Twice Blessed ~ Matthew’s Story

Chapter 27 ~ It’s a Woman Thing, I Think!

Matthew’s POV ~

We are on the tenth day.. ten days since Ella found all the information at her house. We had agreed to step up training and decided we were going to attack the hunters new base camp in two weeks.

That plan was scrapped this morning. Damien showed up with news that fourteen she-wolves have gone missing in the last six days.

We had come across information on the laptop for something called Operation Roundup.. but foolishly thought by arresting and killing some of Edgar’s higher ups would have slowed him down. That was a costly mistake.

Now, we are on a search and rescue mission. Mom and Lynette have set up a triage center twenty miles east of our territory.. Ella hasn’t been feeling well.. but refused to stay with the medivac unit.

Mom thinks Ella is pregnant, but she is adamant about not taking a test until we rescue the she wolves. Dad and Damien have taken a team west.. and Mine and Ella’s team are south. The map showed two primary locations that were secluded and difficult to reach with any stealth.

Our only option is a full frontal attack.. I’m okay with that.. my only fear is Ella being pregnant. She assured me she would be safe and careful.

We had just geared up and all hundred and fifty of my men stood, awaiting orders. Ella stepped forward and her eyes glowed brighter than I had ever seen, so I knew the Goddess was coming forward.

“My children.. Know you will prevail, this day. You fight with my might! You fight for right! Rescue my daughters. Make me proud!”

Every single soldier dropped to their knee and crossed their chests with a fist. Ella raised her hands and grinned at all of them “Freaky as fuck, right!? I know! I live with it.” Making them all chuckle.

We worked our way through the woods to a large compound.. Five buildings, in total. We climbed into the trees to watch their defenses.. we have no idea how many we would encounter.. we know Edgar has over three hundred humans working with him.. and at least a hundred and fifty rogues. We also know he doesn’t keep them all in one area. His two main camps were supposedly only housing a third of his manpower in total.

After an hour, I had solidified a plan. There were about seventy men around the compound. To the back of the property, a long narrow building was padlocked.. no windows.. I believe, if the women are here.. they would be in that building.

Ella.. with Calvin and his Luna team of six.. would make their way to that building. She smirked at me.. saying “Think you’re slick, don’t ya!? Well.. newsflash, my hero.. once we have cleared that building.. I will be joining the fight.”

I grimaced.. knowing I was going to hear about it later. She doesn’t have to read my mind.. to know my mind. I have a feeling I miscalculated my mate’s need to be protected.

We took off in the direction of the camp.. Maverick and I were in the lead. Charging directly into the center.. Frost roared out our arrival. Men ran from the buildings.. all in various states of undress.. Causing a distinct feeling of discomfort to lodge in my chest.

We didn’t hesitate.. we launched into attack.. severing arms that held weapons.. tearing out throats.. I was on a mission to find Edgar. I didn’t slow up.. Just dropped anyone in my path.

Twenty minutes later.. not one hunter survived. Ella walked over to me. “Cal and I cleared all the buildings. We found twenty one women.. At first questioning, it seems none of them are the recent abductees.”

I looked over the women. Not one of them remained unscathed. Three were pregnant.. they were all filthy.. bruised.. some had bloody wounds.

I turned to Maverick “Get them to Mom and Aunt Lynette. These women need treatment immediately. Ella, do you want to stay with me, or go with the women?” She grinned “Oh! I’m staying, Studly!” Maverick busted out laughing and I looked at Ella, I chuckled “That’s One, Babelicious!” Making Mav laugh harder.

We walked through each building.. The filthy conditions.. Goddess only knows the bacteria and germs these people were exposed to. Ella said “I gotta admit.. I’m pretty fucking skeeved out in here. Been scratching my head since the first building like I have a lice infestation. Or fleas. Oh my Goddess, Matthew? Can werewolves get fleas? Abalone won’t like having fleas, Matthew. Do we have to wear a flea collar if it happens? Is there a book of werewolf ordinances or something? I don’t want to wear a flea collar, Matthew!”

I busted out laughing.. “The places your beautiful brain takes you! My love, we don’t get fleas. Our blood tastes like human blood to fleas. Humans can’t sustain a thriving environment for fleas to survive.”

She sighed “Oh thank the Goddess!” And I laughed again. She is too adorable. She wandered off.. searching through the trash and debris.. mumbling under her breath about reading every wolf book we own.

We had cleared all the buildings.. and while the one that was padlocked had been empty, at the time. It definitely wasn’t always that way. Chains hung from the walls.. pallets on the floor. A five gallon bucket as a toilet. At the very back was a gambrel and hoist to hang them from for whipping. Essentially, a torture chamber.

We confiscated a couple laptops.. several filing cabinets. Lots of information.. but no sign whatsoever of Edgar. No sign of him.. at all.. ever being here.

We wrapped it up and headed to the triage camp. We took our time and I asked how she felt about maybe being pregnant.. she replied “Oh.. there’s no maybe. We’re pregnant. Abalone confirmed it this morning. As to how I feel about it.. I’m happy. It is the Goddess will.. and who are we, but to serve her?”

I chuckled “Well.. technically.. you are of both.. the Goddess’s will and the hands of fate.. So, you can feel any way you want. But, for the record? I am over the moon happy!”

She squealed and threw herself into my arms at such speed we both toppled over.. landing right at Mom’s feet. She stood above us.. hands on her hips.. an eyebrow cocked up to her hairline. And I, in my infinite wisdom, grinned widely and said “We’re pregnant.” And she squealed.. louder than Ella had. It’s a woman thing, I think.

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