
Chapter Pack Run

Sawyer and Ashley walked hand in hand following Rori and Chase back towards the Pack House when Chairman Coffey caught up with them. “We need to do the ceremony soon,” he said.

“We can do it on the front porch where everyone who wants can witness it,” Sawyer replied. He was thrilled with how things had transpired; they had rescued Donna, proven the guilt of Craig and Daniel, and had their own little Forrest fire. All that was left was becoming Alpha of the Donner Pack.

Colletta caught up to him next, and he pulled his mother into his side. “How are you doing, Mom?”

“It’s getting easier, little by little,” she said. “I’m hoping the gaping hole in my heart will be filled with grandchildren soon.”

Ashley stumbled for a second before recovering. “Mom… you know what the odds are.”

“And if we don’t get pregnant, it won’t be for lack of trying,” Sawyer said. Ashley elbowed him. “What?”

“Mom doesn’t need to hear details,” she said quietly.

“Please, you are new Alpha mates. If it wasn’t for all the important things you’ve been doing, you’d barely be out of your bedroom. I know, I was in your place once. I’ve got three chances for this, and since Rori is almost guaranteed to get pregnant her first time, I feel good about the chances.”

“Mom, please. Don’t pressure those two. She’s been through so much, I almost hope she doesn’t get pregnant, so they have some time to settle down and learn to be Alphas. Heck, they don’t even have a home right now, they’re living in Oxbow Lake guest rooms.”

“Their home would be ready before a baby would come,” Colletta said with a smile. “It’s going to be beautiful, I love their land. I am looking forward to visiting your Pack as well, that area is my favorite part of California. I haven’t been there for maybe seventy years?”

“I’m sure it’s changed, but you are always welcome at our Pack, Mom,” Ashley said.

“Actually, of the three of your boys who are now Alphas, I think I need you the most,” Sawyer said. “Carson will do fine, the Pack already rallied around him. Chase has Coral and Alpha Michael to help him, and their Pack is still small. I can’t be sure of what I’ll find in Donner when we get there, I have to take control while also trying to unravel the Pack’s finances and dealings. Having an experienced former Luna to help Ashley and I out would be invaluable.”

She thought about it for a moment. “This place is a little crowded, I guess I could stay with you for a while. You’ve got room on the bus?”

“Of course, Mom. It’s a long drive, but we will stop at a few places along the way. Alpha Steven and Luna Connie invited us to stay overnight in Casper already. This time has brought a lot of werewolves together, there have been a lot of matings, but not everyone has attended. I owe it to my Pack to let them find mates.”

They broke through the trees and into the grassy clearing for the Pack House. The Alphas had all sent their Packs word about the ceremony, so people were already gathering in front of the Pack House porch. The Council and Alphas and their mates all gathered up under the deep overhanging roof, while hundreds gathered on the frozen lawn and driveway. The group sent the Donner Pack members to the front, and gathered around them in support. “This morning didn’t go the way that I had expected,” Chairman Coffey said to scattered laughter, “But the end result is the same. I am proud to announce the new Alpha and Luna of the Donner Pack, Sawyer and Ashley Nygaard!” The crowd cheered as the pair walked down the steps and started touching the heads of their kneeling Pack members, they Pack bond snapping in place as each accepted them as Alpha. Many were overcome with emotions, and the Alphas told their people to move along and let them bond.

Lunch was done buffet style, and it was over two hours so people could rotate through. Chase and Rori made it in just before the end; Packs and Alphas had to return home, and there were many teary goodbyes. Newly mated pairs were going home for the first time, and new friendships and alliances had been made. Rori was realizing just how much power and influence she now had, and he was so proud of the way she had stepped into the role.

By four, the people who were leaving that day were gone, but a lot of people had decided to wait until the next day to leave. Alpha Michael stepped up and got everyone’s attention. “If you could link this to Pack members outside the room, I’d appreciate it,” he said. “This gathering has been a blessing in many ways. We have come together as a people and we will be stronger because of it. It is tradition to end such a gathering with a Pack Run and Hunt, and so tonight, we will do that. The run will begin at moonrise, 6:22 PM, and we will put a dent in the local deer population. For those who don’t participate or do not eat their fast food, we will have the barbecues going and the kegs flowing well into the night.” There was a cheer from the crowd.

“Tell them who is paying for this blowout, Alpha!” Scott was looking up from one of the tables.

“How could I forget! It's courtesy of Warriors Teri and Lauri, the pair who took down Erich Gruber and recovered the money he was fleeing the country with. The team sent to retrieve him decided that an ‘epic party’ was required, and there will be a ton of food- literally- coming here tonight, along with a van full of beer, wine and other stuff. It’s a good thing, because this gathering has really challenged my wet bar,” he said to laughs. “So, enjoy the afternoon, go on the hunt, and join us for a blowout bash tonight.”

Sundown came all too fast, and Rori stopped by the room her mother was staying in with her husband. Listening carefully, she didn’t hear any moaning or groaning, so she knocked softly on the door. Donna opened the door to the small hotel-room like space, and she could see Roadkill passed out on the bed behind her. “Come in, he fell asleep twenty minutes ago,” she said. “Water or coke?”

“Coke please.” Donna grabbed two from the small refrigerator and led her over to the couch, where she sat down heavily. “He barely slept the past few days, while I didn’t do much but sleep.”

“How are you doing, really?”

She pulled her daughter into her lap and hugged her. “I’m all over the place, honestly. I don’t think everything has hit yet. If I didn’t see them die like that, I don’t know if I could feel safe.”

“I know. I’m glad it’s all over.” Rori snuggled in, letting herself calm to the sound of her Mom’s heartbeat- the one who took her in, loved her and helped her when everyone else turned away. “I don’t want you to leave, and I can’t go with you.”

“I know, baby. You have a new life here, you’re mated to a wonderful man, you have a Pack, you’re building a house and becoming everything those evil men tried to keep you from. I’m so proud of you I could burst.”

“I’m barely treading water sometimes, there’s so much to do. Thank God I have Chase to help, and Michael.”

“You’re going to be fine, Treasure.” She hadn’t called me that since we changed our names when we fled Minnesota, and it made me feel safe. “Hubs has to go back home, he’s got a business to run, and you know how much I prefer Florida in the winter compared to Minnesota.”

Rori laughed, winter was cold and long this far north, and motorcycling wasn’t an all-year activity. Chase had promised to buy them snowmobiles, though. “You’ll come back in the spring?”

“I think we’d like to move back, at least for the summers, if you’ll have us.” Rori looked up at her with a ‘are you kidding me’ look.

“OF COURSE we want you up here. We’re already planning a guest suite at our home, but if you want we’ll build you your own cabin. You’re part of my Pack, Mom, both of you are. You’ll always have a place with us.”

“Thank you, baby.” They settled for a bit longer, listening to Roadkill’s soft snores and the quiet moment.

“Mom? Would you like to go on the Pack Run tonight?”

“I don’t get paws like you, baby.” It was her turn, and her ‘are you kidding me’ look was exactly the same.

“No, I mean you could ride on Chase’s back. He’s huge in wolf form, it wouldn’t slow him down. It’s the best thing I can think of to show you what it’s like for me to be me.”

“You know, that would be fun,” she said. "Is it all right with him?”

“I already asked, he’d be honored. What about Roadkill? Should I ask if someone can carry him?”

She laughed. “He won’t ride anything he can’t take apart and rebuild himself,” she said. “I’ll leave him a note, he can help them with the party preps and we’ll meet him back here later.” She got up and wrote a note, leaving it on the table. “I take it I should dress warm?”

“Yeah, we can get you some stuff. There’s boxes of spare clothes in the basement.” They left the room quietly, and soon had her fitted out in ski gear with thin gloves. “You need to be able to hang on to his fur, and that will keep you warm, so we don’t use thick gloves,” she said as they stood next to Chase in his wolf form.

“You want to keep your head low to his neck, arms around his forechest, and use your legs to hold his body. If you’re sitting right, he can breathe and you stay in place with your feet crossed over his tail,” Coral said. The two helped her get up on the huge male, then watched as he trotted around until she felt comfortable. The front of the Pack House was filling up with wolves and those preparing to shift, there were going to be about a hundred of them on this run.

Alpha Michael howled, letting everyone know they would be leaving in a few minutes. “Come on, let’s find a cubby and shift,” Coral said. The Packs had cubby-spots, basically boxes for clothes to keep dry in while you were shifted. They found two empty ones, and started pulling their clothes off before folding them and putting them away.

“I’ll never get used to the way you guys are with nudity,” Donna said as they changed.

“It’s kind of a part of life for us,” Coral answered. “It’s not wrong, but just like human nudists, staring is wrong and arousal worse.”

“And if it’s staring at a mated or underage wolf, it can get you killed,” Rori said. “My wolf gets angry if a female eyes my man too closely.”

“I guess.” Coral finished first and shifted into her wolf, trotting over to Keith’s side and rubbing her fur down each side. “What are they doing?”

“Laying down each other’s scent, it’s a warning to others they are taken.” Rori got down on her hands and knees, she was still new at this shifting thing and couldn’t do it as smoothly as Coral had. She called forth her wolf, giving her control for the hunt. “No,” her wolf said.

What do you mean, no?”

She told Chase her wolf was refusing, and he immediately came over and started sniffing at her crotch while his tail wagged furiously. “Pup.”

Rori didn’t know what to say, but the bond was open and all her emotions spilled over to Chase. “PUP PUP PUP PUP,” his wolf exclaimed as he let out a howl. He told the Pack what the delay was, then more howls rang out as the word spread.

“Congratulations, Luna,” one of her Omegas said as he hugged her. “You may as well get dressed, once you are pregnant your wolf won’t shift unless absolutely necessary.”

“I’m pregnant,” she said as her hand moved down to her belly.

“YOU’RE PREGNANT?” Donna slid off Chase’s back and ran over and embraced her. “I’m going to be a grandma!”

Chase shifted back, he hugged her tight and kissed her possessively. “I’m so happy,” he said as he looked down at his red-headed mate.

“We’re having a baby,” she said as the tears flowed and others came up to congratulate them, some hugging, some wagging their tails and rubbing against them.

It was the first of the new Arrowhead Pack pups, and Luna willing, many more would follow.

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