Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Neisa -

My heart and body were wrecked. I was so tired of the emotional turmoil that rolled over me like a roaring river. The last twelve days had pushed me to limits I had never experienced before. I just wanted peace. To sit on the rocks by the sea and lose myself in the moment. Serenity was not in my future. Today was another day that required armor and strength. Karina needed me. She’d been nervously clawing at her chest. The very spot where her mates claim sat, reminder her that he was racing to her. She’d spent hours digging and pacing. Working herself into a state of mania that was contagious, adding more stress on to me. I don’t know if it was fear, or relief that I felt when Karina finally stopped moving. Her skin blanched as real panic took her breath.

“Please!” She whispered to me. I steadied myself. Praying Lathan was right. I left Karina to join the king. I didn’t have a chance to say a word before the door to the sitting room was damn near ripped off its hinges.

“Where’s Karina?” The worried Alpha looked frantically around the room, not even greeting Lathan as he stalked into the room.

“Patient’s brother. She is near.” Lathan tried to calm the Alpha commander.

“Patients? I need to see her.” Ky was worried. I could understand his unease.

“Ky, please.” I interrupted, stepping forward. The commander took one look at me and panicked. “What has happened?” Ky demanded. He didn’t need to see her to know something was wrong. The bond was like a two-way radio. Even with a guarded connection, information was exchanged. I tried to prepare myself. If Ky rejected his damaged mate, they would both suffer much more than physical pain. “Tell me; I have the right to know.” Ky’s voice was strained with his emotions.

“There is no easy way to say this. So, I’m going to be direct.” I swallowed hard and prayed for all of us. “During the attack on the Omegas… Karina was assaulted.” The pacing Alpha stopped short visibly, and physically stunned by my words. “Karina… tried to stop him.” I choked on the emotional pain I had seen and felt in my sister. “She believes she has shamed you and herself.” Ky’s face was utterly devoid of readable emotion. It was hard for me to believe she may have been right. “Karina wants you to release her from the pair bond.” The commander stood there looking lost, shell-shocked. “Commander Ky?” I tried to reach him. He blinked several times before my words had meaning to him.

“He…raped my mate?” Ky’s voice was full of disbelief and pain.

“Yes, commander.” I was ordering myself to stay brave for my sister, even as my stomached rolled with worry. Having lived through hearing, and seeing Karina’s confession had been soul-crushing. Witnessing Ky’s agony was hell. The Alpha’s emotions raced between shock, pain, and outrage.

“I want to see Karina.” Ky spoke his voice low.

“Brother that may not be wise.” Lathan cautioned as he came to stand beside me.

“I want to see my mate right fucking now.” Ky was a powerful beast at his limit. Not thinking clearly, Lathan did not remind him of his place. When we did not move, Ky came undone. “I will rip this fucking villa down.” Ky threatened when no one moved.

“She doesn’t want to see you,” I added as Ky looked at me stupefied. “She feels like she has failed you. Alpha, she is ashamed and broken.” I felt my hopelessness heavy my words, sinking me with a feeling I hated. “Karina?” Ky bellowed, the commander ignoring me altogether.

“You don’t understand. We are warriors, Ky. Karina was unable to protect herself. She feels that she is an inadequate mate.”

“No, you don’t understand.” The enraged Alpha turned on me. “I don’t care how she feels. She is not a failure. She is mine, and I want to see her, now.” He snapped at me. “Karina.” He bellowed again. The painful sound of her name coming from her wounded mate was heart-wrenching.

“I will speak to her.” I tried to calm him down. “Come back in one hour.”

“No, I am not leaving here without her.”

“No?” I asked him.

“I have spent almost three months away from my heart. I will not wait another minute to see her.” Ky was not negotiating. I knew how intense the bond was. Pulling at you, making you feel lost and out of sync when the bond was strained or damaged. “Wait here.” I walked to the door of the sitting room. Karina was pacing behind it. Ky yelled again like a wounded animal. Karina shuddered violently with his pain. She had heard everything. “I can’t Neisa.” She sobbed.

“Karina, that man loves you,” I told her.

“No, he doesn’t understand.” She whined. “Get him a new Omega. A better one.” Karina rambled.

“He doesn’t want anyone but you Karina.” She just shook her head.

“How does he look?”

“Like shit, ” Which was the truth. A loud commotion interrupted us. Noises were coming from the next room, growling, yelling, and flat out fighting. I knew that Ky had made a move for the door. The guards had their hands full.

“Karina, I feel you. Don’t hide from me.” Ky yelled to her.

“Karina, he needs to see you.” Ky was undoubtedly being restrained. Which he could easily fight his way out of. Alpha’s needed their mates.

“No.” I squared my shoulders.

“I am no longer asking, I am ordering. Get your ass in that room, do it now Omega.” Queen or not, I outranked her. I gave the orders. When she didn’t move, I took control. Coming up behind her and grabbing her firmly. Ignoring the frightened struggle, she gave me. “Lathan release Ky,” I yelled.

“No.” Karina shrieked in horror. Trying to turn and run, I grabbed her tighter.

“Omega’s never run.” I hissed in her ear. “Good or bad, we stand together.” The large wooden door smashed open with force. Ky instantly honed in on the downturned face of his mate. The agitated body language calmed slightly. And he ran to her side. I slowly, cautiously backed away.

“Karina, thank the gods you’re alive.” The raging Alpha approached her as cautiously as his fear would allow. “Ky… please…” Karina’s shame was so apparent as she dropped her head lower.

“Shh… don’t send me away.” He tried to get her to look at him. “I have ached to see your face little one. I have been worried and lonely.” Her face still healing; she tried to keep it hidden. But he wouldn’t let her, turning her as tenderly as he could. The lingering damage shocked him. But it was the shame and fear in her eyes that made him snap.

“I’ll kill him; I’ll kill them all.” He promised her.

“He’s already dead. The traitor killed him.” She cried. I silently prayed he’d not asked for the details. “I think it’s….” She tried again.

“No, don’t.” He pulled his broken Omega to his large body. “I am so sorry, Karina. I’m so sorry I was not here to protect you.” Ky’s sincerity was laced with injustice.

“Don’t suffer with me Ky, please… release the bond.” She begged.

“Why would you punish me for his sin?” The wounded Alpha asked.

“I am not. But you deserve a proper Omega.”

“I deserve you.” Ky’s big hands wiped away her tears. “I love you, and one day you will love me," Ky said, proudly, unafraid of his feelings, telling her how he felt. Karina came undone in his arms. “I already do.” I felt my heart squeeze itself with Karina’s whispered confession. The tears I’d been fighting filled my eyes as I watched Ky grab his mate, and pull her to his aching chest. He smiled at her as he placed little kisses on her face. Karina hiccupped as she gave herself to hope and love. Ky wiped away her tears, as his love for the little black-haired Omega beamed from his entire body.

“Sir, I wish to marry my Omega.” Ky proclaimed loudly.

“What? No!” Karina tried to push out of Ky’s arms. A new look of fear appeared on her.

“I don’t want to hear that word spoken again.” He told her firmly but gently. Outright ignoring her protest and shock.

“The spring equinox is a week away,” Lathan said. “I hear it is a significant lunar event for our Omega’s.” Permission was given. “A wedding under the moon,” Lathan suggested. Ky smiled but didn’t stop looking at the trembling Omega. He scooped her up and walked away.

“You were supposed to help me.” Karina wiggled looking back at me.

“I did, his idea is way better than yours,” I told her.

“You look beautiful.” Lathan’s eyes traveled up and down my body in appreciation. I blushed, looking away as quickly as possible. “Thank you,” I said, avoiding his eyes.

“You don’t believe me?”

“Of course, I believe you.” I chuckled.

“Then, why do you blush?” He asked, wrapping his long arms around me.

“It may shock you to know that people don’t routinely talk to me like this,” I said. I’d grown up in a world full of Omegas. I was no different than they were.

“That is a beautiful lie.”

“It’s not a lie Lathan. I look no different than my sisters.” Honestly, we were all women.

“I see the way men look at you love.” He said.


“That man would do terrible things to have a beautiful Omega like you.” He said as his hands started wandering. Any other time I would have taken him up on his offer.

“Lathan, I have a nervous bride who needs me.” I gasped as he nuzzled my neck.

“I am the king; they can wait.”

"So, can you.” I teased him. But really, I hated waiting as well.

“There will be no sleep for you tonight little rebel.” He growled his warning.

“I don’t need to sleep.” I smiled back, nipping his neck.

Karina had healed this past week physically. The bruises all but faded from her flesh. I prayed her mind could heal just as well. “Be happy sister.” I hugged her tightly.

“Thank you, Neisa.” She teared up with love and pride.

“Omega’s never stand alone.” I led the procession of sisters out into the moonlit courtyard. The steady, even humming of my sisters filled the air. My position as Lathan’s mate gave me rank above them. A position that required I sing for the bride. A custom that would have fallen to her mother, my sisters had nominated me. It was an honor that humbled. Ky stood beautifully adorned in his finest clothing mesmerized by the moment. I steadied my breathing and sang with passion and love. I was vaguely aware that Karina had entered the courtyard. But Lathan’s surprised and hungry eyes had me preoccupied. Breathlessly the last words left me.

“Bonds that are forged in the power of the moon will never be broken.” The mystic said. “Balance is essential to harmony, peace, and longevity. A fact that is clear in all life. An Alpha is only a man without his Omega to provide him balance.” Esme smiled brightly at the couple. She then turned to Ky, taking the Alpha’s head in her hands. She blessed and offered him to our mother the moon. Closing her eyes, speaking to the goddess. “Omega’s, Alpha’s, the moon mother is very pleased with this pairing. Ky, the mother, will bless this marriage this night.” We all watched enthralled to see, and hear so much interaction between the mother and our people. Esme smiled, taking Ky’s hand. “Only take this Omega if your intentions are good and true.” Ky released Esme’s hand and gently, proudly took Karina’s. “Alpha Ky do you promise to keep this Omega loved and protected by your home and hands?”

“Forever,” Ky said. Unable to see anything but Karina.

“Omega Karina, do you promise to keep this Alpha loved and protected by your home and hands?” “Forever.”

“Karina, daughter of the moon, your life has been blessed with the ability to create balance and life. If you wish this Alpha to be yours, then do so with the moon’s blessing.” Karina did not hesitate to drop Ky’s hands and step back.

“Alpha Ky, please remove your shirt and kneel.” The mystic asked, stepping back, allowing the confused Alpha room. Ky hesitated briefly before doing what was asked of him. Disrobed, the large man knelt. Karina walked behind Ky. Her small hands stroked his long muscular neck, pulling him to one side exposing virgin flesh, knowing the feel, the power, and the excitement. I reveled in the high I’d felt with my claiming. Hunger and love drove Karina. She moved quickly setting teeth to bite hard. Ky roared unprepared for all of it. “Omega Karina has staked a claim on this Alpha. He is hers, as she is his.” Ky’s head thrown back. Frantic excited breathing heaved his large chest in and out, filling the air with anticipation and arousal. Moments passed as Karina’s instinct to claim slowly receded. Letting go only when she felt the marks were set deep enough. The second she freed her mouth Ky grabbed her pulling him to his chest. Nothing but love and passion burning bright in his eyes.

“Thank you, Omega. I will wear your marks with pride.” Ky didn’t want her words, just a kiss, sealing their union. Walking from my perch, I picked up the new blanket I purchased. My fellow Omega’s following suit. All offerings for the bride to build her nest for her groom. Humming in unison we walked to the couple. Esme spoke.

“Sisters, the moon wishes to bless this union. Present your offerings.” My heart quickened at her words. A child would be created in the light of the moon. I don’t know if Karina and Ky heard a word she said. “Sister, take my offer to your nest,” I said as I presented it to Karina.

“Thank you for everything,” Karina said as she embraced me. “Live free in the light and warmth of his love Karina. Don’t look back.”



“You have spent too much time in Karina’s arms,” I said as I looked at the scratch Ky’s knife had left on my chest. “You marked me like an Omega.” Ky roared as I insulted his effort to attack me. All my Alphas knew not to restrain themselves while we spared. In the training square, we were all equal. “Neisa will think I have strayed from her touch when she sees these.” I goaded the commander.

“Your Omega will leave you when I cut your cock clean off your body.” Ky threatened me as he lunged at me. I laughed, spinning out of his way, dodging his sword. Minutes passed as we trained. Ky was always the Alpha I preferred to train with. The Alpha had above average skill, and continued to impress me. Even after a lifetime as brothers in arms. Endless time past. Only when neither one of us could hold our swords a moment longer, we called it a draw. I relished the exhausting that claimed my muscles. Sweaty and breathing hard, we racked our weapons. “Married life suits you Ky," I noted the happiness that had taken him.

“It does.”

“And fatherhood?” I questioned the Alpha I had known all my life. The goddess had indeed blessed the union. Ky’s mate was pregnant, having fallen into her estrous that night.

“I am frightened and happy at the same time.” Our conversation was interrupted by the sudden, frantic arrival of Neisa. The distress that she plainly wore moved me.

“Lathan, the patrol has returned with one of the warlords Alphas.” I could not get to her side fast enough.

“Report," I demanded of my guard as I blew into the cells.

“Sir, this dog was taken trying to make his way into the lake. He was traveling the banks of the Green River.”

“You are in the wrong kingdom, Alpha and not welcome here,” I told the restrained beast. He was large for an Alpha. Bigger than my men.

“I do not need an invitation to take what is mine.” The aggressive Alpha said.

“I have nothing here that belongs to you,” I told him ferociously.

“You do thief, and I mean to have what was promised to me.”

“Again, I have not promised you anything.”

“Zoltan did. He promised me an Omega, my Omega.” My guards moved to retrieve their gear. One of them removed an article of clothing.

“My king, the dog, had this.” The scent that left the material moved the restrained beast — pulling frantically on the metal that secured him. He was not the only Alpha affected by the scented fabric. Commander Ky erupted into a heaving mountain of barely contained rage.

“Where did you get this?” The commander bellowed, physically taking the prisoner in his hands.

“A gift given to me. A way of tracking my mate.” The rouge Alpha stated.

“She is not your mate; she is mine. Claimed and bonded.” Ky roared as he shook the prisoner violently. “Killing you will not bother me. I will have her. They will all be returned to the horde. Even your bitch queen Neisa.” It took a monumental effort to remove myself, and Ky from the interrogation room. Neither of us was capable of resisting the instinct to kill the offender. Not when he openly threatened our Omega’s. I stood outside the room. Listening as my men ascertained all the information we needed to prepare for war. Tense hours passed as pain moved the rouge Alpha to purge what he knew. No matter if he believed his revelations would save his life, he was wrong. His death was the only way he would be leaving my lands. A death I would gift to Ky. The rouge held a very intimate piece of Ky’s Omega. Underwear that had been torn off of her while she was attacked. That was enough to push any Alpha beyond the pale. “Do not expect me to show mercy,” Ky warned me when I stood aside. The Alpha had been seething for hours.

“I expect you to do as an Alpha with a threatened mate would do,” I told him. “And when you are done, his remains will be sent back to Zoltan as a warning.” The beast that made me the dominate Alpha took immense satisfaction witnessing Ky gift the enemy with a messy death. Only when I heard the last of his gurgled attempts at breathing stop did I leave. I found my mate in the training square with the rest of the Omegas. All of them preparing, sharpening, and readying their weapons. A sight that would have been amusing given that some of them were very near delivering. That only made them more protective.

“Lathan?” Neisa’s worried eyes watched me.

“Omega’s return to your mates. Much has transpired today. Take comfort and strength from each other.” I ushered them home. It was not my place to tell them. The Omega’s worked quickly. Eager to know what had taken place this day, they hurried to get to their mates. “Karina,” I called to my commander’s mate. “I think it wise for you to return to the villa with Neisa and me.” Her little body tensed as she looked to Neisa for support. Stressful minutes passed as the Omegas all left the training square. With our audience gone, Neisa would not wait any longer.

“Lathan?” She was nervous. Knowing that the rouge Alpha had been taken into custody. She did not know the full story. But I would not be sharing that information here, with Ky’s mate. Neisa feared for her sister’s. And rightfully so. Zoltan and Sephra had formed a dark alliance. Daring to partake in slavery, and the degradation of human lives. I did not have a chance to speak a word before my overwrought commander stalked towards us. The black rage that had consumed him had not left him. Covered in his enemies’ blood, he looked like Jack the Ripper. I immediately tensed. He was not in the right mindset, fearing for his mate. I stepped in front of the trembling Omega. “Brother, where is your mind?” I asked, stopping his approach. “You need to tend to yourself," I said. The beast that had taken Ky’s being was in control. When it became clear he was not going to stop, I growled at him. “Commander Ky.” The Alpha I called brother bristled aggressively at me.

“I have come for my mate.” A rage that I had never seen blacken his eyes worried me greatly.

“You are not clear-headed at the moment.”

“I am not leaving here without her.”

“You will if I tell you to.” I warned him. I stood toe to toe with an Alpha that I loved like a brother. Trying to reason with an animal consumed with rage, and bloodlust. “You would not be able to live with the guilt of hurting your mate.” The Omega’s at my back instinctively backed away. Their worry and fear perfumed the air, making us more unstable.

“Do you think I would hurt her?” Ky bellowed. Posturing and daring to challenge me.

“I think you need to tread carefully brother.” I warned him. He glared at me. Chest heaving as he fought for control.

“Karina is my mate; I am her Alpha. I have never hurt her.” Ky ground out the words. Tense seconds past as I wondered who would throw the first punch.

“King Lathan, I…. I need to be with him. I am not afraid of him.” Her words lacked conviction. “Let me calm my mate. He needs me too.” This little Omega believed herself the balm for his rage. With a final visual warning, I stepped to the side, allowing Ky to pass. The Alpha stalked to his mate. The look of shock on her face at the state of her mate was telling. She had not fully understood my efforts. Not until she saw Ky with her own eyes. Instinct took over, and she fell submissive when the Alpha took her roughly in his arms. He picked her up and carried her away.

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