Chapter CHAPTER 17



I woke up early today, determined to get an early start. It’s Tessa’s birthday and I wanted to wrap her presents before she woke up. They brought in the car last night while she was sleeping. I also wanted to add a few ribbons to it before she sees it. I am so big on birthdays and I love to go all out unlike my daughter. I know she doesn't want anything extravagant but she is my baby and I want to give her the world. So, I am in the kitchen getting breakfast ready, I want to treat her to breakfast in bed then we can head out for her to see the car. Her father and I plan on singing her a happy birthday this morning while she unwraps her other gifts and cuts her first cake.

Gabby will be here later for them to go on a spa date I booked. Dinner will be in the evening. I asked Gabby to invite some of Tessa’s close friends from school. I know she doesn’t have many friends but I am hoping we can get even about five of them to join us. I finish preparing breakfast, put everything on a tray and head up to her bedroom.

I push the door open; she is sitting on her bed talking on the phone but tells the person she will call them later when she spots me.

‘Happy Birthday child of mine,’ I say.

‘Breakfast in bed? Mummy?’


‘I didn’t expect this, thank you.’

‘You are welcome.’

She gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom and emerges later after she has brushed her teeth and washed her face.

‘Eat up child.’

‘Thank you, mum, this is really special.’

‘I have a whole program planned out for today.’

She shoots me daggers with her eyes, ‘I hope you didn’t go all out. You know I don’t like parties and all.’

‘Just eat.’

‘Mum. I am serious, I just want to have a quiet evening with you and dad, maybe Gabby because she is my best friend.’

‘I hear you.’

I watch her eat and take a few photos here and there. My pride and joy, I love this child with everything in me.

‘Thank you for the breakfast ma, I loved the food,’ she says when she is done eating.

‘You are welcome. So, your father and I have a surprise for you.’


I lead her into the living room and she gasps at all the presents in the living room.


‘I couldn’t help myself.’

‘Well thank you.’

‘Happy birthday baby girl,’ D says, walking into the living room.

‘Thank you, daddy.’

‘You are ready?’


I place a blindfold over her eyes before leading her outside, towards the direction of the car.

We get to the car and while her father removes the blindfold, I am on my phone getting a video because I want to capture her reaction on camera. ‘Happy Birthday child,’ we both say in unison. Tessa looks from me to her father before she squeals with excitement.

‘You got me a car?’


‘I get to drive myself to school and every other place I need to be at? OMG! I love it,’ she jumps up and down.

My heart is full just by watching her, I have never seen her this excited.

‘You love it?’

‘I do. Thank you so much to the both of you, you are the best parents any girl could ever dream off.

‘You deserve this and more baby girl, you have been a great child.’

‘Thank you.’


Later in the evening;

‘How do I look babe?’ I ask, Darius. I have just finished getting dressed for Tessa’s birthday dinner.

‘You look really beautiful.’



‘I think I am ready to go. Tessa is getting anxious; we took longer to dress up than the birthday girl.’

He laughs, ‘You are the one that couldn’t decide on what to wear. You are all over the place like it’s your birthday.’

‘I am the birthday girl’s mother, I should look the part.’


We walk out of the bedroom hand in hand.

‘Baby girl, we are ready.’


‘Your mother took time to get dressed.’

‘I understand.’

We leave the house for intercontinental hotel with Tessa driving us. Gabby will meet us there with some of their friends. I am glad that we took her for driving lessons last year and got her a driver’s license. An hour later, we arrive and the hostess leads us to our table. We got a private dining area because Tessa doesn’t like attention.

‘Gabby says she will be here in a few minutes.’

‘Okay. We can order some wine. You are an eighteen year old now I guess a glass won’t hurt.’


‘So how does it feel to be eighteen baby?’

‘Great. I am an adult now.’

‘But you will always be our baby.’

Gabby walks up to us a few minutes later in the company of two guys, ‘I am sorry for being late, I had to drag these two. This is my boyfriend Nico and this is housemate Leon.’

‘Nico, Leon, these are Tessa’s parents.’

I stare at Nico. OMG! What have I done? I have been sleeping with Gabby’s boyfriend? I have messed up. I just want the ground to swallow me right now. I feel like everyone can see what Nico and I have been up to. Did he know? Was this a setup or something? Does Gabby know?

‘You brought these?’ Is all Tessa says.


‘Nice to meet you all,’ D says, ‘please sit.’

‘Excuse me,’ I say, rising to my feet and quickly heading to the bathroom.

I need some air.



The August Girl.


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