Tiny Dark Deeds: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Court Legacy Book 3)

Tiny Dark Deeds: Chapter 55



My mother was basically attacking me with a lint roller. I got her arms. “Mom, there’s literally no more lint for you to find.”

Ignoring me, she nudged my hands away, then proceeded to roll the thing across my shoulders. “I don’t think I need to explain this is your last one of these things,” she huffed before her face scrunched up, a happy-sad smile on her face. “This is your last high school dance before you graduate, so yes, you’re going to let me do this.”

I had a weak heart for my mother, and I wasn’t the only one. Wells was getting a similar treatment in his tux, except his mom Cleo had run out of sheets on her lint roller. The woman resourceful, she had masking tape wrapped around her small fist. She gave Wells a quick swipe across his tie.

“You’re all letting us do this,” Cleo quipped, tapping Wells’s nose with the tape. His eyes lifted, but he grinned too, which let me know he didn’t mind either.

The only one not getting this treatment was Thatcher who was actually using his mother’s roller to get the lint off her dress. He’d already finished rolling himself and apparently needed someone else to make pretty.

Smirking, I eyed him, Wells too, and he flipped us both off behind our moms’ backs.

Apparently done with me, my mom stepped back. “You look great, baby,” she said before taking my face. “Reminds me of Charlie last year when he, well, did this.” Her voice thickened, and my throat did as well. She brushed my shoulder with her fingers, flicking at invisible dust. “He would have loved to see you. Be here.”

I knew he would have and definitely would have given me shit for not letting Mom fawn all over me. That was one of the things I missed the most, him goading me and being the older brother.

His presence was definitely missed amongst my brothers and me tonight, but he was with us, with all of us. I smiled. “He’s here, Mom.”

“I know, babe.” She cupped my face, and I guess she wasn’t done because she continued to move that lint roller over my shoulders. I let her because I did have a weak heart, the guys and me all wearing black tonight. We did rock different styles, though. People expected Legacy to show up to this shit, so we did, cuff links shined and tuxes designer. The next time I wore shit this expensive would probably be at my wedding.

Not that I was thinking that far ahead.

I was antsy waiting for my little fighter, and she and Wolf were making us all wait. Brielle and Bru had come downstairs what felt like forever ago. They’d come down together, greeting all the Legacy families at the door. Brielle had said Ramses was in the middle of something in his office, and shortly after that, she said he’d texted that Wolf and Sloane were up there too. I didn’t know if Ramses was talking to them about something or what, but I definitely didn’t want to disturb that. It was nice if they were just all talking and spending time together.

But still, I was getting antsy, and the Legacy dads had all basically checked out. My father and all my god dads were on their cell phones sprinkled around the Mallicks’ foyer while the mothers fawned all over us and Bow. She was only a sophomore, but she was coming tonight too. Greer, her mother, had a lint roller on her while Thatcher kept his going on their mom’s dress.

“It was so nice of you to ask your sister to the dance tonight, Thatcher,” his mom said, angling a look back to him. “I’m sure she appreciates being able to go to the dance with you all tonight even though she’s a sophomore.”

Underclassmen usually didn’t get to go, but since Thatch was a junior, he’d obviously gotten her the ticket.

He grinned at his mom like a cocky little shit.

“That’s just me. So kind and nice. Right, sis?” Thatcher tapped her with his lint roller, which made Bow’s eyes lift to the chandelier. The only reason he’d asked her was because Legacy had caught wind she might be asked by a senior from a rival school to his own prom. That night had happened to fall on the same night as ours, so yes, he’d asked her.

And now he was taking credit for that shit.

I’d forgotten how we’d all found out, but I think it’d been Wells to get the intel. Actually, it was, and I didn’t know who he’d heard from, but I wasn’t surprised it had been him to sound the alarm. He was quite vocal when it came to Bow, and since I generally tried to stay out of drama and politics when it came to my boys, I’d gone along with intercepting her potential date.

The history of all that drama left my mind when I noticed someone coming down the stairs. It ended up being only Wolf, though, his hair up, and he did look fly as fuck. After speaking to his mom a second, he came to the three of us guys.

He bumped my fist before tapping Wells’s and Thatcher’s. “You fuckers won’t believe who’s here right now and what just happened.”

He guided all of us away from the chaos of the parents for a bit, but something told me whatever was going on, they were aware. Brielle was talking to the mothers. Bow was with them while the dads listened on, and Wolf himself proceeded to tell us guys the quick version.

All our jaws dropped.

“Fucking serious?” Wells asked, and Wolf nodded. He’d said his grandpa had helped him in more ways than we had ever known, that he was alive and upstairs right now.

“He’s going to wait until after we leave, though, to head out,” Wolf explained. “Doesn’t want to make him being here a thing. I honestly don’t think he would have told us everything if my dad hadn’t figured it out. He gave Sloane and me everything, guys. All his shares… everything.”

Sounded like the father my dad had never gotten to have, my grandfather more selfish than anything else.

Wolf started to tell us more, but then Ramses came down the stairs, his arm hooked with a girl much smaller than himself. My attention drifted from my god dad upon seeing her.

And hardened my shit in my fucking boxers.

The slit of Sloane’s dress went up to her thigh, a flash of smooth skin exposing every time her black heels hit tile. Her dad helped her down the stairs, something sparkly keeping her dress closed at the hip.

A low fuck fell from my lips as I watched her descend, tits high, perfect, golden. The front of her dress cut low between them, her back out and shimmering just as the rest of her. Something she’d put on made her skin glow more than it already had, her lips red, her hair wavy. She tucked some of it behind her ear, and I lost my fucking breath.

I think along with the rest of the room.

Parents were taking pictures, everyone moving in that direction, but I got to her first. “Hey.”


I started to say something else, but a throat cleared, and I looked at Wolf. He had a look on his face that was something between a sneer and a grimace. He raised a hand to her. “You see this shit?”

I definitely saw this, peering completely over her but stopped again when a chuckle sounded beside me. It was from Wells, but both Thatcher and Wells were laughing. Thatcher came from behind his hand. “Bro, she’s basically naked.”

What the fuck?

Blinking out of my stupor, I shot my gaze Sloane’s way, then blinked again when I did actually look at her. I pulled her close.

“Uh, what the fuck is this?” I asked, voice low. It had taken me a second, but now that I was seeing this shit, I was seeing this shit. “What are you doing? You’re basically wearing no clothes.”

Her eyes rolled back, hard, and my friends were cracking up behind us. All but Wolf, who looked just as pissed as I felt.

Sloane placed the daintiest of kisses on my cheek before she put her arms around me and got close. “Don’t act like you didn’t stand there and eye-fuck me from across the room,” she quipped, using something I said to her all the time about how she looked at me. Her breath heated my ear. “Like you didn’t like it, and you don’t want to completely fuck me right now.”

I did want to fuck her, and that was the problem. I got her arm, so much blood pumping to my damn dick it was painful. “You’re going to pay for not letting me do something about that right now.” She was cock-teasing me, point blank. “And for showing everyone what’s mine.”

No one got to see her but me.

She shrugged as if she placed no stake in my threat, and I let her slither away only because our parents were probably wondering what we were talking about.

Immediately, my little fighter went to Bow, the two basically jumping up and down at the sight of each other. Girls.

I was forced to let my girlfriend parade around the goddamn room in what she wore, or I guess lack thereof. At one point, my dad surfaced from somewhere and put his arm around me. He and the other parents couldn’t have heard Sloane’s and my short exchange, but his subtle look of remorse was quite telling. I definitely had my hands full with Noa Sloane tonight, and she would pay for what she did to me.

I always came to collect.

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