Tobias - A cursed boys novel


It’s been three days since Tobias was brought home. He keeps himself locked up in his room and gave his brothers orders that I’m not allowed in to see him under any circumstances. My sister sort of hates him at the moment because of what happened the other night, but she doesn’t know him the way I do; she’s only seen the worst side of him.

I sat at the kitchen table poking at the food on the plate; I swear everyone’s been trying to fatten me up since I got back, but I haven’t been able to keep anything down lately. Jennica thinks it’s because my body is rejecting food due to prolonged starvation.

Colton thinks it all in my head, but I think that’s just because he insists on disagreeing with Jennica about everything. I haven’t found a single thing that the two of them agree on.

I’ve tried to see Tobias every day since he’s been back. Last night I even waited outside his door for four hours and he still wouldn’t give in. I think I make his brothers a little uncomfortable because every time I was told I can’t go in I’d glare at them and they’d cover their crotch.

Tobias hasn’t been able to leave the house to feed since he’s still healing, but now that he’s conscious again, thanks to my blood, the guys have been sneaking blood bags from the blood bank in town. I guess having a ghost in the family who can walk through walls whenever they want really helps.

Jennica has tried to talk me into moving out with her. Says this place is a death trap for the both of us, despite mine and Amelia’s pleas for her to give the guys a real chance. Between Tobias losing control and wanting to kill me, and Colton picking a fight with her every chance he gets, she’s pretty set on hating this place with a passion.

My bruises were starting to fade a little, but I was a long way off from being healed. My shoulder didn’t hurt as much now though, since the guys picked me up some pain meds while they were in town.

“Hey, earth to Willow!” Jennica said while snapping her fingers in front of my face.

I looked up from my plate to find her leaning over the island I had been sitting at with an expression saying I’ve been flat out ignoring her.

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I was saying that you need to get your scrawny ass upstairs and start packing your shit. This place is toxic.”

“The only thing toxic in this house is you, doll face.” Colton chimed smugly as he walked in wearing just a pair of pajama bottoms.

He reminded me a lot of Tobias, just a younger version of him and a little mouthier. I’ll be the first to admit my little sister is a cheeky little bitch, but I swear Colton gets joy out of pushing her buttons.

“I’m pretty sure you got that backwards, jerk.”

“No, I think I got it right the first time.”

He offered her the biggest smile I’d ever seen on someone which showcased a perfect set of teeth and a single dimple on his left cheek. Jennica was fuming as she flipped him off, and then stormed out of the room.

“I bet any one of you that Colton and Jennica are the cause of world war three.” Tristan said and slapped a hundred dollar bill on the table.

“I’ll take that bet.” Jasper said with a grin and began fishing in his shorts pocket for his wallet.

“Oh knock it off you two, and leave my sister alone.” I added directly to Colton in a warning.

Colton held his hands up in a surrendering motion and backed up like he was innocent.

“Pussy!” Jasper coughed in to his hand, which made everyone else laugh.

“Did you just call me a pussy?”

“Well, you are what you eat.”

“That’s funny, because I don’t remember eating a sexy beast this morning.”

I shook my head as Colton flexed his muscles to show off the Celtic flame he had tattooed on his bicep close to his shoulder. He was definitely a mini Tobias. Jasper grabbed him in a headlock and began messing up his hair, which started a full on wrestling match on the kitchen floor.

I slid off the chair and waved goodbye to Tristan and headed upstairs to find Jennica. I stopped as soon as I caught a glimpse of Tobias’s bedroom door left open a crack. I wanted to go and tell him off for refusing to see me, but a part of me was scared of him. I thought I had seen him at his worst before, but nothing compared to the other night.

Even when Alexander tortured him, Tobias refused to feed on me, so I never thought that he’d actually try to kill me, but I guess that’s what you get when you are stupid enough to cut your wrist and feed a starving comatose vampire your blood. I didn’t blame Tobias for what happened. I made that choice on my own, knowing there was a chance I could have died; I just didn’t want him to hate me for it.

I bit my lip as I stepped closer to his door, but paused before knocking when I heard Amelia’s voice.

“You can’t avoid her forever Tobias. She was ready to storm that place herself to get you out!”

“Exactly, she’s a fucking idiot! Who does that? Who willingly risks their own life; repeatedly I might add, to save a lost cause like me?”

“Someone in love.”

Tobias and I both tensed at her words. I couldn’t fully see him through the small crack, but I could see enough to know he stopped pacing. Alexander also claimed that I loved him, but it had never actually been discussed.

“Willow doesn’t love me.”

“Yes, she does! So it’s time for you to pull your head out of your ass and accept it, before you lose the only good thing that has ever happened to you!”

I couldn’t stand here and listen to them anymore, so I turned and headed towards my room as fast as my feet could carry me without making any noise. Unshed tears burned by eyes and I needed to get as far away from Tobias as I possibly could right now.

Jennica was already sitting on my bed when I got there. I knew I’d only get lectured if she saw the tears in my eyes, so I avoided eye contact with her and walked straight to the bathroom and closed the door.

“Hey, you ok?” she asked.

“Yeah, I just really needed to pee.”

Lamest excuse ever, but at least it worked. I closed my eyes and took slow breaths to try to stop the tears and fight the nauseous feeling growing in my stomach. It was making me dizzy and the room felt like it was spinning. I was beginning to wonder if the pain killers were making me sick all the time.

I sat down in front of the toilet and pushed my hair back out of my face. I knew I was going to be sick. I leaned over the porcelain bowl and emptied the entire contents of this morning’s breakfast. The nauseous feeling was making me feel like I was over heating and everything around me seemed a lot louder than usual, which made me jump at the sound of knocking on the door.

“I said I’m fine!” I snapped unintentionally.

“You sure don’t sound fine.”

I got up and flushed the toilet, then walked over to the sink to brush my teeth and avoided looking in the mirror, since I already knew I looked like crap and I didn’t need any reminders. I picked up a hair tie that sat on the counter and tied my hair up in a messy bun before grabbing a washcloth and getting it wet.

I draped the cold cloth across the back of my neck and finally returned to my room to find Jennica and Amelia standing outside the door waiting for me.


“Maybe you should go see a doctor.” Amelia said.

“And tell them what, my super natural boyfriend and I got locked up and tortured for three weeks? I’d rather not get thrown in a padded room. I’ll be fine. It’s just the pain meds I’m on. I think they are making my stomach act up.”

“So now the psycho who tried to kill you is your boyfriend again?”

I could feel Jennica’s judgmental eyes staring into my soul.

“Yes... No... Maybe, I don’t know! It would be a lot easier to answer that if he would actually let me see him or even just talk to him. He won’t even return my text messages!”

“You’re texting the creep?”

“He’s not a creep!” Amelia and I snapped in unison.

Great, the whole surround sound thing was contagious. Jennica rolled her eyes at the both of us. Clearly she thought Amelia and I were delusional.

“You don’t even know him Jen; you haven’t even given him a chance.”

“I know enough! I met him for ten minutes and he tried to kill my sister, which kind of ruined any chance I could have ever given him, Lo.”

“I love him.”

The words seemed to hang in the air forever. No one said anything and I felt like I could barely breathe. The way I felt about Tobias wasn’t a secret, but this is the first time the words had ever come out of my mouth.

“Awesome! I’m going to have a homicidal psychopath for a brother in law.” Jennica said as she walked away and threw her hands up in defeat.

“Don’t hold your breath. I’m pretty sure he hates me, and even if he doesn’t, he doesn’t believe in love.”

“Wow, you were right sis, he’s a total catch.”

I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm and climbed into bed. I really wasn’t feeling up to defending Tobias at the moment.

“He doesn’t hate you; he’s just having a hard time dealing with everything that happened.” Amelia said and climbed into the bed beside me.

“And I’m not? It wasn’t exactly a picnic for me either.”

“I know, but it’s different for him. Just give it some time and he’ll come around.”

I didn’t want to give it time; I was very impatient when it came to Tobias. I didn’t want to argue though, so I just kept quiet and laid back in my bed. My stomach hurt from being completely empty and from the butterflies that still seemed to be floating around since I confessed my love for Tobias out loud; and both the girls looked at me as my stomach made a growling noise.

“Ugh, don’t you two give me that look. I don’t even want to think about food; but, I could totally go for a fruity Popsicle.”

They both laughed, and then Jennica headed down stairs to see if she could find something to appease my picky stomach, while Amelia called Tristan on her cell phone to send him on an errand in to town to pick up a new TV and a blue-ray player for my room. We were going to have a ‘girls only weekend’ to forget about our boy troubles. Well, to forget my boy troubles anyways.

Jennica returned with a box of Popsicles in her hand and her face completely flushed with irritation. It didn’t take a genius to figure out Colton must have been in the kitchen when she went down.

“Every time I look at his stupid face I can’t help but think ‘really? That’s the sperm that won?’ and it drives me fucking crazy!”

Amelia and I couldn’t stop laughing. I’ve never known anyone to get under Jennica’s skin the way Colton does. It was rather amusing.

“In his defense, four other sperm won before he did.” I said and the look she gave me made me laugh even harder.

“Don’t worry; he’s not always that bad. I think he likes you.”

“Ha! That boy doesn’t like anyone but himself.”

I finally sobered as Jennica handed me the box of Popsicles. I opened one that looked like a rainbow all twisted in to one and the second I put it in my mouth fruity flavor exploded all over my tongue. It was just a Popsicle, but in that moment it was the best tasting thing I had ever eaten.

“I think Tobias is going to town with the guys.”

Amelia and I both looked at Jennica staring out the window.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because a very beat up clone of Tristan just climbed into the back of a truck with the ass hat from hell and their brothers.”

I jumped off the bed so fast I was surprised I didn’t fall on my face. I reached the window in time to watch the truck drive off and, sure enough, there he was sitting with three of his brothers and one of the guys they brought home with them.

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