Twisted Secrets- I Give Birth To A Billionaire’s Babies ( Isabella Halls )

Chapter 9

Chapter Nine: Lingering Shadows 

Alexander glanced dispassionately at Sebastian before excusing himself to the dining room, concerned about Isabella’s comfort amidst this façade of their relationship. Sitting at the table, Isabella navigated the questions with a touch of unease, feeling grateful for Alexander’s arrival.” What’s the topic?” Alexander seated himself beside Isabella, seeking to ease the atmosphere. Matilda responded cheerfully, “Just work discussions. Now that Isabella’s with your company, you’ll have to look out for her.” Alexander nodded in agreement, acknowledging the responsibility. Matilda gazed fondly at Isabella, half–jokingly suggesting a swift marriage. In stark contrast, Sebastian remained cold and detached. In Sebastian’s thoughts, doubts lingered. ‘Isabella denies any relationship with Alexander, even when brought home. It’s hard to believe her denial.‘ How long have you two been together?” Matilda inquired, curiosity brimming. “About six months,” Alexander replied, smoothly fabricating their story. “Isabella’s a bit reserved, so we kept it low–key.” Matilda, adopting a protective stance, offered Isabella reassurance. “If this man ever wrongs you, you come tell me, alright?” Isabella assured, “No worries, Mrs. Allen. Alexander’s been wonderful. I suggested keeping it quiet, so it’s partly my doing too.” Encouragingly, Matilda urged, “It’s okay to be reserved. Young ones like you shouldn’t worry much about others‘ thoughts.” 

Isabella agreed, valuing the advice and promising to remember it. Amidst the amiable chatter, Sebastian interjected with a critical remark about Isabella’s ring design, insinuating its similarity to another brand. His comment created a tense moment in the room. Remaining unfazed, Alexander rationalized, “Designs often overlap in the creative world, given the multitude of styles.” Isabella decided to clarify the matter, revealing her past association with the brand. Sebastian’s disbelief and 

lenge to her truthfulness pushed her to present solid proof–displaying her old contracts and 

design drafts on her phone. Sebastian was taken aback, surprised by this hidden aspect of Isabella’s life. His attempt to question her integrity backfired. Isabella turned the tables, challenging Sebastian’s motives and questioning his doubts about her professional history. She saw through his agenda–aiming to undermine her, shatter her career, and drive her away. Alexander, witnessing this. revelation, was surprised. He realized there were parts of Isabella’s past that remained undisclosed.” What else is she hiding?” 

Alexander was increasingly captivated by Isabella’s dedication to her work in a world that often celebrated frivolity.. 

Sebastian, acknowledging his mistake, tried to diffuse the tension. “I misunderstood earlier, my apologies.” 

Isabella brushed it off, understanding the confusion. “It happens; some designs share a vibe.” 

Alexander, clearly displeased, cautioned Frank. “Keep it discreet in public, Home’s one thing, but causing trouble outside is another.” 

Observing Frank’s unusual behavior, Lorraine was taken aback. ‘Sebastian’s acting so oddly today, especially around Isabella. What’s going on?‘ 

Sebastian attempted to downplay the situation. “It’s not a big deal. Just thought the design resembled something I’ve seen before. We’re lucky it’s at home and not in public.” 

Chapter Nine: Lingering Shadows 

Alexander tried to dismiss the issue. “It’s blown out of proportion.” 

Matilda, irritated by Frank’s attitude, regretted inviting them. This was a bad idea. They’re stirring up trouble instead of enjoying the evening. 

The announcement of dinner provided a welcome distraction. Linda directed everyone to the table, mentally resolving not to invite Sebastian again. The dinner was delightful, with Isabella praising the chef’s culinary skills. 

“If you enjoy the meals, come by more often with Alexander. Just give me a heads up. I’ll arrange something special next time,” Matilda warmly offered. 

“Thank you, Mrs. Thompson.” 

Matilda smiled, insisting “you’re most welcome. We’d love to have you here more often, Isabella.” 

Though reluctant, Alexander obliged, “Sure, Mom.” 

Isabella felt conflicted, torn between her unease about the fake relationship with Alexander and refusing Matilda’s genuine invitation. “Absolutely, I’ll try to visit more.” 

After dinner, Alexander dropped Isabella home. Miles and Amelia eagerly greeted her, showing off Amelia’s new dress. Charlotte reassured Amelia, making her feel adorably confident. 

Observing Isabella with her kids, Alexander noticed Andy’s reserved demeanor, reminiscent of his own childhood longing for his mother’s affection. 

Isabella engaged the kids, asking about their lessons from the nanny. Andy, silently aware of Amelia forgetfulness, patiently helped her, concealing her shortcomings. 

“Time for baths, kids. You’ve got a lot to learn tomorrow,” Isabella gently reminded them. 

Inspired by Miles’s independence, Amelia insisted, “I want to wash up alone too!” 

While slightly apprehensive, Isabella agreed to it. “Okay, let’s give it a try then, call me if you need 



Amelia broke free from Isabella’s embrace, determined to prove herself. “I can handle it on my Sofia handed Isabella a glass of water, grinning. Looks like our little princess is ready for new challenges.” “Yes, sweetheart, you’re ready for this,” Isabella encouraged Amelia, preparing their bath essentials and standing outside the bathroom with Sofia, ready to assist if needed. Sofia, teasingly, glanced at Isabella. “I noticed Alexander dropped you off. What’s happening between you two?” “He was just being kind by giving me a ride. Remember, I mentioned it earlier? He asked me to “Yeah? And without your 

act as his girlfriend for a while, so I agreed to it.” Sofia remained suspicious lier? He asked me to 

car, how will you get to work tomorrow?““Oops, I hadn’t thought of that.” Isabella realized. “Can you give me a ride in the morning?” 

Sofia paused for effect. “I’ll do it, but only if you take me to that fancy steakhouse you went to for lunch.” The thought of the expensive restaurant made Isabella flinch, but she agreed, “Alright, it’s a deal. We’ll go there for lunch.” “Don’t even think about backing out.” “I’ve never backed out before, 

Kms + bye H 

have 17“As Sofia reminisced about some old school days, Isabella quickly changed the subject, unwilling to linger on the past. “You’re avoiding the tople,” Sofia complained, her voice m Once sofia let it go, Isabella decided to share her encounter with Sebastian. “I ran into fiebastian at Alexander’s house” Sofia’s expression soured, sharing Isabella’s dislike for Nebastian, “How did you end up seeing him at Alexander’s place?” “Alexander happens to be Sebastian’s uncle. He was there when Alexander brought me over for dinner.” 

Sofia voiced her concern, “Had I known earlier, I wouldn’t have allowed you to work there.” Isabella shook her head reassuringly. “It’s alright. This could have happened anywhere. I can’t avoid him forever, can 1?” “You’re right. If he ever bothers you, just let me know.” “He wouldn’t dare.” Isabella exuded confidence, aware of something about Sebastian. However, the prospect of encountering him regularly still unsettled her. Meanwhile, Miles had finished his bath and was gesturing towards Amelia’s bathroom. “Is she still in there?” “Girls usually take longer, so my big boy will have to wait bit longer.” Isabella smiled as she dried Miles‘ hair. 

“I’ll help put Amelia to bed later. You must be tired after a whole day of work, Mom.” “I’m not too tired. But it’s sweet of you to help your sister tonight.” Miles rubbed his sleepy eyes. “Compared to you, my day hasn’t been hard at all.” After tucking the children in bed, Isabella shared the night’s events with Sofia. Sofia paused. “I have a few contracts with him. I’ll speak to the project manager on 

our collaboration. 

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