Tobias - A cursed boys novel


I haven’t seen Willow in days, or Alexander for that matter. He came in once a few nights ago completely pissed off and took it out on me. I don’t know what got his panties in such a twist, but whoever it was that pissed him off was most likely dead by now; I just hoped it wasn’t Willow.

My body was taking longer to heal than it usually would because I still haven’t fed on anyone. It was hard to hold my head up or even function at all and the burn marks left across my body from a branding iron still felt fresh.

I know for a fact I have a few broken ribs from the other night because I can see them poking right out of my skin and it hurts to breathe. I’m almost certain a lung has been punctured as well. It wouldn’t kill me but it sure as hell hurt like a bitch!

I still haven’t slept yet; even though Alexander’s not around they still try to drown me whenever I pass out. I heard a scrubbing noise coming from the corner of the room. I lifted my head a bit to try and see what was going on and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Micky was on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor.

“Micky? Hey, is that you?”

My voice sounded like I had swallowed sandpaper, and my throat felt like it too. There was something odd about Micky, but I couldn’t quite place it.

“What are you doing here?”

“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you Tobias. If you’re going to fight in my bar please take it outside!”

“Your bar? We aren’t at your bar.”

“You know how hard it is to scrub blood out of the wood! Keep this up and you will be buying me new floors.”

What the hell was he talking about? The floors are made of cement and this place is nothing like the bar.

“Hey! Danny boy, take your brother and the ball outside before you two end up breaking something!”

I looked over to the direction Micky was yelling in, but I didn’t see anyone there. What the fuck was going on; Danny boy? That’s impossible. Daniel and Jonathan both died over seas.

“This isn’t real.” I whispered to myself.

It couldn’t be real; I was seeing ghosts of the past. Images and memories had to be coming back to haunt me. Micky looked at least twenty years younger than he did the last time I saw him.

I squeezed my eyes shut to try and make it go away; when I opened them Micky was gone and the room was empty again. I was seriously losing it.

“Don’t fall asleep Uncle T! We’ve been given strict orders to make sure you stay awake and Jonny and I would really hate to have to hurt you.”

I know that voice, but it wasn’t possible. This had to be another hallucination. I closed my eyes again and took a slow painful breath, trying to make it stop. As soon as my eyes closed though, I felt the towel put over my face and the jugs of ice water started flowing.

I coughed and gasped for air between jugs, but it was practically impossible. My lungs burned with each breath and my entire body was racked with pain. When the towel was removed, I looked up into the face of a ghost.

“I told you we didn’t want to do that.”

“You’re dead!”

“Minor technicality.”

I studied his face for a minute then shook my head. It wasn’t possible; if they were alive they would have come home to see their dad.

“I’m going crazy.”

“I used to think the same thing when I realized that you didn’t age. At first I thought that maybe you just aged really well, but then I saw a picture of you and my dad when he was my age. No one ages that well!” Jonathan said, as he came and stood next to his brother with his arms across his chest.

“You’re dead.” I repeated.

“We were. Or at least we were going to be, until Alexander and his sister found us.”

“They didn’t just save our lives; they changed us, made us greater than we ever were.” Jonathan added.

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple, really. We were going to die and they found us, and then brought us to a place a lot like this one. At first, we were terrified and wished we had died instead.” Daniel explained.

“Yeah, the injections hurt like a son of a bitch!”

“But, they made us stronger, faster, and immortal.”

I watched them closely. Something wasn’t quite right with them. I could usually tell when someone was a vampire, or a werewolf, but I couldn’t quite place what they were. It was weird.

“You don’t know them.” I said.

“We know them better than we ever knew you. They haven’t lied to us about who or what they are. They don’t walk around pretending to be normal.”

Daniel nodded his head in agreement with his brother before checking a text that came through on his phone and leaving the room. Jonathan didn’t seem too worried about it.

“They destroyed you two.”

“No, they freed us, made us better.”

“You don’t believe that, Jonathan. If you did you wouldn’t have let your father believe you were dead all this time. They changed you so much that you’re so ashamed of what you’ve become that you would rather let your father suffer alone than let him see you like this.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” he snapped, but I could see the truth in his eyes.

“I know better than anyone, how do you think I got like this? They did this to me. For three hundred years I’ve suffered this curse. There is no freedom with this, and I think you know that.”

I could see the emotions playing on Jonathan’s face, the uncertainty he had about their situation.

“No, Alexander said-“

“Alexander is a liar!”

Both Jonathan and I jumped. Tristan came into the room, followed by Colton, Jasper, Jeremy and Daniel.

“Let him go!” Jonathan snapped at the sight of Daniel being held by Jasper and Jeremy.

“Easy tiger, I’m a little trigger happy today.” Colton said with a smirk and a fire ball in hand.

“Let him go!” I echoed.

All of them looked at me. If this was really happening, and not just a really fucked up illusion, there was no way I could let my brothers kill Micky’s boys. He already lost them once and I wasn’t going to let it happen again.

“He’s one of them.” Colton shot back.

“No, he’s one of us and we protect our own.”

They all watched me carefully before Jeremy and Jasper let him go. Jonathan rushed over to catch Daniel before he fell to the ground. Someone kicked his ass pretty good, and I’m sure he deserved it, but at least he was still alive.

“Don’t tell me you became bum buddies with some of Alexander’s boys so you could try to escape.” Tristan said while eyeing me curiously.

“They are Micky’s boys.”

All my brothers looked at me like I was on drugs.

“Micky’s boys died overseas.”

“No, we didn’t. Alexander and Calliope took us right as the explosion happened. If they weren’t there we would have died.”

“And what are the chances of them just happening to be there, for these two none the less.” Jasper asked.

“It wasn’t by chance.” Colton whispered.

“You’re right. It wasn’t. They were targeted and I wouldn’t be surprised if Alexander was the one who caused the explosion in the first place.”

Tristan was right. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alexander caused the explosion either. I wanted to give my two cents, but instead of words coming out it was garbled mess.

Everyone looked at me as I began coughing and choking on my own blood. The room was spinning and I wanted nothing more than to pass out.

“Let’s get him home.” Tristan said, then started pulling on the chains that held me to the floor.

“He’s not going anywhere. Alexander gave us direct orders.”

“Fuck Alexander and his orders!” Jonathan said to his brother.

The two of them stared each other down, and then Daniel sighed and raked his hand through his hair.

“This is a really bad idea.” He said, then came over with the keys and unlocked my restraints.

I was amazed at how good it felt to not be shackled down. Tristan and Jasper hauled me to my feet and followed Daniel out the door.

“You need to find Willow.”

“You mean the hot blue haired girl that Alexander’s been obsessed with?” Jonathan asked.

“She’s been missing for days.” Daniel added.

“Blueberry is at home; don’t worry she’s safe. We grabbed her a few days ago.”

“And you left me behind? Asshole!”

“Don’t worry; we already had our asses reamed about that. You’re little spitfire told Tristan if he didn’t come back to get you he might as well not come home or his manhood would be nailed to the wall.” Jasper said with a grin on his face.

It took a minute to register what they were saying. Willow was safe, and she was home, but most importantly she didn’t hate me. I should have been the one who saved her. I’ll never forgive myself for that, but I could never repay my brothers either.

“You’re getting fat brother.” Tobias grunted as he dragged me down the hallway.

“Fuck that, I’m sexy. You’re just weak!”

Jasper laughed, which made me grin even though it hurt. Tristan just rolled his eyes and the two of them continued down the hall.

“I doubt they are just going to let us walk out of here. Easy part’s over, boys.” Daniel said, then kicked open the doors.

He was right; the easy part was definitely over. As soon as the doors were open we were face to face with a few dozen men, but Alexander was still nowhere in sight. Something wasn’t right.

“Let’s get this party started.” Colton said in a way too happy tone, as his eyes came to life and fireballs appeared in his hands.

He has definitely come a long way since he left with Jeremy; maybe now he will stick around and try to get life back to normal. The men who were waiting for us aimed their guns as if that was going to stop a group of immortals.

Shots were fired and I was dropped to the ground. I gritted my teeth and groaned at the pain of my already broken ribs cracking again. My body was trying to heal itself, but I hadn’t fed in far too long.

I couldn’t see what was going on, but by the sound of screams in the air and rapid firing, it seemed there was a one sided war going on. Alexander didn’t even give his poor minions a fighting chance against us. I guess he was counting on Daniel and Jonathan to even the playing field.

“Where is Alexander!?” Jasper roared.

I looked up to see him holding one of the minions by the throat. As far as I could tell the other men were dead, but they put up a pretty good fight. All my brothers were bleeding and looked like they were used for target practice.

“Where is he!” Jasper demanded again.

“I don’t know.” The minion cried.

“I don’t believe you.”

Jasper pulled out a blade that was tucked in his boot and held it against the minions’ throat.

“I don’t know! I swear I don’t know. Please don’t kill me. I didn’t do anything!”

“You didn’t do anything? So I look like modern day water fountains for fun? Or how about keeping my other brother and his girl chained up for weeks, torturing them? Was that nothing?”

“What? No, we didn’t keep anyone chained up. They weren’t real. Alexander said that they were new robotic experiments with synthetic emotions for scientific purposes. That’s why they couldn’t die and didn’t need to be fed.”

Everyone exchanged looks with each other. They just killed dozens of men who had no idea that what they were doing was inhumane. I wanted to feel guilty about all the lives that were taken, but after everything I went through I really couldn’t give a shit about what happened to them all.

“Well that’s just fucking beautiful! Calliope took off, took Alexander with her and left all their loose ends behind for us to slaughter; looks like we’re doing Calliope’s dirty work, again!” Daniel hissed in frustration.

“Bring him with us. Tobias can wipe his memory once he’s healed.” Tristan said, and then pulled me to my feet again.

“I got it.”

We all looked at Jonathan, who had taken the minion from Jaspers hands and made eye contact with him. Almost instantly it was like he was in a trance.

“You were working on ground breaking research at a plantation, but there was an explosion and everything was lost. You’re employers killed the project and you were fired. No one knows about Tobias, or Willow, and if anyone asks, you don’t remember the detail of the project.”

He released the minion and walked away like nothing happened. Colton turned around and sent fire ball after fire ball at the facility we came out of. After a minute the former minion looked at all of us, completely horrified.

“What the hell happened?”

“What do you remember?” Tristan asked.

“We were working and… I don’t know. There was an explosion and then I was here.”

“You passed out. We were in the area and saw the explosion; so, my idiot brother here thought it would be a good idea to run in and play hero. He saved your life.”

Tristan indicated me when he spoke. I looked the worst out of everyone here and I even had the burn marks to pull it off. The minion thanked me about a dozen times while crying. He was horrified by the sight of burnt and mutilated bodies on the ground, but didn’t ask any more questions; instead he took off down the road.

Tristan and Jasper dragged me over to a truck and threw me onto the flat bed in the back. It hurt, but the cold air felt amazing.

Tobias and Jasper jumped in the front of the truck and the rest of them piled into the back with me. Was this really happening? After all this time being tortured, was I finally free? It all seemed like a fleeting memory as I watched the trees pass above us.

It felt too easy; this had to be a dream. I closed my eyes and waited for the water to come. I don’t know how much time passed, but it wasn’t long enough before my brothers pulled up in front of the house. I wasn’t ready to face Willow yet. Not after everything that had happened.

“Time to get up uncle T.” Jonathan said while he and Daniel picked me up. I tried to open my eyes, but I was way too exhausted.


Colton actually sounded concerned. I tried to open my eyes again, but it was no use. My body wasn’t obeying me anymore.


Colton tried again, but got no reaction from me. The little shit even slapped me across the face. I wanted to reach over and punch him in the face, but not even my arms were listening to me. I wonder if this was what it felt like to be in a coma, you can hear everything and feel everything but, no matter how hard you try, you can’t move or talk.

“He’s gone too long without blood, his body is shutting down. We need to get him inside.”

Tristan came around to the back of the truck and helped carry me in. We didn’t get far before Willow showed up.

“Oh my God, Tobias!”

My brothers put me down on the couch and Willow was at my side instantly. I felt her take my hand and it sent warmth through me. I tried to squeeze it to let her know that I was okay, but nothing happened.

“What is wrong with him, what happened? Tristan, what did you do? I told you to save him not kill him.”

“He’s not dead, and I didn’t do anything, so my balls are off the menu. He just needs to feed.”

“So get him something to eat!”

The voice was a girl’s voice, but I’ve never heard it before. Who the fuck was she?

“It’s not that easy, he needs blood.”

“You don’t keep bottles of it lying around?”

“I’m sorry; I must have missed the local advertisements on stores stocking blood. He doesn’t drink blood from a bottle, he needs it from a person so unless you’re volunteering-“

“I’ll do it.” My cupcake growled at them all.

No. There was no way in hell I was going to feed on Willow. I hadn’t eaten in weeks; I knew there was no way I would be able to stop once I started.

“You can’t Blueberry, he would probably kill you. I’ll send Jasper into town to grab someone.”

“Are you guys kidding me? Willow, do you even hear what you are saying. He is going to kill whoever he feeds on, and you’re ok with that?”

“He needs to eat, Jennica.”

“I understand that, but what I don’t get is how my sister can justify taking someone’s life.”

Willow’s sister was here? So, that’s who unfamiliar voice belonged to. I did miss a lot while I was out.

“She’s right. We can’t take someone’s life just because Tobias needs to eat.”

The arguing continued back and forth. The guys were set on finding someone to sacrifice, but the girls kept trying to come up with another solution. I wanted to tell them all to shut the hell up, but my mouth was completely useless.

“Fuck this!” Willow growled.

She was clearly tired of being cut off and everyone ignoring her. I didn’t hear what she was trying to say over everyone else’s yelling. I thought she might have stormed out of the room, but I was dead wrong. Before I even knew what was happening, the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

It was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted and I couldn’t get enough of it. The taste invaded every part of my body and before I knew it, my hands reached up and clasped Willows arm, holding it in place as the hunger inside of me continued to drink.

I could hear everyone else yelling, but I couldn’t make out the words that were coming out of their mouths. I knew I was taking too much blood, but no matter how hard I tried to pull away, the hunger had complete control.

“Tobias…” Willows voice was a whisper as her body went limp.

Tristan caught her, but I still couldn’t make myself let go. It was like I didn’t even have control over my own body anymore; the hunger did! I felt like someone hit me in the head with a steel pipe and I saw stars before everything around me went black.

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