To Owe a Favor

Chapter 14

Lillianna's POV

I tried my hardest to stay awake against the soft cushions of the couch, but I fell asleep regardless. Only to be woken by Killian carrying me out of the living room and toward my room.

I yawn when we finally reach my dark room, feeling more tired than ever. Killian lays me down on my side, and I make a quick move to turn over. Forgetting again that my wings are behind me.

I shoot up from the bed in pain, and nearly ram my head into Killian's chin. He stops me last second and stands near my bed as I lean against his armored stomach.

With gentle fingers Killian kneads the tender muscles of my back that surround the wing I had accidentally rolled over. I haven't had the chance to really look at my back or wings, but everything felt tender and sore.

I sigh into Killian's side and lean heavily against his waist, "That feels better."

He hums and tries to step back, but I quickly wrap my arms around him, "Wait! The other one hurts too. I think I rolled on it earlier."

"Is that so?" Killian comments as he begins massaging around the other wing. I nod silently with my eyes almost blinking closed. Killian slows down his fingers as he asks, "What were you doing with the prince?"

I shrug, "We were going to watch tv to help us fall asleep. He gave me a pink drink."

Killian chuckles, "And you drank it?"

I stiffen, "I did." I think for a moment, "Should I have declined it?"

Killian shakes his head when I look up to him, "No, it was a sleeping concoction. You'll just be extremely tired for the next eight hours."

I lean my head back on Killian, "That doesn't seem so bad."

Killian pushes me back onto the bed, "It's already four in the morning."

My eyes widen, "Oh no. Adrin wanted to surprise me at 9."

Killian begins to tuck me in as I lie on my stomach, "She probably wants to take you shopping. That can wait until after lunch." He continues tucking me in tightly, "Stop squirming."

I giggle, "It's too tight."

Killian hums, "It will stop you from moving and hurting your wings."

I yawn, and Killian quickly finishes wrapping me up in blankets while keeping my wings exposed. They feel heavy and warm against my skin as I burrow down further into the cushions. I fall asleep before I can tell him goodnight.


Lona and Adrin enter the room the next morning with pounding footsteps and cheery voices. I groan into my covers, not willing to even open my eyes.

One of them pats my bum through the thick blanket coverage, when she speaks, I realize its Lona "How'd you manage this? We used to bundle Killi like this."

I mumble something akin to 'Killi... yes.' that makes her laugh.

A moment later Lona pats my back, "Killian left us a note to leave you alone until lunch. But we could..."

I nearly fall asleep in between her pause, but Adrin completes the sentence for her, "We could get ready for the Fae Market."

It takes me a moment to remember what the heck a 'fae market' is, but then I wiggle around in the sheets like a caterpillar, "I want to go!"

Lona helps up from the bed, and Adrin starts working on my clothes. I use my arms and hands to cover all of my important bits while Adrin redresses me in a proper dress. It doesn't shine or include jewels like the dinner party dresses, but it is lightweight and a light green color.

Adrin combs my hair away from its standard bun, "Let's get this hair into a few braids before we go."

I nod with a yawn, "I'm just going to take a little nap while that's getting done." I fold my knees underneath me and lean my forehead against the side of the bed with my eyes closed.

I wake up seemingly seconds later with my hair twirled into two large braids that rest between my wings. Lona and Adrin walk on either side of me and chitchat idly while I am practically heaving myself with each step I take.

Heavy footsteps clomp toward us before I note the black armored feet of Killian. It takes a lot for me to tilt my head up to look at him, but he is already looking at Lona, "I left a note. She needs to sleep."

Lona pats my shoulder to show Killian that I am indeed awake. Barely. With a smile she tells Killian, "Lillianna wanted to go to the Fae Market before the rush."

Killian reaches out but quickly returns his arms to his sides, "The Market is open until 5 pm. There is no rush at any hour. Just take her back to bed until noon."

Adrin interrupts him before I can reject his idea, "Are you on duty today, Killi?" He shakes his head, and I am suddenly being pushed toward him. His hands are warm as they settle against my waist. Both of us look toward Adrin and Lona who are grinning widely, "Then you can carry her while we look around the market. Then her body can rest while we all look around."

Killian grumbles as he repositions me to stand further from his side. He looks down at me as I yawn again, "Do you really want to go now?" I give him a sheepish smile and nod.

Adrin and Lona immediately begin to hover in the air, and I realize how slow walking must be for them. Killian slightly bends at the waist to lift me until my feet are on his and he can wrap one arm behind my shoulders and the other around my waist.

"I don't think I need to tell you this," he says, "but try to sleep while we fly." Then, we shoot into the air and follow Adrin and Lona out of the Kingdom and into the open air. Killian was right that he didn't need to tell me to sleep during the flight, because the second I closed my eyes while leaning into Killian, I was out.

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