Un2talented (Book 3 of the Un2 Series)

Chapter Chapter Seventy-Two

Being left with Charlie in the grotto felt very similar to a time in grade school when Dorian was sent to the principal’s office for fighting and had to wait alongside the kid that provoked him. He was not a “booger-eater” and wasn’t about to let that “doody-head” call him one. Dorian broke that quiet tension by deploying a full-throated burp. He thought better of it and opted for idle chit-chat.

“That Aquamino is quite the machine.”

“You didn’t mess with the radio, did you?” Charlie snipped.

“To be honest, I was preoccupied with the searing pain created by tearing through the fabric of time.”


“You do know that you can save presets?”

“Of course, I know that! It’s all about the speaker balance and the treble and bass levels. If I get into that truck and it vibrates on those low notes, I’ll hunt you down and kill you if he doesn’t do it first! Did you touch the mirrors?”

Dorian couldn’t remember if he had adjusted the mirrors. Considering Charlie’s current state of mind, he replied,” Of course not!”

“Let’s hope so.” Charlie gave Dorian a once-over and remained fixated on the breastplate. He curled his finger and beckoned Dorian closer.

“How well can you pilot that thing?” Charlie gestured toward the armor. “Can you take us out of here?”

“I came through the portal. That should tell you something.”

“You can’t tell me that you weren’t given an egress plan in case things went sideways.”

Dorian looked puzzled.

“An escape route if you screwed up,” Charlie rephrased with a groan.

“Oh! Yes, there is a reset button that will take me to the time when I started the mission, but that is the last resort.”

“Why wouldn’t that have been the plan? Travel to the past, grab the girl and return to the future. It seems like an obvious choice!”

“Well, at the time I wasn’t planning on traveling to the past. I was using it to track her. I was hoping to catch you before you made the jump.”

Charlie closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “And do what?” he said through his exhale.

“I don’t know. Negotiate, maybe? Make a deal of some sort,” Dorian shrugged.

“What could you possibly have to offer?”

“I don’t know, but you’re looking to cut a deal with me now so I’m sure you would have come up with a ridiculous request! I’d do anything to save Cadence and you know it!”

Charlie recalculated his situation.

“What did you mean when you said you were tracking her?”

“The armor can locate and track its bracelets and . . . shit.” Dorian tried to retract his statement, but it was too late.

“She has a bracelet! Now we do have something to talk about. No more concerns about DeLeon screwing me over. If you give me her bracelet, I’ll ensure that she gets back to whatever life stream she desires when you die.”

“I can lose without dying!” Dorian insisted. “Besides, why should I trust you? She could travel with DeLeon if he kills, ugh, I mean defeats me. Great, now you’ve me saying it!”

“Do you want to count on DeLeon being a standup guy or go with a sure thing?”

“Why would I trust you? You took Cadence!”

“Dorian, I am just a guy doing his job. Your little group initiated the ritual which required a proxy. Cadence was taken to fulfill your end of the transaction. Yes, I had my reasons for choosing her, but I did nothing outside the requirements stipulated in the contract.”

“She lost her hand because of you!”

“She lost her hand because she didn’t keep her arm inside of a moving vehicle.”

Dorian wanted to refute Charlie’s argument, but he couldn’t come up with anything. He focused on Charlie’s aura. The color was harsh and unpleasant, but not muddled. Charlie may have many awful traits, but deceit wasn’t visible now.

“I know it’s a lot,” Charlie faux-comforted. “Give it some thought. Discuss it with the little lady when she returns.”

“Discuss what?” DeLeon chimed in as he and Cadence entered the grotto.

“I had a few suggestions as to what to do with his remains after the duel,” Charlie laughed and then winked knowingly at Dorian.

“Yeah, he’s a helpful kind of guy,” Dorian said sarcastically. He turned to DeLeon, “I would like a moment alone with Cadence before we start. You can grant me that one request, quite possibly my last.”

“By all means. Cadence will bring you your weapon.”

DeLeon gave each foil a vigorous couple of swishes and checked each for balance.

“They are equally magnificent! The choice is yours, my friend.”

He held them forward.

Dorian did a quick “eeny-meeny-miny-mo” in his head and chose the opposite one than he should have. He had done that since childhood and rarely regretted the outcome. Cadence carried the sword over to Dorian. He pulled her close for a hug he whispered, “I have a plan.”

Cadence stepped back. “Is this a plan of your making or did you have help?”

“Look at me. Do you think I figured out this get-up on my own?”

“The outfit does scream Leslie. Except for that vest. That has Granny written all over it.”

“Plus,” Dorian added, “I’m attached to your hand, so I’ve got impeccable timing. There are also a bunch of other things I can do thanks to what’s under this bracer. I’ll handle almost everything. I just need you to toss your bracelet to Charlie when I give the word. He said if you give him your bracelet, he will guarantee your return.”

“But, DeLeon already said that he will take me back with him. He likes my spunk!” Cadence boasted.

“That depends on whether or not he can defeat me. Whether I like it or not, I’m required to defend my right to the armor. I need to know that you will come through this okay regardless of the outcome.”

“And you believe Charlie? You’ve got to be kidding!”

“Cadence, you need to trust me. I have my reasons.”

“Okay, but I’m not crazy about this,” Cadence relented.

“Where’s the bracelet now?”

“In a pouch in my pocket.”

“Okay. Good. Keep it handy. At a point in the duel, I’ll yell for you to toss it to him. You’ve got to promise me that you will. Promise me.”

“I promise,” Cadence sighed.

Dorian looked to Charlie and nodded that they had an agreement.

“Your moment is up!” DeLeon called across the grotto.

Cadence placed the hilt of the sword into Dorian’s multi-hand. His fingers and her displaced fingers laced together around the grip.

“We’ll be okay,” Dorian said trying to convince himself as much as Cadence.

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