Tobias - A cursed boys novel


The past two weeks have gone by in a blur. After Willow shot Tristan in the nuts with a nail gun, the place had become a zoo. I’ve seen my brother take all sorts of ass kicking, but Willow is definitely the only person I’ve ever known to make Tristan drop.

Once the nail was out, it only took a week to fully heal. The wound was gone in three days, but it took the rest of the week to ‘feel normal’ he says.

Willow has probably apologized at least ten thousand times in the past two weeks. Her apologies usually come with some sort of baked goods, so none of us complain.

I’ve assured her time and time again that Tristan didn’t hate her, but she’s stuck on the idea that she needs to make it up to him. How a cookie is going to make up for punching a hole in someone’s nut sack with a nail is beyond me, but at least she’s trying.

Tristan is over it, for the most part, aside from the fact that he refuses to be anywhere near Willow if she has anything even remotely sharp in her hand. Even when it was time to eat he would stay on the complete opposite side of the kitchen if she had a fork in her hand. The knife drawer was completely off limits and would send him flying out of a room faster than you could sneeze.

Tristan has asked about a dozen times; when we cut the cake, to make sure his crotch is a long way away from the table, and especially the knife.

“You ready brother? Last chance to back out.”

I turned around to find Colton walking in to the room. He cleaned up nicely, and was actually wearing some clothes that fit him properly.

“I’ve already waited too long; there is no backing out.”

“Well, don’t keep her waiting then. Tristan sent me to get you.”

I nodded then turned back towards the mirror. I adjusted the bow-tie around my neck and fixed my collar. It has been so long since I willingly put one of these on that I was surprised I remembered how to tie it.

Time to shake off any last minute nerves; I was about to marry the only woman I have ever loved.

I wasn’t having second thoughts about the wedding, but there was still a bad feeling I just couldn’t shake.

Micky told me that it was normal and all guys feel that way before walking down the aisle. When I asked him why men didn’t end up bolting at the altar, he said that once you see the bride the feeling disappears.

I took a deep breath then left the room. Every step I took closer to the altar felt like it took forever; I couldn’t marry this woman fast enough.

I slid the palms of my hands along my pants as I stood in front of the steps of the gazebo. I was beginning to feel nervous and if I didn’t know any better I’d say my heart was about to break out of my chest because it was beating so hard.

Tristan stood at my side as my best man. The rest of my brothers sat on the white benches we had laid out. Colton and Jasper had managed to find a date for the wedding. Jonathan and Daniel both agreed to be Jennica’s companions for the night and Jeremy preferred to be on his own.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly to steady my nerves as Jeremy started the music. This was it. Jennica came walking down the aisle first, holding a bouquet of blue and white roses.

Willow nearly had a panic attack over the order for blue roses being messed up. I can see why some people are referred to as bridezillas.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe the second I caught sight of Willow. Her hair was curled and pinned up; the few strands of stray hair that hung framed her face perfectly.

There was only one word that came to mind to describe my bride: breathtaking. I had to remind myself to breath as Micky handed her off to me and gave me a hug.

He might be three hundred odd years younger than me, but he’s become the closest thing to a father I have ever had or known.

I took willows hand and walked her up the steps one at a time. Micky had managed to get Father James from the church to perform the ceremony. He seemed nice enough, but Daniel said he seemed extremely hesitant to agree.

I felt Willow’s hands shaking; it was good to know she was just as nervous as I was. I gave her hand a little squeeze to let her know she had nothing to fear. She gave me the fullest smile I have ever seen and the blue sash of the dress made her eyes pop. I wanted to devour her right here.

I watched her trying to blink away the tears before they fell, but one still managed to escape, so I brushed it away with my thumb.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in the sight of God and this company, to witness and celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love, and to add our best wishes and blessings to the union of Willow Lilac Grace and Tobias Gabriel Cane.”

The smile on her face made me want to kiss her. I wanted to strip her dress off of her and have my way with her as soon as possible. The honeymoon wasn’t coming fast enough.

“Do you, Tobias, take Willow to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health? With respect for her integrity and faith in your union, do you promise to unfailingly seek out the best you can in her, loving her every day, in every way, until the end of your forever?”

“I do.”

The look she gave me touched me to my very core. It was more than just a sexual desire; it was pure love. I could barely hear him repeating the vows to Willow, until I heard her voice break through the haze.

“I do.”

My heart soared.

“What tokens of love and respect do you offer each other?”

Tristan and Jennica both stepped forward holding out the rings to each of us.

“It was Saint Augustine who said, ‘The nature of God is like a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.’ May the rings that you hold symbolize the nature of God in your lives, and as often as either of you see them, may you be reminded of this moment and the endless love you have promised. Tobias, repeat after me: ...”

And I did.

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. With all that I am, and all that I have, I promise to love and honor you always. With this ring, I thee wed.”

I placed the ring on Willow’s finger and she did likewise a minute later.

“In as much as you have consented to be joined together in the holy state of matrimony, and having pledged and sealed your vows by the giving and receiving of rings in the presence of both God and this company, it is with great pleasure that I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations! You may kiss the bride.”

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I pulled Willow into my arms and claimed her mouth. This woman was my undoing; there was no doubt about it. I loved her with everything I had.

Her lips tasted sweet, like a peach or strawberry mix. I wasn’t used to her wearing any kind of makeup, but whatever lip gloss she was wearing I could definitely get used to.

I kept my arms around her and looked into her eyes when we finally broke the kiss. I thought the bad feeling I had in the pit of my stomach was just nerves and would go away when it was all over, but it was still there.

Something else was coming; I could feel it. I looked over at my brothers and I could tell I wasn’t the only one. All of them looked alert.

“What is it?” Willow asked, clearly catching on.

“I don’t know.”

“I think we need to get everyone out of here.” Tristan leaned in and said to the both of us.

I could tell by the look on Willow’s face that she was crushed. I didn’t want to ruin our wedding, but something wasn’t right. I’d find a way to make it up to her.

“I’m sorry, cupcake.”

“No, it’s ok. I’ve had a bad feeling all day anyways. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I kissed her forehead gently, and then took her hand and Tristan turned to address everyone.

“Alright everyone, let’s head to Micky’s pub. There will be an open bar and everything.”

Micky nodded his head catching the hint and started heading to his truck. Daniel and Jonathan went with him, dragging a reluctant Jennica with them.

It was too late. One of the girls who came with my brothers screamed bloody murder. We all turned around to look at her and saw that she was completely covered in blood with another girl dead at her feet.

There was an arrow sticking out of her back where her heart would be. Willow grabbed onto my arm so hard that I thought it was going to break; she was panicking.

After the ordeal she went through the last time she was attacked at our house, I couldn’t blame her. Everyone else was scrambling around trying to find out where the arrow had come from while I grabbed Willow.

“Cupcake, look at me. Look at me!” I didn’t want to yell at her, but I needed her to focus.

“I won’t let anything happen to you, ok? Not this time. I promise.”

She nodded her head, but I could see the fear in her eyes. Jeremy disappeared with the screaming girl, but left her dead friend on the ground while Jennica left with Micky and Jonathan.

Daniel returned with an axe in his hand and took a stand beside Tristan. Everything was quiet, but there was someone out there, and I had a feeling it was Alexander.

“Stay with Amelia.” I said to Willow and kissed her before walking away from the two of them.

“Stop playing games Alexander! If you want me, I’m right here!”

Nothing. There was nothing but silence.

“What’s wrong? Scared to take me on unless I’m chained up? Get your ass out here; I don’t have all day!”

“As you wish.”

His voice seemed to echo from all around. It was impossible to tell what direction it was coming from, but within seconds the place was flooded with minions.

This batch was different; they weren’t human. Somehow, Alexander had managed to recruit werewolves to do his dirty work. The wolves were in human form, but there was no mistaking the eyes. Their eyes glowed with their anger.

We were outnumbered five to one at least, and alexander was still nowhere in sight. Two wolves rushed at me; I dodged one but collided with the other. He was a massive man with a nasty scar that marred his face, from above his eyebrow down to his chin.

From the looks of it, he was blind in that one eye, but he was built like a tank and packed a hell of a punch. He tried to pin me, but I rolled with him as he took me down and threw him off.

I lost sight of Tristan and Jeremy, but Colton threw a fire ball at the tank of a wolf as he came at me again. Luckily for us, most wolves aren’t too fond of fire.

The man turned and went for my brother instead who continued sending fire ball after fireball at him.

Jasper looked like he was having the time of his life. As a hunter, he took down rogue wolves all the time, so this was child’s play to him. He had made a spear out of a jagged branch and he was just going to town on the wolves.

Another man came at me, but I caught him by the throat in midair. He was smaller than the others. My guess was he was only a pup not too long ago, and he was here to learn how to fight.

I tossed him against a tree and went after the man who was heading for Amelia and Willow. I tackled him and the two of us went flying into the railing of the gazebo.

I groaned as I felt a piece of wood go through my shoulder. The broken plank had impaled the man’s chest and pierced right through my shoulder.

I could hear Willow’s cry, but Amelia had stopped her from coming for me. I gripped onto the wood and started to pull myself off.

“NO!” I heard Amelia yell, as Willow screamed.

Shit. I got myself free and turnedback to the Gazebo. Alexander had Amelia and Willow was on the ground in front of them. Calliope stood with a cross bow in hand pointed at Willow’s head.

“Don’t even think about it!” Calliope said as I started for them.

I stopped in my tracks and gritted my teeth. Alexander held a blade pointed to Amelia’s chest; if she tried to move, he would stab her.

“Let them go!”

“I don’t think so; you see, we came here to take someone’s life today because letting you have your happily ever after would just be too easy.”

Calliope was all too happy with the idea of making my life hell and, since Amelia was immortal, the only one here that she could kill was Willow.

“I can’t let you do that.”

“You can’t stop me, either.”

Calliope positioned the cross bow to be pointing at Willow’s heart and took aim.

“No!” I yelled; but, before I could move, Amelia was already knocking Calliope to the ground, so I took down Alexander instead.

The arrow missed Willow’s heart, but it penetrated her left arm. Calliope rolled out from under Amelia and kicked me in the face to get me off of her brother.

“Enough Alex, we did what we came here to do.”

I rushed to Willow’s side as she tried to pull the arrow out. I snapped the shaft of the arrow and pulled it through. I ripped the bottom of my shirt and wrapped it around her arm to stop the bleeding.

Amelia stayed on the ground with the knife protruding from her chest. It missed her heart, so she should be healing soon, but something didn’t seem right.

“Amelia?” Willow sobbed, as she crawled over to her and pulled her into her lap.

Amelia looked up at Willow and when she went to remove the knife, Amelia stopped her.

“You can’t.”

“You won’t heal if I don’t take it out.”

“I won’t heal at all, even if you do.”

Her voice was raspy and her breathing was labored. I could see the panicked look on Willow’s face.

“I don’t understand.” Willow said, as her sobs threatened to choke her.

“Did I forget to mention that? Oops, my bad.” Calliope said with a vindictive grin on her face. “Because you and prince charming here decided to tie the knot, Amelia is no longer bound to him in marriage. That means she has been freed from the curse of immortality and is now dying as a human. Congratulations on your marriage, Willow. Oh, and welcome to the cursed life. Ta-ta!”

I went to launch myself at Calliope, but Willow grabbed my arm to stop me.

“No, forget her. They can’t hurt me now. You need to go and find Tristan. If marriage is what binds me to you and freed her, then he needs to marry her right now to save her life. We don’t have time for revenge Tobias. Go get Tristan, now!”

I looked back at Calliope, but she was gone. She and her brother disappeared into the woods somewhere. As much as I wanted to go after them, Willow was right. I needed to save Amelia.

I kissed the top of her head and took off to find my brother. I had no idea where he went, but this was the last direction I had seen him in.

I found Colton and Jasper not too far from the house. From the looks of it, all the wolves were retreating as well. They were just a distraction so Calliope and Alexander could get to Amelia.

“Where’s Tristan!” I demanded.

“I don’t know! He took off that way; what happened?”

I didn’t even answer Jasper. I took off in the direction he pointed and kept running as fast as my feet would go.

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