True mates Book Two of Ozark Wolves

Chapter 30: The Art of Kissing

Her body was alive. Every nerve ending on full alert. She snuck a glance at William from under her lashes as he drove them back to the house. They had made light conversation on occasion in the four hours but really she just enjoyed the scenery of rabbits and trees, the scent of decaying underbrush and the light filtering through the trees. Her thighs and ass were a little sore from the hard saddle but nothing unbearable. A soak in the tub should cure that pretty good. He had stopped on the trail at the top of a hill to have a picnic lunch with her. She had been wondering about the basket on his horse but had not questioned.

William was holding onto his control with both hands. The scent of her arousal was driving him mad. Their fingers had brushed as he had handed her a sandwich he had made for her while she had slept in so he could prepare for today. Going shopping for the outfit and boots. Stopping at the stable to make sure her horse would be ready when they arrived. The soft touch of her fingers against his had sent a fresh surge of desire though him. The instinct to claim her even had his wolf on edge. But he did not snap did not growl just kept his distance. This had to end tonight.

He would discuss it with Rick and Quincy but he was pretty sure of the answer. They would at least try her tonight. See where her limits were. Kissing her was alright. She had not frozen or showed fear. Rick would give no details as to what she may have gone through. But the words from her lips last night when Rick had touched her ankle had been enough to confirm at least a few suspicions.

Alexandria could sense the tension in him. While her nerves were set to high alert. She had no idea what he was going through. From the basic biology she did know he would be uncomfortable but not in pain. She dared not ask. She would give him credit he did not snap or lose patience. Had kept his tension to himself with just a slight tightening of his jaw. A too fast movement. But if a kiss could do that? Could make her body come to life. Make him so much more intense.

Then what would it be with Rick and Quincy? The same or less? Quincy kept his emotions on an even keel. Rick tried to reason his way through his. Though he did slip. Her imagination was alive with possibilities.

William pulled his car into his space in front of the house and let her out. Desperately trying not touch her. At least not until they were in the house. Rick and Quincy were exactly where Alexandria and William had left them. They looked up at their entrance. Took one look at her too bright eyes and William's miserable look. They both grinned. "So it was a good ride?" They asked together.

"Yes. Though I am a bit sore." Alexandria replied. "The horse was sweet though."

"Millie is a good girl. Dad had been hoping that the doctor had been wrong so bought a gentle horse of a little girl." Rick said. "She does not get as much exercise as the others since she is too gentle for the rest of us."

"What are you talking about?" William responded. "You barely ride yours."

"So you know, brother. Four times a week I take Scout out on that trail." Rick said. "Quincy usually rides with me."

"Then you are falling behind." William said. He made the mistake of kissing Alexandria's forehead with a hand on her back. His blood already hot and thick in his veins kicked him in the groin. "I need a shower. There is salt under the cupboard in your bathroom." And he beelined for the bathroom damn near slamming the door.

Rick and Quincy took their cue at their brother's exit. He got to taste her mouth. They approached slowly just in case. Meeting her on the second landing. Rick took her mouth first in a soft kiss. Testing her. Her body moved in close to his without even a thought from her. His hands cupped her small face as he deepened the kiss. Her mouth opening to him so sweetly. She tasted of ham and cheese with a touch of mint. He groaned as her taste and scent hit is blood stream. She moaned softly in response to his tongue on hers. The caress of it so sweet on her own. Her head was fuzzy again. Her breath coming in short gasps of his scent. Her nerves already calling for more were singing with need. He broke the kiss and Quincy turned her to him.

There was nothing soft about his kiss. It was intense. Pure. She had been tested twice now and found to be ready for this. So he did not feel the need to go in slow as his brothers. His mouth ravished hers tenderly but showing how much he wanted her. His tongue playing on hers. His arms went around her. Holding her to him the same way William had.

She clung to Quincy for dear life. His kiss stealing the last of her breath. Her body a weak mess. He was more brazen than his brothers. Testing her more. His finger slid gently between her thighs. A slight dampness there made him groan with pleasure. His body reacting. Wanting that wetness. He lifted his head. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were hazed green orbs of pleasure and uncertainty. No fear though. He shifted to take a step back but her fingers were still clinging to his shoulders. "If you move. I will fall." She said.

It was true. Her whole body was a fiery, liquidy mess. His arms around her and her hands on his shoulders the only things holding her up. His eyes held amusement and want. "Want to help you upstairs?" He asked his voice deep and husky with desire. Apprehension crossed her eyes. Not fear but uncertainty. She was curious then. He smiled and her last little bit of sanity went out the window. She moved one of her hands to his face. But he caught it gently. He pressed a soft kiss to her palm. "You are saddle sore and need a soak, honey. Go and take your bath." He let her go and she found that she did have feet. She turned to go up the stairs slowly. Using the wall to guide her unsteady feet. As soon as she was in the bathroom and the water was running in the tub. He looked at Rick. "What do you think?"

Rick shrugged. She seemed ready. Responsive and accepting. Trusting them not to hurt her. But how far was too far. A kiss was one thing. The bed was another. "I have no idea." Rick admitted. "This is new ground from this point of view."

William stepped out of the bathroom. Wet, clean and only slightly less agitated. "If we keep going like this we are going to explode." He said toweling out his hair.

"Yes." Quincy agreed. "That only does so much good."

"But if she panics?" Rick asked. Worried they may be pushing. She liked to be kissed. That was evident. Had not shied away from Quincy's touch. That was a plus. But it would have to be William in the lead. He had more experience with virgins. William and Quincy looked at each other hard. "Who can honestly say that in the heat of the moment if she panics they can back off?" Silence filled the room. Each male searching themselves for that kind of control.

"If she panics I will bear the consequences of a very long night just holding her." William finally said.

"Yes. None of us would hurt her. It goes against not only our upbringing, but also the bond." Quincy second.

"Fine. So who is making the run? I ran out months ago." Rick agreed.

"I will." Quincy said and started toward the stairs.

"No, I will. She is splashing in there. My nuts are already painful from watching her little ass on that saddle." William growled. "Imagining her in that bath is only going to make it worse."

"Did you happen to get video?" Quincy asked. William flipped him the bird on his way down the stairs.

"You can spend five hours in hell to find out just what her ass looks like on a saddle." William said back to his brother at the door. "Anything else I need to pick up?"

"Massaging oil." Rick said with a grin. "I got an idea."

She had taken her earbuds to the bathroom with her. Not wanting to hear anything but the soothing sounds of rain falling. The death metal was great but the rain sounds calmed her. It was what she listened to now when she wanted to sleep or just not think. And she did not want to think. She finally pulled the earbuds out and setting them aside.

She had not shied away when Quincy hand ran feather light finger over her. Had he continued she would have submitted. She ran her finger where he had touched her. Still sensitive. Her muscles felt less sore now. She let out the water and stepped out of the tub. She had grabbed her pajamas not sure if they were going anywhere else so close to supper and wanting to be comfortable before she had to get dressed again to meet her mother and Margarette.

Her breasts were tight and achy. Her body was liquid still and she had to face the brothers. She could feel the passion in them. The want for her when they pressed her against them. Her body was saying the same thing. Was she ready for that? She supposed she would have to be sooner or later. She looked at herself in the mirror. Sooner or later they were going to either ask her permission or just take it. Tired of waiting. Tired of being patient. She sighed and reached for her bathroom door. She could do this. She had set her mind to saying the words. She could do this. She opened the door and all three brothers were sitting on her bed.

She paused in midstep. No fear. Apprehension as before but no fear. She had to trust them sometime. If not with her heart. William sat in the middle which was odd. Rick was to his right. Quincy was to his left. He smiled to her and pat his lap. "Come and sit down, sugar." His voice was husky. He was fully dressed. They all were but that did not change the apprehension. She approached and did as he said.

His arms went around her immediately. The softness of her ass on his thighs was so familiar now. His heart was already beating too fast. But this was all about her. If they did not make it all the way it was fine. This was about showing her the differences. Not only between them but also from what she had gone through. "We are going to take this nice and slow. If for any reason you start to feel uncomfortable say 'red'." William whispered in her ear. His hot breath tickled the fine hairs on her ear. Sending a shiver through her. She nodded. "Good girl."

He lifted a hand to tilt her face up to his and he took her mouth in an intense highly passionate kiss. Their teeth scraping as he coaxed her mouth open. At first she did not know what else was going on. All she could register was his mouth making her sigh and moan as he invaded her mouth with his tongue. Exploratory at first. Then more aggressively. She started to feel Quincy at her back. Something warm and slick on his hands as he moved them slowly over the back of her neck and over a shoulder. The tip of his finger pushed the thin strap of her top aside. The slippery stuff smelled of coconuts. Rick had her feet. He was massaging one and then the other. William's hand moved from her face to her throat. Flexing a little around the small column.

Then down to her breast. The thin fabric of the top between his hand and her skin. He cupped it gently. She responded with a small moan. He answered with a groan. "You are wearing too many clothes, love." Rick said as he reached for her drawstring on her pants. A flash of fear hit her system the memory of another voice saying close to the same thing flashed through her mind. William felt her tense slightly and put his free hand on Rick's then lifted his mouth from hers.

She was gasping for air. Her eyes fluttered open. Her lashes were so long and beautiful against her skin. "What's the word, sugar?" He asked. The rumble of his deep husky voice in his chest vibrated against her own chest. She shook her head.

"I am alright." She assured him. Quincy kissed the back of her neck and the up to the back of her ear. The massage oil was edible so they could relax her with the oil and then kiss her everywhere.

"You tensed, honey." Quincy whispered in her ear.

"Please," she begged meeting their eyes individually. She wanted to forget. To have something new to remember about such things. William's hand was still on her breast. She arched her back just a little in invitation. Holding Quincy's gaze. Her lips almost touching his.

Rick glance to William who lifted his hand from Rick's and placed it on her stomach. Rick had realized his mistake. Those words were universal. He had kicked himself for thinking that perhaps there was not that much damage done. But it was so much worse. They would have to be very careful what they said from here on out. He pulled on the drawstring and the pants loosened over her tight stomach and beautifully flared hips.

He managed to pull them down easily the silk on William's jeans was slick. The nest of curls that greeted him made him groan. Already glistening with moisture. He dropped the pants to the floor and took the bottle of his own oil and poured some in this hands. Not too fast. Though he wanted to taste her he had to take is slow getting there. He was breathing heavily. His heart frantic in his chest with want of her.

Quincy took her mouth in a deliciously sweet kiss. While he moved his hands lower to the middle of her back. Massaging gently. William's hand on her breast teased her nipple. When it was a hardened peak under his thumb he lowered his mouth to it. Using the fabric of her top to fracture it. She moaned and squirmed at the unfamiliar pleasure of it. William's arm and Quincy's hands the only thing holding her up.

Her brain was a fuzzy haze. Her body was on fire. The three of them were making her core tighten strangely. William's hand molded itself to her other breast as his mouth teased and tortured her already hard peak. Quincy's mouth on hers. His tongue finding a delicious rhythm invading and retracting from her own. Rick's strong hands working the muscles of her legs up to the her most intimate of spots. Slowly reaching the spot she wanted them most. An ache there she had never known. She flexed her hips. Her back arching more. William's hand splayed on her stomach tensed just a fraction to hold her still.

Rick saw the slight movement of her hips and took the invitation. He slid a finger through the folds of her. She moaned beautifully. The sound encouraging against Quincy's mouth. She was so wet. The heady scent of her arousal so sweet. A little of her wetness got on his finger. He brought it to his mouth and licked it. She tasted so good. He paused to give William a nod who was still driving her wild with his mouth on her breast.

William slid his hand from her breast. Down her stomach and grazed gently through the folds as well. The little nub was swollen with need of attention. She was soaking. He too tasted her from his finger. Groaning with the intoxicating taste of her honey.

Quincy reached past her. His long arm and dexterous fingers finding what he wanted easily. She moaned again, her hips twitching at the touch. Her response to all of them touching her there. An open invitation. Quincy broke the kiss to taste her on his finger.

Rick changed his position between her legs. Lowering himself so he could taste her straight from her source. William's hands slid up her top. Quincy grabbed the hem of it gently to pull it up over her head. Then kissed her again deeply. His tongue with her essence still on it plunging into her mouth.

Her mind registered that she was now completely naked on William's lap. Prone and vulnerable to whatever they wanted to do to her. She wanted more. Needed more. Fingers pushed her open and hot breath then a tongue on her sensitive spot had her crying out. The sensations were so strange and yet so wonderful. The tongue flicking her nub sent vibrations up her core.

William took the other breast in his mouth, teasing and coaxing her nipple to harden. Her moans and cries in Quincy's mouth were so delicious. After the words that Rick had spoken had caused her to tense he did not know if he should speak. He wanted to. To encourage her to cum. To show them how much she liked what they were doing.

Instead he moved his mouth down from her breast to kiss the underside. Upon first examination of them with his mouth he found that her breasts were just a touch more swollen than usual. More sensitive to his touch and his mouth. She must be close to her cycle then. He was overly gentle so as not to hurt her. Paying close attention to her moans and breathing. Her responses to them was sweet.

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