
Chapter Challenge Circle

Sawyer walked out of the Pack House just before eight in the morning. Ashley was by his side where she would stay as his Second. His face was grim and severe, and he held her hand tightly as they passed through the assembled people on the way to the Challenge Circle on the front lawn. Wolves from all the Packs had lined the path, wishing him luck, and giving encouragement. They opened the circle around him, and they walked together across the grass to the Alphas. His mother, Colletta, stepped forward to embrace them both before she walked back to stand behind his brother, Alpha Carson Nygaard of the Cascade Pack.

All five of the Council members were here, as well as almost all the Alphas. The temporary Alphas had made the trip for this challenge after not being here for the aborted trials. After the events of the past week, the Werewolves united in their desire for justice and transparency. It was time to take the trash out, and Sawyer was the designated garbageman.

The entire Donner Pack had been brought here on buses to see the challenge. They cheered as Sawyer warmed up, wearing thin athletic shorts only despite the twenty-degree weather. His chiseled physique, impressive with his firstborn Alpha roots, was on display. Ashley growled at a few she-wolves who stared a little too closely. They could find another male; this one was HERS.

The crowd stirred as the sound of a car approaching told them of Daniel’s approach. Their SUV stopped near the Pack House, and Daniel got out the passenger side and walked confidently towards the circle in his stylish warmup suit. His father Craig, the former Council member, was dressed in a fancy suit with sunglasses. Both glared at the people who snarled or growled at them, their wolves hating the disrespect shown to them. The crowd parted for them to pass, but silently. Many of them turned their backs on the two disgraced wolves as they passed by.

There was no doubt whose blood the crowd wanted to see spilled today.

Daniel stopped at the edge of the circle, pulling off his expensive warmups and shoes and placing them in the bag his father carried. His build was impressive; he was firstborn Alpha bloodline and had been training for years. The fighters were evenly matched on paper. Daniel grinned, knowing he would not have to fight it. He looked at Sawyer and Ashley standing in front of the Council, their seconds slightly behind and outside them. Steam rose from their near-naked bodies as they bowed to the assembled Alphas.

Chairman Coffey walked to the center of the ring. “This morning, we will determine the Alpha of the Donner Pack through single combat. As required by our Laws, Alpha Malloy will immediately step aside in favor of the victor. The challenger, Sawyer Nygaard, eldest son of the former Cascade Pack Alphas, has properly and formally challenged Daniel Forrest for the Pack. Daniel is the former Alpha but has not been restored to his position yet. The battle will end on submission or death, and the winner may determine if the submitting wolf is allowed mercy. Do you have any questions, gentlemen?”

“No, Mr. Chairman,” Daniel said with a smirk.

“I have a request, Mr. Chairman,” Sawyer said as he stepped forward a pace. “I would ask that all the Alphas be present for the challenge. Alpha Rori and Alpha Chase should be here shortly. Oh wait, I think I hear them coming now.” The crowd turned to where a green SUV with tinted glass was driving towards the circle. The Pack members moved aside as it drove through the ring, stopping right behind the two challengers.

Daniel was trying to figure out what was happening while Craig was fuming with anger. “THIS IS DISRESPECTFUL, driving a car into the challenge circle? We should expect MORE from an Alpha!”

The engine had stopped, and the driver’s door had opened while Craig was complaining to the Council. Chase stepped out, closing the door as he glared at the Forrests. “You are right, Mr. Forrest. We SHOULD expect more from an Alpha.” He went around to the passenger side, opening the door for Rori. She stepped out to cheers from the crowd; for some, it was the first time seeing the Lost Princess in person. Instead of joining the other Alphas, they both moved to the rear passenger door.

“Mr. Chairman,” Sawyer said, “I entered charges of Kidnapping, Rape of a Human, and interference in an Alpha Challenge against Craig and Daniel Forrest. Here is the Council warrant for their arrest.” He took the paper from Ashley and walked forward to hand it to Chairman Coffey.

The Chairman looked over the paper and turned to the guards. “Enforcers! Arrest them.”

Eight men ran forward, silver chains and shackles held in gloved hands as the two tried to resist. “This is ridiculous, he has no evidence,” Craig protested. “Don’t stand for this behavior!”

Alpha Chase opened the back door, and the crowd hushed as a beat-up middle-aged human got out. “I agree, we can’t stand for this behavior. My name is Donna King. I am Alpha Rori’s adoptive mother. Craig and Daniel Forrest kidnapped me from my home, raped me, and left me to die.” Her husband Roadkill got out behind her; he looked ready to kill, and his hand was close to the Glock on his hip.

No one could make a sound. Everyone except Sawyer’s inner circle was out of the loop.

Craig was standing still, his mouth opening and closing like a carp struggling to breathe on the dock.

Daniel? Daniel has pissed himself as he saw Roadkill emerge. The smell and the sight started people snickering, and then it moved to full-blown laughter. Rori and her allies were smiling; they FINALLY had the bastards.

“The evidence went to me,” Charles said, “and as a Council member with jurisdiction, I signed the arrest warrants.”

Chairman Coffey passed the warrant to the other members. “Take the prisoners to the cells, and make sure you hose Daniel off,” he said. The two were quickly shackled and hauled off as the crowd jeered at them. Daniel was crying, and Craig looked like he had seen a ghost. He turned to Alpha Malloy. “I guess you get to keep the Pack for a few more hours. The challenge is postponed, pending trial. The preliminary hearing will be at nine o’clock in the dining hall. Sawyer, Charles, meet us in the conference room in five minutes. DISMISSED!”

Sawyer and Ashley went over to hug Donna, who was still shaking after standing up to her rapists. The group hug was interrupted as so many people wanted to see her, and Sawyer had to go. “Stay with them. I’ll link you later,” he said to his mate. He ran back to his room to dress and get his phone.

When he arrived at the conference room, the Council was waiting. “Why the hell are you blindsiding me with this, Sawyer? You too, Charles, you’re on my team?”

“We had no choice, sir. Here is how we found out.” He took a moment to connect his phone to the screen in the room. “I was out in the woods when I got these messages.” There were gasps of surprise as he pulled them up, especially when the photo of Rori’s mom came up. “The messages said they would know if I involved you or talked to anyone, that they had people everywhere. I didn’t know if it was true, but I couldn’t take the chance.”

“He brought me in along with his immediate family,” Charles said. “That’s where I’ve been until last night. When you sent us to Orlando after Donna was reported missing, we worked a parallel path with the Steel Brotherhood. They were the ones who found where she was being held and broke her out, not us.”

“They also provided us with proof these two were involved,” Sawyer said. “They identified the phone, and the destinations programmed into it match Donna’s house and the place they held her. The airport times match the two as well. Add in the victim statement, and we had more than enough to charge him.”

“I signed the papers myself on the plane back last night,” Charles said. “We didn’t tell you intentionally. We wanted to make all this a surprise so the two wouldn’t bolt if one of the moles got wind of it.”

Chairman Coffey leaned back and pinched the bridge of his nose. “All right. Go prep for the preliminary hearing.”

Forty minutes later, the dining hall filled with interested spectators. Cameras broadcast the proceedings to all world Packs, and to overflow rooms in the Pack House. Once again, viewing was mandatory except for those on duty who would watch the tapes later. Sawyer sat at the Prosecution table.

The crowd booed and jeered the Forrests as they entered the courtroom. Craig still had his suit on, but Daniel was wearing scrubs.

The room went silent as the Council and Alphas walked in and took their seats. “This preliminary hearing is now open,” Chairman Coffey said as he banged the gavel. “Craig Forrest and Daniel Forrest have been charged with kidnapping and rape of a human and interference with an Alpha challenge. The female victim was under the protection of the Arrowhead Pack, as she was designated by the Council and Pack to have Pack Affiliate status. Therefore, the attack is no different than an attack on a Pack Member by two werewolves with no current Pack affiliation.” There was a gasp in the crowd; rogues attacking Pack members were an automatic death sentence. “Mr. Restwell, how do your defendants plead?”

“Not guilty, your honor.”

“Very well. Mr. Nygaard, present your case.” Over the next thirty minutes, Sawyer detailed the movements of the two men, using eyewitnesses, TSA information, and the cellphone data that had been cracked by the Google tech. He then showed the text messages and photographs sent to him, including the ones that included the chained and naked Donna. Finally, he called Donna to the stand. She held back her emotions long enough to identify her attackers. She detailed the rapes followed by confinement and abandonment.

“In conclusion, in a desperate effort to prevent a valid Alpha challenge, these two men went after a human important to my family. They kidnapped, raped, imprisoned, and abandoned her. The Pack deserves justice.” He sat down, and spontaneous applause broke out, quickly silenced by the gavel.

“Mr. Restwell, does the defense have anything to add?”

“No, sir.”

“Very well. The Council will consider the evidence and render a decision in one hour.” He banged the gavel, and everyone stood as they walked out.

Enforcers took Craig and Daniel into a small room with a desk. They were left inside with their lawyer. “What kind of chance do we have,” Craig asked him.

“None,” Treadwell said. “They’ve got you dead to rights, and they know it. My advice is to plead guilty and ask for mercy.”

“Mercy? From them?” Craig just laughed. “Do you remember what they did to Alpha Todd? CHARLES did that with Alpha Martin!”

“Look, at this point, you’re both going to die. It’s only a question of how it happens. Your only chance at a quick death is the guilty plea.”

Forty minutes later, the proceedings called to order again. “The Council has considered the evidence and finds it sufficient to hold Craig and Daniel Forrest over for trial.”

Treadwell stood, waiting for permission. “Sir, the defendants would like to change their plea to guilty, and request sentencing include the mercy of a quick death.”

“I see. Do you both understand that by entering a guilty plea, you do not limit the Council in the determination of the punishment?”

“We do, Mr. Chairman,” both men said.

“Very well. The guilty plea is accepted. The sentence is death. The method of execution is to be determined solely by the affected Pack Alpha. Alpha Rori King, step forward, please.” She did, standing in front of the Council in front of the table by her brother-in-law. “Alpha King, these men have asked for mercy, but any mercy must come from you. What do you choose?”

“I will show them all the mercy that my Pack members received when these two conspired to wipe them out. I will show them all the mercy they showed my mother when they kidnapped her.”

“We have been pardoned for that already,” Craig shouted.

Rori turned to him and gave him a glare that would freeze water at fifty feet. “I have not forgotten, my Beta has not forgotten, and my family has not forgotten.” She walked up to the other side of the table. “My mother is not just a valued member of my Pack. She is a Steel Lady. When the Brotherhood rescued her, I promised them I would make your death long and painful. I will.” Daniel was shaking now and had pissed himself again. “Alpha Michael, do you have any old buildings in need of replacement?”

He thought for a second. “We have an abandoned cabin; the foundation rotted, so we were planning to tear it down next year.”

“Would you mind if I burned it?”

He smiled wide. “I would be happy to let you save me the trouble of tearing it down.”

“Thank you. If you would lead these two pieces of shit there and chain them to the floor, I’d appreciate it. Bring along anyone who wants to watch and the cameras. I have a few people who will deal out justice. I just need to borrow some gasoline, a sledgehammer, a steel bar, and a knife.”

“I think my Beta can help you find all those.” The proceedings were closed, and the place emptied as they all walked a few miles to the derelict cabin.

When Rori arrived, the men were naked on their backs in the center of the cabin. Enforcers pounded spikes into the floor and attached the chains, fixing them spread-eagle. The Beta had the front and back doors removed and the windows broken, letting everyone see. The silver in the shackles prevented them from shifting. While they were doing it, Roadkill was building a fire in the barrel in the yard. When it was good and hot, he put a steel bar in to heat up. The cameras were recording, and the clearing around the cabin was filled with witnesses.

It was time for justice.

Rori and Chase stood in front of them. “Normally, I’d castrate a rapist and leave him to bleed out. Since it was his wife, Roadkill gets the honor. Beta Keith, whose sister was raped and killed at Arrowhead seventeen years ago, will make sure they don’t die too quickly.” She handed Roadkill a large knife while Keith put on heavy gloves and pulled the glowing-red steel bar out of the coals.

“You never fuck with a biker’s Old Lady,” he said just before he grabbed Craig’s cock and balls and pulled. One swipe of the big knife, and they were off. Craig howled in agony as Roadkill tossed his nuts onto his chest and stepped aside. Keith pressed the red-hot iron bar over the wound, cauterizing it instantly, and ramping up the pain to the point Craig passed out.

Daniel was begging for mercy, but he didn’t get it. He was staring in shock at his balls lying on his chest when the bar came down. He also passed out from the pain.

They woke a few minutes later when Rori had cold water tossed on their faces. The cabin smelled like gasoline, and Rori was standing in front of them with a sledgehammer. “My Mom died in her own home. She was pregnant. The men broke her arms and legs and left her in her burning home.” She walked up towards Craig, swinging the sledgehammer, Rori crushed his right femur as he screamed in pain. “That was for her.”

Keith was next; he broke his left leg. The sledgehammer was handed off to those with a need for vengeance until both men couldn’t move. “You can pray to Luna all you want, but you’re going straight to hell,” Rori said. She tossed a flaming torch to the wall. It caught on the gasoline, and flames quickly spread. Chase tossed his torch to the other side, and then both backed away. A camera was left in the doorway to record their end for posterity; it lasted a little longer than they did.

Rori waited until the cabin had collapsed on itself before she turned around and took Chase’s hand. “Alpha Michael? Can you make sure people watch the fire until it’s cold?” He nodded and sent out some assignments. The two walked hand in hand, the crowd parting for them, and they led a procession back to the Pack House.

It was over.

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