Chapter CHAPTER 20



‘I am sorry I didn’t make it for baby girl’s birthday, I got her something though,’ Patra says.

‘I understand baby girl and thank you for the present.’

‘You are welcome. You look beautiful. You are glowing, how is the sex with your young man?’

I roll my eyes, ‘The sex has been good but I want out. I shouldn’t have even cheated on my husband in the first place, I have been feeling guilty and I want to end things with this young man and just focus on my marriage.’

‘Did anything happen that you have not told me? The last time we talked, you said you expressed happiness about how things were moving between you two so what has suddenly changed? Talk to me.’

‘Let’s just say I have been thinking, and sex isn’t enough of a good reason to lose my family over.’

My phone starts ringing before she responds to me. I always know who is calling before I even check the caller ID, Nico has been blowing up my phone with calls and messages. I haven’t picked his calls nor have I responded to his messages. I am heading over to his place to give him a piece of my mind when I leave Patra’s house.

‘Aren’t you picking that call?’

Ignoring her, I pick my glass by the stem and take a sip of the wine. Its sweetness bursts across my tongue and stains my lips, just the way I like it. ‘You should get me a bottle of this wine when next you are in Italy, it is really good.

She laughs, ‘Let me check what’s in the oven.’


My phone starts ringing again and I watch each ring until the fourth one falls short and cuts. The phone buzzes a minute later, I pick it up and read his messages, ‘You are beginning to get on my last nerves Penelope. Stop fucking around with me or else there will be consequences. I hope you know I am waiting for you.’

I roll my eyes and delete his messages.

Patra walks into the living room a minute later with plates of steak, onions, salads and chips which she places in front of me. ‘Thank you, babe, this smells really good, I can’t wait to dig in.’

‘You are welcome. Brunch is served.’

‘Thank you.’

‘So, who are you avoiding? Lover boy? Did you two have a fight?’

‘Like I said, I just want to end things with him. He is being a little too possessive and doesn’t respect the fact that I am married. He is young and obviously doesn’t have much to lose like me, no wonder he is behaving like this.’

‘Well, if he is behaving like that then cut him off and find someone else. And this time around, let him be older and married, that way you both know exactly what you want out of that relationship.’

‘I don’t know if I want to do this anymore. I have to settle for what D can offer.’

‘For life?’


We continue talking while I devour my plate clean in a matter of minutes. After spending about two hours with Patra, I leave and drive to Nico’s house, he hasn’t stopped sending me messages and trying to call.

I leave my car at the car park and get on a cab to Nico’s place. When I get there and knock, his friend opens the door.




‘In his room.’


He steps aside and lets me in. I walk away from him as fast as possible and head to his bedroom. When I walk in, Nico is sitting on his bed, shirtless. He smiles and sits up. I make sure to lock the door with the key before walking up to him.

‘You came?’

‘What games are you playing?’

‘What do you mean my love?’

‘I am not your love. You have been blowing my phone with calls and messages. Do you know what’s at stake? I could lose my marriage and everything I have worked for because of the stupid mistake I made with you.’

He stands up and walks up to me so we are standing face to face. ‘You think this is a mistake?’

‘Yes. I shouldn’t have slept with you. I shouldn’t have tolerated you in the first place. It was a stupid mistake on my part. Nico, I am here today to put an end to whatever this is.’

He laughs, ‘what are you trying to put an end to?’

He leans forward, trying to kiss me but I take a step back nearly tripping over myself.

‘What are you trying to do?’

‘This doesn’t end until I say so.’


‘This relationship is not over until I say so,’ he tries to kiss me again but I push him away.

‘I am an adult. I am married. I am your lecturer. This was a mistake Nico, please.’

‘You don’t understand, do you? I call the shots here. I don’t even care if you are married or if you are my lecturer. I don’t even care if you are older than I am, I want to be with you, you are mine.’

‘Babe,’ a familiar voice calls, knocking on the door before I get the chance to respond to him

‘Shit!’ I curse.

‘You need to hide!’

‘Yeah,’ she can’t see me here.

‘Nico, I know you are in there, your car is parked outside, open this door,’ she knocks.

‘I am coming,’ he says, then he quickly pushes me into the closet and arranges the cloaks in an order so that it will hide me. What is this girl doing here? I thought she was out with my daughter for lunch and it was safe for me to come over.

I hear the door open a moment later, ‘why did it take you so long to open the door, are you with someone in here?’

‘What do you mean? I was sleeping.

‘You never lock this door when you are sleeping.’

‘What do you want, Gabby? Shouldn’t you be out with Tessa for lunch or something?’

‘Is that woman's perfume I smell?’ she asks and my heart slams hard against my chest. I would die of shame if Gabby found me hiding in her boyfriend’s closet. This is definitely the last time I am coming to this house. I hope Nico understands we can’t continue doing this and leaves me alone.

‘Don’t be ridiculous, the only woman who enters this room is you. What happened to the lunch you were supposed to have with Tessa?’

‘We are still going out. Tessa got delayed at church, I got bored and decided to come here. She will come and pick me up in about an hours’ time. Are you sure you were alone in here though?’

‘I am fine. What time did you say Tessa is picking you up?’

‘An hour maybe.’

‘So, we have a few minutes to play before she gets here, right?’


‘Come here,’ Nico says and I hear Gabby giggling and laughing out loud. I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, it hits me like a kick in the gut. How on earth did I find myself entangled in this situation?








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