Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 12: Lunchtime

I exit out of the hallway, still reeling from my close encounter with my knights. I sigh softly, feeling my heart having finally stopped racing wildly. I do smile however, seeing them both while here. This was their home, where they were married and started a family.

I fold my arms in front of me, feeling isolated and alone. The situation before me in now reversed, with me being in a different era than I lived in, its people and customs largely unknown to me. Despite being with my ancestors, they too don’t know me. It’s like being at a family reunion, yet you’re the only one while still family, is also not at the same time.

I take several long breaths, trying to clear my mind. Fenris brushes against me, having sensed my growing anxiety. I smile, reaching over and stroking him. At least I have him with me.

“Who are you?” I hear a voice calling out to me.

I perk my head up to see a man running over to me. He’s young, possibly in his mid-twenties, slight muscular build, fair-skinned, with short hazel hair. Some might call him handsome, I know I would.

He runs stops within a few feet of me. He’s also wearing the same outfit as the other knights, albeit with a scarf around his neck.

“What is your name, girl?” he asks. He sounds a bit more accusatory, if not guarded. Can’t say I blame him. He’s a knight and it’s his duty to protect those he serves.

I look up to him, “Isn’t proper for a gentleman to give his name first when greeting a lady?”

He peers down at me, his dark honey-colored eyes boring into me. “I am Piotr Melssha, knight of Shyair.” He inches closer, “Now that I have fulfilled your request, care to do the same?”

I fold my arms around my back, “I’m Aria.”

He tilts his head, “Simply ‘Aria’? Surely that isn’t your full name.”

“That’s all I can at this time, good sir knight,” I respond, adding some of my mother into my response.

He takes another step forward, coming even closer. “I, and my fellow knights, have never seen you before, and what is your business here?” His tone changes slightly, becoming a bit angry. I peer around him, seeing a couple other knights simply watching our discord.

Fenris steps forward, thinking the young knight is getting a little too close to me. Piotr takes a step back, giving him a bow with the head. My bonded watches him. The knight then turns back to me, “I shall ask you again, what is your business here?”

Fenris now positions himself in front of me, glaring at the knight. I again peer around to the others, who now seem to be standing in concern for their young comrade. Some start walking over to us, possibly in the attempt to prevent something from happening.

“Aria!!!” I hear being called out.

I turn to see Celestine and Athena standing at the opposite end of the courtyard. I watch as every knight present quickly turns and bows.

Good morning, Princess Celestine,” I hear them say in unison.

I slip past Piotr and dash over to the pair. Fenris follows suit, watching the knight closely as he does.

When I reach them, I am immediately greeted by Athena who gently presses her head into mine, “Good morning, little Aria,” she says softly.

I smile, stroking her face as she nuzzles mine, “Good morning.”

The wolf’s tails swish happily as she nuzzles my face again, grumbling softly. Her fur truly is soft, soft as digging through air that you can actually touch.

Fenris lets out a huff, making his presence known. She looks up to him and smiles, this time actually backing away. But not before giving a lick to my nose. I giggle softly.

Celestine looks on and smiles. “It’s still strange at how quickly she’s taken to you.”

I blush softly, nodding. I look at her wolf, seeing her smiling to me. Fenris continues to look on, obviously jealous. I peer over to him, reaching out my hand. He leans his head forward, pressing it into my hand. I grin, raking my fingers through his fur. Both wolves groan softly, happily. It’s strange, but it feels more natural to surrounded by two wolves rather than just one. I’m really loving this right now.

Celestine rests her hand onto her bonded’s back, “I noticed you strolling through the halls earlier and wanted to come find you. Now that I have…have you eaten?”

I lay my head onto Athena’s, looking up at the woman, “I had some breakfast delivered to us earlier,” looking up to her, “thank you.”

She nods, “You are most welcome, Aria.” We then eye our wolves again staring at each other. I tilt my head as I watch.

Celestine looks to me, “Well…if you’re feeling up to it, what would you say to have lunch with me?”

I smile, “Love to.”

“Then follow me,” she replies, motioning to follow her.

As we ascend the stairs I look back to Piotr, who is also looking at me. He is soon surrounded by his fellow knights, some already talking with him.

The four of us wander the halls, with me staying close to her. Celestine takes the occasional glimpse at me. I offer a soft smile in return. In some strange way, I feel like I’m being led around like a little kid.

We finally come to a room that overlooks the forest beyond. Inside are couches places across from the other with a table in the middle. Spread around the room is more chairs and tables with even a desk. Several large windows filter in light from outside. I smile slightly as the sun begins to poke through the clouds, shining intermittently.

I think this is a solarium. Not a bad place to have lunch.

On the table before us rest several plates and small dishes. I look up to Celestine who motions me in. I cautiously walk over to her, eyeing both her and the food.

She grins softly, “You look like a little fox, nervous and ever watchful.”

My cheeks burn softly. “I’ve been told that by several others,” I say as I sit across from her. “You should really see me as one,” I whisper.

She smiles, as we then begin to eat. I watch as she then pours a milky-pink drink into her glass and sips from it. I stare at it, “So what is it you’re drinking?”

She tilts her head in confusion. “How do you not know what Jupta is?”

I shrug, “Never heard of it.”

She takes another glass and pours some of it into it. “Jupta is a special milk tea mixed with juices and spice.” She then hands it to me.

I take the cup from her and hold it up to my nose. I take in the scent, smiling as it reminds me of strawberry milk. I take a sip, smiling even more as it really does taste like strawberry milk, but with extra spices. I drink more of it, downing the glass.

Celestine grins, “It would seem you rather enjoy it.”

I giggle blushingly, nodding, “I do.” I then pull around my bag and retrieve my journal from it. Opening it up, I quickly make an entry about the drink.

Celestine watches me inquisitively, yet still smiles and refills my glass. “How did you sleep last night? Did you receive enough rest?”

I smile as I continue to write. “Slept like a baby,” I chuckle, “can’t believe how soft beds are in the past.”

Fenris quickly snaps his jaws, which catches my attention. I blush as my eyes grow wide. Crap, I just had to run my mouth. I peer up at Celestine who looks on with curiosity.

A few minutes later we hear the door creak open. We turn to see Serasfall walk in with Rhea at her flank. “Well, hello you two.”

Celestine smiles, “Hello Mother. Aria and I were simply enjoying some lunch together, care to join us?”

Her mother nods, “Love to.”

The matriarch and her bonded step over to my couch, to which I scoot over, hiding my journal. This is followed by Fenris who hops over to the other side. Both sit down beside me, looking elegant and regal as they do. I can’t help but swallow nervously while in their presence. I blush softly, once again being this close to her.

Serasfall smiles gently, turning to me, “Did you sleep well, my dear?”

I nod, “I did, my Lady.” I peer up into her eyes, again seeing the same colors and patterns as my own. “I do thank you for your hospitality. If there is any way I can repay, please tell me.”

The matriarch shakes her head, “None is required.” I bow my head slightly to her.

She then turns to her daughter, “Your uncle contacted me earlier, stating there are some documents from the Court that require my attention. Would you be a dear and retrieve them from the citadel for me?”

Celestine sighs, “Of course, Mother.” She then smiles, “It’ll at least be good to visit him and the others.” She then turns to me, “I’d like to take Aria with me, if possible. It’ll be a good opportunity to show her around the city.” I blush softly.

She grins, “I am also interested in seeing Fenris running through the streets.”

Serasfall smiles faintly at me, “Would you like to accompany my daughter?”

“Yes,” I say quickly.

Part of me really wants to make a good impression with them, so agreeing to any request is part of that. Otherwise it might look like I’m simply taking advantage of their hospitality. Yep…I really am a goody-little-two-shoe aren’t I?

Serasfall’s smile widens slightly. It feels motherly for some reason. It’s warm and soft with love in her eyes, somehow directed towards me.

I peer up at Fenris. I agree with Celestine, this will be an awesome chance to tour the city. This time without worry of someone coming after me. I know he’s also chomping at the bits the run around with me on his back. One more thing that will be great is that this will be the first time he’ll be out in the public in his full form with no one really batting an eyelash at him. However there is still a tiny, yet major problem.

“So…how are we gonna ride through the city with your black fur?” I ask.

He smirks, covering his fur in a thin sheet of frost, changing his fur to a silvery blue.

I lean over and rake my fingers through his fur, noting that it’s no different than before. It won’t even come off. I stare at him, tilting my head, “You never told me you could do that.”

His mouth curls back into a grin, “You never asked.”

I smirk, flicking his nose, “Stingy wolf.”

He chuckles, reverting to normal.

I pull back to see Serasfall smiling once more to me. “With that little issue dealt with, the four of you don’t have to leave until morning, so no rush.” I look to Celestine and we both nod.

As I sit back up, I resist the urge to simply slink back into my seat. For me, it’s always a sign of me at my most relaxed. Yet here and with two of my ancestors present, I’m not sure how they’d react to it. While a simple and common act in my time, it could be considered an insult here.

As I do, I catch Celestine watching me. I dart my attention from her only to catch her mother’s gaze. A faint smile is visible, again feeling soft and gentle. Why is she so trusting of me? She barely knows anything about me.

Granted, I really haven’t been forthcoming with information either. I want to tell them who I really am, tell them about me, my home, and my family. Simply everything about me. But I can’t. Any information I give could potentially alter the timeline, in which I may not even be born or worse.

Like I said…time-travel really sucks. Hence why it's taboo to mess with time magic. Mom never taught it to me, and I never pursued it either, even out of curiosity. I turn away, averting my eyes yet again.

A servant then rushes into the room. He bows to us, “Forgive my intrusion my Ladies, but the wolves are growing restless.”

Serasfall nods and rises from her seat, “Understood. I shall go and attend to them.”

I look at her. “Wait, the wolves are here?” I blurt out.

She nods, eyeing me again. She then turns and leaves, followed by Rhea.

My heart shoots into my throat. Gah, you are such an idiot Aria!! I know this is exciting, now actually knowing that the wolves are here on the Shyair estate. But you really need to keep those feelings and thoughts secret.

I mentally slap myself, trying to remedy my embarrassing outburst. Fenris looks to me, his eyes glinting both happiness and yet a father’s concern. I nod to him, knowing I’ve screwed up. Just hope nothing happens because of it.

Celestine smiles then looks to me, “Will you tell where you’re from? I would really like to know. Also, how did Fenris come to be bonded with you?”

I shirk back slightly, again with the questions. Again, I really, really want to just come out and talk about everything about me. I look to her, “As I said before, I come from far, far away. Where it is lies on a shore that most might not understand. I can say that my home it surrounded by nature, much like here.”

She nods softly, still smiling. I look over to Fenris. “He came to me one night while I was home. I had just dealt with something terrible and he arrived, helping me deal with the final remnants of doubt. We bonded and he’s been with me ever since.”

Fenris leans in and nuzzles my face. “Ever shall my heart rejoice for that night.”

I smile, clinging to him.

Celestine smiles and nods. Her attention then turns as Athena, having slipped over to my left, sits close to me. I watch as one of her tails drapes around me, similar to Fenris. The wolf then leans in and nuzzles my face.

Little Aria,” she says softly, licking my face.

I blush and giggle, gently stroking her face. Fenris chomps his jaws again. Athena merely looks to him and smiles, softly tightening her grip around me.

Celestine looks on in complete surprise. I glance at her, seeing her watching us. My cheeks burn hotter as the wolves come close to me.

She finally shakes free of her entrancement and starts to place her empty plates together. I scoot forward and do the same. I smile, feeling a little better, calmer. She rises from her seat, “Care to explore some more? This time with a proper guide?”

I blush, nodding, “Lead the way.”

She grins and heads for the door. Athena finally releases me and I follow suit, now flanked by both wolves.

We wander the corridors, feeling the rugs squish under my feet. I will never understand why I feel at peace being led around someone’s home. I think it’s the simple quiet that’s enthralling.

When I first visited Mom she too gave me a tour of her home. It was one of the first things she and I did together. I sigh, staring down the long rugs, thinking of her.

“How often do you ride Fenris?” I hear Celestine ask.

I pop my head up and look to her. “Fairly often. A bit more recently.”

It is my preferred place for her while out on the Estate,” adds Fenris.

I cringe, grabbing for his mouth, clamping it shut. “Ixnay on home,” I whisper.

Celestine turns to me, her smile still as gentle as before, “So you live on an estate as well. Given how you’ve described as being within nature, it must be vast.”

I pan to her, sighing, “It is…or was.” I lean into Fenris who nuzzles me, groaning softly and assuredly.

I miss home. It’s been five months since I had to flee. Granted half that time was lost thanks to the fairy road. In that time since, I long to just go back. I want to go home, often crying myself to sleep because of it.

Celestine simply smiles. I do catch her slowing her pace, now matching my own. Her hand moves, almost wanting to reach over to me but stops, falling back to her side. Did she want to comfort me? Part of me wants it, yet the other…I’d have to yet again explain everything to her. For the moment I simply can’t.

She then leans over, “Do you like to read?”

I grin softly, feeling my heart swell with pride. “Do I ever. I used to read constantly while at home.” I giggle, “Often enough I could be found with a book in hand whenever someone came into my room.” I again lower my head, missing home all the more.

She chuckles, “Then we have our next destination.”

We continue through the house until we arrive at a pair of glass doors. My nose is soon filled with the smell of books. I peer inside, seeing a vast library.

Celestine then opens the doors and we walk in. My eyes grow wide as I turn. The library is exactly as Kateryna described to me, yet with me being here, I discover she hardly did it justice.

The library is two-tiered like at home, yet seems to be filled with row upon endless row of books. I see couches, tables, and chairs strewn about, similar to the outpost. Two fireplaces sit on opposite sides of the room, both flickering with yellow flames. It feels larger than home, with the second level seemingly disappearing into the house. Light glimmers in from windows above us.

As we walk around, I find the tables all possess two crystal lamps. I lean over to one and lightly tap the base, smiling as it lights up. I stand back up and continue following after Celestine.

We stroll down the bookcases, watching as she fumbles her fingers along the spines of various books. She finally stops and pulls it out and hands it to me.

I look to her, “Sorry, but I can’t read Alcoran.”

She smiles, “Can you read Dragonic?”

I nod quickly, “Fluently.” She grins, handing me the book.

I open it and discover that it’s The Hal’Shofan Sagas. I smile broadly, knowing Silvi spoke of them often. These dealt with ancient legends and even battles. My sister wanted me to read it, yet most copies were in absolutely horrendous condition. Even the Loreians were saddened by this. So to have a pristine copy in my hand is beyond amazing.

I peer up at her, you hardly know me and yet you’re showing show around your home. In all honesty, I doubt most strangers would be given this level of trust. Well…I did with Diana, which turned out to be a disaster. But that’s in my era, this is the past. So what’s the deal?

Celestine turns and finds a book for herself. She then leads me over to the couches and we each take one. I curl up against the armrest and quickly open the book and bury myself into it. My guide simply smiles. I blush, having completely forgotten that I’m not home and turn, placing my feet onto the floor.

“S-sorry,” I sheepishly let out.

She smiles, shaking her head, “No need to be. Feel free to feel at home here, Aria.”

I blush and resume my previous position.

Again I bury myself into the pages of the book, loving each and every tale held within. It’s been a long since I felt at this much peace. Just me and a book. I glance over to see Celestine also locked within her own book. I smile to myself, yep, hobbies are genetic.

I peer up to see large grandfather clock by one of the bookcases. I smile, reading that it’s about 4:14. Meaning we’ve been in the library for about an hour or so.

“Tell me more about you,” I hear Celestine speak.

I peer over to her. I smirk, tilting my head. At it again huh? I pull my legs in tighter to me. We spent the next few hours talking. One topic is weather, which I learned it’s actually early spring, very early.

“I can’t wait the for the trees to bud,” she says. “The forests truly come alive when the seasons change.”

I smile, “I’ve spent time in a place where spring is celebrated by sitting under trees, and watch the flowers bloom.” I giggle, “They have picnics under said trees.”

She grins, “I wager you had a splendid time participating.”

I grin, “I did.”

She smiles. “Do you have family?”

My grip tightens around my book, “I have a mother, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, and a brother.” I lean over to discover not only that my bonded is lying in front of the couch I’m but Athena as well. I peer up at Celestine, “Sorry if I’m hogging your wolf.”

She tilts her head, “’Hogging?’”

I giggle, “Sorry, it means I’m the one taking up most of her attention.”

She shakes her head, “Think nothing of it.” Celestine then smiles, “You have quite the extensive family.”

I sigh, “I do, but really my core family is my two sisters, one aunt, Fenris, and my mother.”

“Will you tell me about them?”

I coil even tighter on the couch, “I…I...” I feel a tail wrapping around me. I look over to see Fenris smiling at me. I lean over and stroke his head. “I wish I could. Too much has happened, all in a short time.”

Once more my thoughts turn to my mother, missing her even more than before. I know I can see her face, listen to her speak whenever I want, but it’s not the same. I want her to be with me now.

She nods, “I understand, truly I do. When you are ready, I shall be here to listen.”

My cheeks blush softly. It’s only been a day and yet I feel more comfortable with her, like she’s a big sister. Okay…too fast, slow down girl. Take it easy. Remember, she’s your ancestor. I sigh, returning to my book. I peer deeply into the words on the page.

The hours seem to pass unheeded as I turn each page. Fatigue slips in, clouding my focus, but I solider on, fighting to stay awake. The sagas are incredibly engaging, so at least they’re keeping my mind active.

The sound of shuffling feet draws close to us. “It is getting rather late,” I hear a voice say. “Why not retire to bed?”

I peer up, seeing Serasfall standing near us. My eyes grow heavy again.

“I am not a child, Mother,” calmly protests Celestine.

Her mother smiles, “True, my daughter, but she is.” Celestine turns to see me now nodding my head. I’m still fighting to stay awake, a fight that I’m clearly losing.

I hear the soft chuckle of the matriarch as she leans over and gently removes the book from my hands. I offer no objection, instead feeling my hands drop to my side. Tails soon envelope my body, gently lifting me off of the couch. Soft fur touches my face as I see black hairs before me. I smile softly, knowing I’m on Fenris’ back.

He slowly stands up and carries me to the door.

“Do you require any aid with her?” asks Serasfall.

He turns and bows his head to her, “I thank you, kind Serasfall. I am enough to put my little girl to bed.”

She tilts her head as Fenris and I leave the library.

The next thing I know is Fenris laying me onto the bed. He then removes my boots, placing them onto the floor. The bed shakes as he hops onto it, softly pulling me into his side. I cling tightly to his fur as I curl up into him. His tails drape over me like a blanket.

My eyes finally close, nuzzling his side. “Fenris.” I feel him gently nudging my face. Sleep finally claims me as I melt away against his fur.

“Mom,” I softly cry out. “Marron.”

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