True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 31: Bliss

They were driving her crazy. She could feel a tension rising inside her. Then it broke. Rick's tongue working magic on her. William's teasing caresses and soft lips. Quincy's hands and mouth on hers. All three chuckled after the first one. Her scream of release followed on the flexing of her muscles under Rick's mouth brought him such pleasure. To feel that inside her. He let her relax a little. Quincy was letting her breath. She was flying from the chemicals flooding her brain. "More, please." She begged. Her body needing more. Wanting more. There was still an ache in her that had yet to be filled. The rapture had temporary relieved it. Now it was back with a vengeance.

Rick looked at his brothers and then at her. Her eyes half hidden by her lashes. Her skin flushed from her orgasm. "More of what?" He asked.

"Make the ache go away." She pleaded. A slow grin played over all their faces. Rick got to his hands and knees and stepped off the bed. Quincy also moved from the bed.

William's arm at her back tightened a little. While those were words he had hoped to hear. He was not sure about the actions required. Holding her like this was easy. His mind centered on just her pleasure. The next step would be more difficult to pull back from. They had already agreed the first time would be his. He was terrified, though. If he hurt her? "Are you sure?" He asked before he made a move.

"Yes." was her answer. Her hand rested on his chest. Then slid up to his neck around to the back of his head and pulled his mouth back to hers. He groaned and grabbed his control. His arm slid under her naked legs and back.

She felt the muscles flex under her as he lifted her from his lap as he stood. He turned to lay her out on the bed. He pulled off his shirt then joined her on the bed. Covering her with his body. Mindful of his weight on her. "Nice and slow then." He said as he kissed her mouth and worked down her body. Slowly nipping and kissing. His hand following the path of his mouth. She moaned and squirmed under him. Rick and Quincy were on either side of the foot of the bed. Watching. William made his way down to the spot Rick had been enjoying. She was so wet. His tongue took up where Rick had been. This time he slipped a finger inside her. She was so tight. Her muscles working his finger nicely. "Mmm." He groaned at the taste of her.

Her breath caught at the feel of his finger inside her. He hooked it just a little and found a spot she did not even know was there. Sensations flooded her system again. The tightness from earlier building inside her. "Oh yes." She cried as she fell from the peak she was on. The tightness in her breaking. The ache inside her subsiding a little. He stopped and let her breathing calm. Her spasms to subside. He started again. Inserting a second finger. Stretching her. This time she cried his name. He grinned up at her as he let her rest again.

She was beautiful. Her soft hair a mess around her head. Her hands digging into the blankets on the bed. Her olive skin a light pink. Vanilla was good. "More?" he asked. She nodded with a smile of pure pleasure. Her eyes were almost completely glazed from the sensations he was creating inside her. Moon she tasted so good. He could do this all day and never get enough. He returned his tongue and inserted a third finger. Stretching her more. She sighed and relaxed.

Good girl, he thought. Follow your instincts. He felt her tighten around him again as his fingers and mouth did their work. Her hips rose this time. The force of this one was going to be epic. He placed a hand flat on her pelvis to hold her still. One slip and he or she would be hurt. Her moans and cries got louder as she reached for that high. The dam broke and oh the sweet sensations. The feel of it all around his fingers. He did not stop this time. Riding that one out. Her legs twitched with every flick of his tongue.

"William, please. It still aches." She cried. Though that one left her a puddle of sensations she still ached. She still needed something. Her eyes were closed. A smile of pure satisfaction on her lips. But she was still not completely done. She felt him move and then the sound of fabric and a zipper. The tearing of a wrapper.

He divested himself of his pants and covered her once again. "I know." the deep rumble of his voice was now at her ear. "Are you sure?" He asked. He had held on to his control this long. But once inside her he did not think he could stop. Her eyes had been closed as he had stripped off his pants. She had no idea. Probably for the best at this point.

"Yes. Please." Her voice a plea. Her hands splayed across his back pulling him closer to her. She took his mouth with hers. Desperation in her kiss. Begging him.

"Let me do the work. Do not move." He said when she broke this kiss. He was shifting his weight. She nodded and went perfectly still. He aligned himself with her entrance. He watched her eyes. Looking for any hint of fear. Any distress. Slowly he pushed himself into her. He despised condoms. But he was in agreement with his brothers. No pups yet. The tightness of her fit like a glove.

He stopped at intervals to allow her body to acclimate to him. Sweat broke out on his forehead, chest, back, and shoulders. He reached that one spot after a few moments. Her barrier. Still intact. "Look into my eyes, sugar. Good girl." Her eyes were wide but no distress. No fear. "Let out your breath." She did and he pushed past it swiftly. A tear popped up in the corner of her eye. But there was nothing else. He took his weight on one arm so he could brush the tear away with his thumb and kiss her tenderly.

Her breath caught at the feel of his invasion. Inch by slow inch he filled the ache inside her. That was what her body had wanted. Them inside her. He stopped and ordered her to look into his eyes. His searching hers for something. Satisfied with what he saw he ordered her to let out her breath and pushed more forcefully into her. It felt like a needle prick. A tear popped into her eye, but she held his. He brushed the tear away. Kissing her tenderly. "That was a one time thing. From here on will be nothing but pleasure." He promised when he lifted his head again. The retreated his hips and then thrust into her. She moaned and closed her eyes at the pleasure of it. The sensation of him easing the ache but heightening her pleasure again.

Rick and Quincy smiled easily exhaling the breath they had been holding the whole time. Then removed their own pants. Her cries of pleasure brought their blood to a boiling point. They watched as William grabbed her hands and laced his fingers with hers. Raising them above her head. His hips pushing him deeper. Her legs around him. Matching his movements. It was beautiful. He shouted her name as she screamed his. Then he released her hands and kissed her nose. A satisfied grin on his face.

It took a few extra seconds before he could move. She had felt so good. Her muscles working him even through the condom. He slid back and off the bed. Rick and Quincy moved in. Each lying next to her. "How are you feeling?" Quincy asked as he moved a strand of hair from her face.

She was still floating from that last but the ache was only somewhat sated. She wanted more. How in hell could she want more? You were made for three. Came the thought. "More." She demanded. These two brothers had shared on occasion.

"None of your freaky shit today. She is going to be sore enough tomorrow." William cautioned as he pulled his pants back on.

"Of course not." Rick replied. "Not staying for the show?"

"Someone has to make sure that she has food ready." William replied. And stalked silently down the stairs.

Rick shifted into position. He raised himself high. Allowing Quincy to get his hand and his mouth on her breast. She moaned with pleasure and arched her back at the touch of his mouth on her nipple wanting him to take more of her. In this position her hips were perfect for Rick. He did not waste time. Driving home with one sure push of his hips. Her breath caught at the new invasion but there was no pain. Just the pleasure of being filled once again.

William listened from the kitchen to her moans of pleasure. They had marinated some chicken to go in the oven this morning. He prepared his pan and set the oven to preheat. She would be starving. He was sure that the sandwiches from earlier had already cleared her stomach. She was amazing. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed the pack doctor. The sooner they got her on pills the better.

"Dr. Kaitlyn's office." Marge answered.

"Hello, Marge. Alexandria needs to come in for an exam and a script for contraception." William said unembarrassed.

"You know it is not fair when you three do that." Marge complained good naturedly. "I never know who I am talking to."

"It's William," he said with a chuckle.

"I can do a next week four o'clock on Thursday." Marge said looking at her calendar.

"I do not think next week is good. If my guess is right she is pmsing this week." William said which would explain the tears and hurt feelings. He needed to either send one of the brothers for ice cream and cookies or go and raid his mother's stash. William covered the receiver on his phone with a hand when Rick's shout and Alexandria's cry of his name rang through the house. Dammit the whole pack could hear that.

"I trust your instincts. The following week on Tuesday at noon is the next available." Marge said with a smile. Leave it a male in love to know everything about their mate in a just a few days. "You decide not to have pups yet?"

"She has much to learn yet. Needs to grow before having more piled on her." William replied. "We are thinking four years tops before we broach the subject again."

"I will put that in her chart then. Are all of you going to be there or just her?" Marge asked as an afterthought.

"It will start as all of us. If she wants us out of room during the exam we will wait outside." William replied.

"Alright made a note of that too." Marge said. "Have a good rest of your evening."

"Thanks, Marge. You too." William hung up the phone as Rick came down the stairs. A huge satisfied smile on his face. More sounds were coming from above. Quincy's low voice heard just under her soft moans.

"Marge?" Rick asked. "What's that about?"

"She needs an initial exam and I thought for the sake of our peace of mind that her being on contraception with the condoms would be wise." William justified. Rick nodded and finished coming down the stairs. William pulled out the potatoes to begin cutting them for potato salad.

"You alright?" Rick asked. William was twilling the knife in his hand like he wanted to throw it. Not a good sign. William cut a potato and then twilled the knife as he pulled another to repeat.

"Yeah." William replied though he was not sure. He should be satisfied with the way things are going. She had been trusting of him. All the way to the end. But there had been a look in her eyes. Something that did not sit well. "Have you told her yet?"

"Told her what?" Rick asked not sure what William was getting at.

"The three little words." William said lowering his voice though he was sure she could not hear him over her own moans.

"No." Rick said thinking about it. "Have you?" William shook his head.

"I love you, Alexandria." Quincy said in her ear as he pushed himself deep into her. Her sweet moans with each movement of his hips. Her arms and legs around him. Holding him to her

"I love you too, Quincy." She whispered softly and then he picked up his pace. All the encouragement he needed. He had wanted the words from her lips. If she did not love him he would have stopped and walked away.

"That's right, honey." He said as her cries got louder. "Cum for me. Take all the pleasure you want." Condoms made him last longer.

She was shaking from the force of her last orgasm. Screaming Quincy's name. "I am done." She cried. Her body was sore and spasming. He thrust into her a few more times. Her body answering each one. Her screams of pleasure and pain reverberating off the walls. He shouted her name as he finished. As with the other two he kissed her nose. He looked deep into her eyes after that though. Searching. "I do love you." He said softly. She smiled.

"I love you too." She replied elated that one of them found her worthy. Blissfully happy and content. She would work to earn the love of the other two. For now though this was enough. He moved to the side of the bed and pulled her close in his arms.

"This is the part I like most about sex. Cuddling after." He said. He put her head on his chest and ran his fingers through her hair. She snuggled close to his side. Wanting the warmth. Needing the warmth.

"Making her food down here. Otherwise I would be there too." William called up the stairs. He looked to Rick. Rick shrugged and headed back up the stairs to join Quincy and Alexandria. He did not take off his pants though. Climbing on the bed to snuggle at her back. She let out a contented sigh and closed her eyes. They had worn her out. Rick and Quincy exchanged a glance as her breaths evened in moments.

"I told her." Quincy said after a few moments to make sure she was asleep. "At least for my part."

Rick frowned and then sighed. "Of course you did." He had been waiting for the right moment to tell her. Perhaps while helping her with her classes. Or walking with her.

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