each other.

We both had goofy smiles on our faces.

“Thank you Amado”

“No thank you, for making me that happiest person in the entire universe.... Promise me that this is forever.” Adam laughed as I smiled at him before pressing my lips against his, we both smiled during the kiss which made this whole thing feel so surreal. I was going to marry this beautiful man in front of me. I couldn’t imagine a life without Adam and now I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with Adam by my side.

“I promise. I love you so much Amado”

“I love you too Adam”

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