Together Forever

Chapter 26

Ethan's POV

I come out of the washroom taking a shower and enter my closet. I decide to wear a plain white shirt with a pair of black jeans and change quickly. Evelyn hasn't woken up yet. I have to call her I guess. It feels different. Like I have some responsibilities. I have been living alone here for years now but never felt the need to have anyone with me. Everything has changed. It seems like if she leaves now, the enormity of this place will suffocate me. Just for her presence, this huge house feels like home now.

Opening the door, I walk outside towards her room. I knock a few times but hear no response.

"Evelyn," I call out and knock again but still no response.

I hold the doorknob and slowly turn around and to my surprise, the door opens.

She forgot to close the door.

I get inside at a slow pace trying to make no sound and see her sleeping peacefully, her leg wrapped around the panda and her face buried in the pillow.

I'm really jealous of the panda now!

I open the window and a ray of sunlight enters the room immediately making her squint slightly. She groans and buries her face deeper.

I tiptoe to her bed and sit upon my knees on the floor. A lock of her chaotic brunette hair is falling upon her face hiding it from me. As much as I like her hair, I would love to see her beautiful face more.

I raise my hand slowly and push the curl from her forehead with my trembling fingers, unveiling her soothing sleeping face. The blonde golden light tumbles upon her white skin causing it to shed a smashing pinkish glow. Unbeknownst to me, a smile appears on my face.

A thousand years won't be enough for anyone to admire this divine beauty. Ok, I am taking it back. If not for anyone else, for me at least.

Are angels of heaven more beautiful than her? If yes, still I don't need them. This sleeping angel would be enough for me.

I don't know for how long I have been staring at her when suddenly a droplet of water falls on her cheek from my wet hair.

I again forgot to dry them.

She peers slightly and moves her face. After some time, she slowly opens her eyes adjusting to the bright light. Blinking a couple of times, she looks at me properly.

"Good morning," I whisper, smiling down at her.

She wipes the droplet with her hand and then her eyes fall on my hair.

"Your hair is wet." She says in a groggy voice, making me giggle.

It was the first thing she said after waking up?

"Yeah. I forgot to dry them." I reply running my hand through my hair and standing up.

She rubs her eyes and lazily gets down from the bed. Her hair is full messy carelessly falling over her shoulder. Her eyes are puffy and yet with everything, she's looking like a princess. My princess.

"Do you always forget to dry your hair?" She asks, yawning.

"Yeah, often."

"But you shouldn't. You will get a cold." She states and starts walking towards the washroom.

I chuckle and shout at her back just as she closes the door.

"I won't if a certain someone stays here to take care of me."


Ethan's POV

After I am ready, I wait for her in the living room. Thinking it's getting late, I take a glance at my wristwatch when she comes out of her room dressed in a dark blue long-sleeved shirt with the same colored jeans, hair pulled up into a bun. Even in her business attire, she looks amazing.

"Let's go." She says and I nod, standing up and heading towards the door.

We get into the elevator and as it starts to go down, I catch her stealing glances at me a couple of times. We walk towards the parking lot and I scowl when I see her heading towards her Mercedes. "You will go in your car? I could just drop you off." I ask, frowning.

"Do you want the reporters to post fake news about us in tomorrow's headlines?" She says in a stern voice as she opens the door.

"I don't mind though." I smile a fake smile.

"But I do, you know." She says, getting into her car. Giving me one last glance, she leaves the premises.

"Yes, I know." I sigh and get into the car as well.

If she would have agreed to go with me, I could spend the time with her even if it's a bit. But who cares about my feelings? Who cares if I am hurt or not? No one.


Evelyn's POV

After trying to pay attention to the work for the whole day, I angrily push the laptop away. I can't get his thoughts out of my mind. The more I am trying to pay attention, the more my mind is drifting off to him. The broken look of him when I denied coming to the office in his car, isn't leaving my mind. But I had nothing to do. Definitely, there would be a great disaster if anyone could see us coming out of the same car. I don't know what I would tell dad after he comes back. He will definitely question us about living together and I don't at least want him to know from the newspaper.

Did I make the right decision by moving in with Ethan? We are getting closer. Will it be good for us or will it bring us more danger?

I just can't take all of this.

I'm hurting him continuously and I can feel it. But what can I do? I'm helpless. He is trying to change. The Ethan I saw when I first came here; cold, ruthless, angry; has already changed. He is trying to change himself for good and what am I doing? I'm hurting him like a heartless.

God, help me, please.

Show me a way.


Evelyn's POV

I unlock the door and go inside to see lights on in the living room. That means Ethan came back before me. I leave my purse on a table and walk inside the room. Ethan is sitting on the couch with his head leaning behind resting on the headboard. The upper buttons of his shirt are opened and his blazer is lying beside him. He looks exhausted.

I walk to him and call out his name, "Ethan?"

He opens his eyes and gives me a tired look.

"Hey." He greets me as I sit beside him.

"You look tired," I say, examining him carefully.

"Yeah. Today was pretty hectic. By the way, tomorrow we will have to attend a business party. Be ready by the evening." He says looking at my face and I nod. "Alright."

He stares at me for sometime before he speaks, "You are tired too. Go, rest."

"Hmm," I reply, giving him one last look, I stand up and head towards my room when he suddenly calls me back.


I turn around and see him coming towards me, hesitantly. He stands in front of me and keeps his shivering eyes still on my face before he slowly raises his hand as if scared if I stop him.

Coming closer, he cups my face and touches his trembling lips on my forehead in the lightest peck. It's like he is making me realize how hurt he is, how much pain he is in through this one kiss. The things he is keeping in him, he couldn't say to me in words; this kiss becomes the way to express himself. It isn't just a kiss, it's a bearer of his thousand unspoken emotions.

Finally, when he removes his lips from me, I don't know how he feels but I feel disappointed. As if I was craving his touches as if I needed more of his kisses.

"Good night." He whispers with some unknown pain in his voice and then goes back to his room.

And finally, I let the tears that I was holding back for the whole day escape from my eyes.

He is changing from bad to good and he doesn't even know it. And I know I am the reason. He is trying to be good, he is trying to be the man every girl dreams of. And when I am the reason behind all of this, instead of helping, I am hurting him.

Only I know how much I am hurting myself by hurting him. I don't want to. I want to hold him and let him hold me because I know that makes him happy. I want to let him kiss me as much as he wants. But something is holding me back. Again my fear and my wavering feelings.

But it needs to stop. I can't hurt him anymore.

I don't know what dad will do after knowing this. Maybe he will also leave me, maybe everyone will leave me. Alright, let it be. I don't care but I...I can't leave Ethan.

When destiny made me the light of his life, after knowing this, I can't push him into the darkness again. Even if the world goes against me, I will stay with him. I will.000000000000

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