To Owe a Favor

Chapter 15

Lillianna's POV

That drink has finally worn off and so has Killian's patience.

"Oh! Oh! Can we go over there? And there!" My hand is basically a compass arrow as Killian flies us from one treetop to the next so we can look at all of the vendors. They sell an assortment of clothing, food, drink, and weaponry.

Lona and Adrin said they would handle the clothing but disappeared before either Killian or I could ask what they meant.

Killian grumbles as he changes directions, "You can look at two more vendors and then we're leaving."

I gasp, ignoring the items in front of me to look at Killian, "But there's a whole other section."

He shrugs, "And it's already 2 and we need to get back."


Killian's eyes flash toward mine, and I realize he is not usually questioned. He starts to float away from the table, "You're right. Let's just leave now." I shake my head and start to kick his feet with mine. He chuckles before sending us back over to the table, "Hurry up and look."

I grin and look at the assortments of small knives in front of us, "What are these for?"

Killian glances at them, "To spread butter on bread." I stare at him for a moment, they look far too sharp to be used for that. Killian notices my staring and rolls his eyes, picking one up, "It folds up to clip onto clothing or hair, but can be used in defense when unfolded." He gestures toward a lot of the customers around us, "Very popular among well-respected ladies."

"I want one."

"That would imply that you're a lady."

I cross my arms, "well, then, maybe you should wear one."

Killian rolls his eyes and starts to flit back toward the main kingdom, "At least I'd look good in it."

I let out three short sarcastic laughs, "I think I preferred when you brooded quietly."

"And I think I preferred when you owed me a favor."

We stop near the end of the market to say goodbye to Lona and Adrin. They wished Killian luck on his afternoon training and told me to get more rest if I needed.

When they were out of earshot, I quickly asked Killian if I could watch him train, but his answer is just as quick, "No."

So, an hour later, Selivan flies me to the nearest treetop to watch the warrior's train. Killian notices immediately and flies over. With a glare to Selivan we are soon left alone on the treetop. Killian hovers dangerously close, while I balance on the thick limb of the tree.

"I told you not to come," Killian says.

I cross my arms with a defiant look, "Well, I came to watch Selivan."

Killian drops down on the tree branch. I wobble and have to grip onto his bicep to regain my balance. When I look back up to him, he has a satisfied grin on his face, "Why do I get the feeling that's not true?"

I shrug, slightly breathless as I respond, "I don't know. Maybe you're lightheaded from all the flying."

"Or maybe I know you'll be staring at me the entire time." Killian leans forward, and I refuse to lean back, to the point our lips are nearly touching when he comments, "And I'll be distracted. Thinking of you."

I finally turn my head away when his words sink in. With blush on my cheeks, I mumble, "I will pay equal attention to everyone."

Killian steps back and begins to hover, "Suit yourself." He flies off and joins his fellow warriors in mid-air. They all have an assortment of knives and swords, but my attention keeps slipping to Killian. It doesn't help that he's positioned himself directly in my line of sight.

We make eye contact more times than I wish to admit. My eyes are always quick to settle on someone else, while Killian takes a moment to look at me. His gaze is mocking me with an obvious 'I told you so' smirk that makes blood rush all over my body.

The bark of the tree branch begins to dig into my feet enough to disrupt my intermittent staring at Killian. With slow movement, I attempt to bend at the waist and turn sideways so I can sit on the branch.

Somewhere between my hands almost touching the branch and my weight balancing on the balls of my feet, I slip.

The air whooshes past me so fast that I can barely hear my own scream escape my lips. I flip in the air and can suddenly see the bright green of the tree leaves and the long warrior bodies getting smaller and smaller.

Except for one. Killian's wings are tucked tightly into his side as he dives for me. My arm stretches toward him, but he seems impossibly far away.

I close my eyes. Waiting for impact when two arms wrap around me. My body is jerked to a stop, and I gasp. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to open and gaze open at the fae who caught me. Elik. The third eldest prince. That charming smile gone from his face, "You nearly hit the ground."

My hands are shaking when I grip his shoulders, "I almost- I slipped." I turn my head to the other side and look to Killian, flapping his wings quickly and looking pale. A scowl is on his face as he stares at Elik's arms around me.

Killian tries to reach for me, but Elik flits back, saying, "I'll take her inside. You still need to train."

Killian clenches his fists, but his arms are trembling, "You're crushing her wings."

Elik quickly repositions me, dropping my legs and clutching my lower back. We're pressed chest to chest but I'm still too dazed to notice.

Elik tries to look into my eyes, even from our close position, saying, "Shit. I forgot. You okay, Lillianna?"

I nod, "Didn't feel a thing."

Killian's voice sounds further away when he grumbles, "She's in shock. Make sure she stays inside." As an afterthought he says, "Where you should be too, Elik."

Elik begins to flap his wings away from Killian and the warrior's training, "Promise I won't leave my room now." Elik laughs at his own joke and quickly flies us back. I grimace to myself as Elik navigates our path, if my relationship with Killian wasn't already rocky it sure is now.

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