Chapter CHAPTER 16



I am in the kitchen listening to the radio singing and cooking up a storm getting ready for dinner when Darius walks into the kitchen to see if I need any assistance. He got home today in high spirits, knowing my husband, he has already forgiven me for my shortcomings. This man doesn’t stay angry at me for more than the situation lasts. He is quite forgiving, that’s one of the things I love about him.

‘It smells good in here. What are you cooking?’

I smile, ‘something special for dinner for my husband and daughter.’

‘Knowing how good of a cook my wife is, I can’t wait to taste the food tonight.’

I walk up to him, ‘Babe, I just want to apologize for my behavior of late. I know I have been out of order; I am sorry and I promise to be a better wife to you and a better mother to our daughter. Please forgive me sugar.’

‘You know I can’t stay angry at you so I already forgive you but please don’t stay out that late without informing either me or Tessa, we really worry about you. You know you are all we’ve got and we wouldn’t want to lose you.’

‘I know babe and it will never happen again,’ I say, then I lean in and give him a soft kiss on his lips.

‘I love you, Penelope.’

‘Forever and always?’


‘What can I get you while dinner is getting ready?’

‘Nothing really, I will just sit here and watch you cook.’


‘So, I sent money to your account for Tessa’s birthday dinner and also for her car. You will let me know if the money is not enough.’

‘What car are we even getting her?’

He shrugs, ‘You should know better what your daughter likes. I know she is not into big cars so something small but beautiful.’

‘Okay, I will call Gabby tomorrow and we can start cooking something up.’

‘Great. Babe just don’t exaggerate the whole thing; you know how Tessa is.’

‘I know what I gave birth to so I will be cautious in my planning. You know eighteen is a big number, I wish we could do something big, invite almost half her school and have the media cover up the event, a red-carpet kind of event. We have the money and...,’

‘Penelope, slow down. You can do all that for your birthday, let’s stick to the plan for Tessa’s birthday so she can be comfortable.’


Darius and I talk over wine while I cook. I am setting the table when Tessa walks in, I didn’t expect her to be back home this early, I was hoping she could spend some time with her friend and just chill a bit. Look, I love that my daughter is smart and has her eyes focused on school but I worry about her. I wish she could just be a little outgoing like her friends, I don’t like that she spends most of her time in solitude.

‘Baby girl, you are back early?’

‘Yeah. You didn’t expect me to be back on time?’

‘I expected you to spend some time with Gabby.’

‘I was helping her with an assignment and we got done so I came back home.’


‘Hi daddy, how are you? You look bright today.’

He laughs, ‘hey baby girl. I guess it’s a beautiful night.’

‘Okay, I will go and freshen up so I can join you two for dinner.’


‘I thank God always for giving us a daughter like this one. She is perfect in every sense,’ D says.

‘You don’t worry about her personality? I feel she should make more friends and live a little.’

‘It’s who she is and if not having many friends makes her happy then it’s okay.’

‘Okay, dinner is ready.’

‘Thanks babe.’

We start eating and Tessa joins us a few minutes later.

In the middle of dinner my phone rings, I glance at the caller ID and notice it’s Nico calling.

Why is he even calling me? We agreed he wouldn’t call when I am at home.

‘Won’t you pick that babe?’

I force a laugh, ‘It’s no one important.’

‘You are sure?’


The call ends and I go back to eating but it starts ringing again after a few seconds.

‘I think you should pick that; it could be important.’

‘I will attend to it later, we are having dinner,’ I respond then put the phone on silent.

We finish eating dinner, Tessa and I clear the table and she offers to clean the dishes and clean the kitchen.

‘Babe, are you coming to bed now?’

‘No, there is a soccer match that I want to watch, I would ask you to join me but I know you aren’t a soccer fan and you will be bored. I will join you in bed when it’s done.’

‘Alright. I will just freshen up and get ready for bed.’

‘Okay babe.’

I head to the bedroom, undress and grab my phone before heading into the bathroom. I pour myself a glass of wine where I run a hot bath for myself. A couple of minutes later, I am immersed in water and I have drunk half the glass before I decide to call Nico.

‘You’ve been ignoring my calls,’ is the first thing he says when he picks the call.

‘Why were you calling?’

‘I missed you.’

‘Nico, you know you can’t call me when I am at home, I was having dinner with my husband and daughter.’

‘You don’t have to rub the fact that you are married in my face. You know how I feel about you.’

‘I know how you feel about me but that doesn’t change the fact that I am married and you just can’t just call me anyhow.’

‘I don’t want to fight with you. I miss you, my love.’

‘Your love?’

‘Yeah, don’t you miss me?’

‘I do. You know I do and I could. I would be in your bed right now.’

‘What are you doing?’

‘Taking a bath, I am in the bathtub as we sleep.’

‘Where is Mr. K?’

‘He is in the Livingroom watching soccer.’

‘So, we have a few minutes to play?’


‘Yeah. Hang up, I will video call you when I get into the bathtub then we can play.’

‘Mmmm,’ I bite my lower lip as I feel my heat clench.

‘Let me call you in a bit.’




The August Girl


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