Torn between Wolves & Myths (Book 2)

Chapter 010

“I’m not accepted by some, am I?”

“You won’t until you choose where you truly want to belong.” The words of her mother filled her head again as she looked at him. “But you aren’t in danger here. Every leader has those who don’t want him of her in charge, so it’s not something for you to worry about yet.” An involuntary snort left her as she removed her hand from his shoulder.

“Sceptic, are we?” He commented as he raised his eyebrows at her.

“When you don’t know everything about yourself and people are expecting you to become their leader, it’s a right to be sceptic.” She said as she looked at her cup.

“You’ll learn, Liv.” Pyry spoke as he turned a little more towards her.

“Has there ever been another mating bond between an Ulfhednar and Lycanthrope?” She asked instead of responding to Pyry’s comment. “No, your parents were the only one.” Well, that didn’t help. What the hell did it mean that they were?

“Before you ask why, know that only Rafe will be able to tell you. The rest of us doesn’t know the reason why you were born.” That confirmed Caden’s words to her. She sighed as she took another gulp from her mead. It didn’t help her though. Not much did. She did get answers from him but she doesn’t even know the whole story. She started at the middle when she doesn’t even know the beginning. And, that is the reason why everything feels like a blur.

“How did the Ulfhednars came to be?” Rafe raised his eyebrows at her question. “That’s a random question.” She shrugged at his comment. It was, but at least it’s not a question that was hard for him to answer, and she needed to know anyway. She needed to learn about their heritage. Her heritage.

“I never learned about it, so is it weird that I’m asking?” A small smile jumped over his face as he shook his head, before he started talking. “By now you must know that not only the Greek gods are real but also the Norse ones.” Liv nodded, there was no way for her to deny that anymore. “Are the others real as well?” Pyry shrugged, “That’s not for us to know. The human world holds enough records of hundreds, maybe thousands, of myths, and no one there is sure if they all are real, or partly real, or not. We can only know what we are sure about, and for us is it a fact that the Greek and Norse gods exist. The others might or might not exist, but only their creations can be absolutely sure about that.” Liv nodded in understanding.

“The first one to ever shift skins between wolf and human, is Lycaon. Even though his wolf is not an actual wolf but a Lycan, a humanoid wolf from. An abomination. Zeus cursed him and his sons for serving the god human flesh to eat. That is the beginning of the Lycanthrope race as Artemis used the same kind of magic to create the first wolves who could shift between animal and human skin.” Good to know that the story she had been told was actually the correct one.

“The Ulfhednars came to be, because of a father, Sigmund, and his son-slash-nephew, Sinfjötli, who found two wolf skins in a cabin one night.” Hearing the name of the son made the hairs on her arms stand on end, but she had no idea why. Brushing it off for now, she focused on something else that had caught her attention as well.

“Son-slash-nephew? He was both to his father?” She asked with raised eyebrows. Pyry chuckled a little as he nodded. “Yes, because Sinfjötli’s mother was also Sigmund’s sister.” Talk about a complicated family dynamic...

“Still too shocked about the incest or can I go on with the story?” She wiped the surprised look off her face as she took a sip and nodded for him to go on.

“Mesmerized by the skins, the father and son killed the owners and took the skins for themselves. Once they put them on, they were suddenly howling like actual wolves and understood their speech. The skins had a spell cast over them that affected the wearers for ten days, during that time they couldn’t take it off, and it started to change them more and more. With every day that passed their skin started to change as fur started to coat their bodies. They became faster, stronger and more wolf than human, until the last day when the bones in their bodies broke and started to reposition to take the shape of a wolf. On the eleventh day they would become normal humans again.” That... was a lot to take in. Liv looked at him with big eyes as she registered the information, he just gave her. “Still keeping up?”

“I think so...” She mumbled. A grin broke out over his face. “Any questions?”

“Nope.” She said as she shook her head. “Just trying to register everything.” It not every day that you hear about a skin which had the ability to change the wearer into a wolf. He chuckled once more before he started talking again. “They took pride in their new found powers and the father and son went their separate ways to find their fortune, making the agreement that if they ever run into a group of enemies of more than seven men, they would call on the other.” Pushing the information she got to the back of her mind she focused on his story again. “The father was the first one to run into a group and called for the son, together they killed them and went their separate ways once more. The son was next, but he didn’t call for help, he killed the group without help. The father found out and was furious, he attacked his son and bit him in his windpipe, almost killing him. For two days the father sat with his son, not leaving him to fight alone, when two weasels came into his view. One of them bit the other in the windpipe, injuring him like the father had done with the son. The weasel ran off shortly after and came back with a leaf, which he placed on the wounds of the other, healing him. The father ventured into the forest, looking for the same leaf. When he couldn’t find it, a raven flew over his head with the same kind of leaf in his beak. The father took it from the raven and hasted back to his son. Just like with the weasels, the leaf healed the son as well. After the ten days, they took off the skin and burned them. Not wanting to feel the effects of the spell again. They thought to be free of the magic when the fire turned emerald green and something started to form. The weight of a powerful kind of magic filled the air and they knew one of the gods was at work. From the two skins and the blood of the son, which was on one of them, Odin created the very first Ulfhednar. The son screamed as the fire suddenly engulfed him and turned him into a wolf. The father couldn’t believe his eyes as the fire disappeared and a wolf stood in front of him, before it shifted its skin and his son emerged once more. Both males didn’t know what to do, when Odin emerged from the darkness of the forest. He explained that the son was chosen to be the very first of a new race. A race that was foretold to fight a war between realms.” A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered the myth that the warriors in her pack had whispered. About the war between gods. Could it be true?

“Over the Nordic countries, more skins were found by males and they underwent the same fate as the son, before the time came for wolves to be gifted the human skin to make the race even stronger than they already were. More and more Ulfhednars were created, until the bloodlines ran thin.” Liv gulped as she held the gaze of Pyry. “A war between realms?”

“Many believe that the gods had a fall out and are at war with each other, but no one knows if that is the truth. The true reason why there is a war is not known among us. Not even Rafe knows and that’s the most troubling part.”

“Wait, so we’re fighting a war and we don’t even know why?” She asked, hoping that Pyry would tell her that he was making a joke and told her the reason. Any reason was better than having none!

“We don’t, Lycaon, Psophis and the gods do. We believe that the sisters might have known as well, but they never told Rafe anything and Ulf and Leif are both gone.” This was bad, this was really bad... How could they still continue fighting when they don’t even know why the war started in the first place!?

“Then why-”

“We lost too many to this war and even though we don’t know what we are originally fighting for, we do know that we will not surrender when the Lycanthropes took so much from us.” Holy shit... She wanted answers, but this was the most troubling thing she had ever heard. Placing the cup on the bench next to her, she leaned back as she ran her hands over her face.

“What happened after the bloodlines ran thin?” She asked as she pulled her hands away from her face and looked at Pyry again. “The war had already started back then and Freya had gotten her vision about the creation of the Moonbloods.” Caden’s story fitted right after this one it seemed. “But that story is one you already know by now.” He said as he glanced to Caden before meeting her gaze again. Yeah, that was one she already knew.

“Fucking hell...” Liv breathed as she leaned with her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands again. This was not what she expected. She expected them to know the actual reason for the war, not that they didn’t even know why they started fighting in the first place!

“You look like you need another drink.” Pyry commented with amusement in his voice. Seriously? He thought this was funny? Was he fucking with her or something!? No, she would have been able to tell from his heartbeat alone. He hadn’t told her a single lie; this was the truth. By the gods...

“I’m gonna need something stronger than this.” She said as she picked up the cup with one hand and held it above her head as her face was still buried in her other hand. Pyry chuckled a little, before he took the cup from her. “Loosen up, Liv. This night is a celebration, not a war council. I’ll get you your drink and then we’re gonna have some Nordic fun.” Her head immediately shot up as she met his gaze. “And what classifies under Nordic fun?” She asked wary. “Don’t worry, Princess, we’re in public.”

“Yeah, that does nothing to ease my worry as a group of two males and two women are having a lot of erotic fun against the wall of the packhouse.” She said as he pointed with her thumb to the four. Pyry snorted again as he got up. “Not that kind of fun, I can assure you. Unless you’re willing of course.” He said with a glint in his eyes that made her want to rip off his dick and feed it to him. “Nope, not even a little bit.”

“Ouch.” He said as he grimaced before another smirk came over his face. “Don’t fret, Liv. Come with me and we’ll have a friendly Alpha-to-Alpha game.” Before she could answer he walked to a long table where the mead was distributed. Still shaken by everything she just learned; she ran her hands over her face one last time before she forced herself to recollect. This setback was not something she expected to learn, but sadly she couldn’t change anything about it right now. It just seems that she was going to have to look for the origins of the war on her own. How the fuck was she going to do that!?

Only the gods, Lycaon and Psophis-

Psophis! They had met before because of the curse, there must be a way for her to meet with the Lycanthrope princess again. She hoped...

Right now, she just needed to keep her head clear and focus on getting the more buried answers which Pyry doesn’t want to tell her that easily.

“You okay, Liv?” Liv got up from the bench as she took a deep breath, when the feeling of someone staring at her washed over her. Her eyes immediately shot to the table and looked straight in the eyes of Caden. Of course, he was keeping tabs on her. “Fuck no.” She answered Malik. “But I’ll manage.” She added before she stretched the link to Fare as well. “Who wants to be fake fuckboy tonight?” Liv’s eyes travelled to Fare and Malik, as she started to walk towards Pyry. The two looked at each other before they both raised a hand and... played rock-paper-scissors...

“Are you two fucking kidding me?” She asked disappointed through the link as she had to fight the urge to slap her own head. “You guys are actually playing rock-paper-scissors to decide who is going to help me drive an Alpha insane with lust?” Malik pulled out paper as Fare pulled out stone and laughed as he slapped Fare’s clenched fist away, who groaned as he lost.

“You asked who, so we decided. What does it matter that it’s with a game?” Malik answered the link as he continued the conversation with Fare as she walked towards Pyry.

“I’m just not going to respond to this.” She spoke as she pulled her eyes away from the two of them and smiled as she reached Pyry at the table. “Wise decision, Alpha.” Fare said through the link.

“Let’s see how well you are at holding your liquor.” Pyry spoke as a wolf placed a cup filled with mead before her on the table. She already had a feeling that the mead had been spiked with a bit of aconite to allow them to become tipsy and drunk. She could obviously feel it when the liquid ran down her throat, before. Liv leaned with her hands on the table as she looked at Pyry. “And what’s the wager?” Pyry got a satisfied smirk as he looked at her completely, his eyes lingering on her ass which was sticking out right now. “What are you offering?”

“Sorry, Alpha, this ass is already reserved for tonight.” Malik said as he smacked her ass, before snaking his arm around her waist and growling in her ear. She had to clench her legs to keep herself from reacting too much to him. She had never expected him to actually smack her ass and she was sure that she was going to hand his to him the next time they would spar.

A possessive glint awoke in Pyry’s gaze as Malik pulled away a little and leaned with his ass on the table next to her. But that’s not what she focused on as she felt the air getting heavier behind her. A sly smirk crawled on her face as she stood up straight. “How about an answer to the question the other chooses. The loser needs to answer truthfully or they will be forced to shift and be shaved.” That got the attention of multiple bystanders. She could also feel the surprise and worry from her pack through the bond but she shut it out as she waited for Pyry’s answer. “You sure you want to do that?”

“Afraid you’ll lose, Alpha?” She countered as she crossed her arms over her chest. Pyry gulped as he forced himself to stand up straight. “Never.”

“I’m surrounded by fucking idiotic pups.” She sent through the link before cutting it. The surprise and worry made place for amusement.

A smirk broke out over his face as well. “May the best Alpha win.”

About seven drinks in, Pyry had to lean with one hand on the table to keep up straight as he was drinking, while she only felt herself being tipsy and not so drunk that she couldn’t keep a clear head anymore. Thanks to the fact that she had injected herself with a bit of aconite every day for eleven years, she had built a resistance to it, not a great one but enough to hold out longer than any other wolf would in the same situation. She placed her empty cup on the table and took the next one from the wolf who was looking at her with surprise. She winked at him as she started drinking again. Pyry was done with his seventh when she was halfway through her eight.

“Damn, Alpha. You can drink!” Malik said with genuine surprise as he looked at her. Liv finished her eight and placed it on the table, feeling the booze starting to affect her now as well as her vision started to become a little hazy. Pyry made a sound as he placed the still half full cup on the table and tried to catch his breath.

“You okay, Alpha?” Nile asked from his place at the table.

The wolf gave her the next cup, which she tipped to Pyry who glared at her before she started to drink again. “Never better.” He grumbled as he picked up the cup again and started to drink once more.

Setting down her nineteenth drink she slumped against Malik who pulled her closer as he wrapped an arm around her waist and made small circles with his finger on her ribs as he placed a kiss on her head. Her alcohol and aconite infused mind had trouble to keep her in the game and she knew that a few more drinks would mean that she would have no memory of this night tomorrow. Which was a bad thing... Right? She couldn’t even remember why it was a bad thing as she started to get lost in the way her body felt against Malik’s. Damn he felt good, but not as good as-

Stopping the thought before it could completely form, she forced her head back in the game right when Pyry threw his seventeenth cup on the ground and needed to be held up by his beta.

Malik pulled her more against him so her back was resting against his front as his arm was still around her. A content sigh left her as the warmth of his body enveloped her. He removed her hair from the side of her neck and placed a soft kiss on the place where her neck and shoulder met. The wolf inside of her rose instantly, pushing away a part of the haze in her head and bringing her focus back even more. She had to fight herself to keep from snarling and punishing Malik for kissing her there. The same place where Caden had aimed for when he pulled her out of the Rage. The place where the mate mark would be placed, if she ever found him.

“Relax, Liv. I’m not that stupid, but you need your focus right now. You can punish me later.” Malik’s voice sounded in her head, forcing her to relax against him again. She gulped as the wolf retreated a bit back, but not all the way. Allowing her focus to remain for a while.

“There is no way you are able to beat me.” Pyry slurred as he pulled her attention towards him. “I am unbeaten.” He added.

“Sorry to kick you from your pedestal, Pyry.” She slurred herself as she rested her head against Malik’s chest. Pyry wanted to say something before he pushed himself away from Nile and puked right next to the table. Liv immediately slapped her hand in front of her mouth and nose to keep herself from joining him.

“I’ll take him back to the room so he can sober up.” Nile said as he pinched his nose shut, before reaching towards his Alpha and guiding him away from the table.

“Do you want to head back as well, Alpha? Dawn isn’t far from now.” Malik said with a sensual voice close to her ear, but all she could focus on was the smell of Pyry’s vomit. She needed to get out of here.

“No, I’m just going to take some fresh air that doesn’t smell like vomit.” She forced out before she pulled herself out of Malik’s arms and walked to a crumbling wall on the other side of the courtyard. She passed it and pushed her back against the wall as the cold wind enveloped her and the sounds of the courtyard became murmurs to her ears. The quietness and freshness did a lot of good things to her head and she reveled in it. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. A scent filled er nose as she did. One of birch trees. She breathed in again and a calmness came over her as she was reminded of home. She had always loved their smell and she was glad that it hadn’t changed. Ever since she’s been here, she hadn’t smelled it like this before though, the birch trees here had a different smell than the one she... had only smelled once before today!

Snapping her eyes open she was greeted with Caden’s hand slapping on her mouth as he pushed her all the way into the wall. She made a sound, but it was muffled by his hand and his intense stare.

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