Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 11: Walkabout

I feel the air around me nipping at my nose. I groan, wiping it away before finally waking up. My body rises up on the bed. Silvery light fills the room, coming from the balcony windows. To my left I hear Fenris’ breathing as he still sleeps. I look around, my mind still ajar from waking up.

My heart then races, thinking I’m actually home, that the past few months was nothing but a sad dream. With my traveling into the past also being but a part of it. I look around, hoping to find my mother sitting on the bed, her soft warm smile greeting me.

Yet my heart sinks, realizing that it’s not a dream. I really am here. I let out a soft sigh.

I peer over to my right, seeing a set of clothes hanging from a wardrobe. It’s a three-layer dress, with a long-sleeved button down shirt, vest, knee-length skirt, and overcoat. I tilt my head at it, wondering who might have left it there.

I pan back over to Fenris, who still has my bag nestled in between his legs and head. I nod as slip out of bed and head towards the door to my right. I turn the knob and thankfully discover that it's indeed a bathroom.

I pull off my shirt and drape it onto the long sink. I fully undress and slip into the standing shower and turn it on. Hot water beats against my body, soaking deeply into my hair. I stand there for a few minutes, simply letting it drench me. I sigh, resting my head against the shower wall, feeling the hot water roll down my back.

I peer down to see my necklace dangling from my necklace. I gently grab hold of it. It’s one of my most precious treasures from my mother, possessing so many memories. I roll the crystal between my fingers, watching the light catch within it. I smile, pressing it to my lips and kiss it.

I then stand back up and start to clean myself, finding soap next to me. After a few minutes I turn off the water and step out. Finding a towel I quickly dry myself off. I peer over to the vanity and discover a comb, running it through my hair. I smile, feeling it glide effortlessly through the strands.

When I finish, I set about braiding it, starting from the shoulders and moving down for a dozen passes leaving the rest alone. When finished, I exit the bathroom.

If we were home, Fenris would not be in my room. But, he’s still asleep so I have to make this quick. I turn to the hanging clothes and find underwear buried within. A smile rises on my face, finding a bra. I sigh in relief. Oh thank God they have them here.

I quickly put on the clothes, pulling up a pair of stockings and then slip my feet into a pair of ankle boots. I walk over to a mirror and look at myself within it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I was a girl from this era, clothes and all. I smile, actually loving the outfit.

I turn to see Fenris yawning loudly as he stretches his body over the bed. I smile to him, “Morning.”

He turns, softly swishing his tails, “Good morning, little Aria. Did you sleep well?

I nod, “I did.” I then twirl for him. “Whatcha think?”

He smiles, “You look well in those clothes.” I grin.

The smell of food wafts over me as I turn to see covered plates on the table. I smile walking over and sit down, with Fenris following suit with my bag. I open the covers, placing his onto the floor. I peer down to see eggs, fresh bread, butter, jams, various meats and stewed fruits before me. I smile, taking out my phone and take a picture of it and begin to eat.

We sit in silence as we eat. The room is quiet, apart from the steady hum of air flowing in from vents in the floor. I do realize that I am still over four hundred years in the past, yet for the moment, I don’t care.

When we finish, we clean up our plates and set them onto the table. I stand up and slip my arms through the straps of my bag. With that done, we turn and exit the room.

I sneak quietly through the hallways, ears constantly alert for the sounds of servants or anything else. My goal is to explore the home of my ancestors, wanting to see what lies within. I walk past a few portraits, again of past family members.

I pull out my phone and start taking pictures, making sure the shutter volume is turned off. I also have my journal out, taking note of everything I see. I compare them to ones from the Outpost, hoping to find similarities between them.

Next to me is Fenris, eyes and ears ever on a swivel, covering for me while I write. I smile, feeling his fur brush against me. I peer up, again finding the hallways empty for the time being. But even still, I make sure to hide whenever possible. I really don’t want to be seen with phone or jotting down notes by anyone.

The halls seem endless, with windows peering out into the forest. I stop for a moment and gaze out in the never-ending sea of trees. Fenris sits beside me and looks out. I lean up against him, feeling his body is like a stone pillar only covered in dark fur. The trees sway softly against the wind, looking as though waves of green buffet against the shore. I smile, thinking I’m standing in the yard in Japan, overlooking the ocean.

We stay there for a moment before moving on.

As I come to a juncture, I soon hear voices coming from down left corridor. My eyes grow wide as Serasfall heads toward me. I quickly pan my head around, finding an adjacent hallway and dash into a small room.

My tiny body desperately hugs the wall with Fenris having slipped into my shadow. I peer out from a crack in the door. My heart pound heavily within my chest as I watch her walk past me.

I sigh heavily, hoping she didn’t see me. I know she’ll want to greet me, but then start asking me questions. I still don’t know what to say to her so I hide.

I slip out of my hiding place and head back down the hallway, with Fenris again taking his place at my side. I return to the portraits and look up at them. I wish to learn who they portray. I peer down and see nameplates attached to them. I grumble softly, wishing I could read Alcoran. I sigh and turn to move on yet again.

We exit out of the manor and find ourselves standing on a terrace. A soft, chilled breeze rushes against my face as I gaze up into the silver-cloudy skies. I smile softly, still very much in love with this kind of weather.

I see stairs to my right which hug the wall downwards. White stone covers the floor with four gray squares in a star pattern. Pillars rise around me with vines growing up from the ground. I take another picture, smiling then walks over to the stone railing.

The sounds of swords clashing echo loudly from the other side. I lean over the railing to seeing over two dozen people fighting in partial armor sparring with one another. Flashes of silver and bright red sparks fly through the air as men and women dance on the terrace below.

It’s not only swords I see them wield, but also short swords, bows, spears, and even daggers. All of their weapons share a single feature, a blue crystal at their heart.

I lean over onto the railing as I watch them, smiling softly, knowing who they are. Knights of Shyair. Pillars separate several of the knights into groups, with the entire terrace being the size of the parking lot of Faith Lutheran Church back in Madison. So it’s a fairly big place to train.

As the knights dance and weave with their partners, I recall my time at the Ranch and training within Orga and Kateryna. While I was still suffering from my nightmares, the brief moments of pure clarity I had during our sessions helped me. The more I watch the knights below, the more I resist the urge to just leap down and join them.

Even still, it’s fun just watching their comrades practice and train. Their skill is evident, as bursts of air erupt with nearly every blow, creating tiny shockwaves. My smile again widens as I continue to watch.

I sigh softly. I then scan around the terrace, really hoping I don’t run into my knights while here.

I then start heading for the stairs, wanting a closer look. I dodge and weave through servants as they ascend the stairs. I grin softly, remembering often doing the same with the golem maids back home. Trees line the walls of the upper terrace, granting natural shade for any who wish to seek rest.

A few of the knights present take notice of Fenris as he descends the steps with me. They stand in complete awe at him, a few begin to whisper. If I were in my kitsune form I’d probably be able to hear what they were say, but that be hard due to the constant clanging of swords and other weapons.

I blush softly as they too notice me. A few seems to piece together that Fenris is with me, yet dare not make a move.

As I step onto the final step, I look up to actually see both of my knights stepping out from behind a hidden wall. While I know the odds of seeing them here are a dead given, I didn’t expect to see them this soon. For me, the last time I saw them was two days ago at dinner.

My heart instantly shoots into my throat, reeling back as I yank on Fenris. Now…trying to physically move a four-hundred pound. wolf is not easy, but he gets the idea and follows after me as he too sees Orga and Kateryna.

The couple then begins to turn in our direction. I quickly scan around and soon find a hovel in the wall. I make a dash for it, followed by Fenris.

I pant heavily as I rest against the wall. I swear constantly under my breath. While not as bad as yesterday, I nearly caused a massive time paradox if they saw me. Just thinking about it makes me head spin even more.

You must remain calm, Aria,” says Fenris. I nod and look up, wanting to slip away even further.

I soon find the alcove we’re actually in continues on. I lay my hand on the wall, feeling the cold stone against my palm. I look to Fenris who nods. I push off and we walk deeper into the alcove.

A few moments pass and we enter into a small enclosure. My head pans around, seeing grave markers on the ground. They all rest sheltered under the branches of large tree. The enclosure is heavily shaded due to the tree, yet light still fills the area thanks to ever-burning torches.

I walk over and find a wire cage hooked in the wall, filled with sticks. I pull out one and light it, placing it into an empty sconce. Not sure if it’s part of some ritual, but I still do it all the same.

I step softly closer to them, examining each one. To my dismay, yet again, the names are all written in Alcoran. I continue to walk past the markers until I find one surprisingly written in Elven. I lean over and read it.

Tobin. I whisper.

My eyes grow wide. This belongs to Orga and Kateryna’s son. According to them, their son was loved by the wolves and even Celestine thought of him as a younger brother. Tears form in my eyes as I recall him passing due to illness.

I wipe my tears and kneel down and begin to clear his grave of fallen branches and dead leaves. Aside from having his parents be my knights and family, I have no real connection to this boy. Yet I still wish to thank him regardless.

I gently place one hand onto the grave and close my eyes.

Meld dilthen faer, chil hi ambar, rad post no i golas.

Melda bui tuin chil adel, an hain still ped cín est-.

Lothron i anor mír- softlui sui cin teilien,

lothron i ithil tiri cin sui cin lór.

It’s an elven prayer of thanks and respite I learned from Mom. I’ve never thought I’d ever use it, but still glad she taught it to me.

I lean over to the side of the grave and dig my fingers into the soft soil. Magic soon infuses the ground, watching as statice and white rose spring forth. I gently pluck several and weave them into a wreath, placing it onto the grave. Fenris smiles, watching calmly. I lean back, smiling softly at my tribute to him.

Voices soon echo forth, coming from down the corridor behind me. I quickly stand up and turn, facing it. I scan the enclosure again, finding a small wall. Fenris and I then dash and leap over it as the indistinct voices become clearer, now recognizing them as those belonging to my knights.

I hide beyond the wall with Fenris crouching low beside as they enter into the cemetery.

“The others sure are raring this morning,” says Kateryna.

“That they are,” responds Orga. “I dare say Norick leading the session this morning was the excellent choice.”

I hear Kateryna chuckle, “Agreed. Although I wish I could have sparred with Kayle today. Her spearmanship is fascinating to watch.” Her husband chuckles as well.

I peek out from behind the wall just a bit to see Kateryna kneeling before her son’s grave. A smile adorns her face as she gently strokes it. Her face then changes, having realized that it’s been cleared off.

“Who could have done this?” she asks. She then sees the wreath hanging from it, gently stroking the flowers. “Is it possible Her Highness was here?”

I quickly duck behind the wall as they both begin to scan around the cemetery.

“Whoever has must be thanked,” I hear Orga say. “A simple act of remembrance and service is always appreciated. But we can discover the answer later. Her Grace needs to see us.”

I peek out again, watching Kateryna nod in defeat. “Yes, that we do.” She leans over and kisses the marker before standing. The pair then turns and leaves.

I sit with my back against the wall for a moment, just to make sure that both are gone. I pull my legs into my chest and hug them. I know in the future they become my knights, close friends, mentors and family. Yet again, that’s in the future.

I sigh again before getting up and head for the corridor with Fenris right beside me. I reach up and cling to his fur, actually grateful for this turn of events. He wraps a tail around me, baring a fatherly smile as he looks to me. I smile in return.

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