Tiny Dark Deeds: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Court Legacy Book 3)

Tiny Dark Deeds: Chapter 56



I’d never gone to prom before. This time last year, I’d been too poor to attend and hadn’t had any friends anyway to experience it with.

Going with Legacy was an experience.

The world just seemed to part for the elite squad of boys I’d believed held nothing but a chip on their shoulders when I’d arrived in this town. I hadn’t experienced their aura and the harsh love/bond that was Legacy. It went beyond friendship and even a brother or sisterhood. It was the unshakable bond of a built-in family, and now, Bru and I were a part of that too.

There was nothing like it.

Prom was a celebration of many things that night, triumphs and wins outside of a football field. A state title couldn’t touch the shit we’d all fought for, this life and our family. We were all dancing to our own beat. The dance floor was ours tonight, though Thatcher Reed and Wells Ambrose may argue something different. This was junior prom, and they both happened to be awarded prom kings. Apparently, they weren’t even the first to accomplish such a feat as Dorian and Ares had won the year prior. As Rainbow Reed once told me, Legacy isn’t popular.

Popularity is Legacy.

And yes, the prom kings threw their weight around. Thatcher and Wells wore those crowns all night, saying they owned this evening, and that continued on to the prom after-parties. It was all Bow, Bru, and the rest of us could do to get away from the fuckers’ egos.

God love them.

Honestly, it didn’t bother me as much as the coalition the Legacy boys (Bruno included) created to attempt to keep me dressed most of the night. They actually all took turns putting their jackets on me, which pissed me the fuck off, and I definitely knew who the culprit was behind the idea.

Not that he tried to hide it.

Dorian’s jacket seemed to make it to my shoulders more often than not, and the latest happened to be while Bow and I tried to dance. We’d all hit one last after-party around 2 AM when suddenly, a heavy jacket that smelled of boy and aftershave hit my shoulders. The dark prince had a specific smell, and that really pissed me off because I took more than one moment to soak it in before wrestling it off.

Wells had raised his hands after putting it on me, that damn crown still on his head. He grinned. “Don’t shoot the messenger, princess. I was only sent to deliver the jacket.”

Growling, I left Bow to dance with our group of friends, Bru amongst them. Last I’d seen Ares he’d been on the rooftop bar, chatting up a girl, and though I hadn’t seen Thatcher in equally as long, I could guess what he was up to. Odds were, he was off fucking something somewhere, but his prom night hookups (and yes, there’d been more than one) hadn’t kept his own jacket from getting to me on more than one occasion this evening. It was like these boys were taking shifts.

I knew they were and by no one other than their beautiful prince. Apparently, Dorian wasn’t bluffing about messing with me tonight for wearing this dress, and the only reason he probably wasn’t putting his jacket on me himself was because he’d gone outside for a smoke break earlier.

I ended up finding him by the pool, alone, and I hated I hesitated a beat. The pool lights reflected off his impressive physique, his bow tie undone and his sleeves rolled above his forearms. He had a flush to his skin and a messiness about his hair that told he’d danced more than once tonight, danced with me. Basically, he looked hotter than fuck, a joint at his lips while he smoked by some lawn furniture. Seeing me, he allowed the smoke to fall from his lips, his chuckle light. “I see you got my gift.”

I basically threw it at him, his chuckle heavy this time, throaty. He tossed the jacket on one of the lawn chairs before fingering through his mess of gold, and I hated how hot that shit was too. I sneered. “You can stop your games now. You made your point.”

His laughter was cocky, his lips flushed. He flicked his joint butt in the pool before getting my arms behind me, a stream of smoke curling from the side of his lips. He grinned. “I don’t recall saying the jackets were your punishment.” He pulled me close. “Too many people saw what was mine tonight.”

That’d been the point, to fuck with him. But somehow, he was fucking with me, his hands on my ass, his mouth too close to my ear. I braced his arms. “I don’t like being told what to do.”

“Clearly.” His knuckle followed a line down the chiffon, basically parting my ass cheeks, and when I gasped, his smile pressed into my neck. “But you like this, don’t you?” He gathered my dress in his hands, squeezing my ass. “How bad do you want my cock?”

Hot lava buzzed beneath my skin, my body shuddering. I didn’t want it at all, but my body was betraying me. I wanted to teach him a lesson for telling me what to do.

Dorian swayed us to invisible music, lulling me, and that reminded me so much of the dance earlier tonight. There had been dozens on that dance floor at any given time, but whenever we were together… like this, it just felt like the two of us.

His strong arms covered my back, holding me close. “Tell me you want me.”

His teeth pinched my ear, and I quivered, his biceps under my arms. “Dorian…”

“Say it, Sloane,” he said, his voice teasing light, and I loved him like this. When we’d met, he’d had the weight of the world on his shoulders, but like my world, something had changed in his too. He’d fought for something and was stronger on the other side because of it. He’d called me strong recently, but I begged to differ, compared to him. Dorian Prinze was the strongest person I knew.

And that was incontestable.

I let his hands touch me in ways they probably shouldn’t. No one was out here, but still, we were in a public place.

“Tell me, Noa,” he rasped, his voice heated, gravelly. “Say you want this. Say you want me.”

He knew I did. I could merely nod, and it took me a second to realize what he was doing. He’d swayed me dangerously close to the edge of the pool, his hands on my waist. His arms extended, and I squealed. “Don’t you fucking dare!” I slapped at him, but all he did was laugh when he picked me up in his arms. I kicked my heels. “I swear to God, Dorian Prinze, if you throw me in this pool—”

He didn’t throw me.

He jumped with me.

Together, he submerged us both, and I flailed, kicking at him, then the bottom of the pool to push myself to the surface. Dorian was right behind me, and I gasped for air above water.

“Are you fucking kidding me!” I growled, but all Dorian did was bark out a laugh. “Have you lost your mind?”

“Actually, I’d say this calls us even.” He splashed water at me, and I came for him, manicured claws first. It’d taken me forever to get dressed tonight, and he was fucking laughing about this.

Dorian was all grins and smiles my way, his tongue out. He only let me get a little bit close before he turned the tables and had me pinned against the pool.

“Dorian,” I warned, my breath hiking. I gripped his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

He was too close, too… beautiful. His dress shirt clung to his brawny frame, the onyx buttons laboring across his firm chest. Wet skin glistened above, muscular, flushed. His hands covered my back, and we sloshed against each other, that same flush across his chiseled cheekbones and full lips. He looked magnificent in the pool’s lights and under the night.

“My eyes are up here, little fighter.” His cocky chuckle followed, and before I knew it, he was holding me close and stepping backward. “Do you trust me?”

“Hell fucking no.” And to show him that, I messed with his hands at my back, which was pointless. If Dorian was good at anything at all, that was the use of his hands. Besides being good at football, he was just… talented.

I forced those other talented things out of my head as it seemed he planned to drown me in this moment, drown us both. He had the two of us out to the center of the pool, and I stilled.


“Trust me,” he said, then together, he brought us down under the water again. Expecting it this time, I didn’t flail, but I most certainly didn’t like it.

At least not at first.

Dorian let go of me under the water, but he didn’t release my hand. They stayed locked together, but with a tug, I was right back to him. He spun with me, holding me close, and I felt him laugh under the water.

I saw it too, his joy, and I felt mine. We were two kids doing something stupid in someone’s pool.

And it was fun as hell.

We wrestled for a bit before surfacing, but the dark prince barely let me take two breaths before he had me under the water again. We went together this time, me floating while he swam around me like a fish, and not once did his hand leave mine. We breached the surface again, but this time when he went under, he hooked his arms under mine. Our lips sealed, and his teasing smile melted over my lips, his kisses hungry, his hands in my hair. It was a good thing my lipstick was smudge-proof.

I looped my legs around him.

I held his face, teeth biting, mouths searching. It didn’t feel real sometimes, being with him. It felt otherworldly, magical. There were no sounds down here and no air either. There was just us and this kiss.

And it was glorious.

He held me close, and I felt so safe, invincible, powerful, and I wondered if this was how he always felt. Being in his presence was just that magnetic. We came above the surface, and he pinned me to the side of the pool again, his hands still in my hair and my legs around his waist.

“Dorian, we can’t,” I gasped, looking over his shoulder. The wall we were on didn’t face the house, but anyone could come out here. There were like a million fucking wasted teenagers at this party.

His laughter against my neck heated my blood. My lower lips pulsed, and I was so fucking turned on it was ridiculous. Like he knew, Dorian slipped his fingers under my dress, my panties hooked over, his digits gliding over my sex beneath the water.

“I told you, Noa, no one sees what’s mine.” A warning touched his voice when he bent his knees and lowered us below the wall. This took us out of view from anyone in the house. He touched his forehead to mine. “Trust me. No one’s here but us.”

His tone had softened, rough when his fingers parted my pussy lips. His thumb strummed my clit, stroking back and forth, and I rocked against his hand.

“Dorian, this is crazy,” I laugh-gasped. My fingers curled into his dress shirt, my body bumping his palm, the pair of us sloshing, colliding. “You’re fucking crazy.”

“Completely subjective.” He bit my mouth, covering a moan. His hand covered my throat, and I couldn’t scream if I wanted to.

His hand below the water didn’t stop, his grip on my throat tightening. The dark prince had a choking fetish, and apparently, I had one too.

“Don’t stop,” I breathed out, my eyes shut tight. His hand left my throat, but only to pinch my nipple through my bra.

“So greedy, Noa,” he said, his head lowering. He eased part of my top away, my bra going with it, and I was too far gone to stop him before his teeth clamped down over my beaded nipple.

“Shit.” My thighs hugged his hips, my sex bumping against his hand. He covered my mouth with his palm the same time he undid his pants, letting me say nothing when he eased his dick past my panties, then guided himself inside me.

He fucked me with a hand over my mouth, water splashing around us, his eyes heated, black. I never saw them so dark than when he was fucking me.

It was a good thing he covered my mouth.

I choked out a scream when he drilled me deep, his teeth at my ear, his tongue flicking my lobe.

“That’s it, baby. Sing for me,” he coached, making me scream again when his thrusts slammed my ass against the pool. “Only for me.”

Only for him.

I gripped his wet hair, holding on for the ride. He didn’t stop until he’d thoroughly fucked me, and my walls closed so hard around him I thought I’d faint.

I felt like I did for a second, seeing stars when he himself flooded inside me. His dick pumped, relentless until he emptied himself. His body sagged over mine, his hands gripping the pool wall. He took a moment to get his bearings before he tucked himself away, then slid my panties back over. But after that, he was right back on my mouth. He kissed me, hard, and I wrapped my arms around him.

I couldn’t get enough of him.

There was something about this dark prince, something beautiful and raw but also incredibly flawed. We both were, and I think that was what made us so awesome. We’d get to grow together and become the best versions of ourselves alongside each other. We weren’t perfect.

And that was okay.

I brushed fingers along his jaw, kissing him. “I love you,” I said between gasps, and he grinned.

“Fucking always,” he said, guiding my mouth open. He went for a deeper kiss, but then someone called both our names.

“Holy shit. You’re both in the pool,” Wells chanted, his jeweled crown twinkling under the pool lights. I’d bet he’d go to sleep tonight with that thing on. He pumped a fist. “I’m going to go get everyone else.”

Had he come out like a minute and a half before, he might have seen something, and Dorian and I both chuckled. It seemed we’d both forgotten ourselves, and thank God, he’d had us below the wall when he’d been fucking me.

Dorian posted his hands to the wall, laughing, and I smiled too, my arms still around him when Wells returned sans jacket and tie. Actually, the only thing he had on still was pants and his crown. Running at full speed, he cannonballed into the pool, his crown and snowy locks disappearing under the water. He ended up losing the crown, the thing floating on the top of the water while he swam to the surface. He came up with a snap of his hair, but he wasn’t the only one to join us out here.

On the pool deck, Bru had his fist to his mouth, completely losing it that we were all in here. He shook his head, but next thing I knew, he was stripping off his jacket. We all called out to him before he jumped in too, the look of disbelief on his face hilarious when he surfaced. This was definitely out of his comfort zone.

A charged, “Sweet!” hit the air before Thatcher Reed ran to the pool deck too, his own crown on his dark locks. He actually tossed it off before he started disrobing, onyx studs in his ears. He’d retired his crosses tonight and was down to his pants too when a smiling Ares and mortified Bow came up behind him. The little rabbit literally had her hands on her cheeks.

“Oh my God. What are you guys doing?” she squeaked, but Ares continued to smile beside her. He chuckled.

“You fuckers,” Ares said while Wells yelled at his ass to get in here with us, and Bru was beside him doing the same. I found myself cheering too, pumping my fist.

“Come on, big. What are you, a wuss!” I called out, using his nickname the others had thought was hilarious when they’d heard it. I think my twin brother was regretting letting me name him anything, but he’d get over it. “Come on in. The water’s fine.”

Ares didn’t look like he wanted to, but in the end, he literally let his hair down. He tugged his ebony locks free, those crazy curls of his flying everywhere. He shrugged his jacket off, then side-flipped into the pool with everyone else. He came to the surface, laughing with the rest of us, and on the deck, Thatcher was attempting to get his sister to join the party. He had the little rabbit by the arm, guiding her while she smacked at him.

“No way. You guys are crazy,” she said, folding her arms, and Thatcher must have been over it because he left her and jumped into the pool. He went straight for Wells, taking the platinum blond with him underwater. They came up, and Wells was on Thatcher’s back, punching at his ass, which had Dorian, Ares, Bru, and me roaring.

“Come on, Bow!” I called out to her. This party wasn’t anything without her, and the others joined to help me get her out here. The boys coached her on while I cheered, and when the moment of decision hit her face, she pressed hands to her cheeks.

“I can’t believe I’m going to do this,” she said, completely cute when she held her little nose. She jumped, black heels, black dress, all of it, and I pumped my fist, Dorian holding me and doing the same. She came up quick, and when she did, she was laughing.

We all did.

In our own Legacy world, we splashed each other, boys dunking girls, girls dunking boys, and boys dunking each other. Eventually, we gathered a crowd when others from the party came out to see what was going on. The spectators watched on, cheering before, ultimately, joining us too. Before we all knew it, the entire pool was filled with splashing and laughter, but no one would forget who started this. This was Legacy, a coalition of family and friends, and it almost felt like a last night for antics for the group of us. It was the last chance to be a kid before everything changed for many of us with graduation and college. We got to just be us, wild and free. On this evening, we owned the night.

And what a night it was.

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