Twice Blessed ~ Matthew’s Story

Chapter 28 ~ Frost Is A Butthead!

Ella’s POV ~

Dad and Damien encountered the same situation we had.. only half the women. All of the sixteen she-wolves recently abducted were still unaccounted for.

Calvin is combing the laptops and cellphones we have confiscated for any kind of information where they might be. We have worked diligently to get all the women we had rescued back to their families.. or packs. Except the three pregnant women. They chose to stay with us because of the stigma of having a hybrid. Some packs still frowned on it.

We went to see Doc and are exactly ten weeks pregnant. In two weeks, we will know the gender. Matthew is excited.. he wants a boy.. or a girl. Which made me laugh.

Calvin alerts us that he’s uncovered some pertinent information in regards to Edgar. So we all head to the conference room. Damien has stayed with us because he wants those women rescued.

Once everyone is seated, Calvin turned on the television. “I found him. I sent trackers to check out an old commune.. about forty miles from here. There’s cabins.. yurts.. a couple cottages. But.. more importantly, there is a root cellar. The trackers have observed women being dragged.. to and from there. And always dragged to this central cabin… here.

These two buildings house the warriors. This cabin has all Edgar’s so-called officers. A tracker informed me Edgar has ordered all his men to not touch the women until he is through. He reserves the privilege of breaking them in.

Which he does.. as often as possible.. until the woman no longer fights back. Then he gives them to the men. The tracker also asked you not question him how he obtained his intel. He did say he only had time for a shallow grave.”

Matthew snickered then said “Ready our troops! We go in with no less that three hundred, this time. I want this shit over with. And I want that bastard’s head mounted on a spike!”

We all geared up and got ready to go. I agreed to stay back with Mom and Lynette. Matthew had enough to worry about.. and Abalone won’t shift now.

Dad and Damien took half the men.. fanning out in a semicircle on the north.. while Matthew and Maverick took their team in a semicircle to the south. Completely surrounding the camp.

When I heard Frost’s battle roar, I knew they had breached the perimeter. I climbed a tree to see if I could see any of our pack members. I could hear the sounds of battle in the distance.. and gunfire.

I nearly fell from the tree when I felt the impact. Matthew had been hit. I gasped for breath.. and fought with myself to not go to him. But I promised. For the sake of our baby.

I was climbing down from the tree when I heard 🐺 I’m so sorry, baby. I know you felt it. It was strange though. Frost took a solid silver round to the chest and our body just popped the bullet back out and healed me. Our mate bond is definitely a special one, my love.

I asked if everyone was okay.. and was told we took some injuries.. and they would be arriving soon. I paced the wood line.. watching for our people.

When I spotted them, I ran to help the injured into triage. Mom and Lynette strictly adhere to triage healing. They are firm believers in allowing a wolf’s natural healing kick in.

I spotted Maverick before I saw Matthew. I ran to them both and Matthew pulled me into him “Dad and Uncle Damian have Edgar. We literally caught him with his pants down. He’s screaming for a lawyer.. like any of his constitutional rights matter here.”

It took several hours to get the poor women all seen.. and taken care of. I had had the foresight to have brought a barrel of water and some clean sweats so they could wash up and feel better.

Damien was already speaking on a conference call with the Alphas of the packs the women belonged to. One of them turned out to be Calvin’s mate.

Her name is Peaches. No really. Peaches. She’s a tiny little thing with strawberry blonde hair. Cal hasn’t turned her loose and Peaches hasn’t stopped crying.

When we arrived back at the pack house, the omegas had started preparing a victory celebration. I jumped in and started helping.. and Mom made dessert. She called it Lava cake soufflé.. and it was the meltiest, gooeyist, chocolateyist concoction ever.

Matthew made me stop eating it after the third one. But I made her promise to make it for me once a week. At least, until the baby comes. Because.. and I tried explaining it to Matthew… the baby really, really likes chocolate.

The days that followed were spent getting all the women home. The rogues and hunters that survived, scattered to Goddess knows where. There was a discussion about tracking them down, but Matthew felt it was a waste of resources.. That we were better off fortifying our territory and always being prepared.

Damien decided to execute Edgar.. for his crimes against the women. It was to be a public beheading. So, our carpenters built a platform high enough the whole pack could see.

It was scheduled for the day after our ultrasound.. we wanted a gender reveal.. and I didn’t want it on a day we executed someone.

Matthew had sent Maverick out on a two week hiatus.. to travel packs.. looking for his mate. He was feeling left out, now that Calvin had Peaches. I love her to death. She’s starting to come back from her trauma.. but she still has a long way to go.

Calvin is so kind.. so patient. They still haven’t mated.. although she did let him mark her. She is in therapy and making progress.

Matthew and I decided on names.. Blaine for a boy and Blair for a girl. He told me Frost said we are having a boy.. and I whined that wasn’t fair. I don’t want the surprise spoiled. Frost is a butthead!

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