Under The Bad Boys Spell

Chapter Aftermath

3rd P.O.V

Cheers had resonated throughout the wizard world as the news of Draco’s end spread. It had been 2 weeks since the final battle and the curse had been lifted. All those innocents whom had lost their lives were brought back from the dead. People were reunited with their loved ones and it was all due to the great sacrifice of the saviour. The evil hell creatures that lurked in the dark were thrown back in their rightful place in hell.

All supernatural beings could now live their lives without the fear of the curse or the fear of Draco.

While celebrating the end of the devil Draco, they also mourned a great loss. Some more than others. A great sacrifice had been made for the prophecy to be completed and it had terribly affected everyone.


Prince Adam was heading down in the dungeons, the only emotion that filled him was rage, he was done mourning, now all he could see was revenge and the need to kill. For the past two weeks he and everyone tried to come to terms with the loss they had suffered but Adam was not going to take the sacrifice lightly. Not without punishing the traitors.

He slammed the door open and his guards followed closely behind, none of them saying a word as they knew well not to say anything to the Prince as he was blinded by rage. Many of them had been on the other end of his rage and it was a terrifying sight.

The guards opened the cell letting him in. He closed the door behind him as he saw fear fill the eyes of the two biggest traitors.

“Why did you fucking betray us like that” Adam had his hand around Dante’s neck as he gripped it harder, the old man’s face paled.


“Leave my Dad alone...let him go” Regina screamed from the other side of the cell. She and her father had been working for Draco this whole time, Dante had allowed him entry into the Wizard world by using dark magic which was prohibited.

“You don’t deserve to be king and that stupid girl didn’t deserve to rule beside you. She did a mistake by killing Draco and she got what she deserved” Adam felt rage fill his body as he slammed Dante’s body.

He heard the sickening sound of bones breaking and a sick part of him enjoyed it.

“Don’t you fucking dare utter her name on you disgusting tongue you bastard”

“Don’t talk to my dad like that” Just her voice made his blood boil. Both father and daughter had tried to escape to another realm but were caught. They had been tortured until they spoke.

“You shut up. I wasn’t speaking to you.....How could you betray us like that...we all gave you respect and everything you ever wanted yet you stabbed us in the back”

“I wouldn’t have to betray you if you weren’t so blind, we were meant to be. I was supposed to be your true love, it was supposed to me and you, not that bitch. I loved you more than she ever could and you threw me to the side for her. You’re all I ever wanted and if giving her to Draco was the answer then that was it” Regina gave Adam a sickening smile.

“You’re a fucking psycho, I never loved you, all we ever shared was a physical connection which was a mistake, you are delusional if you think you are worthy of ruling this world. Now for the betrayal you and father did, you will be punished severely.”

The craze for him was evident in her eyes, her obsession of power and lust had driven her to do this.

“Draco deserved to be the rightful King of this world not you. You did a stupid mistake little boy” Adam drew back his fist and then punched Dante with all his power. His screams were heard throughout the Palace.

“Both of you will be executed in front of the whole kingdom in two days”

“No you can’t do that” Regina started to scream and cry as she realised the grave mistake her and her father did.

“Guards shut the door” Adam walked out of the door and casted a spell on the door that held the two traitors. He signalled to a guard to use his sword to draw blood from Adam’s hand so that only he can open the door and no-one else.

“Shall we prepare for the execution my Prince”

“No, let them reach the brink of death and then they shall be executed, they deserve a slow and painful death, they will die in fear and uncertainty”


Adam’s P.O.V

I headed towards my bedroom, I was not in the mood to speak to anyone. These past 2 weeks had been torture, as the Prince it was my duty to celebrate with my people but on the inside I felt empty.

I never knew I would ever feel this way, I never knew what it felt like to lose a part of you. My heart ached as I went closer to my room. Every step that I took made me feel different emotions. I was filled with sorrow and rage. I had done nothing but lash out these past 2 weeks.

This whole time the two traitors were amongst us and yet we couldn’t identify them. Regina despite the vile person she had become I still treated her with respect and her father was seen as protector of the world from dark magic. Some fucking protector, he was the same one that let the evil in. But not anymore, their deaths will be an example for anyone who dare betrays us. They will die a horribly slow and painful death. The whole wizard world will witness the deaths of these two traitors.

I turned the corner and saw my bedroom door in sight, my heart sunk as I walked closer to it. I opened the door and was engulfed by the warmth of the room. I looked to the center of the room and I felt my heart break due to the horrible reminder. I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower when I stopped in my tracks.



My whole body felt empty, it ached with an unbearable pain. I tried to open my eyes but found it hard. I heard the sound of a door close and heavy footsteps were heard. I forced myself to open my eyes.

Surprisingly I wasn’t blinded by the light, instead I was met with a dimly lit room. I looked to my side to see the back of someone and I knew exactly who it was.

“Adam” My voice came out as a whisper.

Adam turned around and looked shocked as he took the sight before him. Within seconds he ran to me.

“Amado...you’re alive...you’re ok” He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head.

It felt so good to finally have him near but that was short lived as I pulled away from him as I felt a horrible pain go through my body. I started to scream as the room started to spin around me.

“AHHHH” A blood curling scream left my mouth as I clutched body.

“Adam..it hurts...make it stop” I pulled at my hair as I cried, it felt as if something were being ripped from within me. I cried hoping it would stop. Everything around me felt as if it were a hallucination, I could feel sweat forming on my forehead. I gritted my teeth as the pain was becoming unbearable.

“AAAHHH” The pain was becoming unbearable it felt as if was never going to end.

Adam held me close and brought his hands to my face making me look at him. “Selena look at me...” I tried to focus on Adam’s voice but the darkness had already claimed me.


I opened my eyes but this time I felt more relaxed, the pain was no longer there, instead I could feel a warm hand on my cheek.

My eyes adjusted to the light around me and when I turned my head to the side I felt it hard to breathe.

“Mum” My voice came out in a whisper as I realised the prophecy had been fulfilled and that my parents were alive.

“Oh my baby” I was quickly pulled into a hug and I felt the tears spill out of my eyes like they were a waterfall.

“Mum you’re alive...you’re really here” I still couldn’t believe that my mum was alive. I pulled away and looked at the beautiful woman in front of me.

“It feels like a dream” It felt like a pinch me moment, I pinched myself and my mum was still in front of me, my actions made her laugh. My heart warmed at the sound of her beautiful laughter.

“I know honey, but this is all because of you and I’m so proud of you” My mum leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I sat up straighter with the help of my mum when I heard another voice.

“I see, 18 years away and you forgot your old man. It’s fine...totally not hurt” I turned and looked near the door and saw my dad.

“Dad” My dad came close to me and hugged me. I cried so hard because I couldn’t believe they were really here.

“I’m so proud of you Princess, you’ve done the most bravest thing and I’m so proud that you are my daughter” I blushed as my dad complimented me. My dad kissed the top of my head and I hugged him.

“Oh so you’re not proud of us...how could you father” I looked behind my dad to see my brothers standing and Ben had a stupid crying face on making me laugh.

Both my parents laughed at his stupidity. My brothers all came near me and all hugged me one by one.

“I missed you guys so much”

“Lena we are just glad you are safe” John kissed the top of my head. I looked at my parents who were stood looking at us.

“I’m so proud of you kids, you all have been there for each other and you boys did a great job looking after your sister. I couldn’t be prouder of you”

Everyone did a group hug and I felt a tear slide down my face because I felt a feeling I was deprived of my whole life and that was the feeling of having my whole family together. I grew up with my brothers and they did everything so I wouldn’t feel the absence of my parents but today the feeling of having your parents near you was one I couldn’t describe.

I sat up on the bed and everyone else sat beside me. I looked around me and realised that I was in an unfamiliar room. I didn’t pay much attention to it as I was listening to my parents share funny stories of the boys and they listened closely when we told them things about our childhood.


After talking for hours there was a knock at the door. The door opened and it revealed Adam. He was stood behind the door and once he came in I took in his appearance. He looked like hell but even then to me he looked beautiful, he still made my heart skip a beat.

“Uh...I just wanted to check if you guys were ok” Adam being nervous was probably the cutest thing ever. I tried to hide the smile as his cheeks turned a pink colour.

“We are fine...we were just heading out it’s late and we all need sleep” My dad got up and kissed my forehead. I said goodnight to everyone as they headed out.

The door closed and my heart started to race as Adam came towards me.

“How are you feeling” I tried to calm my breathing as he came close to me, even after all this time I can’t help but feel this giddy feeling inside me.

“Ok I guess... all this feels like a dream, having my parents here” Adam got into the bed and sat beside me, his body heat was radiating off making me feel warm.

“I was so scared to lose you Selena, I thought you would never wake up again and that I lost you to that prophecy” I felt the little bubble burst around me as the realisation of what had happened sunk in.

“Adam...why am I alive..I wasn’t supposed to be” I wanted him to tell me otherwise, I wanted him to tell me that I had in fact gone crazy and didn’t lose her.

Adam sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, he looked at me and his eyes were red. He looked like he hadn’t slept in forever and his hair had grown longer since I last saw him and he also had a stubble.

As Adam spoke his voice was quivering showing his nervousness which made me feel even worse.

“When we uh...did the spell...you were supposed to lose your heart...but..instead...we..lost our child. Our child was the purest part of you that was sacrificed” I felt as if someone just hit me in the gut, I felt a horrible chill go through my body.

“No...no..no...no...NO” I felt sick, I lost my baby.

“Please tell me that you’re lying” I was hoping that he was lying and that the little girl didn’t even exist in the first place and I was going crazy.

“I..uh” Adam looked broken as a tear slide down his face. I broke out into a sob, my body was shaking uncontrollably

“Adam she’s gone...she’s gone” Adam looked up at me with a weird look.

“I saw her....she was there the whole time” How could I have not realised, how could I have been so stupid, my baby was right there next to me and I failed to notice. I explained to Adam what had happened.

“It’s all my fault...I killed our baby” Adam held me in his arms as I put my arms around him. We both comforted each other as we cried.

“It’s not, none of us knew that it would happen. We found out when you were brought to the hospital, they checked you and said that the baby was about 8 weeks.”

I had a baby inside of me for 8 weeks and didn’t even know. I killed my own child.

“Why couldn’t I have died instead, why did she have to go”

“Selena don’t you dare say that, it is not up to us when a soul is brought or taken away from the world. That is all God’s choice, he does everything for a reason” We both fell into a comfortable silence as we tried to come to terms with the loss of our baby.

“You know she was just like you....she had your beautiful eyes, they were full of mischief like yours. And boy was she stubborn and sassy. She was beautiful, smart and perfect” I smiled through the tears as I remembered the short time I spent with her.

“She sounds amazing. It just hurts that we didn’t even know we had a baby and we lost her” A tear fell from Adam’s eye. I used the pad of my thumb to wipe it away. I kissed his forehead before pulling away.


I looked around me and realised that I hadn’t seen this room before in my life.

“Where are we?”

“You’re currently in my palace and this is my room. Well now our room. I just wish we came home together under better circumstances” That explains why everything is 10x bigger than normal peoples bedroom. Royals.

“That’s where you are wrong, this whole time I felt like I didn’t belong it was as if I had no home ever since I found out about the whole wizard thing. When I was brought to the wizard world I thought I had no home since I was moving everywhere. But I was so wrong.

Home isn’t in a house, it’s in fact in those you love. Home is where those you love are. My home was with my brothers, grandparents and in your arms. I was looking for a physical home but the whole time it was right in front of me. It took me so long to realise that your love was my home. You were what I wanted and you completed me”

“Amado, you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted you to say that. This was the whole reason why I didn’t want to tell you we were mates because I wanted you to love me for me and not for some bond”

“I’m so sorry I never should have let Regina’s words get to me.” I regretted listening to her and lashing out.

“It wasn’t your fault, she gets under people’s skin like the vile creature she is. But still that was no excuse for the words I said to you”

Adam moved closer to me and put his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head and I tightened my arms around him. I laid my head on his chest as he pulled the covers closer to us. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat as he softly ran his hands through my hair.

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