Tobias - A cursed boys novel


I watched Tobias disappear into the woods, and then brushed Amelia’s hair out of her face.

“Tobias is getting help; don’t worry.”

Amelia shook her head and took my hand. I could tell she was giving up, but I wasn’t going to let her.

“Tristan will marry you in a heartbeat, and you will be immortal again. You will heal and life will continue as normal, with us picking on the guys and Jennica wanting to throw Colton off a bridge with concrete boots on.”

Amelia tried to laugh, but it turned into a cough. Blood dripped out of the corner of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath again.

“The priest is gone, Willow. There is no one here to marry us.”

It wasn’t until she mentioned it that I realized the priest had disappeared. I had no idea if he made it out of here or if Alexander’s men had killed him too.

“Then I’ll marry you guys.”

“You’re not ordained.”

“So? People get ordained off the internet all the time; I’ll do it.”


“No! I don’t want to hear it; you will get better. You don’t have a choice; I need you Mia!”

“I don’t want to die, Willow; but, I’ve accepted it. I am dying. I can feel it, and this time I won’t be coming back.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the tears. It was no use. My eyes burned and my throat was constricting. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach.

“You can’t die!”

“It’s not a choice.”

I watched as the tears slipped from Amelia’s eyes. I ran my fingers through her hair again, pushing it back out of her face. She was beautiful, too beautiful to be covered in blood. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life; but, instead, it was one of the worst.

“Talk to me; help me keep my mind off it.”

What was I supposed to say? What does anyone say to someone to keep their mind off of dying? I swallowed back the lump in my throat as I said the only thing I could.

“I’m pregnant.”

“What?” She choked out with a smile.

“I’m pregnant. It wasn’t the pain killers making me sick all the time; it was a baby.”

“When did you find out?”

“Last night. After you and Jennica went to sleep, I took a test I bought when we were in town for dinner. I realized I was late and I couldn’t think of any other reason why.”

She squeezed my hand as more tears fell.

“That is amazing! Did you tell Tobias?”

“I was going to tell him today, but now-”

“Now nothing. You are having a baby, Willow. Me dying doesn’t change that. He needs to know!”

“I just don’t think today is the right day to tell him. Not now.”

“Today is the perfect day to tell him. He will need it. They all will.”

Amelia went into another coughing fit as more blood flew out of her mouth. She started making a gurgling noise as she tried to catch her breath.

“Hey, don’t you close your eyes on me. Stay awake; I need you to stay with me Mia.”

“I’m awake, but I’m so tired.”

“You can sleep when this is done. Tristan and Tobias will be back any minute.”



“The baby. I like the name Nicholas. If it’s a boy you should name it Tristan Nicholas Cane.”

“I like that name, but what if it’s a girl?”

Amelia smiled as if she was reliving a memory in her mind. Her eyes began to close, and the smile started to fade.

“Hey, keep talking. What if it’s a girl?”

“Amber.” She whispered.

“What was that? Say it again Mia, come on. Open your eyes and say it again.”

She didn’t move and it felt like I couldn’t breathe. I shook her in an attempt to wake her up, but she didn’t even flinch.


I put my hand on her cheek and tried to make her look up at me.

“Amelia! Wake up!”

I was yelling at her now, as I moved my hand to her neck to feel for a pulse. I couldn’t feel anything, but my hands were trembling too much; maybe I missed it.

I put her back down on the ground and put my head to her chest inches away from the knife to listen instead. Nothing. There was no heartbeat.

“Amelia!” I screamed, and then pulled the knife out of her chest.

She was already dead, but I couldn’t bring her back with CPR when the blade was in my way.

I tilted her head back and pinched her nose, then breathed into her mouth. I took a first aid class in high school, so I tried to remember everything they had taught me.

I placed my hands over her sternum and squared off my shoulders before starting compressions. I counted them out one at a time and gave her another breath.

I don’t know how much time passed; it felt like forever for me. I was barely able to breath and I couldn’t see through my tears.

“Amelia!” I sobbed, as I collapsed on top of her, gathering her in my arms again. My arms were numb and I couldn’t feel them anymore. The compressions weren’t doing anything to help; she was gone and I just wanted to hold my best friend.

“Amelia!” Tristan’s voice rang out into the air. I could hear the sound of his and Tobias’s feet pounding against the ground as they ran.

I felt Tobias’s arms around me, pulling me from Amelia’s body as Tristan took her in his arms.

“Baby, no. Open your eyes. Come on, I’m right here.”

I couldn’t bear to watch Tristan plead with Amelia’s corpse, so I buried my face in Tobias’s chest as fresh tears began to fall.

“Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me. I’m right here baby; come back to me.”

I squeezed on to Tobias tighter as Tristan’s desperate cries tore at my heart. I’d give up my new found immortality in a heartbeat if it would bring Amelia back.

“No! No, no, no, no, no!”

I looked over to see him cradling her in his arms, kissing every inch of her face.

“I’ll marry you, I’ll make you my wife and treat you like a queen, just come back to me baby. Please come back. You can’t leave me like this!”

“Tristan, she’s gone.” Tobias said empathetically.

“NO! I don’t believe that. She can’t be gone!”

Tobias opened his mouth to say something else, but I stopped him. Tristan was in denial and he needed to grieve.

“Let him be.” I whispered, my own emotions threatening to consume me again.

He looked reluctant, but he gave in.

“Take all the time you need, bro.”

He picked me up in his arms and started walked towards the house. As we walked, I realized that Colton and the others were standing around watching. At least Tristan wouldn’t be alone.

Tobias carried me upstairs to his room and placed me down on the bed gently. This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when he carried me across the threshold.

“I need to get out of this dress.”

My perfect dress was ruined; it was covered in blood: Amelia’s blood. I needed to wash the memory of today off of me as fast as I could.

Tobias took me by the hand and walked me into the bathroom. I stared into the full length mirror in horror. The tears began to fall again as panic rose inside of me.

“Get me out of this, get me out now!” I screamed, while trying to rip the fabric from my body. Tobias was trying to help, but he couldn’t get to the zipper fast enough.

“Now!” I screamed again, so he reached into the drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors. I took them from him and began shredding my dress into pieces, cutting myself free as quickly as possible.

Once I was free from the satin, I turned on the shower and stood under the water, trying to wash it all away. As soon as the water hit my body, I cried. My body gave in to my emotions and I fell to my knees crying.

Tobias climbed in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned forward as the grief I felt crippled me. Tobias wrapped himself around me like a blanket, holding me until my body stopped shaking and the tears couldn’t come anymore.

My spirit was broken and my body felt numb as I sat in the shower with my back against Tobias’s chest, leaning against the wall behind us. The water was no longer hot; it had been cold for a while, but I couldn’t move.

Tobias was still in a full tuxedo and I was in my underwear, which consisted of a strapless blue bra and matching panties, as the water continued to wash over us. There was a knock before Colton’s voice came through the door.

“Uh, Tobias?”


“When you have a minute, we need you downstairs.”

“What is it? I’m busy.”

“It’s ok. Go.” I said, my voice hoarse from crying.

“I’m not leaving you.”

His words touched my heart, but I wasn’t the only one who needed him right now. I leaned forward and turned off the water, and then Tobias helped me to my feet.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror as we walked to the door; my lips were blue and the satin dress lay in a heap of scraps on the floor.

I opened the door and Colton looked at me with wide eyes before looking past me into the bathroom.

“What the hell happened in there?”

“Don’t ask.”

Tobias grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I held onto it and walked over to his bed as he retreated to the bathroom to change out of his wet clothes.

He came out with a towel wrapped around his hips and his arms full of the blue, white and red remains of what was once the most perfect dress.

“What should I do with this?” He asked uncertainly.

“Burn it.” I said without hesitation.

Tobias handed the fabric off to Colton, who left the room with it, then pulled on a pair of pajama pants. He brought me a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, which I changed into, after removing the remaining bit of my wet clothes.

“You should get some rest.”

“I don’t want to be alone right now.”

He nodded his head, then took my hand in his own and led me downstairs. Tristan sat on the couch; his eyes were cold and distant and his expression was emotionless.

Everyone else sat around the room and I curled up in the arm chair Tobias sat me in. He walked over and got a fire going to warm me up as I avoided looking at Tristan all together. His clothes and body were still stained with Amelia’s blood.

“What happened?” Tristan asked after ten minutes of silence.

Clearly the question was directed at me. I shook my head slowly. There were no words that could explain what had happened. She was there, and then she wasn’t.

“Alexander and Calliope showed up, he had a knife aimed at Amelia’s chest, and she had an arrow pointed at Willow’s head.” Tobias answered when my own words failed me.

“She thought Calliope was going to kill me, so she took the knife to save my life.” My voice cracked as my emotions threatened to surface again.

“What I don’t understand is how she died.”

“No one knew the curse was broken.”


“Amelia was cursed because she was married to me; we were bound. When I said ‘I do’ to Willow, her part of the curse was broken. She became human.”

Everyone looked stunned. Tristan kept his eyes on the floor; he wouldn’t look at anyone. I could see the grief on his face and I wanted nothing more than to hug him, but I doubted that would be a very good idea at the moment.

“I tried. I did everything I could to keep her here. I held her though, when she passed. She wasn’t alone, she wasn’t afraid, and she wasn’t in pain. She loved you Tristan, more than anything else. She even said I should name the baby after you.”

The words were out before I could even stop myself. Everyone in the room looked at me, even Tristan. He had tears in his eyes, but they weren’t so cold anymore.

“What?” He and Tobias asked in unison.

Well, shit. There was no way of getting out of this one.

“I’m pregnant.”

I wasn’t sure if Tobias was going to cry, get sick, or faint. The expression on his face would have been funny if circumstances were different.

“Who’s is it?” He asked finally.

“Excuse me!” I shrieked.

Was that a fucking joke? I was expecting him to laugh and say he was trying to lighten the mood, but the look he gave me said he was dead serious.

“Who’s the fuck do you think it is?”

I was honestly offended that he could even ask me something like that.

“We can’t get people pregnant.”

“According to who?”

“Is it Alexander’s?”

“What the fuck?”

I would have hit him myself, but Tristan beat me to it. He had punched Tobias in the face. Colton and Jasper grabbed Tristan and Jeremy held Tobias to keep him from swinging back. I got up to leave the room, but Tobias reached for my arm to stop me.

“We’re not done talking about this!”

“Don’t fucking touch me.” I growled at him.

“Why the fuck would you even ask her that!” Tristan yelled at him.

“Because! She was chained up with him for three weeks, no one knows what the fuck happened, and for all I know, he could have raped her for Christ sakes!”

He had a point there. My anger subsided for a minute, but it didn’t last long because he opened his mouth again.

“Besides, according to Alexander she was more than willing to spread her legs for her freedom.”

This time it was me they had to hold back. I launched myself at Tobias. I wanted to kill him. How dare he believe anything that asshole said!

Tristan caught me midair and refused to let me go no matter how hard I tried to claw my way to Tobias’s face.

“Fuck you!” I screamed at him.

Tristan finally let me go and I ran out of the room. I couldn’t stop the tears from coming; as much as I thought that I couldn’t cry anymore, my body found a way.

I didn’t want to go upstairs because Tobias and I shared a room now, and my old room held too many memories of Amelia.

I found a closet just outside of the living room. From the looks of it, it was a pantry, and pretty decently stocked. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall.

The living room was on the other side of the wall; I could hear the guys talking. It wasn’t completely clear, but they were loud enough for me to make out most of the conversation.

“You’re a fucking idiot.”

“Shut up, Tristan!”

“He’s right. It hasn’t even been a day and you’re already fucking up your marriage. ‘Is it Alexander’s?’ what the fuck is wrong with you!”

That sounded like Colton, I think.

“We can’t have kids! You know that just as well as I do! Tristan and Amelia tried for a hundred years!”

“Don’t fucking bring her into this!”

“Sorry, what I mean is you know better than anyone that we can’t have kids; if it were possible, then you would have a dozen by now. Hell, Jasper would have enough to fill the bleachers at a football stadium.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jasper shot back.

“That means you fuck like a horny teenage boy on Viagra.”

“Fuck yeah I do.”


“Alright, I get it. We can’t have kids, but why on earth would you accuse it of being Alexander’s?” Colton groaned in annoyance.

“You guys weren’t there. You didn’t hear the things he was saying, see the things he was doing. After the shit he put her through, I wouldn’t blame her if she did sleep with him to get her freedom.”

“I don’t think Willow is that type of girl. I sleep with those types of girls all the time, and they are nothing like her. She has a lot more self-respect than that, bro.” Jasper said.

“I know she’s not; but, I watched him torture her in front of me. He electrocuted her. If the baby was mine, and this I a big if, then it would have died while we were there after all she was put through, or if it were conceived afterwards, it would be too early to tell.”

As much as I wanted to hate him right now, he had a valid point. I don’t know how the baby survived hell with me, but that just proved to me even more that this child is a miracle baby.

“Do you really believe she would have fucked Alexander?”

I held my breath waiting to hear his answer. This was the moment of truth, when I find out what he really thinks of me.

“No, I don’t. But I wouldn’t put rape past him.”

I let out a breath of relief. Maybe this marriage wasn’t doomed to fail, after all. I’d hate to be cursed to an eternity of immortality if I hated my husband.

“You need to fix this, Tobias. If he did rape her, she needs you for this more than ever. If he didn’t, then maybe you have super human sperm.” Colton said.

That was it. Super human sperm. That was how the baby survived hell. Tobias is immortal; anything bound to him by blood or marriage is immortal. I might have been human at the time, but the baby was immortal, so it couldn’t die.

I placed my hand over my stomach as I sat in shock over the revelation. If I hadn’t been pregnant, I definitely would have died before I was rescued. My unborn child saved my life.

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