Chapter 14

Chapter 14


Ky’s chest heaved with dangerous aggression. I had never feared my mate before. Today I did. The fact that I could not hide or deny. Submission would be how I survived. My head bowed, and eyes to the floor I watch Ky’s feet as he paced in front of me. His skin and clothing stained with the blood of our enemy. “You lied.” Ky’s voice was furious as he accused me of an unknown crime.

“About what?” I asked timidly.

“You told the king you were not afraid of me,” Ky said.

“I wasn’t when I said it.” I tried to defend myself. Ky blew, firing a chair across the room it smashed into the wall with the force of a canon. I cowered instinctively covering my stomach. “I have never hurt you.” The Alpha yelled at me. “Never.”

“Ky, please.” I whimpered as I sunk lower to the floor.

“Please what?” He demanded.

“I… have never seen you like this.” I was choking on the aggressive air that polluted the room. I flinched when something touched my hand. It was a piece of cloth.

“That fucker had that on him.” Shaky hands examined the clothing. I gasped when I realized what it was. Painful images and phantom sensations ripped through me. “He was tracking you. He had your scent. That dog thought he’d take you from me.” Ky bellowed as I scrambled to my feet. Fear shadowed rational thought as the instinct to protect my child, and myself kicked me hard. The room felt like a cell. Suddenly I was very claustrophobic.

“This is my child; this is my body,” I whispered to myself as I frantically looked for a way out. I bolted for the door. Alpha hands took me, prisoner, cruelly biting into my skin. The flashback was instant, and I was back in hell, fighting my enemy. A blind rage took my eyes and senses, and I found my face pressed to the wall. An earsplitting scream thundered through my head. The Alpha at my back was hard and strong, effectively restraining as the screaming continued. A hand slipped between my face and the wall covering my mouth, pulling me backwards roughly. Lips grazed my ears as the devil tried to speak to me. But I ignore him. “This is my child; this is my body,” I repeated it, holding on to the fight in me. My chest clambered with an arrhythmia of chaos. My heart had fallen out of the rhythm. Unable to find the normal life-sustaining cadence. The devil’s hands lowered to my neck done to restrain, and dominate my body with fear and control. I fought until I thought I’d blackout. His lips at my ears continue to speak words that tried to reach my brain. A large hand splayed across my abdomen, daring to touch my child. I fought wildly. But the devil wrapped his hand my throat, turning me to look at him. With my back pinned to the wall, I had to face him.

“Karina stop.” Stern words tried to command me. I didn’t listen taking the opening I raised my knee, catching him by surprise. The blow connected, but It was not enough to allow me time to escape. The angry Alpha snapped. He roared, forcing me into a reluctant submissive state. He shook my body violently. Verbally and physically demanding my submission. “Omega?” He ordered me. I finally made the connection. This was Ky. I knew him, but I was not able to find my way out of hell. “This is my child; this is my body.” I kept repeating.

“No Omega that child is mine.” Ky dared to push up against me. “As well as that body. You are mine.” He said ferociously. The panic would not leave. I held on to it, using it as a shield.

“Don’t you ever yell at me again.” I threatened the Alpha I loved. A little yelp escaped me when the skilled Alpha wrenched my head back by my hair.

“Don’t ever look at me like that again.” Ky pulled my head back by my hair. Violence and rage burned in his eyes. “I have never hurt you, Karina.” His voice was known to me, to my heart and mind. I knew it as I knew my own. “I am not the Alpha that raped you.” The word was a trigger that sent my blood to run cold. “Look at me.” He shook me again. “Who am I?”

“Ky. You are Ky.” I stammered.

“Who am I?”

“You are Ky. The commander and second to the king.” Impatient with me, he growled. “I repeat. Who am I Omega?”

“You are my mate," I said, breathing out my fear.

“Good. Have I ever hurt you?” Ky’s eyes bored deeply into mine. As a commander in the king’s army, he demanded authority, and received respect. Expecting the same for me.


“Am I the Alpha who raped you?”


“Say it.” Ky’s words were like a whip, stinging me when they landed sharply on my ears.

“You are not the Alpha who raped me.”

“Are you afraid of me?” Ky demanded. “You yelled at me.” I accused him.

“You yelled back,” Ky said.

“I thought… you said he was coming for me. What if he found me?” The panic threatened to surge back. Ky would not have it. A fire that mirrored hells burned in his eyes.

“I killed him. Slowly and painfully. He will not take you from me. Never.” Ky promised me. His body and bond surrounded me.

“Ky… don’t let go of me.” I grabbed my Alpha tightly.


Witnessing the painful flashback that had taken control of my mate. It was sobering. Even with her senses returned and her tucked safely in my arms, I worried. Someone had hurt my mate. Someone had taken her without her consent. He’d raped my Omega. Blinding rage that I tried hard to keep under control in her presence shook me. Karina mumbled a protest. Even though she slept in my arms, she felt me lose control. I wrestled the rage, needing to manage my emotions for her safety as well as our unborn. If not only for her psychological well-being. Karina had not been the same Omega I’d claimed. The assault had left her feeling dirty and ashamed. Not to me. She was still beautiful, perfect. And I didn’t love her any less. And while she stood bravely in the light. Night and sleep stripped her, leaving her heart exposed. There was so much fear and pain that throbbed through the bond. Hours I spent holding her, feeling her every painful sensation. She had suffered.


Heart clenching pain woke me from a restless sleep. A sorrow that wasn’t mine pulled at my subconscious. Instantly knowing my mate was hurting. A sensation I’d felt when we’d been separated — only a thousand times stronger. I searched our darkened room. He was not there. I moved quietly from our nest. I found my love sitting on in a chair by the terrace doors. The sight of my struggling mate squeezed my heart. He had not heard me. Startling Ky. His head shot up I gasped, hurt to see the Alpha’s tears. Ky tried to wipe them away. I stopped him, cupping his face, making him look at me. I needed to see the pain he was feeling. The pain he’d been hiding from me. Ky tried to pull away. “Don’t, don’t hide from me.” I dared to order him. “We are one.” Ky’s hands reached for me pulling me to him. Face buried against my abdomen; my Alpha stumbled. Quiet sobbing left my mate as I held him tightly. “Ky?”

“I’m ashamed and embarrassed.” He confessed. I ached with the truth. I was to blame for his state. “I never meant for you to see me like this.”

“Like a normal person with normal feelings?”

“I am your Alpha. It is my responsibility to…” I cut him off.

“Ky, love me. That’s all I ever wanted from you.” I tried to smooth his pain away. “And you do. Even after what happened. You still love me.” All I could do was pray he would understand my feelings for him. We stood there, holding on to each other, taking strength from one another.

“All of it, it ends tonight.” He said.

“What ends tonight?”

“My fear and your pain. When the sun comes up, I will not hear, or feel your guilt and shame anymore. You are not a victim anymore. Do you hear me, Karina?” My mate asked me forcefully. “You are my love and mate.”

“Ky, I can’t.”

“You can. You are keeping the wounds infected with your feelings. I love you no less Karina. We need to heal.” Ky was right he never once rejected, accused, or judged me. I had done it all. I could not deny the truth of that.

“I’m sorry, Ky.”

“Don’t be sorry. Be mine. My beautiful emerald-eyed Omega. The Omega who loved me fiercely enough to claim me as her Alpha.” Karina had made a monumental statement with her action. Yet, she still struggled with the attack. I could only expect so much from her. I was asking her to put her painful event in the closet, and forget she owned it. Realistically she may be able to do this, sometimes. But I had a responsibility to this kingdom, to Lathan. I could not do my job if I feared for Karina, and our unborn.


I had spent just as many days worrying as I had researching, and planning. Hours spent weighing the risk, and reward of my next move. I was prepared when hell broke out in my home. “What is this?” Karina blew into the room looking madder, and sexier than I’d ever seen a woman look. The stack of reports I purposely left on my desk hit me in the chest.

“Research on Alpha and Omega packs,” I told her calmly.

“What the fuck for?” Karina had never spoken to me so aggressively. I held my surprise. Speaking her mind as she had never done before.

“All strategic planning needs to be made with solid research, and evidence Karina. I did not become the Alpha I am today with poor planning.” I told her. “I have a duty, not just to you Karina, but to the crown. It’s not only your life that has moved me to make this decision.”

“You can’t be serious Ky.” She was beyond shocked.

“I am deadly serious. And you will comply.” I told her firmly. I saw a look of rebellious defiance surge up in her. She meant to fight. “You will do as I say.”

“I will not do shit!” My raven-haired mate hissed at me.

“This is not optional Karina. I will not risk your life or our child’s.”

“What about my honor?” She lashed out at me. “You will mark me a whore. What will they think?” “That I loved you enough to ensure your safety, forever.” I bellowed at her. “I will have to leave you. I will have to fight to keep you, my child, and this kingdom safe.” I reminded her again. “If I am not here, you will become stressed. Pregnant Omegas suffer when they are separated from their Alpha’s. Bonding to another will only guarantee your safety.”

"So, you just expect me to bow? To have no feelings about this?” She demanded.

“An enemy-held your clothing. He was tracking your scent, Karina.” I snapped. “He will not be the last to come for the Omegas. The warlord has made that clear. And I will be fighting for you. But I cannot fight if I am distracted by your fear and pain. You will gift me peace of mind when I leave your side. That is what I expect.” I stared hotly back at her, wanting badly to impose my will over hers. But she needed to come to peace with this on her own terms. I would not be accused of forcing her, yet.

“This is bullshit.” She decreed, leaving me to brood. I watched her stomp away, loving that women more than she would ever know. I knew where she was. My guards always kept eyes on her movements. I needed to give her space and time. I waited for what I felt was an appropriate time before I went to her — finding her just as moody as when she’d left our home this morning. The green eyes that had stolen my heart still glared at me. She didn’t know that I was willing to die to keep that fire burning. “I have spent my entire life being overlooked.” She said. “Neisa saw something in me that no one else did. I would never have been as skilled a warrior as she is. But it didn’t matter. She made me stronger, better.” Karina said, chucking the stone she held into the water. “I felt confident and special. I had friends for the first time.” I felt her pride. “My sisters, they understand the struggle. I was complete and happy.” Karina sighed. “But you changed that Ky. I was not really complete, not the way I am when I am with you.” Her confession swelled my heart.

“I know that feeling my love.”

“I am afraid Ky. I don’t know how to feel about this.” She turned away from me, denying me the color of her eyes to stare at the water. “I am afraid you won’t love me the same.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you are asking me to take another to my body... and my heart. You don’t understand the mind of an Omega.” I watched her struggle with the words and her feelings. “I don’t know how to take another Alpha, and keep him out of my heart. It’s too cold.” I could not stand the distance between us. I went to her, pulling her close, even though she hesitated. Karina’s scent, unique and mesmerizing, I drew it in. Letting it fill me.

“You are not cold Karina. You are the warm shards of light that break through the clouds after a storm. The ones that give hope and comfort.” I said, kissing her head as I held on. “I know what it feels like to bask in your light. I would never ask you to deny your Alpha that warmth.”

“You are my Alpha.” She reminded me as she wrapped her little arms around me tightly.

“I will always be your first; no one will ever change that.” Silent moments passed as we held on. I was asking a lot of her, just as much as I was willing to give up. I was allowing another to claim my love, my light. It was not an easy choice to make. But I could not go to war, knowing I could not protect her, and my child. Now that the storm or her rage had passed, she could feel me — my worry and fear. Nothing could cloud the rawness that buzzed through the bond.

“Is this truly what you want?” Her voice was a timid whisper.

“Yes.” I felt her break. The jolt of it hit me harder than I expected. But I could not falter now. Karina buried her face into my chest. Her tears, soaking my shirt.

“How will you pick him?”

“I have already chosen a second.”

“Who...who did you pick?” She asked her words muffled in my shirt.

“River.” Karina’s head snapped up. Pure disbelief filled her teary eyes.

“River? Are you sure he even likes women?” The question shocked me.

“Of course, he likes woman.” “Ky, he is not very fond of me. Or is that the perk of picking him?”


“He never looks at me, or pays me mind. So, the likelihood of him wanting to touch me is zero.” She actually looked happy by her disbelief. I laughed. “What?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Do you truly not know?”

“Know what?” “All my men stare at you, Karina. River included.”

“Don’t tease.”

“Do you know what I do for a living?” I asked her. “I am the king’s second for many, many reasons Karina. They look, they stare, I have even caught a few of them drooling.”

“Don’t make fun of me.” She threatened, swatting at me as she tried to escape my arms.

“It’s true. Don’t worry. I make them do extra reps.” I restrained her. “The smart Alpha’s know to look without getting caught by me. River is the best. I taught him well.” I said, kissing her.

“Did you teach him how to be a smart ass too?”


I sat in a chair by the fire. Shaking, not from the chill in the room. I was afraid. Equally afraid that Ky would get his way, or River would laugh in my face. Either way, this was miserable. I should have kept my eyes down. I meant to, but I needed to see this play out. I needed to have closure either way. The rain had not stopped all day. Training had ended earlier than normal. Ky had asked River back to our home. The meal I made surprisingly turned out well. Despite my internal turmoil, I hadn’t burned it. Now we sat in the living room. The ample space was oddly permeated with tension. “Commander is there something you are not telling me? Has there been another incident?” River was setting the stage for Ky unknowingly. It was all my mate needed.

“River, you know that the rouge Alpha was caught coming into our lands. Do you know how he came to be here in the Silver Mountain range?” Ky asked River.

“I’ve heard a few rumors.” He admitted. I instinctively moved closer to my mate, needing to feel safe. I sought his presence to soothe my nerves. He took me in his arms, pulling me to his chest.

“The conversation that takes place here does not leave this room. Never.” Ky ordered. “The offer I make is for you and you alone. Do you understand?” My heart thrashed wildly in my chest.


“Have I given you are the king reason to doubt me, Commander?” River asked, taken aback by my abrupt change.

“No River. Your loyalty is why I have asked you here.” Karina’s worry and fear rose in her. I felt it change her smell. I had to rein in my resentment and anger. There’s only so much I could control. I have never been a victim. I’d never had my body taken without my consent. I have never fought my dynamic. Truths I could not deny Karina. “While the Omegas were in the warlord’s hands, my mate was assaulted. Raped by one of Zoltan’s animals.” The words I spoke with pain and anger, watching as they embarrassed and shamed my mate. I purged the painful truth. I was giving the burden to someone else. I didn’t know how River would react. There is no way to prepare someone for the evil you’ve just shared. I didn’t have to wait long. River was instantly feral. His body rippled with disgust and rage. His chest swelled as he sent a low, threatening growl into the room. Karina subconsciously cringed at the sound. “The trespasser, it was him?”

“No River. He was merely a messenger — a low life vagrant sent to our kingdom. Zoltan gave him Katrina’s clothing. Fabric that had been ripped from her body when she was attacked.”

“Fucking pigs.” River said. The black eyes of my captain boiled with loathing. “What is to be done, commander? Give the order, and I will see it done.” River promise to repay the pain.

“I will not order you to do anything River. I am requesting.” I clarified.

“Name it; I will see your mate’s pain repaid.” River was ready to swear allegiance, while not understanding the request.

“You need to understand River. What I am proposing is far more dangerous than going into battle.” River was as tense as I was. I needed to focus on that fact. “As commander of the Army, I am needed on the line. I will have to leave what I love.” I told him, looking down at my mate. Understanding hit River, the Alpha tensed. “You want me to protect your Omega?” I saw pain and pride take the rage out of River’s eyes. The Alpha froze where he stood.

“No, I want you protecting our Omega.” I said as calmy as I could. River looked as dumbfounded as one could get, standing before me mouth agape and completely puzzled.

“Sir… I don’t believe I understand.” He said. I almost felt bad for the young captain. “I’m offering you a pair bond. One that will see your life bound to hers until you die.” The visible shock my words caused River rocked the Alpha. He looked between Karina and me. “Do not say anything. I am asking more of you than you will ever know. You will be hers completely and irrefutably. Nothing, nothing will prepare you for the absolute power of claiming an Omega River. Know this.”

River –

I stood under the cold shower, my body still reeling from jerking off, again. Karina’s scent had imprinted itself in my brain. I should’ve felt like a piece of shit for jerking off thinking about the beautiful Omega, especially since she was bonded to my commander. And learning she’d been raped. I’d lost the tether on my temper when the commander told me this. Watching the little Omega lower her head in pain shame had me ready to kill. But what could you expect from the horde? The Shadowland scum were notorious rejects. An unpleasant lot that rarely were stupid enough to cross us. That’s was how we had lived for many years. The warlord’s pact with the Omega traitor Sephra had changed that. An agreement where she planned to deliver Omega’s to the Shadowlands devil personally. A plan that had been derailed when the king’s mate had rescued her sisters. The crazy fuck thought he could just walk into our lands and take lives that were not his. Trading lives and allegiances like they were baseball cards. I sluiced the water over my head and body. Hoping the coldness could help calm me. Dried and dressed, I was torn into the commander’s notes. Detailed accounts of the Omega’s capture. Noting that in all the reports, Karina’s rape had been omitted. Information that was missing out of the interrogation of the warlord’s dog too, finding fault and reason for both. The crime was deplorable, making me sick and livid. I wanted to see justice by my hands. I’d gladly kill to avenge the Omega I spent too much time thinking about. But her nightmare is the only thing that saved the entire party from being lost to us forever. They’d be too deep in the Shadowlands, dead or praying for it. And I would have never met Karina. I’d spent hours reading and re-reading. But I had purposely avoided the file on pair bonds and packs. I refused to let myself think about this. One because I wasn’t worthy of Karina. And two, knowing she’d never love me. Not the way she did Ky. How many nights had I dreamt of her claiming her Alpha? Dressed like a goddess, beautiful and perfect. She’d fearlessly marked his neck with her teeth. She’d never ache for my body the way I ached for her. Not when she had the Alpha, she loved enough to claim physically, and publicly. I wasn’t strong or brave enough for that rejection. A solid 24 hours I spent in a perpetual hell. It wasn’t enough that Karina tortured my dreams. Now the commander had given her my days. Tempting me with his offer, making me believe that I could have her. My mouth watered, my teeth ached, salivating at the thought of scaring her beautiful neck with my claim. The commander’s parting words had been to think about it. But I was obsessed with it. And well he never spoke a word of it in public, he would not wait forever for my decision. Even the man under me visibly noted I was distracted. Of course, they kept their mouth closed, removing myself as much as possible. I saw my behavior for what it was. I always knew where the commander’s mate was. I watched her from distance. Unseen as I secretly coveted a woman who was not mine. She was a beautiful little Omega. Coal-black hair and bright green eyes. A pairing of colors and features I’d never seen before. Single handled, Karina was the most breathtaking woman I’d ever seen. I’d envied the commander. Not that he was not deserving of her. He was. But that did not stop me from giving in to the human side of my depravity. Who wouldn’t want to hold that Omega in their arms, and be loved by her perfection? I would have curbed those thoughts the second I realized I was thinking them, again. But with Ky’s offer, I was more than justified. I would not deny the fact that I found Karina attractive. It was the reason I gave her a wide birth. Being too close to her was hell. Getting lost in her green eyes was misery. Breathing in her scent was devastating. She called to me like a siren, luring in my Alpha dynamic. It would have been impossible to protect her while her mate was away, but I would have done it. I would have done it for her. And knowing now that she had been attacked only made me more possessive of the little Omega. I seethed with a murderous hatred. Understand why her mate had taken such gratification in killing the rogue Alpha. Karina need to be protected. A request that humbled. Being offered to do so as her mate, unbelievable. I would have gladly scooped her up and taken her to her nest. The only reason I had not was that I wanted to hear it from her. I wanted Karina to tell me this is what she wanted. I would not be able to stand a frosty, unwanted mating from the beautiful Omega. Especially one who was following orders. I had pride, as well. I’d followed her for days, waiting to catch her by herself. Since the rouge Alpha’s unwanted arrival, security around Karina had been tripled. The commander always had someone within arm’s reach of his mate. But today my luck changed. I watched as she left the market with one of the king’s unclaimed. An odd lot of men I found hard to interact with them. I gave the illusion of calm as I approached them. “Lady Karina,” I said.

“Captain?” Her voice was full of her unease.

“Soldier, I will take Lady Karina home,” I told the soldier taking the basket from him. He only nodded as he looked for me to her. Karina panicked for a second, thinking about protesting my offer.

“Thank you, Tristan.” She said. I noted the nervousness that tainted her voice, and smell. “My pleasure lady Karina. Have a good day.” I disliked the way he looked at her, instantly knowing the black emotion as jealousy. My eyes narrowed on the unclaimed. A credit to his survival the soldier left before I needed to tell him to do so. But I stood glaring at his back nonetheless. Seconds in which the nervous Omega had continued to walk away. “He is a nice man. You didn’t need to be rude to him.” Karina scolded me when I caught up to her.

“The further away from you, the nicer he seems.” I tried to tease. I smiled at the confused look she gave me. Karina continued to walk. Quickly and silently, which was fine. What needed said should be done privately. I held the door open for her. She passed by me quickly, turning to stand in the doorway. “Thank you for walking me home.” She said as she reached out for the basket. She did not intend on inviting me in.

“I was hoping to speak with you,” I said, wondering if she would let me. Her panic erupted into fear. “I am not going to hurt you Karina, I only want to talk.” I tried to calm her with the truth. I followed the Omega into the kitchen.

“You can just set that on the table.” She said, wringing her little hands nervously. “You’re afraid of me.” The truth stung.

“Nervous, there’s a big difference,” Karina said, trying to distinguish her feelings towards me.

“I could argue that fact.”

“Please don’t. I know how I feel River.” She said.

“Which is why I’m here.”

“You want to know how I feel?” Karina asked.

"Of course, I do.” I needed to know the truth, even if it killed me.

“What do you want to know?” She asked me.

“Your true feelings about this,” I said, as I watched her find the courage to wound me with her words. “Unsure, scared, and worried.” Karina said as she looked up at me. “You don’t know what you’d be committing to. And, there’s no going back River. You need to know that. I may not be what you’re really wanting. Not long term.” Her undertone, and the look she gave me was odd. Even a little disturbing in its own way. Striking a nerve, I did not care for.

“What are you saying?” I demanded.

“I’m not saying anything. I’m pointing out facts. I’m a woman.” I’d been prepared to be rejected. But not on false accusations.

“Are you implying that I am… gay?” I asked in disbelief.

“Not a crime, and it makes sense.” The Omega said.

“To who?” Anger had taken over my mind.

“Do you realize is the first conversation we’ve had, ever.” Karina pointed out.

“That makes me gay?”

“You avoid me. My husband’s second. We’ve had more than one opportunity to talk.” She rambled on. “And you never look at me.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I respect you, and my commander?”

“Respect is an admirable quality River. Truly, but respect can turn to resentment. For the bond to be viable and valid, you will have to… sleep with me.” Her verbal tirade had taken the raven-haired Omega into an intimate situation. She’d made herself blush. The rosy-pink color did not take away from the emerald eyes she cast to the floor.

“You don’t think I can?”

“Would you… even want to?” The blush on her cheek was far more telling, and I saw her ploy for what it was. Karina felt unwanted. I knew her past. I knew the stain she was trying to hide. I clenched my jaw tightly as I rallied for control. I was angered that this beautiful creature had been touched by a monster, that he made her doubt her worth. I stepped closer to her. I Needed to show her the truth. “If I were an Alpha worthy of you Karina. Have no doubt.” I swallowed my pride as I dared to ask the same of her. Bracing for the rejection.

“Would you want me, Karina?” It was hard to keep my breathing under control. It was harder to wait for her reply. Especially when she looked at me, curiously.

“I haven’t let myself self-think about it River.” But her nervous breathing, and excited smell said something completely different.

“And how long have you not been thinking about it?” The little raven-haired Omega looked shyly at me. “Since I decided you were gay.”

“And now that you know the truth?” I asked her, watching as she squirmed.

“I haven’t completely ruled that option out.” She said. I moved closer, Karina’s back to the wall. She had nowhere to go. No other way to look but up at me. Karina could’ve panicked. I could’ve caused her to fear me. At this moment I could’ve messed up. I used all my strength not to fuck this up. But she needed to know the truth.

“Touch me.”

“What?” Her voice was full of surprise.

“Put your hand on my chest.” I gently ordered her. Karina’s shaky hand rested on my chest. “Lower.” She hesitated before she did it. “Keep going.” When she stopped at my navel, I watched her, mesmerized by her expression. I felt her body trembled as wildly as mine. “Lower.” The tips of her fingers skimming the hard edge of my aching hardness. “That rules out your theory, completely.” I said my heart pounding loudly in my chest, being so close to her, breathing in her scent. It was maddening. I needed to cherish it. I stood as still as possible.


I had felt Ky before I saw him. He’d stood silently in the entryway, watching as I had done what River wanted. I had touched him. I had found him hard, excited, and hungry. My body replied, responding to his. My mate walked to me. Ky’s hands gripped my shoulder. My heart leaped with the electricity our bodies created when we touched. He smiled at me, running his nose down my neck, taking in the smell his touch created. Growling his approval, I shuddered. Letting the power, he held over me run free with my slick. I melted into the sensation of my protector at my back — the Alpha who loved me. I wanted to turn to him. Feel his lips on mine. But River was a distraction. A captivating one. River’s eyes usually were so dark they appeared blank. A color I’d always found to be expressionless. But that wasn’t true. I watched his nature set the black orbs on fire, burning wildly in his eyes. I was unprepared for what they revealed about River.

“What do you see?” Ky’s question didn’t make any sense.


“What do you see in him?” My mate asked nipping the tender spot beneath my ear. I jumped.

“I… I’m not sure.” It wasn’t a complete lie. But Ky didn’t believe me.

“Aren’t you?”

“What if I’m wrong?”

“Does he look confused? The Alpha that stands before you?”

“There is no undoing it. We cannot break the bond.” I was talking to both of them. Ky threaded his long fingers into my hair. Knowing how much I enjoyed the sensation. The long straight thin hair fell free from the braid. The smell of warm honey filled the air, and River groaned.

“That is not the sound of confusion. It’s desire, Karina.” Ky’s hands moved to the hem of my shirt, carefully whipping the fabric up and over my head. His calloused hands released the clasp of my bra before they made their way underneath it. His hands palmed my achy breast. And I moaned with pleasure. I reached up, turning my head to kiss Ky. With the bra tossed out of the way, he moved to the button of my pants, opening them enough to get to my core. Finding me hot and wet, he growled long and low. The effect was a flash flood of my liquid pleasure that filled his hands, and soaked my pants. I sunk into it, wanting so much more than this.

“Ky, please,” I begged. Reluctant hands left my sex to push my fabric restraints out of the way. With me, naked Ky said.

“Take him our nest.”

“Not without you.” I protested. Ky kissed me roughly giving me the courage I needed. He walked to our room, leaving me naked and alone with River. A visible sweat glistened River’s upper lip. “I don’t want to disappoint you,” I told River.

“Then don’t deny me your touch.” River said.


My chest heaved with desire as I watched Karina. “Take me or kill me. I can’t take the pain much more.” The little and delicate porcelain-skinned Omega stood before me. An ache I’d never ease on my own contracted every muscle in my body. Cautiously she reached for my hand. Watching as her fingers threaded into mine. A little smile turned her lips. She found my touch pleasing. Her eye’s saying as much. Taking my breath with the truth that burned in them. Shaky, she pulled my hand to her face. Her skin was satin perfection beneath my battle-worn hands. Karina sighed, truly enjoying my touch, the realization that could push me to stupidity. I clenched my jaw tightly. I needed to be careful with her. I needed to have control. Although I didn’t know how to do that. She blew my plan to hell when she reached up to caress my face, and pulled me to her lips.


Ky and I were both larks. Drawn to the early morning. The time between night and day that glowed in harmony. Time we would spend just laying content in each other’s arms. The subtle light teased my eyes. I turned to it. I laid still staring into my Alpha’s eyes. I had not forgotten the fact that we were not alone. The events of the night flushed my skin and quickened my pulse.

“Claiming you was unexplainable. A moment that was precious to me.” He said. “I will not deny River the experience by intruding on his claiming,” Ky whispered caressing my face. He meant to leave me alone with River, having already blessed our mating. Ky wanted River to do what he had not done last night. Stake his claim, and forge the bond that would bind us. Ky kissed me quickly before leaving me with the sleeping Alpha. Showered and dressed casually I left the bedroom to wait for River to wake up. Finding myself growing anxious and worried. Not at all sure how it would face River in this awkward moment. Waiting anxiously, I stared out the window as I nervously tapped my nails on the porcelain of my mug. Giving myself totally to my thoughts I did not hear River come up behind me. I shook when he said my name. The mug slipped from my hand, crashing to the floor.

“You were not there when I woke up.” River looked hurt and confused as he stalked purposely towards me. He didn’t stop or try to avoid the broken porcelain at my feet. “I thought it was a dream.” River said as I tried telling him to watch out for the broken glass, but he picked me up so fast, taking me and my lips by surprise when he kissed me frantically. River’s hand squeezed my butt tight as he sat me on his very naked hips. I was shocked by how my body instantly responded to him. Wrapping myself around the Alpha like I’d done it 100 times before. I fought to breathe. River’s need to try and reassure himself this was real had left him wildly fearful. I pulled my lips from his. Panting to catch my breath. “You taste like honey.” He commented, savoring the taste.

“Are you sure? You may be dreaming.”

“The sun is up Karina. There is no mistaking this for a dream. You are very, very real. And you’re going to be mine.” River stated with bold conviction. My clothing left my body in ribbons as River shredded them. I found myself on the edge of the kitchen table. Legs spread wide as River’s mouth feasting on my swollen sex. I gasped and moaned as I watched him. I couldn’t take the building release that was racing towards my core. I let myself fall back onto the table as I waited for it — my hands in River’s full head of hair. I tried to warn him I was too close.

“River!” The Alpha responded coming to rise above me, taking in my state.

“You are a beautiful mess, Karina. Is it my touch that has you ready to come?” River asked as his finger slid into my wetness. A moment of certainty pierced my thoughts.


“Your body belongs to your mate. I saw him give you pleasure. I need to know if mine can do the same? Can I make you soar as high little raven?”

“River, please,” I begged.

“Tell me the truth, Karina.” I pulled myself from heaven’s gate. I took him by the hair as I slid my hand down his shaft. Shuddering with him at the pleasure it gave us both.

“Call to me River,” I said. Eyes wide, pupils blown with the rut. River’s growl was low and demanding — the sound my body enjoyed and responded to. The slick flowed freely. Pleasing the Alpha that sat poised at my entrance. “Fly with me River.” Hands-on my hips. River slid into me. Sensation and sweat covered me as I took to the sky with River. I watched as he thrust it into me deeply. The building pleasure demanding attention he increased the rhythm.

“Give yourself to me Karina.” I needed release; I needed to be free of the aching, and throbbing. River made me respond. Slamming into me hard enough to make the table hit the wall. “Omega.” I knew he wanted my consent, my blessing. I pulled my damp hair off my neck offer him the flesh on the right side. River lost any sense of control at my free-will offering. Roaring triumphantly as he bit down hard. My chest imploded with a burst of light that blinded me. The energy spiral through my chest before it reached the confinements of my flesh. Ricocheting against it, racing back to the place of its birth, coming to rest between my breasts. The result was the solidification of River’s bond. Content to begin building its home. I hung on tightly to River’s entire body. The aggressiveness had taken him over. I waited, trying to recover from my celestial journey. River finally released my neck. I gasped at the pain. He’d been wild with the rut. “Karina?” The onyx eyes of River were filled with wonder and worry.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“I… did you feel that?” I smiled at the confused male.

“The birth of a star?” I asked him. “I felt it to River.”

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