Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter Bruised and Broken

She heard voices but her eyes were closed, the pocket in which she was trapped was running out of oxygen, she started to hyperventilate her breath getting more ragged and short, and after a matter of moments, she was unconscious. The shaking stopped, and the rumbling stopped but she was trapped and her leg was in so much pain.

Light broke through the surface her eyelids became red from the sun’s glow.

Aamir sat beside her, “A, please wake up!” he pleaded, kneeling in red snow.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and then the pain hit her, she screamed so loud more snow rolled down the mountains. Her leg felt like it was on fire and it burned so badly. Ivy and Flame took turns examining it the bruises and blood were a significant show of the injury. Her leg was broken.

Aamir hugged her as Flame tried to make a cast but Adilah couldn’t move. She was freezing and shivering, her lips had become blue and frosted. Adilah tried to pry her eyes away from her leg, but the way it bent and bruised her was just so awful.

Aamir’s tears fell on her but she didn’t care she was numb. Everywhere. Dari pawed at her other arm in concern. Adilah slowly drifted into unconsciousness again.

When Adilah woke up the canopy was above her. She was swaying and the sun was on her face. Dari was on Flame so it appeared to her that she must be on Ivy. Yakir was also on Flame. If they are there, where is Aamir? Adilah looked around to find Aamir walking side by side with Ivy.

She tried to shift her weight and noticed the leafy cast on her leg that it was now wrapped in. She gave up and laid back down on a leaf pillow that was tied around Ivy’s waste.

“How you feeling, A?” said Aamir.

Adilah cleared her throat and spoke in a hoarse voice, “I’ve been better.” She winced.

“Ivy, could you slow down a bit,” Aamir asked. Ivy nodded and went at a normal walking pace letting Flame trail ahead. Adilah tried to take her mind off her now-casted leg by looking at her surroundings.

Birds were hopping around in the canopy, flowers the size of her face, and cool vines wrapped around sturdy trees. It was quite beautiful, she thought.


Back in Morocco, Mama was quite frantic and Grammy was sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea, reading and rereading the notes they left the 3 nights before. Mama was asking a bunch of questions to Grammy that she didn’t have the answer to but Grammy stayed calm, “What if they were captured by the French? Or they’re trapped in a different place from another bombing? Or they are,” she sighed, “They could be anywhere.”

Grammy cut her off, “They didn’t say anything about their whereabouts but they are strong children, plus they have Dari with them so let’s not jump to conclusions.”

Mama nodded and sat down. “I just need Adilah here, Ali isn’t getting better and he keeps asking about her. I don’t have the heart to tell him she ran away.”

Grammy shook her head, “It said they were going to save Ali (Adilah’s father) not that they were running away. Don’t say things like that they will come back, I’m sure of it.” Mama laid her head on the table, “I hope so.”


Adilah fell asleep again with the sun warming her face.

When she woke up Aamir was still walking. He winced now and then and was using a stick for support. He had another gash on his leg from a rock but Ivy had used a small vine to stitch it and he wasn’t about to complain.

Adilah smiled, I am so glad he is here. With his green eyes, and strong shoulders, and his... She shook her head.

They walked and walked and finally, they came to a stop. Adilah looked up and just realized how dark the canopy had become.

“Let’s stop here,” said Flame.

Aamir helped Adilah down by grabbing her waist and then setting her down by the fire. “Thanks.” Adilah blushed.

Aamir smiled and scratched the back of his neck, “No problem,” Aamir walked off and went to help gather firewood with Yakir and Flame.

Dari came over and sniffed the cast in concern, “I am okay Dari just a bit sore,” she said. Dari whimpered.

Ivy galloped over and switched to a human. Adilah took the time to look at her, she had moss-green eyes, brown hair with blonde highlights, and fair skin. She was wearing a green shirt with shorts and that gave Adilah a question. “Ivy?”

“Hm,” she said half-listening.

“What happens to your clothes when you’re a centaur?” said Adilah.

“Well,” Ivy took a long pause, “actually I am not quite sure,” she laughed. They two went back to silence. Adilah’s glance drifted to Aamir who was now tackling Flame for the nails to the tent.

She laughed, Ivy, glanced at her and smiled. “You REALLY like him don’t you?”

“Yeah” she responded not knowing what she was saying. She shook her head, “What NO we aren’t like that!!” Ivy gave her a look.

Adilah sighed, “okay maybe just a little bit.” she blushed embarrassingly. Ivy nudged her shoulder, “I won’t say anything, promise.”

Adilah smiled, “thanks.”

Aamir walked over laughing and looking back at Flame, “Ima getcha next time.”

The fire was started and the tents were up. Adilah was lost in thought realizing that they only had 2 days left or Flame and Ivy are going to be banished, and Flame had messed up so much he may not even have that much mercy.

She took the compass out of the satchel and saw that the needle was spinning rapidly. Why would the needle do that if we are so far from the Elems? Unless...

Adilah kept thinking of the possibilities for the compass to act so weirdly that she didn’t notice Aamir sitting next to her.

“Helloooo, Helloooo?.” said Aamir.

“I can see you, idiot,” Adilah laughed.

Aamir smiled, “I know.” Adilah’s palms got sweaty, and she felt a wave of nervousness. I used to be able to talk to him so easily.

Aamir’s smile faded, “you okay?”

Adilah nodded, scared to talk. “Does your leg feel better at all? You should get some rest? A? I know it’s hard but you can talk to me, right? Are, are you okay?”


Adilah covered her mouth, wishing she could take back everything she said.

She had never seen Aamir look so hurt, “Aamir I,” she reached out to grab his shoulder, “He flinched away,” his eyes welled up with tears, he wiped them away and reset his face, “if you wanted me to leave then you could have just said so,” he stormed off on a limp.

Adilah put her head in her hands and started to cry. She let all the negativity flood over her and all the pain and regret she has built up over the last few days. I am so sorry Papa. I messed up, I messed up badly and I think I just pushed away the boy I love.

Dari laid her head on Adilah’s feet with a small thing clutched in her mouth. Adilah looked up, “Dari drop.” the small wooden bird fell from her mouth. Adilah picked it up, it was the gift her father had made her, she smiled at the dog through tears. “Thank you.”

Adilah had Ivy help her to the tent as Flame forged a crutch. Ivy tried to get her to talk but she stayed stone-faced. Aamir was distant from her and didn’t say anything before going into the tent. They fell asleep with the soft chirps from the birds in the canopy and the distant howls of wolves settling down in their dens. As everyone went to sleep, Adilah lay on her back wide awake. She felt bruised and broken.

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