Torn between Wolves & Myths (Book 2)

Chapter 011

Liv grabbed the hand over her mouth and tried to pull it off her, but he didn’t budge. It wasn’t surprising as her strength was basically nonexistent thanks to the booze in her system. The fact that her body was rapidly heating up at the fact that he was this close to her, was also something that wasn’t helping right now. She made a sound again as she tried to get free. Caden took another step closer, making their bodies meet. A muffled gasp left her as she froze on instinct.

“I know what you are doing.” He spoke with a voice that was soft yet very, very dominant, causing shivers of pleasure to run through her body. “And if you actually think you’ll succeed, you’re an even bigger fool than I took you for.” She swallowed as her mouth was starting to fill up with saliva as she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his beautiful silver ones. Her body was starting to go haywire. The dress was starting to become uncomfortable against her skin. She wanted to be free of it; she wanted him to rip it from her body.

Trying to fight the urge from filling her head with more images of him taking her against the wall while hundreds of wolves were on the other side of it, she failed miserably. Her arousal started to taint the air around them as her panties were already wet. The urge was pushing her body to react like this, and there was nothing she could do about it.

An arrogant smirk came over his face as he closed his eyes and sniffed the air, before they opened and his emerald green ones were looking back at her, making her whimper with need as he allowed his wolf to be close to the surface, pushing his dominance against her. Begging for the wolf inside of her to also rise and help her, she got no response. It was like the bitch was already laying on her stomach with her ass up, ready to take him.

“And there is the smell you told I would never get from you again. Seems like you truly can’t keep your promises, Moonblood.” The feeling of something wet running down the inside of her leg made her whimper again. Liv forced her eyes closed as she willed the images of him taking her, for everyone to hear, smell and see, out of her mind. She will not succumb to him. Not again!

A throaty chuckle came from him as he pushed his body even more against her, making her feel his bulge against her stomach. Sucking in her lower lip, she bit on it until she tasted her own blood. Yet it did nothing to push away the memory of the feelings running through her body when he had been inside of her. Riding her. Fucking her.

“You want to use my lust against me, go ahead, little Moonblood, but be ready to be treated the same way by me. I will make sure that I will be the only one who will be on your mind every time you stick those fingers in that pussy of yours. I will be the one on your mind whenever either of those fucking pups touch you. My name will be the one on your tongue every time you come, Moonblood, and you cannot do a single thing about it. I will be the one who will haunt your dreams and make you wake up at night soaking with the need for me. You have no idea what you started and before the end of this little game I will have you begging for my cock inside of that tight little cunt of yours.” A needy whimper left her as he spoke the words with his low voice close to her ear and pushed his dominance into her even more.

“Your turn.” He added before he suddenly pulled himself off her, causing her to fall to her knees as he walked back into the courtyard, like nothing happened. Her heart was beating in her throat as her breath came out in rapid bursts. She laid a hand to her chest as she tried to calm down, but her body kept heating up. Opening her eyes, she looked at the direction of the lake. Without second thought she pushed herself off the ground and started running. The cold wind did nothing to cool her heating body. The need that was still pulsing in her core would not be easily stilled, but she refused to let him win. She will not allow him to take control of her thoughts and her urge. He will not be the one on her mind!

Even she knew she was kidding herself. Without his active input, he was even taking over her thoughts. The thoughts of him were too present for her to deny that he hadn’t infiltrated them yet. The fact that he was going to make sure of it now was something she was not going to put up with! She will not lose to him; she will win and she will bring the asshole crumbling down to his knees!

The immediate image of him on her knees as she was sitting on the table in her cabin, legs spread and his tongue running between her folds, flooded her mind and she pushed herself to run harder. She will not give in. She will not let him win!

Reaching the lake, she kicked off her heels, before taking of the dress and jumping into the freezing water. The images of Caden and her dissipated in her mind as the cold infiltrated it and forced her mind to go into survival mode.

Liv forced herself to stay under as she willed every thought of the Alpha asshole out of her mind. She opened her eyes as her heartbeat started to beat differently thanks to the fact that she was starting to run out of air, but she didn’t go up. Not yet. She stayed under for as long as she could when a soft glow started to come from a place between her breasts. Liv looked down at the labradorite which started to pulsate a soft green light. She took the stone in her hand and held it up a little more, before a familiar scream filled her ears. Her head shot up as she heard the scream of her mother. The same scream she heard in the Eidolon Forest. But it wasn’t her mother that was staring back at her. It was a creature with piercing eyes and a grotesque face. Liv yelped, making her air leave her body as she moved backwards, causing the light to dim and the creature to disappear in the dark water. She quickly swam upward and took a bite out of breath as she surfaced. As quickly as she could she swam to the shore and got out of the water. Her breathing was rapid again as she looked at the still waters. There was no sign of the creature she had seen. Yet the face of it was still in her mind.

A female face, with a long forehead, broad eyebrows, big mouth that probably housed fangs that could tear flesh from bone, rumpled cheeks and ears like a horse has. She had never seen something like it, but she was sure that she was never going to forget it. What the hell was that?!

Pulling her legs up she kept her eyes on the lake. Time passed and she didn’t know how long she sat there. Waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. No creature showed itself to her and no sound or ripple came from the pitch-black lake. Had she imagined it, or was something now looking at her like she was staring at the water? A shiver ran down her spine as the thought crossed her mind, making her feel the cold that had entered her body. “Livana?!” Malik’s voice penetrated the quietness in her mind, breaking her stare to the lake and making her grimace. It was then that she noticed the sky had become lighter and how cold she actually was. As a wolf she wouldn’t get it cold as quickly as humans. The fact that her body felt like an ice cube told her that she had been sitting out here for a long while. A sigh left her as she grabbed the dress next to her and forced her stiff body to stand up. “What’s up?” She asked through the link as she groaned. Putting on the dress was something that she rather wouldn’t do right now. Her fingers were numb and her hair had actually turned stiff like it was frozen. The dress did nothing to keep the cold away from her body, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to walk back to the cabin in nothing more than her panties. Grabbing the heels in her hand, she looked at the quiet lake once more. There was something living in there, but what?

“Where are you!?” Malik answered with a hard voice like he was mad or something. Liv pulled her eyes away from the lake and started to walk into the direction of the cabin. “The lake.” She was too exhausted and too cold to give him any other explanation. Malik didn’t say anything else as she walked through the quiet woods, before the sounds of paws running towards her filled her ears. Liv looked up at the direction the sound came from as she willed her body to go into her defensive stance. It didn’t take long before a grey with white wolf appeared in her vision and all thoughts of defending herself flew away as she saw the arctic wolf. The wolves that had only resided in Greenland for some reason. A wolf from her pack. New and old.

Before she could do anything, the wolf growled and jumped on her, breaking her stare and making her yelp as she fell down. The sounds of bones breaking filled her ears right before two hands grabbed her arms and pulled her up, pushing her against a tree. “Don’t. EVER. Shut me out like that again!” Malik yelled in her face as he stepped in close to her. The crazed look in his eyes made her gulp as she tried to understand what happened. “I didn’t.” She spoke as she found her voice again. A growl came from Malik in response. “Yes, you did.” He snarled through his teeth. “You locked us all out!” What the hell was he talking about?

The look of her confusion broke some of Malik’s anger as he took a step back from her and calmed down a little. “You didn’t know.” He spoke with a quieter voice. Liv shook her head as she held the tree behind her. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” She confirmed.

“By the gods, Liv.” He said as he took more steps away from her, before he turned and ran his hands over his face. Liv took a step away from the tree as she straightened herself. “What happened?” Malik sighed as he placed his hands on his hips before turning back to her. “You locked us out. We couldn’t feel you, scent you or connect with you for about an hour and a half.” Her eyes grew big at hearing his words. “We thought something had happened to you and started searching. But thanks to the fact that you locked us out, we couldn’t find your scent and had no idea where to look for you. Fare just went back to warn Rafe and the others about this.” Liv immediately opened the link to Fare. “I’m okay! Don’t tell them anything.” The relieve coming from Fare warmed her chest a little. “What the fuck happened to you!?” Came as a response. Liv ran her hand over her cold forehead as she leaned back against the tree. “I’ll explain later.”

“What happened for you to unknowingly lock us out?” Malik asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. Liv sighed again as she looked at the lake. “Caden came after me when I went to get some air.” Malik immediately went rigid as he took a step forward. “Did he hurt you!?” His eyes, which had just lost the emerald color, changed again. Liv shook her head as she looked back at him. “He didn’t do anything else to me but threaten me that I had no idea what I’ve started and that he could play the same game, only better.” Malik visibly relaxed. “I told you to be careful with him, Liv.”

“I know.” She said as he wrapped her arms around her waist as she started to shiver thanks to the cold. “He used my urge to basically drive me over the edge and I had to get out of there. I ran to the lake and jumped in. I needed the quietness and coldness to shut off my thoughts.” Malik took a deep breath as he lifted his chin like he just found out something. “That’s what happened, because of that reason you unknowingly locked us out to calm yourself.” That would explain it. It was just scary that it happened without her even knowing it...

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know I could lock you guys out.” Malik gave her a small smile. “Back when you still lived in the pack with your dad as Alpha, you always could feel strong emotions like you can feel from us now, right?” She nodded, not exactly knowing where he was going with this. “That is the pack bond.” Liv was about to make a remark that she already knew that, when he continued talking, “It is a bond that goes deep into a being and connects them with their loved ones or pack members, like a security, that makes an alarm go off in our heads when it’s suddenly not there to be felt. An Alpha can feel it coming from all of his pack members, but the pack members can only feel it coming from their Alpha and beta, and the latter can only feel it from the Alpha.” That was something she actually didn’t know.

“When didn’t you feel his emotions?” Scrunching her eyebrows, she gave him a confused look. She never gave it much thought over the years. She was a bit too preoccupied with something else. Liv forced herself to think back now, though. She remembered feeling the strong emotions of her dad, often mirroring those of herself, but the only time she didn’t feel it coming from him was when he was with her mom... Her eyebrows smoothed once more as she closed her mouth and laid her head against the tree. “When he probably was having sex with my mom.” Malik nodded. “Bingo.” Well, that was good to know. If she wanted to, she could actually search her memory and count how many times they fucked. Yeah... That was something she most definitely wasn’t going to do. Sex isn’t a taboo, but she just didn’t need to know exactly when and how many times her parents had sex.

“Alphas are superior to us normal Ulfhednars. Where we don’t have any control over what you feel coming from us, you can actually control it. If you will it, you can lock us out and we cannot feel, smell or connect with you like we normally do. Your dad always locked us out while he was busy with your mom, but turned it back on right after, so we would know that he claimed his mate once more. Shooing away any idiotic wolf who thought he would be able to claim the Luna of the pack.” Liv slumped against the tree as she looked away from Malik. Another thing she never knew, and it wasn’t even something about her being a Moonblood. This was about the basics of a pack; basics of being a Lycanthrope or Ulfhednar, and she didn’t even know about it. She was no better than a pup who still needed to learn the basics of life.

“Liv stop.” Malik said as he put his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him. “The fact that you don’t know all of this is because you were never taught. You are not to blame for not knowing and you definitely don’t have to feel like you’re a failure.” She gulped as her feeling was named by Malik. “We just need to give you a crash course of how to be an Ulfhednar and Alpha.” A snort left her as she pulled her eyes away and shook her head. They really did need to though. A sigh left her as she dropped her head and shivered again. Her stiff hair shifted forward and caught her eye. “Where are we?” Malik’s eyebrows shot up at her question. “After all this time you don’t even know in which country we are?” Not answering, Malik shook his head a bit in disbelieve before he sighed. “Bymarka, Norway.”


She gulped as she thought about the creature. She knew about the Greek supernatural beings that roamed the earth besides the Lycanthropes, but had no idea about what kind of Norse supernatural creatures could also be living on this earth besides the Ulfhednar.

“How about we start with other creatures?” Malik gave her a surprised look as he pulled his hands away and crossed them over his chest. “What do you mean?”

“Are there any supernatural creatures that live in the water?” She asked as she straightened herself a bit more. “Selkies live in the water.”

“What are Selkies?”

“Basically, shapeshifters like us, but they can trade their skin for that of a seal.” No, that wasn’t the thing she had seen. It wasn’t a seal she had been looking at. “Are there any other creatures that live in the water? Creatures that look like a monstrous female?” Malik’s surprised look was wiped away as his gaze turned hard. “The Margyge.”

“The what?”

“Margyge.” Malik said again as he unwound his arms and took a step towards her. “Why are you asking about them?” A shiver ran down her body once more, but this time it wasn’t only because of the icy cold, but also because of the look in Malik’s eyes. “What do they look like?”

“It’s basically a mermaid, but not like the sweet and kind one singing that she wants to be where the people are. They are monsters that will drag anyone at sea to their watery grave. They have a long tail like that of a fish, while having a female humanoid torso and head. They have long arms. Their hands have webs between the fingers and claws which could tear your skin off your bones in seconds. They have wrinkled skin and sagging breasts, a big mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, huge eyebrows and ears like that of a horse. Their hair is long and thin and they are the definition of sea monsters.” Another shiver ran down the spin as she looked at the lake and knew she just found out what she had seen. “They live in the icy seas off the shore of Greenland and make an appearance on those shores when a storm in incoming, or when they conjure up a storm themselves. They would use their claws to tear a boat apart before leaping onto it and dragging the men into the sea, drowning them. They are evil and a threat to every creature, not just mankind.” Liv swallowed as her throat had become dry and she started trembling, from both the cold and what she had just learned, but something got stuck in her head. If they are evil, why didn’t it drag her down when she was already in the water?

“Liv, why are you asking about them?” Malik asked again. Liv took a deep breath as she looked back at him. “Because I saw one in the lake.” His eyes grew wide as his head snapped to the lake. “That’s impossible.” He whispered as he walked a little towards it, looking at something behind the lake. “Or not... Fuck.” He mumbled as he turned back to her, grabbed her arm and started to pull her with him away from the lake. “Malik, what are you-”

“Liv, the Margyge are evil and would do anything to protect themselves. When King crossed the seas to get to Greenland, they let him pass. If they are here now, it doesn’t bode well for any of us.” He said as he kept pulling her away from the lake. She didn’t argue with him as she looked back over her shoulder and saw two watery eyes stare at her from the water. Another shiver ran down her spine as she forced herself to speed up. She didn’t scare easily, but looking at them, she wanted to cower in a corner somewhere. Yet, there was something telling her to go back. There was just no way in hell that she was ever going to do that. Leaving the evil mermaid behind her, the two of them sped to the cabin. Desperate to put space between them and the lake, or more likely, the creature living in it.

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