Torn between Wolves & Myths (Book 2)

Chapter 014

Waking up, the first thing she noticed was the sound of dribble of the stream close to her. Slowly opening her eyes, she had to blink a few times to adjust to the sunlight that had now surrounded the peaceful mountain area. The second thing she noticed was the fact that the warmth and weight of Caden was gone from behind her and on her neck. A little alarmed, she shook the daze out of her head and lifted her head to look around. As an instinct she wanted to stand up, but a quiet whine came from her as she tried to put pressure on her paws. Looking at them, she noticed that the wounds were gone.

“You will feel some pain for a while.” Her head snapped to the voice. Caden walked towards her with two cups in his hand. He was wearing nothing more than a pair of ragged pants that looked like they hadn’t been used in a long time.

“Thanks to the fact that you utterly exhausted yourself after your first full shift in a while, your muscles will need longer to actually heal from the immense strain they’ve been put through.” He said as he stepped on some rocks in the stream to make it across. Caden placed the cups, filled with water on the ground, next to a fire he had built, which had two rabbits roasting above it. It was way more primitive than she had ever experienced, but that was something she didn’t care about as soon as the smell of the roasted rabbits filled her nose and saliva filled her mouth.

“Shift.” Caden pulled her out of her stare at the rabbits as he tossed a piece of clothing on her. It was a ragged white shirt which also looked like it hasn’t been used in years. She huffed through her nose, before she tried to will the shift to happen, but the wolf refused to pull back. Liv tried again, but the wolf kept refusing. A soft whine left her as she dropped her head a little.

“Don’t force your wolf to pull back, just trade places and allow the wolf to retreat peacefully.” Caden said without looking at her as he basted the rabbits. Liv looked at his back before closing her eyes and mentally asking the wolf to retreat until it was her turn to run again. The shift came almost instantly. The bones in her body broke and a loud whine left her before it was replaced with a scream as she now laid on her side in her human skin. A heavy breath left her as the shift ended and the pain from the strain slowly subsided. Her arms and legs felt like they were filled with led and, if she were to believe Caden, they will feel like that for a while. Slowly and painfully, she pushed herself into a sitting position and put on the wide shirt that fell to the ground, which means that it will cover her ass if she were to stand up, and was almost see through. It showed more than she wanted it to. But what the hell, it’s not like he hasn’t seen her naked before and she was a wolf, nudity was basically normal among them. To tell the truth, she was just feeling to worn out to care. Not caring to take her hair out of her shirt, she dropped her arms back on her legs. Looking at her hands, which were redder than they usually are, thanks to wounds transitioning from wolf skin to human skin, but her eyes were focused on the blood that was still on one of her hands. The blood of Malik.

“He’s fine.” Her head snapped to Caden who stood suddenly in front of her, he crouched down so they were more eye to eye and motioned to her blood covered hand. “Malik.” He added before he met her gaze.

“I didn’t mean to hurt him.” Her voice was husky as she spoke, emotion and exhaustion clogged her throat. Tears filled her eyes again as she looked at her hand.

“I know.” Liv closed her eyes as she shook her head. “No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do.” She balled her fists as she met his gaze once more. She opened her mouth to speak, but Caden beat her to it. “I know that you never meant to harm a friend and I know because I was there.” Everything stopped as she held his gaze. “Excuse me?”

“I was outside, on the porch of the cabin, when you lost control and attacked Malik.”

“What!?” Her voice cracked as she yelled, making her cough. “You might want to take it easy with yelling, you haven’t drunk anything in half a day, you could ruin your throat.” Well, that explained why her throat felt so dry and why her voice was messed up.

“What the fuck were you doing there and how long were you standing there?!” She whisper-yelled as that was all the octaves her throat would allow her. “Why? Was something said that I wasn’t supposed to hear?” He challenged her. “Like how a Margyge has shown up and about your plan to play everyone to get answers?” Liv immediately grabbed for his throat, making him fall backwards as he grabbed her wrists. Before she knew it their positions were reversed and she was underneath him with her wrists in his grasp above her head and one of his legs between hers. “Calm down, Moonblood. I already knew that you were playing a game with the others and me.” He gave her a pointed look. “The Margyge was something I didn’t know though, that was a surprise.”

“So, what now? You’re going to run to Rafe and tell them that I’ve been lying my ass off?” She snapped at him.

“I could.” He said before he leaned a bit more down, the shirt doing absolutely nothing to hide her hardened nipples from brushing against his chest. It was hard enough for her not to focus on how his leg felt between her legs and now also his chest on hers. Fucking urge.

“But I won’t.”

“And why the fuck not?” She snapped again, forcing herself not to focus on his breath that was caressing her lips. “Because if Malik is right about one thing, it’s that I’m not your enemy, even though you see me as a villain.” She froze underneath him as she realized that he heard way more than she thought. If he noticed her lack of movement in that moment, he didn’t show. So, she decided to move past it as well, hoping that he wouldn’t bring up what else he heard.

“Then why are you like this?” A small smile ghosted over his face at her deflection and she knew that he actually did notice how she reacted to it. “Because I am playing my own game.”

“As a pawn of Rafe.” He said nothing to confirm her, he only gave her a small nod. “I have my own reasons to do what I do, even playing along with your ruse to drive me insane with lust.”

“Who says it was a ruse?” A snort came from him as he leaned in even closer and the sound of sniffing filled her ears. He was smelling her. “Because if it was truly what you wanted you would have let either of those two pups fuck you so I couldn’t use the same lust growing inside of you against you as well. You wouldn’t have cared who fucked you, because you know it would only drive me more insane.” He whispered in her ear, causing goosebumps to form over her skin. “Why does it even affect you so much?” She had to ask. He pulled a little back, meeting her gaze once more. “I don’t know.” She read the emotions in his eyes. “Somehow, I’m drawn to you and I don’t get it, which makes me want to find out why.” She gulped as she saw the raw truth in his eyes and she didn’t know how to react to it. “And you are drawn to me too, you just do everything in your power to deny it, making you unstable and easy to lose control like what happened with Malik yesterday.” She clenched her jaw. “I-”

“Don’t, Liv. Just don’t deny it. You’ve become an Alpha without any training and are thrown into a war you didn’t even know was going on, only to find out that you are at the center of it. And that everyone has been keeping secrets from you. You have too much on your mind to keep denying what you know is true. You are drawn to me and I’m on your mind more than you want me to, just like you are on mine. You snapped yesterday because you were fighting so hard to stay blind to the truth that you attacked your friend and pack member. It’s dangerous what you are doing and you need to accept it and move on.”

She couldn’t say anything for a while. Her emotions had clogged her throat and Caden did nothing else but hold her gaze.

“Why are you telling me this now?”

“Because someone needs to help you get a grip on yourself and I am the only one who doesn’t care who and what you are. You are hardheaded, set in your ways and a fucking pain in my ass, but if you would just listen to Malik, you will realize that you don’t have to do everything alone anymore.”

“You actually want to be my ally?” She asked a little shocked.

“I’m not against you, Liv. I never was. You just made it your job to become a fucking pain in my ass and someone I needed to watch out for. Don’t get me wrong you still are and I will make sure that you don’t get your nose in my business, but you need answers and I need your skillset. This will be nothing more than a business transaction and when all of this is over, we will never have to see each other again.” A brief and almost nonexistent stab went through her chest at his last words. One she didn’t understand as this was what she wanted, to never see him again, right?

She truly couldn’t answer that question right now and that’s something that actually scared her.

“What about-”

“Your fear that we end up fucking each other?” He interrupted her, with the same thing she was actually going to say. She hated that she wanted to ask him that, but she needed to know if they were going to work together. “I won’t take advantage of you, Liv. I never did, if we end up fucking it will be because you want it and not the other way around. I’m not that kind of male. I can get my needs satisfied whenever I want and don’t need to take it from you.” She had to fight the growl that almost came out. Why was she affected by his words? Being drawn to him doesn’t mean that she was actually going to act on those feelings.

She released a long sigh as she held his eyes and contemplated everything what he told her. “Why are you so different now?” He hummed as a small smile splayed over his face. “Because you let me.” That was all the explanation she got from him.

She was irritated, infuriated, moved and aroused and she didn’t know on which one she had to focus anymore. Yes, she was drawn to him and she even wanted him, which was something that infuriated her even more, but she wasn’t going to deny it. Not after what happened with Malik. But was she truly going to become allies with this male?

“I don’t trust you.” She whispered. A crooked smile ghosted over his face as he straightened himself a bit. “I hate you.” She added a little louder. “I want to kill you for what you did.”

“I know.” Her stomach clenched as her eyes briefly snapped to that infuriating crooked smile of his. Not denying it to herself was going to get her in trouble, but if this was going to work, they needed a clean slate. She needed a clean slate, and most of all she needed a clear mind and there was only one way to achieve that right now.

Taking a deep breath, she finally admitted it all. “And I want you.”

His lips crashed down on hers and the hold she had on the urge was blasted away. His hands left her wrists as one slid underneath her shirt and the other was planted next to her head to keep himself from crushing her. Her hands immediately shot to his neck as she pulled him more against her. She needed to feel every inch of him, she just needed to. The hand slid up her ribs, until his hand firmly grasped her breast and his calloused thumb brushed over her hardened nipple. A gasp left her, which Caden immediately used to slide his tongue in her mouth. A moan escaped her throat as he moved his other leg between her legs. The only thing separating him from her was the thin fabric of his pants and she needed it to be gone.

Caden pulled his lips from her and moved to her neck, making her close her eyes and arch her back, pushing her breasts up against him. He brushed the shirt up to reveal her breast, before he pulled away from her neck and took one of her nipples in his mouth. Another moan escaped from her as her eyes closed.

She didn’t know what the fuck she was doing, but right now this felt like the only thing that was right in her life.

Caden traced his kisses down over her stomach before stopping just below her navel and pushing himself back up before capturing her lips again. She met him in the heated kiss. He moved one of his hands down in an agonizingly slow pace, which made her want to scream. Which she actually was about to do before she suddenly felt his fingers slid in between her folds. A breathy moan left her as her back arched again. He slowly slid his fingers up and down over the sensitive bud and her entrance. Her mind went blank as he kept moving his fingers.

She hadn’t known how close she was to actually loose her mind to the urge, until now. The fact that she was going insane with his slow pace told her that much.

Bucking up her hips she tried to make him move faster which caused Caden to chuckle darkly at her lips. “Needy little Moonblood.”

“Infuriating asshole wolf.” Caden grinned against her lips, before suddenly plunging a digit into her. He captured her moan in his mouth as he started to move his finger in and out of her. The friction made her eyes roll to the back of her head, but it was still not enough. She needed more and she was going to get it.

Liv curled her arms around him before suddenly pushing him over and on his back. The aching in her body was gone as she moved on top of him and cradled his waist with her legs, making her feel the bulge that was clearly present. The only thing she was feeling was the urge that was pushing through her body.

His hands landed on her hips as she rocked her hips a little. He laid his head on the ground as he looked at her, before he pushed up one of his legs, making her yelp in surprise as she tipped forward. He pushed his hips a bit upward as he did something, before she felt the tip of his cock against her entrance. “Ride.” He ordered before he pushed his hips up again and pushed himself a bit in. A breathy moan left her as her eyes closed out of her own account. Before she pushed herself up, her hands on his chest, and allowed him to slide in completely. Slowly she started to move up and down on him, making her blank mind explode at the feeling of him inside of her. Caden slid his hands under her shirt and grabbed her hips in a strong grip. She opened her eyes to look at him and saw his eyes slowly turning emerald. The satisfaction of knowing that she was pulling his wolf out of him was one that made her stomach clench once more. Picking up the movements, the sound of the slapping of wet skin started to fill the quiet of the clearing. Making her urge addled mind even more demanding. She held Caden’s emerald gaze as her breathing started to match her movements.

Caden suddenly shot up, making her yelp and stop moving. “Don’t stop, Moonblood.” His husky voice made her almost whine with need. He tightened his grip once more before guiding her up and down. Her mouth opened as her breath quickened again and picked up the movements. His slight dusting of hair brushing over her clit, making the sensations even more intense. One of his hands left her side. Lifting it to the collar of her shirt he pulled it down until her breast was bare to him. Taking her breasts in his hand, he held her eyes as he brought his mouth to her nipple and ran his tongue over it. A moan left her, but she didn’t look away. He had snared her eyes and there was no way for her to pull her gaze away from his. Caden closed his mouth over her nipple, before his teeth grazed the hardened bud. She clenched around him as a shocked breath left her at the both pleasurable and stinging sensation. Her movements started to become rocky as she felt the pressure in her body build. Her orgasm building with it. The sensation of his cock inside of her, his hair grazing her clit and his mouth on her nipple was enough to start pushing her over the edge. She was ready to fall off it with a blissful orgasm and so she picked up the rocking of her hips, needing to get there faster than she did now.

He raised his other hand to his mouth and wetted his index finger before moving down. The anticipation made her clench around him, but instead of going to her clit he curled his arm around her and brushed his wet finger over her anus. The surprise made her arch against him, giving him an easier access. Slowly he pushed his finger in up to his second joint and started to slowly move it as the rest of his hand rested on her ass.

A loud moan left her as her head and eyes rolled back at the feeling of being completely full and the building feeling instantly became stronger. Her movements started to become jerky as her orgasm kept building at the number of sensations she was feeling. No one has ever done this to her before and she knew that this was not something she was done with after one time. Her breathing became even louder as moans accompanied them. A sheen of sweat coated their body as they both worked to their goal.

Caden’s tongue slid over her nipple one more before she felt the elongated canines scrape over her skin and she fell over the edge instantly. A loud moan that was almost a scream, left her as she came on top of him, but he didn’t stop. He removed his finger and mouth before guiding her to the ground once more and moved on top of her. Before she could even object, he slid into her again and started to truly fuck her. He pumped inside of her with no remorse and she couldn’t stop the loud unintelligent moans that left her as her hand clawed at the soil for dear life. The pressure that had abated came back in full force and there was nothing she could do to stop herself from coming once more. Her back arched as her climax crashed through her. Caden kept going, until he suddenly pulled out of her and almost collapsed on her. His cock twitched as it laid on the soil in between them.

They were both breathing heavily as they slowly came down from the high. Caden pushed himself off her before he laid down next to her. Liv looked at the sky as she tried to control her breathing.

The high started to fade and exhaustion took its place. Her eyes slowly started to close, before Caden sat up. She turned on her side and laid a hand underneath her head as she looked at him. He got up from the ground and pulled his pants back up. Her lids slowly started to close again and the only warning she had of him coming closer were the sounds of his footsteps. The scent of birch trees with snow kissed leaves surrounded her.

“Why do you smell like that?” She mumbled as her eyes stayed closed.

“Like what?” His voice sounded close, but she couldn’t open her eyes to confirm.

“Birch.” It was all she could mumble.

There was some shuffling before her hair was brushed from her neck. “Sleep, Moonblood.” It was the last thing she heard before her exhaustion pulled her under.

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