Time to Realize His

Chapter CHAPTER 4

Chapter 4 Coincidentally, This Is My Hotel. 


Molly’s face turned pale. Her anger instantly welled up in her eyes. 


Celia used to be so easy to manipulate, so why did she suddenly change? Why couldn’t she just remain foolish forever? Wouldn’t it be better for her to be under my control for the rest of her life! 


Today, it should be Celia who is humiliated in the socialite circle! 

Molly’s thoughts shifted, suppressing the deep–seated hatred within her, and tears began to fall. 

She bit her lip, struggling to say, “Celia, I’m sorry. I may not be able to keep my promise.” 

She took a deep breath, as if she had just made a decision, and looked at John. 

Johnny, actually. Celia has long been in love with someone else, but she was afraid you would retaliate against her if you found out. So she hesitated to cut off contact with you. 


I never expected her to create such a video to frame us!” 

Molly suddenly raised her head and looked looking at Celia in disbelief with half–filled tears and red eyes. 

“Celia, you 

didn’t have to do this! Johnny has always been understanding and reasonable. Even if you told him the truth, he wouldn’t complicate things! Why did you choose this path? 

“Even if you no longer love him, there’s no need to ruin him. Besides, I’m still your sister! No matter what, I can’t possibly end up with my future brother–in–law!” 

John nodded in agreement and said, “Celia, I was with you before the engagement ceremony started. So, when would I have had the time to meet Molly?” 

Molly burst into tears. With John’s affirmation, it instantly evoked sympathy from most of the men present, who began to defend her. 

“I think there must be some misunderstanding!” 

“Yeah, Ms. Molly is so kind. How could she possibly do such a thing?” 

“I think Celia probably edited the video.” 

“To seduce a wealthy man, she even framed her own sister. She truly has the most venomous heart.” 

“After all, that’s Mr. Henry. If I were her, I would do the same!” 

Listening to the unpleasant discussions around her, Celia narrowed her eyes and smiled coldly. 


Chapter 4 Coincidentally, This Is My Hotel 


“Molly, you said I edited this video. But why do both you and the woman in the video have the same birthmarks on your arm?” 

“What does a birthmark prove? There are more people with birthmarks on their arms than just me. You can’t say they all had intimate contact with Johnny.” 

“If a birthmark doesn’t prove anything, what about the surveillance footage?” 

Henry, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly looked deeply at Celia and forcefully pulled her into his arms. 

Even though he knew Celia was acting, he couldn’t bear to see her being wronged. 

Well, if she wanted to act, then he would accompany her. 

Molly’s face stiffened, and she said, “Mr. Henry, what do you mean by this?” 

“Coincidentally, this is my hotel. 

“Since you both have different opinions, let’s just check the surveillance footage.” 

Actually, he didn’t own this hotel. He just bought it the moment he found out Celia was here. 

He looked coldly at his assistant, Zen Craven, and said, “Go and retrieve the surveillance footage.” 

Molly’s heart skipped a beat. A hint of panic flashed in her eyes. 

She had investigated and knew these two hotels didn’t belong to Henry. That’s why she dared to let John. hold the engagement ceremony here. But why 


So what if Henry owned the hotel? 

He needed the surveillance footage in order to review it. 

To avoid any unexpected situations, Molly specifically asked the front desk and was informed that there were no surveillance cameras in the private rooms. 

Thinking of this, she felt relieved instantly. 

A self–proclaimed gentle smile appeared on her lips. She said, “Mr. Henry, you may not be aware, but there are no surveillance cameras in the private rooms of the hotel.” 

Zen, who had just returned with the surveillance footage, happened to overhear Molly’s words. He couldn’t help but look at her sympathetically. 

Bk, k 

She naively believed that there were no surveillance cameras in the private rooms. 

She is foolish and pitiful! 

When Mr. Henry bought the hotel, he had already guessed Molly might ask this and specifically instructed the hotel to mention that there was no surveillance 



Chapter 4 Coincidentally, This Is My Hotel 

Sure enough, Mr. Henry is always able to predict things accurately! 


He withdrew his gaze, bowed slightly, and said, “Mr. Henry, the surveillance footage has been set up. 

Seeing Henry nod slightly, Zen played the surveillance footage. 

The two people captured in the surveillance were none other than the two main characters in the video that had just been played! 

“Oh my! Isn’t that Molly and John?” 

“She had intimate relations with her sister’s fiance at the engagement banquet. It’s really scandalous!” 

“Molly is so disgusting! If you embarrass yourself, just leave. Why do you have to stay here and slander others? This is your punishment.” 

Henry smiled satisfactorily as the discussion around him changed. 

His precious girl shouldn’t be criticised by others. 

Watching the playback of the surveillance footage, Molly’s face turned pale. She trembled and moved her lips, but couldn’t say a word in defence. 

Celia showed a sarcastic smile and said, “I remember someone saying that the video was edited later?” 


Molly’s breath hitched. She immediately rolled her eyes and fainted. 

Celia raised an eyebrow and had to admit that pretending to faint at this moment was indeed a wise. choice. 

Unfortunately, she was no longer the fool she was in her previous life. 

A mischievous smile appeared on her lips as she quickly ran to Molly’s side, gently shaking her arm with 


“Molly, what’s wrong with you?” 

She seemed to be just a sister who worried about her younger sister’s health. 

But in a place where no one could see, she calmly took out a needle she had prepared in advance and pricked the tender flesh on Molly’s arm. 

Huh, pretending to faint? 

Sorry, I had already figured it out! 


Molly screamed in nain and suddenly es 

eat in michino Celia awau 


13:11 Mon, 1 Julbti – 

Chapter 4 Coincidentally. This is My Hotel 

“Celia, you witch!” 



Celia blinked her eyes innocently, pretending not to understand, and said, “So, you didn’t faint after all!” 


Molly finally realised that she had fallen into her trap. Her face turned red and white like a colour palette, looking extremely beautiful. 

When did this witch become so clever? She could even see through her pretending to faint. 

“Celia, have you had enough fun?” 

Seeing the situation gradually spiralling out of control, John couldn’t bear it any longer and shouted. He protectively embraced Molly and looked at her affectionately, 

“Molly, actually, the person I’ve always l

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